Samuel Davis update

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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Demosthenes »

Sam I Am's statement to the judge:

March 25, 2011

Your Honor, thank you, and for the record:

Your Honor, I am a man known as S a m u e l-l y n n: of the family davis, I am given life itself by God, just as everyone here today. I do my very best to live by the Word of God, and in the instant matter I have fallen short of those admonitions given in His Word.
Your Honor, I have taught people for the last 12 years the scriptural principle found in Matthew 5: 25-26, “Agree with thine adversary quickly, while you are on your way to court with him, lest the adversary turn you over to the judge, the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer cast you into prison, verily I say unto you, you will not come out of there until you have paid your last penny.” For too long I have let this go on, attempting to find a better way. For that I apologize. There in fact is no other way, Your Honor. So I am here to change the plea entered by Judge Leavitt from not guilty to guilty. In doing so I would very much like to say just a few words not in qualification but in and by way of explanation.
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan made a proclamation resulting in the passage of a Senate Resolution that became Public Law 97-280. With this, the Congress of the United States passed the Year of the Bible, wherein it is written, “The Bible and its teachings helped form the basis for the Founding Fathers' abiding belief in the inalienable rights of the individual, rights which they found implicit in the Bible's teachings of the inherent worth and dignity of each individual. This same sense of man patterned the convictions of those who framed the English system of law inherited by our own Nation, as well as the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”
This law recited that the Bible "has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people" and that, quoting President Andrew Jackson, the Bible is "the rock on which our Republic rests". “Can we resolve to reach, learn and try to heed the greatest message ever written, God’s Word, and the Holy Bible?” President Reagan asked. “Inside its pages lie all the answers to all the problems that man has ever known.”
Your Honor the government of the United States passed a resolution and established a law identified as Public-Law 97-280. Agents of this self same government, knowingly, willfully with malice and with a conscious disregard for my rights, acted in violation of this law and devised a scheme of entrapment and inducement targeting me under the pretext of friendship, and deception of lies.
It has always been my intent to abide the law. Admitting poor judgment and accepting full responsibility for my actions, I violated my own principles according to God’s Word and fell into the aforementioned traps, deceptions and bearing of false witness to my detriment. For these reasons, I knowingly, and willingly change the plea from not guilty to guilty. Thank you for your time Your Honor.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Demosthenes »

Sam's statement to his followers:
March 25

To my extended family, my friends:

I want to tell you of my recent decision to enter a plea of guilty in my case in Las Vegas. It was not without much prayer and meditation, and the counsel of my wife and closest friends that I came to this decision. Now, some will say that I should have stayed the course, fought the good fight, etc., and perhaps that may have had some merit, however, that is NOT my belief system. I have taught over the last 12 years the scriptural principles of Matthew 5:25-26: “agree with your adversary quickly”. After 2 years plus of this matter hanging over my family and me, we have decided to live our belief system and deal with the consequences, whatever they may be.

God has been faithful to me and my house, God has provided many wonderful friends, associates, and confidants who in the last 12 years, each in their own way, contributed greatly to my own education and understanding. The hardest part of all of this ordeal has been the fact that the government in this country has become the Master in many respects. They can now and have been creating crime then handing out indictments, creating problems then standing by with “solutions”, and at every turn taking away our Rights and Freedoms. And it appears that will continue un-abated. Many of you will say, that is exactly why I should have done this or that. Arm-chair quarterbacking from the back of the church is not allowed here. The sad fact is, in the last 2 years since these indictments came down, I have had a phone call offering help from exactly 3 people. 3 people. I am not blaming anyone, I made the decisions to do the things I did. I am the one taking the responsibility. I, along with my family, will bear the consequences of my actions.

Only time will tell what will be in the near term and the long term. When we as a people, turn from our ways and live God’s ways, only then will we see a sea change in the attitudes and policies of our supposed Masters. In reality, my life, your life, our lives are NOT our own. God gives us the breath of life, and when He sees fit to withdraw that breath, we are no longer here. If therefore God indeed gives us that breath of life, I believe that I owe my life to Him and to follow His Word. I made a mistake in judgment and action, enticed I grant you, but nonetheless my decision, and now, this is where we are at as a result. I do not know what the future will bring, either in our lives here, or across our country, I am sure that someone in government wants more than the pound of flesh that they believe they now have, only time will tell. I do not know what I am going to do, I have not decided whether or not I will continue in the things and paths that I have been on, although, if I believe God would have me do that, then that is what I will do. I am thankful for all your prayers, concerns, messages of hope and love you have extended to me and my family. Oh, and one more thing, I am NOT the LEADER OF THE ANTI-GOVERNMENT SOVEREIGNTY MOVEMENT.

God Bless you and yours, and God only can save America.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I love the way that this moron makes such a hoo-ha over Public Law 97-280, and conveniently forgets to read not only what the Public Law actually accomplishes -- nothing, but also the First Amendment to the Constitution.

