Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

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Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by Jeffrey »

Didn't see a thread on this guy but definitely notable. ... 0372-0.pdf

Pops up online around August claiming to be a private Attorney General and getting involved in foreclosure proceedings and offering SovCit services to people with mortgage problems in Hawaii. Well basically it seems that it's a bad idea to show up in court pretending to be a lawyer when you have a warrant out for your arrest. ... arges.html

It took one month between his appearance on the scene and his arrest and extradition in September and perhaps most incredibly resorts to using Freeman arguments to try get out of the child molestation charges claiming that it's a legal fiction in all capital letters that is actually being charged.

Oddly after the extradition hearing the trail runs cold, can't find anything coming from Georgia about the molestation trial or anything.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by grixit »

Hah! The judge suspended the hearing until more fingerprints could be taken to determine if he really is the individual being charged. That'll put an end to his evasions; only flesh and blood entities have fingerprints, legal fictions don't.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by fortinbras »

This genius is now accusing Hawaii of having falsified his fingerprints.

I don't suppose it's necessary to explain for this audience, but the "private attorney general" phrase is NOT a job title, does not give amateurs the privilege of practicing in the courts, etc., it is a fee-shifting principle, that when a non-govt plaintiff succeeds in a case where he enforces some law for the public good (such as stopping a violator of the pollution laws), which the govt lawyers ought to have done but didn't do, then he will have his expenses reimbursed. This applies when the plaintiff is represented by a lawyer or is pro se, but it doesn't give an amateur the right to represent the plaintiff in court. The 'title' of private attorney general is bestowed on the plaintiff at the end of the case when a decision about expenses is made, but he doesn't get to carry it into future cases.

The Hawaii Atty-Gen's press release on this case: ... 013-14.pdf

Here is Williams's own press release on his case:
Sep 25, 2013 ( Delivered by Newstex)

The Music of Life Applied to Science, Medicine, the Arts and Law

Honolulu, HI—A top foreclosure fraud expert has been framed in retaliation for exposing banks, judges, and lawyers breaking laws and oaths of office in history's most damaging lending scheme, according to evidence openly presented in the First Circuit Court of Hawaii during an extradition hearing affecting defendant, Anthony Troy Williams.

