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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

mrjaycanadian wrote:Hey Pottapaug1938.

The law & physics are to totally different topics.

Do tell.

You completely missed my point, Pal. Let me repeat it: whether it be physics, law, French cuisine or how to get the Red Sox to be able to hit their way out of a wet paper bag, I defer to the experts if I don't have enough knowledge of the subject. And yes, you WOULD have a bunch of physicists telling you that your assertions were gibberish if you cut and pasted them from various crank Internet sources and obsolete physics textbooks and journals. Your legal fantasies are NOT being rejected, just because you don’t have a Bar card and a membership to the lawyer’s club; they are rejected because they have no basis in the law. I no longer have a Bar card or a membership in any Bar association; but I am trained in how to study and interpret the law. An old friend of mine went to law school but never took the Bar Exam, simply because, as a retired Army colonel, he felt that he wanted to be able to know how to research the law correctly.

Crain and Wnuck are indeed legal opinions; and THEY ARE THE LAW, at least in the jurisdictions which handed them down. I commend them to you, because they will tell you a lot about why we don't like to dignify word salad with a reasoned response.

I'm not sure what you mean -- if anything worthwhile, by asking if you "can use" common law in the USA and Canada; but along with statutory law, it defines your rights and liabilities in a given jurisdiction.

And yes, the problem IS "word salad" -- out-of-context quotes taken from fringe sites and out-of-date legal dictionaries.
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Famspear »

mrjaycanadian wrote:Hey Burnaby49.

No, I am fully aware that the Courts don't follow my rules, even moreso, I wouldn't even pretend they did.

Sorry to say it, but I fear the Courts don't have to follow any rules.......

I simply believe the Courts should at the very least follow their own rules of law.

As it has been explained to me, the Court is = A Prosecutor (the mover) and his (case), as it is his Court, he defines the rules of his Courts.
That is incorrect. The "court" is the judge. (The term "court" is also used to describe the court room, of course.) The court is not a "mover". A party that files a "motion" is called "movant." Perhaps you're confused. The judge has some limited power to set rules in his court but, in general, the job of the judge is to interpret the law, to preside over cases, to make rulings, to issue decrees, orders or judgments.
- A Prosecutor in Family Court, would follow the rules of Family Court?
- A Prosecutor in Tax Court, would follow the rules of Tax Court?
- A Prosecutor in Bankruptcy Court, would follow the rules of Bankruptcy Court?

Aren't the above (3) examples true?
You keep using the word "prosecutor." The term "prosecution" is sometimes used to refer to the action of a plaintiff in pursuing a civil case

But usually the term "prosecutor" refers to a government official who represents the government in a criminal case. In that sense, there is no "prosecutor" in Family Court, Tax Court, or Bankruptcy Court. And the judge is not the "prosecutor" either.
If I bring a proper claim into Court, and I move that claim under the rules setup in that Court, as I and my claim (the case) are the Court. Is that true or not true?
No, you are not "the court". You are a party in the case. The judge is "the court".
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Our latest troll said:

Let’s see – I go into Court & submit paperwork siting Smith vs Smith, Johns vs Keating & Ford vs USA.

What is the Judge going to say – “Jay, that’s your opinion and as you are not licensed, your opinion lacks merit.”

What are you going to say: “Jay, you are completely wrong.”

No. You will be asked to show how these three cases support the legal position which you are taking in court. If you are proceeding pro se, if your cases actually do support your position, you have increased the likelihood that it will prevail. You will only be told "you are completely wrong" if the court rules that the cases don't apply, that they are outdated and have since been overruled by later decisions or by subsequent legislation, or you have misinterpreted what the cases say.

Now, stop moving the goalposts.
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Question 1 - Are these Crain and Wnuck decisions you mention – Are these legal opinion of some type?
Yes, they are court decisions that have some precedential authority in U.S. courts.
Question 2 – Is the common law available to me to use in Canada & the USA?
It depends upon what sense you are using the words "common law" in. Do you mean "common law" as the opposite of "civil law" (as in "the United States and Canada are common law jurisdictions, but France and Spain are civil law jurisdictions")? Or "common law" as the opposite of "statutory law" (as in "cases to which the UCC does not apply are usually governed by the common law of contracts")? Or "common law" as the opposite of "equity" (as in "there is no Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial in an injunction case, because injunctions are not a common law remedy")?
Question 3 – Would I be able to bring a verified claim into court, to be settled?
Depends on the court; some permit verified claims, some don't.
Question 4 – Am I bound to only filing some type of complaint into court?
If you want to win, yes, you can only file a complaint that (a) is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the particular court (you can't, for example, sue for a divorce in traffic court), and (b) has some legal and factual merit under the governing law (you can't sue me for not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day and expect to recover damages).
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by arayder »

mrjaycanadian wrote:Hey arayder.

