The Way of Truth Assembly -

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I recently ran across a large repository of ... well ... stuff:
It's brought to you by "The Primes" and "The Primettes":

Chosen servants of the Most High in full maturity stage of purpose, trained to carry out their specific operations in the body of Christ upon this planet called earth, as the Most High testify of their gifts.


Virtuous helpmeets of the Primes, of a sober mind and body dedicated to bringing light that counters the world's secular sound.
And even a wee bit of trolling around the website disclosed a vast wealth of conspiratorial and pseudolegal stuff.

Under “Legal Matters” we learn such useful things as:
Writing is "spelling", casting spells, as has been executed upon the masses for domination and control. (save the physical force), which is cloaked behind the act of making offers in writing to coerce you towards making a commitment that you don't have to make. This makes the intent of domination easier. Failing to respond in Law indicates that things stand, because there is no rebuttal, no response. This is why often you are given 10 days, or so, to respond.
“Income Tax is a Fraud” links to what I think is a complete copy of Irwin Schiff’s “The Federal Mafia: How The Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes”.

Lots of things about chemtrails, Freemasons, cancer cures, the usual.

The Primes and Primettes ask: "Are you being harassed by the IRS? Then click here to remove the burden they have placed from off your chest." That leads to this handy IRS-begone letter (
Qualification of Statements and lawful clarification of your Organizations lawful Status under the United States Republic of North America

Writ in the Nature of Discovery

1.) Send me the certified document of Delegation of Authority Order issued to your Organization from the congress of the United States Republic of North America.

2.) In regards to the signature of this instrument, I demand and request proof of the nationality of the person(s) who authorized and signed this document. Proof of your Organizations political allegiance and the Delegation of Authority of all person(s) participating in this claim.

3.) Who authorized your Organization to send this document by the way of mail commanding of me money?

4.) Is this Organization foreign or domestic?

5.) Where can your Organizations registration number be verified i.e. Articles of Incorporation.

6.) Please send a copy of the Branch of Government that issued authority to this Organization and the reference number and certificate of conformation.

7.) When and where did the United States Republic Constitution established your Organization?

8.) What is Lawful money?

9.) For the person(s) who issued this instrument please come forth in written document your proof to claim authority in law under the United States Republic Constitution.

10.) Any person(s) in your Organization that has a claim against me to whom I have made a contract of debt or loaned me anything of substance at any time please produce that instrument of debt so I can verify or dismiss it. Based on the validity or the lack of.

11.) I never received in writing a copy of the bill.

12.) Demand and request an itemized break down of the bill in question.

13.) Who in your Organization gave me any money or a loan at any time?

14.) Where under the United States Republic Constitution authorized your Organization to lay and collect taxes?

Qualification of Statements:

Such areas of your political allegiances are not clear, consider yourself and your Organization voided on this claim because of lack of authority and subject matter jurisdiction.

If this writ in the nature of discovery is not fulfilled within 10 days, consider the instrument mailed from your Organization not lawful and an attempt at extortion and misrepresentation. If it is not this please respond in kind.

I Am: ______________________________________________
A Free and Sovereign Hebrew Yisraelite National, In Propria Persona Sui Juris
North America/ New Yerusalem
All Rights Reserved
I only engaged in a superficial review of the site so I'm sure there are many potential gems to be found within.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by wserra »

It appears to be courtesy of some flavor of our old friends, the Moors. The domain itself was registered anonymously (Domains by Proxy), but there are several give-aways.

Throughout are references to the oppression of "the Natural People", frequently by "European colonialists". Their sure-fire, handy-dandy ticket-killing letter is on a letterhead "Moorish Americans – Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land". It begins:
I, the Petitioner, Your name here, state and Publish for the Record: My ‘Declaration of Status’: Aboriginal / Indigenous Natural Person; Freehold by Birthright, Inheritance and Primogeniture; Affirming my Substantive Rights to Travel upon the public Roadways and Highways, in harmony with the Highest and most supreme Law of the Land.

I Am ‘In Propria Persona’ (Not Pro Se); and not ‘Cognate’ to any ‘Nom de Guerre’ or any other such like fiction entity; created by the hands of others by way of Misrecital or ‘Artificial Legal Construct’; nor a ‘Man-of-Straw’; as written, typed, photocopied, or scribed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS). I am a Natural Dweller and Natural Citizen in, of, and on the Lands of my Forefathers - Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / The North Gate.
The site says that most of the stuff is written by one "Taj Tarik Bey" According to his facebook page, though, he is more properly addressed as "Grand Sheik Divine Minister Taj Tarik Khatib Bey". Pardon my ignorance; I now understand. I'm Wes, but you may address me as "Respected Honorable Most Reverend Grand Divine Minister Sheikh Doctor Wes".

And I was delighted to find that they have their very own Writ of Mandumbass. This piece of epic starts:
COMES NOW, Your Name Here, Natural Person, In Propria Persona Sui Juris (not to be confused with, nor substituted by, Pro Se by unauthorized hand of another). I am Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish-American; possessing Free-hold by Inheritance and Primogeniture Status; standing squarely Affirmed, aligned and bound to the Zodiac Constitution, with all due respect and honors given to the Constitution for the United States Republic, North America
"Zodiac Constitution"?
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Re: The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by Jeffrey »

The Zodiac constitution is a book by CM Bey

The original MSTA does borrow from zodiac and astrology, the branches that ventured into SovCit derive more from post Drew Ali writers like CM Bey. I believe CM also borrows heavily from Bill Cooper and related conspiracy theorists which makes for some real headscratchers when you try to track down where each specific theory they propose comes from.
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Re: The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by fortinbras »

I am grateful for the link to the Zodiac Constitution. Until recently (with the internet posting) the Zodiac Constitution was generally kept secret within the Moorish Science movement - referenced but never made available to outsiders. You'll notice that the text itself refers to 48 states, evidently (despite the recent artistic and typographic blandishments) the text hasn't been revised in more than half-a-century.
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Re: The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by grixit »

Yeah, it hasn't been revised since "Baby Let's Stand (Upon The Land)" by Bey and the Primettes hit the Top 40.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by The Observer »

Writing is "spelling", casting spells, as has been executed upon the masses for domination and control. (save the physical force), which is cloaked behind the act of making offers in writing to coerce you towards making a commitment that you don't have to make.
This particular concept seems to be resonate with the more extreme of the sovruns. I know Chief Sino adheres to this archaic definition of the word "spelling", believing that it means that somehow magic is being used to control the masses (or in his case, at least, it means that native Americans are being enslaved by tax, traffic and other laws).

I know that we have accused the sovruns and defiers of engaging in magical thinking and there is ample proof to support that accusation. But now they are accusing the governmental conspiracy of engaging in magics as well. How far will this go? Will we actually see sovruns getting on brooms and challenging the government to a match of Quidditch to decide whether they become emancipated or remain slaves of the system?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: The Way of Truth Assembly -

Post by wserra »

grixit wrote:Yeah, it hasn't been revised since "Baby Let's Stand (Upon The Land)" by Bey and the Primettes hit the Top 40.
Nah, "Baby Let's Stand (Upon The Land)" was by Archie-El and the Dr-Els. In any event that song was a ripoff of the all-time classic "Hello Aboriginal / Indigenous Natural Person Freehold by Birthright, Inheritance and Primogeniture Love You" by the Moor Doors.

Whaddaya mean, it doesn't rhyme?
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