Williams, defending pro se, made mincemeat of State of Hawaii prosecutors in open court, causing them to reveal they had manufactured a fake fingerprint record with complicity by the FBI in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Nonetheless, Judge Richard Perkins denied Williams's release on bail and returned him to jail where he has been reportedly assaulted by sheriffs.
'Private Attorney General' Anthony Williams, who pioneered Common Law Offices of America, also caused Judge Perkins to admit in open court that he may not honor his oath to preserve the Constitution of the United States and protect Williams as a sovereign citizen. In fact, the Court made it perfectly clear he was not even aware he had his oath of office on file.
The shocking admissions were among several that occurred on both days of Williams's extradition hearing (Sept. 18-19, 2013) wherein the question of Williams's return to Georgia to face allegations of child molestation was to be decided.
Williams shamed Attorney General (AG) David Louie's team of prosecutors, witnesses, and lead counsel Simeona Mariano, by exposing multiple counts of fraud in 'railroading' Williams, evidencing complicity by the FBI that supplied, according to the State's leading witness, 'Williams's finger prints' supposedly proving Williams committed his first theft at seventeen days of age, while 'still in diapers.'
Witnesses on both sides of the gallery were shocked by the prosecution's 'incompetence,' Williams called it, supplementing his assertion of multiple State and Federals laws being broken by the Court and Louie's leading 'expert' responsible for Williams's 'framing.'
Still, the judge did not budge from continuing the case, denying Williams bail, and awaiting a signed order from Governor Abercrombie required by the State's extradition laws read to the Court by the chained and handcuffed Williams.
Facts in the Case
Encouraged by a gallery of Constitutionalists supporting the defendant, Williams belittled AG Louie for scheming his framing, false arrest, and malicious prosecution, to conceal a corporate banking enterprise damaging millions of American homeowners and taxpayers who are supposed to be protected by several Constitutional amendments.
Williams had been defending victims of foreclosure fraud and eviction threats by the banks in multiple Hawaii courtrooms since June, exercising his right under Congress's civil rights law Title 42 U.S.C., Section 1988. That legislation, and substantial case law, affords private persons the right to act as 'private attorney generals,' and 'attorneys-in-fact,' on behalf of poor citizens who cannot afford attorneys, or do not trust attorneys because of re-mortgage deals made 'behind closed doors' that often leave defendants in worse financial straits.
Critics of refinancing schemes say the nationwide practice, administered through the courts and lawyers, best reflects 'racketeering activities' as defined by law as a monopolistic 'judicial banking enterprise' complicit in extortion, threatened property loss, abusive collection practices, and real estate theft, all neglecting Constitutionally-guaranteed due process and trials by juries.
Complaints from multiple State and Federal judges to AG Louie brought Williams under investigation for 'practicing law without a license,' a charge that violates the aforementioned Federal civil rights and Constitutional mandates.
Williams's material evidence, and neglected witnesses, prove the State of Georgia's molestation warrant stems from a retaliatory complaint filed by Williams's cousin—a drug addicted police officer and abusive parent who Williams stopped funding, according to William's affidavit filed with the Court.
Hawaii AG Louie, following several judges' complaints against Williams, decided to file two charges against him: 1) unlicensed law practice; and 2) securities fraud stemming from affidavits provided by suspected plea bargainers with conflicting interests.
Chained and cuffed, Williams returned from recess on day one claiming he had been physically assaulted, harassed, and racially slurred as a 'Nigger' by white Sheriffs Department deputies. Multiple violations of Williams's 'prisoners' rights' are under investigation by members of the defendants' community who Williams helped during their troubled times.
More Than a 'David v. Goliath' Story
'Williams has busted a judicial enterprise responsible for millions of homeowners losing their Constitutional rights and properties,' said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, an award-winning filmmaker and professional whistleblower who had been investigating Williams's claims and court procedures for months following his own victimization[1] by foreclosure frauds.
'This is more than a 'David v. Goliath' story,' Horowitz explained. 'Williams has, at every hearing, monumentally exposed financial fraud and commercial crimes aided-and-abetted by willfully blind lawyers and judges who are complicit in a judicial enterprise called 'The Bar' that is breaking U.S. Constitutional guarantees. The Bar private membership organization arguably acts as a monopoly, recklessly, criminally, even treasonously, according to definitions in law. Williams has pointed out that all of this is consistent with racketeering activities by organized crime; simply fulfilling his anti-RICO commission by Congress.'
When Judge Perkins asked Williams, 'Do you understand your right to have a lawyer represent you,' and then warned Williams about the strict procedures Williams would need to follow by representing himself, Williams reminded the Court of case law making procedures less stringent for pro se litigants. The judge denied Williams's pleading.
'I do not 'understand,'' Williams objected, referencing the judge's violation of his oath, the Constitution, and common laws fundamental to American life and Hawaii due process.
'Are you on your oath today?' Williams asked Perkins on his second day of questioning.
'No. I just…,' the judge stumbled. 'I've indicated I understand what you're saying but whether I agree with it or not is.. is not an issue right now as far as I'm concerned. But you're.. you're…you're position is on the record, [o]kay?'
'That's how the judge diverted from the most important question Williams asked,' said freelance journalist Sherri Kane previously with Fox News in LA. 'Judge Perkins essentially admitted he might break his oath, indicating a total frame job. Prosecutors seemed worse than unprepared and incompetent. They committed criminal contempt of court, and Williams defended brilliantly throughout.'
Williams's riveting questions caused the State's leading witness to concede that Louie's office had manufactured records with the FBI's complicity in the felony to frame Williams.
Williams repeated, 'I'm still not understanding, sir. But that's mandatory for you to be on the oath of office. That's put in place to make sure that I don't get railroaded by the prosecutor. . . . And to make sure that these proceedings are fair, and that they are Constitutional. I mean, I just asked a simple question, sir.
Are you on your oath today? And are you going to uphold your oath to the United States of America . . . to the Constitution of the United States of America?'
'I'm going to do my job to the best of my ability. Let it rest there,' Judge Perkins replied.
To preserve the U.S. Constitution, and protect citizens' rights, the Courts are required to honor case law and focus on the facts and merits of the case, especially when presented by self-defending non-lawyers (i.e., 'pro se' litigants.)
A 'High Profile' Case of Monumental Financial/Judicial Crime
Williams's case is 'high profile' because it now requires Governor Abercrombie's involvement in investigating his appointment of AG David Louie, who has been instrumental in recovering damages from broken lending laws committed by the major banks. Mr. Louie administered all the awards that many consumer advocates condemn as 'grossly inadequate,' because the vast majority of 'relief' has gone to the 'judicial enterprise,' not defrauded homeowners.