I never wrote anything about conspiracies or anything about the Court getting its authority through birth certificates.
I see we are going to be playing these word games with you again.

The fact is you clearly referenced the theory that the courts get jurisdiction over folks from having tricked their parents into registering their births.

And you say the same thing in your reply and assume nobody will notice. . .
Jurisdiction is about having control over something, and one’s birth certificate is merely evidence of one’s person.

I see your new persona is no more genuine than your last one.

You still haven't explained how the courts in days of old (if I remember correctly you love the days of old) established jurisdiction over people who didn't have birth certificates.

Substance please.
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by wserra »

mrjaycanadian wrote:If I was charged with a crime, I would tell the court that - 'I, a man Jay, am here and the person is present; by Special Appearance'.
And the court would say. "There is no such thing as a special appearance in a criminal case." And the court will have the last word.
Then I would say - "I require pen & paper and a leave of Court, to properly answer the Court."
And the court will say, "This isn't a stationery store." And the court will have the last word.
They can use force and/or violence since they have guns, tasers, pepper-spray, nightsticks, etc., yes, they can throw me in jail.
Yes they can, and - if it comes to that - yes they will. As they would with Karl Lentz, from whom you're getting this nonsense.
That's doesn't mean they are or more to the point, acting lawfully.
Well then, I'm sure that you (or Lentz) have sued and won for false arrest. Cite, please.
For example, its the same way if I was to use force and/or violence to rape you and then to physical detain you in my basement. Anyone can force another to do something against their will, that doesn't mean they are right, nor that there isn't a remedy.
So please prove that anyone has successfully used your "remedy" against a court that has failed to recognize the brilliance of your arguments. There are plenty of examples of "remedy" against someone who "was to use force and/or violence to rape you and then to physical detain you in my basement". Provide one in which you (or Lentz) successfully sued a court.
You wrote: "What then? What do you do if the court decides (as they always do), that they don't need your consent."

I would sue then in law; common.
Now we're getting somewhere. Citation, please.
But the bigger question is - 'Do you believe that the Government has the authority to do whatever it wants, especially without some type of lawful process?'
Of course I don't. And I have the six and seven figure verdicts and settlements that prove I back that up where it counts - in the real world.

Please show us yours.
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Gregg »

You still haven't explained how the courts in days of old (if I remember correctly you love the days of old) established jurisdiction over people who didn't have birth certificates.
By tricking the parents into being in the USA (or wherever applicable to the argument) when you were born?
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Duke2Earl »

The essence of the problem here is that some people think that if they really, really, really believe something, that makes it true despite all evidence to the contrary.
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Duke2Earl wrote:The essence of the problem here is that some people think that if they really, really, really believe something, that makes it true despite all evidence to the contrary.
To quote Charles P. Pierce's Third Great Premise of Idiot America: "Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is determined by how fervently they believe it."
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by LightinDarkness »

Mrjay, do you know how many times this has worked for Karl Lentz or any of his followers?

Let me add up the numbers...


This is really simple, my dear mrjay: put up the evidence. Give one single court cite where someone presented these arguments and won. There are none. Wait, let me guess, that is because everyone except YOU has been wrong on the exact magical incantation to cite to pull this off in court?
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by rogfulton »

LightinDarkness wrote:Mrjay, do you know how many times this has worked for Karl Lentz or any of his followers?

Let me add up the numbers...


This is really simple, my dear mrjay: put up the evidence. Give one single court cite where someone presented these arguments and won. There are none. Wait, let me guess, that is because everyone except YOU has been wrong on the exact magical incantation to cite to pull this off in court?
No LiD, it's because the cases are double-secret, don't reveal or you'll get federally mudered decisions. :haha: :brickwall:
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by Jeffrey »

Micro-update. Rod's appeal was denied on the basis that he gave up his right to appeal as part of his guilty plea.