What a maroon.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Sam I Am's statement to the judge:
Agents of this self same government, knowingly, willfully with malice and with a conscious disregard for my rights, acted in violation of this law and devised a scheme of entrapment and inducement targeting me under the pretext of friendship, and deception of lies.
Hopefully this will be enough to deny him the two-level Guideline adjustment for acceptance of responsibility. Probably not, though.

Davis pleaded without a plea agreement (and thus to all 31 counts of the indictment), perhaps because it was the eve of trial. The govt tends not to offer plea agreements to those who plead so late in the game. Here is the govt's summary of his conduct:
1. Beginning in or about March, 2008, and continuing through March 3, 2009, special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting in an undercover capacity, met with defendant Samuel Davis and represented to Davis that they were involved with individuals who were engaged in bank fraud in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1344, a specified unlawful activity as defined by Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956(c)(7)(A). The undercover agents explained they were involved in the theft and forgery of stolen official checks from Wachovia Bank and showed Davis what the undercover agents represented as some of the official checks stolen from Wachovia Bank. The undercover agents expressed to Davis that they desired a mechanism to launder their proceeds from the bank fraud more quickly. Davis told the undercover agents that he could launder the proceeds of the bank fraud easily, and that he had engaged in money laundering in the past. Davis told the undercover agents that the money would originate in the undercover agents' financial account, then pass through one or more financial accounts of various trusts and corporations controlled by Davis. Davis would then return the proceeds of the bank fraud to the undercover agents' financial account. Davis said he would then further launder the proceeds of the bank fraud by disguising the proceeds as loans. Davis explained that the money would not be subject to tax liability, and that the loans would be concealed by having all parties involved sign non-disclosure agreements.

2. To accomplish the laundering of the proceeds, Davis agreed to and received $10,000
from the undercover agents, which the undercover agents represented as the proceeds of bank fraud. This money was to cover the costs of creating any trusts and corporations that Davis would use to "wash" the proceeds. As additional compensation for the laundering of the proceeds, Davis also agreed to receive ten percent (10%) on the first $200,000 the undercover agents wire transferred to him to be laundered. Subsequently, Davis arranged for the undercover agents to wire transfer money, represented to be the proceeds from bank fraud, to Wells Fargo account number XXXXXX5202 in the name of Boulder Mountain Funding Trust. Davis would then wire transfer the money back the to undercover agents' financial account minus any fee for Davis's services. From March 2008 through on or about September 9, 2008, undercover agents wire transferred approximately $585,000 to Samuel Davis. Davis wire transferred back approximately $540,000 to the undercover agents through their financial account, and kept $45,000 as payment for his money laundering services.
3. Beginning in or about September 2008, the undercover agents told Davis that the proceeds represented to be the product of bank fraud were no longer available to Davis for laundering through the use of wire transfers between financial institutions. The undercover agents told Davis that the proceeds of the bank fraud were now available only in cash. To assist with the laundering of currency which the undercover agents represented to be from bank fraud, Davis obtained the assistance of his associate, Shawn Rice.
4. In or about September 2008, Davis arranged for himself and Rice to meet an undercover agent in the State of Nevada to discuss how to launder the bank fraud cash proceeds. Beginning in or about September 2008, the undercover agent again represented to Rice that he was involved with individuals who were engaged in bank fraud, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1344, a specified unlawful activity as defined by Title 18, United States Code, Section 1956(c)(7)(A). The undercover agent explained that he was involved in the theft and forgery of stolen official checks from Wachovia Bank and showed Rice what the undercover agent represented as some of the official checks stolen from Wachovia Bank. The undercover agent subsequently advised Rice that his contact at Wachovia Bank, who was stealing the blank official checks and signature stamps, was getting transferred to the same department at Wells Fargo Bank, and would be in a position to steal these same items at Wells Fargo Bank.
5. Rice proposed several options to launder the cash proceeds including moving the currency into J.P. Morgan Chase Bank of Arizona through his purported religions organizations, i.e, "The Oder of Gershom" or "Simpe." Rice explained to the undercover agent that he could take the cash proceeds and deposit them into his bank account as charitable donations because he claimed he was a rabbi. Rice further explained if he were stopped by police and questioned about his possession of a large amount of cash, he would tell the police the money was religious donations. Rice stated that after he deposited the money in his personal account, Rice could then transfer the money to the undercover agent's financial account. Rice agreed to launder the cash proceeds the undercover agent represented to be the proceeds of bank fraud for a three percent (3%) commission.
6. Beginning in or about October 2008, the undercover agent would meet with Rice in the State of Nevada and provided Rice with cash which the undercover agent represented to be the proceeds of bank fraud. Rice would subsequently deposit the currency in his Simpe account at J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, account number XXXXX4312, and then purchase a cashier's check and deposit the check back into the undercover agent's financial account in the State of Nevada. Rice opened the SIMPE account at J.P. Morgan Chase Bank under a false Social Security Number not assigned to him. This allowed him to conceal his ownership and control of the account and his involvement in the flow of currency through the account, in part by having Currency Transaction Reports showing cash deposits or withdrawals in amounts over ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) filed under the false Social Security number rather than the Social Security number assigned to Rice.
7. In or about November 2008, Davis and Rice met with an undercover agent in the State of Nevada and discussed changing the method of laundering the proceeds represented to be the proceeds of bank fraud by wire transferring the currency after Defendant Shawn Rice had deposited it into his SIMPE account at J.P. Morgan Chase Bank to Davis's Boulder Mountain Funding Trust at Wells Fargo Bank and then having Davis wire transfer the money to the undercover agent's financial account. Davis agreed to take a five percent (5%) commission of the money laundered as compensation for his services in laundering the bank fraud proceeds. Rice agreed to take a three percent (3%) commission of the money laundered as compensation for his services in laundering the bank fraud proceeds.
8. Subsequently, in the State of Nevada, the undercover agent or a confidential human source acting at the direction of the undercover agent provided Rice cash proceeds represented to be the proceeds of bank fraud. Rice would take the cash proceeds and deposit them into his SIMPE account at J.P. Morgan Chase bank, account number XXXXX4312 and wire transfer the money minus any fee to Davis's account in the name of Boulder Mountain Funding Trust at Wells Fargo Bank, account number XXXXXX5202. Davis would then wire transfer the money minus any fee to the undercover agent's financial account in the State of Nevada.
9. From March 2008 through on or about the date of this indictment, in the State of Nevada, the undercover agents and confidential human source, acting at the undercover agent's direction, provided Samuel Davis and Shawn Rice a total of approximately $1,293,782 in cash proceeds. Davis and Rice wire transferred back to the undercover agents approximately $1,198,000 by way of the undercover agents' financial account in the State of Nevada. Davis took a total of approximately $73,782 as fees for his services in laundering the bank fraud proceeds. Rice took a total of approximately $22,000 as fees for his services in laundering the bank fraud proceeds.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by wserra »