The AGs office reported that only $7,911,883 was allotted for Hawaii's damaged homeowners from 'a $1.5 billion payment pool we negotiated and set aside as part of the National Mortgage Settlement' program.
But of that 'settlement,' 15% went to 'the state judicial system.' $3 million more went to 'Legal Aid and its grant partners Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Hawaii . . . ,' and '$2 million to the department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs'—the agency that licenses all professionals in the State except lawyers.
Mr. Williams has made it known that the Bar Association's exclusive licensing of lawyers conceals an illegal monopoly defrauding citizens and controlling every industry in America on behalf of the banks acting as a concealed mob.
'I'm pleased that the final amount of $1,480 [per defrauded homeowner that applied for compensation] is much higher than the minimum amount we first announced, which was $840,' wrote AG Louie in his press release. The settlement affects only 1,413 homeowners in Hawaii, a fraction of families actually damaged.
'That amounts to only $2,091,240 in virtual 'hush money' and 'bribes' given to State registered victims of foreclosure fraud, down from originally $25 billion, supposedly granted by the banks to compensate Americans for hundreds of billions of dollars in damages from the organized crime that crashed America's housing market and economy,' Dr. Horowitz explained.
Despite Mr. Williams's outstanding defense evidencing the FBI's complicity in the AG's office fraud, his testimony that the Georgia warrant originally included him and his son persuaded the judge to proceed cautiously in denying William's release, even though evidence against him is nil, and the same charges against his son had been dropped in Georgia for lacking evidence.
But Williams challenged the Georgia authorities, knowing the charges against father and son were faked by his malicious cousin. 'If they want me, let them come get me,' Williams told his colleagues at the Common Law Offices of America in Honolulu.
So with the Georgia warrant remaining open, with Williams's acknowledgment of his naming on the outstanding warrant, Judge Perkins ruled that Williams's identity was sufficiently established to return him to jail, with his release pending a signature from the Governor now ruling over the extradition.
NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: Video evidence of the aforementioned proceedings are published on Revolution Television on Vimeo[4]. Interviews with multiple eye-witnesses can be obtained by contacting Sherri Kane at[5] Dr. Horowitz can be contacted, likewise, by arrangement with Ms. Kane.
[1]: ... [2]: [3]: [4]: ... television [5]:
I cannot find a report indicating that the extradition case has been concluded. Evidently Williams is putting up a spirited fight (I think with a real lawyer defending him).
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by GlimDropper »

fortinbras wrote:This genius is now accusing Hawaii of having falsified his fingerprints.
Falsifying is a stretch but the fingerprint evidence was hanky. I usually leave it to the resident, as Lionel Hutz would call them, law-talking-guys to critique their own but that prosecutor really dropped the ball. Granted, this was an extradition hearing and she was going up against a Pro Se gibberish spewer, but if the evidence is flawed, even clerically, it's best to deal with that before the defendant points it out.

They finger printed Williams when in custody but not without protest. He didn't let his prints be digitally scanned so they helped him provide the old fashion ink on paper prints then scanned those. They matched up with prints in his ALL CAPS name (strawprints?) but the date of arrest associated with the file prints his prints were matched to were from 1971 when Mr. Williams was 17 days old.