Interestingly he got an actual law firm to file an amicus brief on his behalf, which didn't do him any good since it was moot at that point.
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Re: Rod Class v. North Carolina

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazing, that only took them what half a year to decide? When it should have been a foregone conclusion.
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The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by Deep Knight »

Windmill tilter, gadfly and flaky fugitive Freewill at NESARA News posted this cryptic appeal today:

Thursday, January 26, 2017
[rod-class] Trial Against The State Of North Carolina - Mon, Jan 30 - 9AM - Raleigh, NC

Rod's Trial Against the State Of North Carolina is Monday, January 30 at 9:00AM at the North Carolina Industrial Commission (a Court of Law), The Dobbs Building, 2nd Floor, Room 2173 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 919-807-2504 Clerk's Office

The Trial will be before 3 Judges and is Open To The Public !
If you'll remember, the Attorney General's Office asked for a dismissal of Rod's intent for a Trial before the Industrial Commission, but the Judges ruled against the Attorney General's Office and the Trial will be commencing this coming Monday, January 30th !
Rod will try to follow up with a Live Call perhaps that following Friday !

Listeners are encouraged to attend if they are in the area of Raleigh !
Oh, and don't let the description of what kinds of cases the Industrial Commission (a Court) handles, as listed on their website, confuse you ! The type of Trial that Rod has invoked is NOT LISTED on their website !

Past paperwork in the case: [links removed]
16.11.3 Rod's NC Industrial Commission Traffic Case RE: Daryl Bodan
Folder for NC Industrial Commission Traffic Case RE: Daryl Bodan:

>>> This is the Rod Class / AIB Radio >> BIG LIST << !
If you're NOT on the BIG LIST and Got This Email As A Forward -
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The Big List is 2200+ People and growing, and is an alert system for Rod Class Live Calls, Private Calls, Court Appearances AND Documents
...the list goes to People all over the World who are listening and watching - The list is automated...AND is NOT a way to contact Rod or Carl !

Posted by Freewill at 1:31:00 AM

First of all, I haven't had a Rod Class since I learned fly fishing, and when you look this up in Google that's what you find. But reading the documents linked to, I found the following terse summary in the Catawba County District 25B Court (defendant, not "State Of North Carolina" or "Attorney General's Office") filing:


Rodney Dale Class [hereinafter, Plaintiff] filed this claim with the North Carolina Industrial Commission {hereinafter, Commission] on May 2, 2016. In his Affidavit, Plaintiff appeared to allege that Trooper B.K. Perkins had, among other things, violated his oath of office when he arrested Daryl Bodan following a traffic stop. Plaintiff also appeared to allege that Judge Robert Mullinax and Assistant District Attorney Laura Hill violated Plaintiff's constitutional rights when they prevented him from representing Daryl Bodan during a hearing on April 4, 2016, in Catawba Country District Court. The hearing stemmed from Trooper Perkins' arrest of Mr. Bodan. Plaintiff also appeared to allege that Judge Mullinax, ADA Hill, and Trooper Perkins committed other violations, including, but not limited to perjury, denial of due process, and "reach of integrity of the people trust (sic) to honest service." Plaintiff's claims appear to largely stem from the fact that at the hearing on April 4, 2016, he was prevented from representing Mr. Bodan. Plaintiff is not a licensed attorney, but he alleged that he had the right to represent Mr. Bodan because he is a "Private Attorney General" and a "14th Amendment Constitutional Bounty Hunter." On May 17, 2016, Defendants filed numerous motions to dismiss with the Commission. A hearing on Defendants' Motions to Dismiss was conducted on August 10, 2016, before Deputy Commissioner Harris, and on August 22, 2016, Deputy Commissioner Harris issued a Decision and Order dismissing Plaintiff's claim with prejudice. On September 13, 2016 Defendants received a document from Plaintiff that was entitled Notice of Appeal. On December 14, 2016, Defendants moved to dismiss Plaintiff's appeal for failure to file his Notice of Appeal within the applicable time limits. Defendants' motion was denied by the Full Commission on November 4, 2016. Thereafter, on November 8, 2016, Plaintiff filed with the Commission numerous Forms T-44. Plaintiff filed his Brief to the Full Commission on November 23, 2016.

So, rather than a trial against the State, this is an appeal of the dismissed of an appeal to an original protest filed against a court for not widening the legal definition of a attorney to include make believe. The filings are a hoot, with him using "Rodney-Dale, class" as his name for no-doubt some magic reason, and asking a few "simple questions" of the court that take 7 pages. In the transcript of the Aug 10 hearing much of Rod's argument consists of hims defending his claimed AG and Bounty Hunter titles (he had "congressional documentation" from the US Congress) and why that meant he had standing. Didn't seem to sway the court. Too bad he couldn't have driven into court with his vehicle, the proof would have been staring them in the face!