Davis' sentencing has been adjourned until September 23, 2011. The Court entered an order forfeiting all of Davis' assets it could find - $2500.

In a related development, a California couple named Charles and Victoria Tingler filed a claim stating that they had invested (their word) $30,000 with Davis, and wanted it back. Given that (1) Davis was indicted for setting up these accounts in order to launder money which was the proceeds of unlawful activity, (2) the govt alleged that the people who gave him money knew this, and (3) all the govt can find is $2500 - well, the Tinglers probably should have thought this one over.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by wserra »

Davis' sentence is scheduled for this Thursday, October 13, 2011.

The Rabbi (Shawn Rice) is still on a warrant. He probably spent Yom Kippur eating pork chops. He bought them with "religious donations" to his "Order of Gershom".
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by wserra »

Sentencing adjourned once more, for two weeks, to October 27, 2011.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Demosthenes »

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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Davis has until Jan. 31 to surrender to prison officials.
And the chances of him showing up are ... ?
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Samuel Lynn "I am: Sam" Davis Sentenced

Post by Unidyne » ... 33063.html

Plead guilty with no plea bargain on a $1.3 Million money laundering scheme.

57 months, plus 3 years supervised release after completion of his sentence and $95,782 Government restitution.

Related links: ... 31494.html ... e-movement

His pages are still up!
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Demosthenes »

"Rabbi" Rice arrested after standoff. ... -standoff/
A Seligman man who was previously indicted on money laundering, tax evasion and weapons charges was arrested Thursday evening after a standoff with authorities, according to the FBI.

Around 5:30 p.m., Shawn Rice, 46, was arrested without incident. He had barricaded himself inside a residence and negotiated with authorities throughout the day before surrendering, the FBI said.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by notorial dissent »

So ends this last little bit of this sordid saga, wonder what excuses Sean will come up with now that he has been caught.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:"Rabbi" Rice arrested after standoff. ... -standoff/
A Seligman man who was previously indicted on money laundering, tax evasion and weapons charges was arrested Thursday evening after a standoff with authorities, according to the FBI.

Around 5:30 p.m., Shawn Rice, 46, was arrested without incident. He had barricaded himself inside a residence and negotiated with authorities throughout the day before surrendering, the FBI said.
Probably be in county over the weekend, so he will have a nice X-mas dinner.....
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Demosthenes » ... 86696.html
Davis, a 57-year-old Idaho man, did not surrender to federal authorities at the end of June to start his prison term and is considered a fugitive.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Demosthenes wrote: ... 86696.html
Davis, a 57-year-old Idaho man, did not surrender to federal authorities at the end of June to start his prison term and is considered a fugitive.
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Demosthenes wrote:
Davis, a 57-year-old Idaho man, did not surrender to federal authorities at the end of June to start his prison term and is considered a fugitive.
Wow! Who could have expected that?
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, so much for his heart felt apologies and acceptance of his mistakes, yeah right, wonder how well that will play when he gets back in front of a judge? Did he get any favors from the judge in sentencing to begin with and would his skipping affect that now?
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Demosthenes »

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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by Lambkin »

At what point can we say "dumbass" describes a person who let this nut run loose after conviction?
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Re: Samuel Davis update

Post by grixit »

Time for him to quote another Samuel Davis: "What kind of fool am i?"
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