Now either there really is some vast conspiracy to neutralize a sovereign foreclosure elimination scammers (paying attention Kelby?) or there was a typographical error somewhere along the way but even on a timeline I would hope the prosecutor would have examined the evidence and made a few phone calls before the hearing. As it turned out the Judge was satisfied with the photo identification provided by an expired Georgia state drivers license which somewhere Mr. Williams claimed never to have but was mentioned in court records from a previous violation of his sovereign rights.

The thing that jumps out to me is while blinded by his own bull crap and crippled by his lack of understanding of procedure, Mr. Williams isn't a complete idiot. I don't think he saw the fingerprint evidence before he asked for it while on camera at the hearing (first link in the previous post) and while he wasted a lot of time and energy arguing stupid stuff, he did enough to keep the fingerprint evidence from being used and the judge did set them aside. Not a lot of sovereigns could do that.
fortinbras wrote:Here is Williams's own press release on his case:
Beg to differ with you there fortinbras, my money is on Dr. Leonard Horowitz and/or Sherri Kane as the authors of that piece (of .,...). Sort of a "just when you thought this was stupid enough.,..but wait, there's more" moment. Yea, the guy who "Produced" the Vimeo channel Anthony William's videos are on is the same guy who more or less originated the idea that HIV was created by the US government and told told al Jazeera that H1N1 vaccines would cause sterility as part of a plan of "pangenocide" against Muslims. But aside from all that he's a good natured new agey woo merchant (and Vimeo Producer). I came across this link a few hours back, it seems legit(ish). Seems like Dr. Dreck was screwed, blued and tattooed on a real estate deal (to say the least). I rejoice in no one's misfortunes but to any kids out there who go on to pay the price because their parents listened to Dr. Horowitz's anti-vax BS, you can take some comfort in knowing that he suffered too. Hell, it got bad enough that they even had Anthony Williams representing them at one point (PDF link).
notorial dissent
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by notorial dissent »

And, as I understand it, the "private attorney general" bit only applies in a very few special circumstances, and the authorization for it only exists in certain statutes. So there is no general right or authority for this.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by fortinbras »

This guy was, according to the age he gave in the Hawaii hearing, born in 1971 but I am kind of skeptical about the fingerprints at the tender age of 17 days. By the 17th day of life, the baby should have left the hospital; those footprints on the hospital certificate are usually done right in the delivery room before the baby is put in a room with other babies. I am more inclined to believe that someone was extremely sloppy about dating a fingerprint document in the Georgia police dept.

If he's got a decent alibi, he can raise it in the Georgia court. Unfortunately for him, someone has gotten the judiciary of Hawaii mad at him .... oops, it's the guy in his mirror.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by fortinbras »

The Hawaii Atty-Gen has not responded to my email asking about the current status of the Anthony Williams extradition. Lexis and WestLaw have no court decision nor news clipping about any outcome of the extradition case which began in September. If anyone can ferret out the current news on this matter I would greatly appreciate an update.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by fortinbras »

As of today, judging from stuff being posted by third persons, Williams is still in Hawaii, the extradition hearings not yet concluded.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by GlimDropper »

It is sometimes hard to keep track of private attorney generals so I'm not saying that Anthony isn't back in Hawaii but it can be proven he did make it to Georgia. The documentary evidence is sketchy (at best) and I'm pretty sure this isn't what they'd call a "primary" source:

Concerning Private Attorney General (42 U.S.C. § 1988) Anthony Williams, from investigative journalist and activist Sherri Kane in Hawaii:

Anthony Williams is still falsely imprisoned. They tried to murder him 3 times in the Hawaii jails. His mother and me contacted all the higher ups in the Sheriff's department and we managed to finally get him extradited out of Hawaii to Georgia, so he can face that stupid warrant that his cousin put on him.