BTW. Mr. Daryl Zenon Bodan was just driving 15 miles over the speed limit according to Mr. class, but for some reason was arrested for "Criminal Contempt." Records show he "refused to surrender or exhibit his license." Mr class says that with his help he got off for the criminal contempt, but not the speeding, but then again, he appears to be or have been in jail, which is a bit stiff for just speeding...
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Re: The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by NYGman »

Just had to see what in Section 4 of the 14th created a Bounty hunter

Code: Select all

Section 4.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
This section essentially allows the government to borrow to pay pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion. Is he trying to say the Federal Government put up a bounty to suppress insurrections and rebellion? Really? If the Government did do that, he may collect the Bounty and call himself a Bounty hunter (Really pushing it here though). However without any offer of Bounty by the government, how can you be a Bounty Hunter?
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Re: The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:BTW. Mr. Daryl Zenon Bodan was just driving 15 miles over the speed limit according to Mr. class, but for some reason was arrested for "Criminal Contempt." Records show he "refused to surrender or exhibit his license." Mr class says that with his help he got off for the criminal contempt, but not the speeding, but then again, he appears to be or have been in jail, which is a bit stiff for just speeding...
Not really unusual, this is the kind of behavior you saw every week on "The Dukes of Hazzard" where Boss Hawg, the corrupt county executive, and his minion/brother-in-law Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane would conspire to harass, arrest and imprison the innocent Duke cousins for all sorts of trumped-up charges. This would include speed traps, failure to have a valid driver's license (the Dukes always seemed to be leaving these at home), vehicles lacking proper safety equipment or registration (the "General Lee", despite being able make phenomenal leaps over canyons, rivers, and police barricades, was a moving death trap apparently). Other times the Dukes got framed for things like bank robberies, kidnappings, arson/explosions, and believe it or not, running moonshine. Criminal contempt charges

So we should not be surprised to see that this is the kind of thing happening on the roads of small towns in North Carolina. But unlike the "Dukes", where Uncle Jesse was able to finesse and get his relatives out of the jams (guess he was an unofficial "private attorney general") the Illuminati have things in real life under control. Rod Class is not going to win this one.
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Re: The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by Deep Knight »

"American Kabuki" of NESARA News fame (but not since John-Boy died) posted a Rod Class video and its re-post got a comment from "snoop4truth" which is long but worth reading. ... -entities/

Some highlights:

Aug 22, 2016 @ 17:17:00


Rod Class falsely claims to be a “Private Attorney General” under Title 42 U.S.C. § 1988 and/or The Civil Rights Act Of 1866, BOTH of which are ordinary, FEDERAL, “CIVIL RIGHTS” STATUTES. Class also falsely claims that these two ordinary, FEDERAL, “CIVIL RIGHTS” STATUTES somehow “authorize” him personally to “represent” any party in connection with any kind of case (not just “civil rights” cases) in any court and to otherwise practice law without a license in any court in any jurisdiction (STATE or FEDERAL) in that imaginary capacity. Finally, Class falsely claims that as a “Private Attorney General” under these TWO FEDERAL “CIVIL RIGHTS” STATUTES, he is EXTREMELY important, EXTREMELY powerful and EXTREMELY knowledgeable in the law.
THE TRUTH: The term, “Private Attorney General” is actually a temporary, JUDICIAL nickname created and used by the FEDERAL COURTS (that expires by the end of the case) for an “ORDINARY CIVIL PLAINTIFF” (who has already WON an ordinary CIVIL case against a statutory violator) and who has NO knowledge of the law, who has NO legal authority, who has NO power and who has NO importance that any other “ORDINARY CIVIL PLAINTIFF” does not already have.
CONCLUSION: Rod Class is not now and has never been a “Private Attorney General”. He doesn’t even know the meaning of the term. (He doesn’t know what it is, but based on all of the court rulings in all of his own court cases, he knows WHAT IT IS NOT.). If you have paid Rod Class for “training” on how to become a “Private Attorney General”, then you are a VICTIM of fraud. (It is a federal felony to use a means of interstate commerce, like the internet, to obtain money by marketing seminars under fraudulent pretenses). You may have a right to a refund. Contact Rod Class for a refund or contact federal law enforcement authorities in your area. If Rod Class has demanded and if you have paid Rod Class a “retainer”, “legal fees” and/or his “expenses” for travel, food and lodging in connection with his providing you with “legal services” in his imaginary capacity as a “Private Attorney General”, then you are a VICTIM of fraud. You may have the right to a refund. Contact Rod Class for a refund or contact the state bar or state law enforcement authorities where the offense occurred.
AS OF TODAY, ROD CLASS (OR CLASS’ SIDE) HAS LOST OVER 70 CONSECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE OR JUDICIAL CASES IN A ROW (Class just LOST Carl & Vera Pertuset’s latest foreclosure case, LOST the retaliatory complaint that he filed aginst the attorneys involved with his LOSS in the Pertuset case. LOST Harold Stanley’s criminal tax evasion case, LOST Harold Stanley’s retaliatory civil suit against the prosecutor and others involved in his criminal tax evasion case, LOST Daryl Zenon Bodan’s traffic case, LOST a retaliatory Administrative Court case that he filed on behalf of Daryl Zenon Bodan in connection with his traffic case). More importantly, Class just LOST HIS OWN APPEAL in his “D.C. Carrying Weapons case” (which may render him INELIGIBLE for a conceal & carry permit and for gun possession in North Carolina). Rod Class has NEVER obtained a single administrative or judicial ruling that governments, government agencies or governmental employees were “private entities” (a plural term), private contractors”, “Corporate Appellees” or for-profit “corporations”, much less “FOUR” of them. That is another Rod Class hoax.