I just sent his mom our affidavits stating they should investigate his cousin for molesting his 5 year old daughter, since she fears her father, and we believe that is why he tried to pin the crime on Anthony and his son. Anthony was not even in Georgia at the time the crime was even committed, he was in Hawaii, to and we have his plane itinerary to proof it...but the child was talking and the evil cousin had to do something quick! He was angry at Anthony because Anthony refused to financially support him anymore since he was doing drugs in front of his child. Anyway, the Georgia prisons are much safer than Hawaii.

So they finally got him extradited. Victory!!
From Sherri Kane 14 Sept. 13:
On 14 September 2013 12:12, Sherri Kane wrote:

"Today Anthony Williams was arrested. We knew deep down the corrupt judicial system would attempt to stop him anyway they could. We warned him about COINTELPRO and told him that if they were ever going to attack him it would be probably be by accusing him of the worse in order to discredit him. Check my comments underneath the story.

This stuff makes me so angry that these evil-doers would do this to Anthony! ... =223724541 ... n-georgia/


Anthony Williams is being set up. I have been investigating him for months. I know him personally and he is a very spiritual man! I would say he is a hero! Do not believe what you are reading here. It is all awful lies! I can tell you as an advocate and activist against child abuse that these are lies! Anthony Williams has been working hard to protect our Constitution! His drug dealer cousin in Georgia blackmailed him with these fake molestation charge, and this is a conspiracy against Anthony Williams. I personally saw his cousin's blackmail messages. His cousin created these lies about Anthony as a blackmail and a threat. He was jealous of Anthony and angry that Anthony wanted him to stop doing drugs in front of his children, and Anthony did not want to deal with him if he continued with his behavior! If anyone committed these acts it was his cousin pointing the finger at Anthony! In fact his cousin's daughter feared being around her dad, Anthony's cousin according to discussions I had with Anthony. At first they tried to accuse Anthony's son of doing this, and then they released him because there was no evidence and now they are going after Anthony! We always felt they accused his son to use him as bait to get to his dad! Anthony at no time claimed to be an attorney so this is another lie by his accusers . He is a Private Attorney General (PAG) which under the U.S. Constitution section 42USC1988, Anyone can become a PAG.

If proof existed that Anthony was not in Georgia on the date of the offense one might expect a sharp legal mind like Mr. Williams to have presented that evidence at his extradition hearing. It would seem a stronger factual argument than pointing out that his accuser, the State of Georgia, was not physically in the court room that day for him to cross examine. Perhaps not as strong an argument as the ALL CAPS NAME but your Federal Marshals Service extradition transport mileage may vary.

From where we're sitting we can't know the facts here. Is there proof that Anthony wasn't in Georgia when the offense took place? Is there proof the "druggie cousin" is framing him? We don't know but neither can we take those claims at face value. The sad thing is that if those things were true any competent (Bar Card) criminal defense attorney could secure Anthony Williams acquittal presuming the charges weren't dismissed before trial. But the one thing sovereign legal tactics have proven their near universal effectiveness at is taking what ever problems you may have and making them just so much worse.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by fortinbras »

I stand corrected, and I am very grateful that GlimDropper found a (very recondite) source to prove that Williams arrived in Georgia on Dec. 21.
We'll see how his courtroom antics play out when he's on trial in Georgia.
Considering his proven ability to rub judges the wrong way, I think he faces long odds.
Small comfort: Lots of prison inmates were, themselves, abused as children, so they will take a sincere and intense interest in Williams's rehabilitation!

PS: I neglected to post a court decision regarding Anthony Williams as a "private attorney general" (hint: the judge won't let him represent clients in court): ... 3495571504

This is the link to the Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia Prosecutor website file on Anthony Troy Williams: ... ID=3223271

There's a Tennessee decision in 2013 involving some unlicensed driver with the same name: ... 100312.pdf
Probably the same guy, because in late 2011 he set up a FaceBook page from Tennessee:
Which suggests the trite advice: If you are a fugitive from justice, don't keep updating your FaceBook page with your current location and activities!
Last edited by fortinbras on Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by Jeffrey »

The fact that he chose the State furthest away from Georgia to practice law as a Private Attorney General after apparently being "falsely imprisoned for two years" makes me suspect the warrant isn't as "stupid" as they claim.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by fortinbras »

To access Anthony Williams docket sheet, click on: ... fault.aspx
click on "all case records"
type in the capcha puzzle then choose to search by 'party'
choose name and type in WILLIAMS, Anthony Troy and then click on 'search'
when the next page appears, click on the case number (12sc122418) to see the detailed docket.

There are 7 charges: 1 of rape, 2 of cruety to children in the first degree, 3 of aggravated child molestation, and 1 of (simple) child molestation, all felonies, all listed as committed on April 1, 2013. Apparently the indictment listed only 6 of these, omitting the simple child molestation charge.

There was a "certificate of discovery" and a "county jail complaint" entered on July 30, 2013. I am not clear if this means he was arrested, or even aware of these events.
Evidently the charge of simple child molestation was not presented to the Grand Jury on Oct 18th, 2013 (when, I assume, the other charges were presented) which is the date of the indictment. Now by this time it appears he was already making a nuisance of himself in Hawaii, but the docket indicates he was arraigned on Nov. 13, 2013 ... when he was, undoubtedly, in Hawaii and fighting extradition, so I am confused by some of this. Perhaps his physical presence was unnecessary.
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by 808prophecy »

Hello my name is Sean and I personally have met this man. I have also seen what he is capable of. This is a child of YAHWEH and if you don't know who this is you need to figure it out quick.
First off Mr. Williams does not represent anyone in court he advises them. No I'm not on his team. I actually sat in a jail with him. Because our state is so screwed up it only takes someone to say you did something and have no proof even if they catch the real criminal in the act and allow them to shift the blame like in my case.
First Mr. Williams did not harm any child. When he decided not to help his no good cousin with rent and everything anymore his cousin who is a weed smoking officer said Anthony touched his daughter. The timeframe of the crime coexisted with the time frame of Anthony already being in Hawaii. I have seen the evidence with my own eyes. Also his son was listed as a codefendant in the case because they did the crime together was the accusation. His sons case was dismissed and Mr. Williams sat over here in Hawaii waiting extradition.
As for practicing law with no license show me the law that says it is a licensed profession. Are we to be punished for being intelligent? Are we to be judged because we further our education without proper schooling? As far as fees Mr. Williams does not collect anything unless the plaintiffs win. Sounds like he is doing them a favor cause if they lose they are still where they would have been anyways stuck without a house and the difference is no huge lawyer fees to pay.
Before you judge someone look closer than what you can google, that's y advice. For instance you can google me and all kinds of lies will pop up but you would never read that I am a disabled army veteran who was a medic. No you will never read that I was a medical administrative officer for the government GS-9. Mr. Williams also served his country. Let's not chastise him for doing good for others. Lets commend him and try to do likewise.
On a personal note this man helped me get to know YAHWEH on a personal level that you may never understand. I have seen GOD. So anyone that can direct my path to that has my vote of confidence. Google Anthony Williams and YAHWEH you should get some good youtube video links. I will try to post them for you. He is a very intelligent individual with a gift that GOD has given him to use to help others.

Honestly after looking at this list of videos it doesn't appear he just came on the scene these were posted 2 years ago. Unless you will tell me he forged youtube date and times as well. I was really only going to point out the one below.

I am open to any replies. I will be around and can be reached daprophecy @
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by grixit »

hmm, "808prophecy". I assume 808 refers to Hawaii, what's the prophecy?
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