What do you think about the truthfulness of Rod Class’ “war stories” now?

Snoop4truth is a legal expert who opposes the mainstream media and legal disinformation for precisely the same reason, the people behind both disseminate INTENTIONALLY FALSE INFORMATION in order to advance their own agenda at the expense of the American people whom they pretend to serve.

Had it not been for Rodney DALE Class’(“Rod Class’”) role in manufacturing and perpetuating the “Judge DALE Hoax” and the “Debra Jones Hoax”, Snoop4truth would not have exposed the “Private Attorney General Hoax” here.

Snoop4truth did not expose the “Private Attorney General Hoax” to harm Rod Class. Instead, Snoop4truth exposed the “Private Attorney General Hoax” SOLELY TO REDUCE THE CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such INTENTIONAL FRAUD inflicts upon the American people every single day. Deliberately lying to the American people about their law and their legal system is a willful act of treason and should be treated accordingly.

NOTE: If Rod Class had simply told you the truth, then he would not be exposed now. The lesson? Just tell the truth and you will never be exposed.
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Re: The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by Deep Knight »

NYGman wrote:This section essentially allows the government to borrow to pay pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion. Is he trying to say the Federal Government put up a bounty to suppress insurrections and rebellion? Really? If the Government did do that, he may collect the Bounty and call himself a Bounty hunter (Really pushing it here though). However without any offer of Bounty by the government, how can you be a Bounty Hunter?
Can you be a bounty hunter if no bounties are offered?

koan - "a paradoxical anecdote or riddle, used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and to provoke enlightenment."

The most famous of these is, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" which can be a real issue when you get applause at pirate conventions and half the audience have hooks.


The government may no longer offer bounties for suppressing insurrections and rebellion, but the Illuminati offers bounties for their promotion. Keep all your receipts and apply within 90 days. We also have bounty-like murder contracts out on a large number of individuals. And you don't have to be a professional assassin to cash in - if you happen to kill someone (it doesn't have to be on purpose, accidental homicides count), check the Illuminati website. It's easy, and if you find their names or aliases you'll be in for a substantial financial windfall!

The Observer wrote:Not really unusual, this is the kind of behavior you saw every week on "The Dukes of Hazzard" where Boss Hawg, the corrupt county executive, and his minion/brother-in-law Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane would conspire to harass, arrest and imprison the innocent Duke cousins for all sorts of trumped-up charges.
The Illuminati expended $$$s in resources trying to "get them Dukes" back in the 70's, until we decided to base a TV show on their exploits instead. Not only did it bring in quite a tidy profit, it softened countless American minds for years, allowing The NWO free reign. Ah, the good ol' days.

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Re: The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

By the way, the "bounties" in question are those sums which were paid to induce Americans to enlist in the (Union) Army during the Civil War. I think that Mr. Class will have a tough time finding anyone alive who is due a bounty....
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Re: The "Rodney-Dale, class" Saga

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Dale was Rod Class? You remember, the "retired federal judge" with out-of-the-mainstream legal theories promoted by MacHaffie?

The topic was discussed here (not on this forum, but with people who hang out here, and Mr. snoop4truth) viewtopic.php?f=49&t=10319

See also viewtopic.php?f=49&t=7785 for more on those rod classes.
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