808prophecy wrote:Hello my name is Sean and I personally have met this man. I have also seen what he is capable of. This is a child of YAHWEH and if you don't know who this is you need to figure it out quick.
I just did the moment I read that. Not that it matters to me, I don't need to "figure it out quiclk" because it will not make one iota of difference as to what he and I will think of each other.
808prophecy wrote:First off Mr. Williams does not represent anyone in court he advises them.
Off to another bad start there, that's a bit splitting hairs and I'm certain the rules will vary from place to place.
808prophecy wrote:Because our state is so screwed up it only takes someone to say you did something and have no proof even if they catch the real criminal in the act and allow them to shift the blame like in my case.
Give us more details and we'll decide for ourselves.
808prophecy wrote:I have seen the evidence with my own eyes.
I'm not quite following this: you've seen with your own eyes this man not doing something?
808prophecy wrote:As for practicing law with no license show me the law that says it is a licensed profession.
See previous comment.
808prophecy wrote:Are we to be punished for being intelligent?
You can be in some places.
808prophecy wrote: Are we to be judged because we further our education without proper schooling?
Interesting question, but how can you be educated without the schooling being proper?
808prophecy wrote: As far as fees Mr. Williams does not collect anything unless the plaintiffs win. Sounds like he is doing them a favor cause if they lose they are still where they would have been anyways stuck without a house and the difference is no huge lawyer fees to pay.
Sounds like a contingency fee to me....
808prophecy wrote:Before you judge someone look closer than what you can google, that's y advice. For instance you can google me and all kinds of lies will pop up but you would never read that I am a disabled army veteran who was a medic. No you will never read that I was a medical administrative officer for the government GS-9.
We will tomorrow, but then I don't believe everything I read on the internet.
808prophecy wrote:On a personal note this man helped me get to know YAHWEH on a personal level that you may never understand.
Absolutely correct.
808prophecy wrote:He is a very intelligent individual with a gift that GOD has given him to use to help others.
I'll wait for the court case before I make a decision OK?
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

grixit wrote:hmm, "808prophecy". I assume 808 refers to Hawaii, what's the prophecy?
808 was a drum machine wasn't it?
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by Famspear »

808prophecy wrote:....As for practicing law with no license show me the law that says it is a licensed profession....
Umm, well, you could start with the Hawaii statutes:
§605-2 Attorneys; license required. Except as provided by the rules of court, no person shall be allowed to practice in any court of the State unless that person has been duly licensed so to do by the supreme court.......
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by Famspear »

More from the Hawaii Revised Statutes:
§605-14 Unauthorized practice of law prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, or corporation to engage in or attempt to engage in or to offer to engage in the practice of law, or to do or attempt to do or offer to do any act constituting the practice of law, except and to the extent that the person, firm, or association is licensed or authorized so to do by an appropriate court, agency, or office or by a statute of the State or of the United States......
§605-17 Penalties. Any person violating sections 605-14 to 605-16 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by Famspear »

First off Mr. Williams does not represent anyone in court he advises them....
Well, depending on the law of the state where that occurs, "advising" someone can be the practice of law. And, if someone is doing that without being licensed as an attorney, that can be a criminal offense -- even if the individual is not calling himself a "lawyer" or "attorney," and even if the individual is not representing anyone in court.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Anthony Williams - Private Attorney General

Post by Famspear »

I believe Senate Bill 3037 in the Hawaii Legislature (introduced in January 2014), if enacted, would amend the statutes governing the practice of law in that state to provide, in part:
(c) The unauthorized practice of law includes but is not limited to the following acts by any person who is not licensed to practice law or otherwise authorized to do so in this State:

(1) Holding oneself out as an attorney authorized to practice law in this State;

(2) Appearing on behalf of any person or entity in any hearing or proceeding in this State before any judicial officer, arbitrator, mediator, court, public agency, referee, magistrate, commissioner, hearing officer, or governmental body in a dispute resolution process with respect to any matter involving:

(A) The rights or obligations of any person or property in this State; or

(B) Any dispute to be resolved wholly or in part under state law;

(3) Preparing any documents on behalf of another person that are to be submitted to any judicial officer, arbitrator, mediator, court, public agency, referee, magistrate, commissioner, hearing officer, or governmental body in a dispute resolution process in this State, or recorded in any form in the state bureau of conveyances or land court; or

(4) Advising a person or entity located in this State regarding state law.
(emphasis added).

I don't know what the status of the bill is at this time.

EDIT: I suggest that paragraph (4) should be changed to read something like "....regarding the law of this state or of the United States or any other state or other jurisdiction".
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet