National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

I hadn't realized how many pages were involved. I honestly think that Darash would be doing everyone a favor - and his letter will get more attention from the 2000 judges - if he prints it on very soft very absorbent paper, preferably double ply.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

I am listening to NLA's latest propaganda call. So, this week, on as the crazy turns (by the way, I'm looking for other soap opera puns for the NLA if you have any - I also like All My Children/All My Indictments and General Hospital/General Insanity)....

- I know I say Darash sounds crazier every week, but he really does. This week he spent quite a bit of time fantasizing about how judges would be calling each other over his gibberish paperwork and quaking in their boots. And these are some detailed delusions, down to giving us imagined phone conversations between two judges where they almost weep for joy over the opportunity to sign the writs of mandumbass.

- The call for money is getting stronger. Darash admits that the now $14k he wants isn't just for mailing, but also for "bills" because he claims he has used up his life savings on the NLA. His side-kick Gerrard (spelling?) even gave a sob story about hes up all night on the phone calling people to coordinate the sov'runs and has to put used tires on his car.

- Lest you think this scam was over after SCOTUS ignores their gibberish (which is the next step after the 2,000 judges ignore it and all get sov'run indicted), Darash won't be going gently into that sweet night. He has unspecified plans after that too, he says, although he gave no details.

- This man is OBSESSED with these embossed seals. I know this is a classic sov'run trait - random obsessions over things that don't matter - but Darash's voice sounds almost ecstatic when talking about how the POWER of the 50 Stapes seals shall send judges running to their pens to sign the writs of mandumbass.

- I think my favorite part of these calls, which have now surpassed RuSA for their hilarity (and that is saying something), is the little tidbits that come up from Darash. For example he recently sent out the grand jury handbooks (which he charges a mark up on, more money for him!) and a lot of buyers didn't want to put their zip code (BECAUSE THAT GIVES THE CORPORATION JURISDICTION, SHEEPLE). Of course the USPS can probably figure it out, but in some cases buyers didn't spell their city names right or otherwise gave an address USPS can't decipher. Darash had to assure everyone that it was OK to use the zip code with the NLA because they aren't the corporate fiction and won't "use it against you."
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by JamesVincent »

LightinDarkness sign the writs of mandumbass. sign the writs of mandumbass.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yes, I thought your phrasing of mandamus was particularly appropriate given the type of people in the NLA, so I borrowed it :mrgreen:
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LightinDarkness wrote:I am listening to NLA's latest propaganda call. So, this week, on as the crazy turns (by the way, I'm looking for other soap opera puns for the NLA if you have any....
The Guiding Dark?
The Edge of Insanity?
Search For Legal Magic Words?
The Brighter Bulb?
From These Ravings?
Our Five Convicts?

(These are the ones which I remember my mother watching, in the 50s, in the years before I started school or was home sick.)
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:I am listening to NLA's latest propaganda call. So, this week, on as the crazy turns (by the way, I'm looking for other soap opera puns for the NLA if you have any....
The Guiding Dark?
The Edge of Insanity?
Search For Legal Magic Words?
The Brighter Bulb?
From These Ravings?
Our Five Convicts?

(These are the ones which I remember my mother watching, in the 50s, in the years before I started school or was home sick.)
Excellent additions! I will use them in future weekly reports!

By the way, I listened to the last 1/3 of the NLA call and I swear Darash spends more time shilling his sov'run merchandise than he does anything else. For example, he spent considerable time hawking his "Grand Jury County Administrator" and "Grand Jurist" BUSINESS CARDS (250 for $49.99!). There seem to be a fairly large number of people that actually think they are going to make a career out of the NLA by becoming self appointed "Administrators" and going around having inquisitions whenever they feel like it while drawing a government salary (since Darash has said these will be "very well paid" positions once the NLA gets in power, a time AKA never).

Oh, and apparently, Kickstarter rejected the NLA's attempt to make a funding page. Darash says its because "we were to much for them to handle." Given how low Kickstarter criteria is to post a page, its hilarious that the NLA couldn't get on there.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Ah, so the grift is starting to come out now. I wondered when and what he would start pushing, guess now we know.

So Kickstarter didn't want to get involved in a fraud operation, imagine that!!!! I'm sure John will find some other avenue to garner the grift.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Funkalicious »

I had no idea Kickstarter had criteria.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:I am listening to NLA's latest propaganda call. So, this week, on as the crazy turns (by the way, I'm looking for other soap opera puns for the NLA if you have any - I also like All My Children/All My Indictments and General Hospital/General Insanity)....
Search for Two Bozos? As the Stomach Turns? The Secret Worm? The Edge of Nut? Nays of Our Wives? The Dumb and the Senseless? And, of course, my personal favorite, Mope.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by AndyK »

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LPC »

LightinDarkness wrote:Given how low Kickstarter criteria is to post a page, its hilarious that the NLA couldn't get on there.
They have published rules, and a list of prohibited items, and (although not explicitly stated) I expect that they will refuse to showcase a project that is obviously crazy.

Funding for perpetual motion machines, searches for the Holy Grail or the Philosopher's Stone, and serving writs on federal judges by citizen grand juries would all fall into that category.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by grixit »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:I am listening to NLA's latest propaganda call. So, this week, on as the crazy turns (by the way, I'm looking for other soap opera puns for the NLA if you have any....
The Guiding Dark?
The Edge of Insanity?
Search For Legal Magic Words?
The Brighter Bulb?
From These Ravings?
Our Five Convicts?

(These are the ones which I remember my mother watching, in the 50s, in the years before I started school or was home sick.)
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LaVidaRoja »

One Life to Waste"

We have a winner!!
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

As always I love the creativity of quatloos posters :mrgreen: I will have to save these so I can remember to go back to them in the weeks to come as the thread gets longer!

By the way, Darash is up to something - tonight's Thursday call was supposed to be the weekly Darash Giving Bad Legal Advice/combined with Indicting More Random People in Florida. One of the NLA members got into a real grand jury in Florida and has been trying to go full sov'run on them, it isn't working, so now the NLA wants to indict...well, everyone, as normal. The DA involved, the judge, etc.

But the recorded call DID NOT include this! Instead it started up 1.5 hours later. Darash is getting wiser to the fact that law enforcement are listening in, although I'm sure the FBI is making their own real-time live recordings. When the call started Darash's side kick Gerrard stated a NLA member had a recording of the FBI calling them, so it looks like the FBI is investigating (as expected and as they should, these people are nuts).

Honorable mention goes to The Fogbow forum by the way (I just found out about this forum, they have a Grand Jury thread and are following the insanity too!) Someone mentioned on the call there was "some forum" that was "full of lawyers" that posts recaps of what they do every week. I was sad we were not mentioned.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

The NLA National Grand Jury Indictment (Under The One Seal To Rule Them All) is here: ... 20Bill.pdf

The complaint the NLA grand jury person sent to the presiding judge, making the normal crazy allegations - and providing his name - Terry G. Trussel: ... 0filed.pdf

I highly recommend reading the recounting of events. It looks like the NLA guy ended up by stroke of luck as being appointed a real grand jury foreman, and then proceeded to go nuts/full sov'run on the court, with hilarious/sad consequences (depending on how you look at it).

From what I can tell, the NLA Grand Jury Foreman received a "complaint" from another NLA member involving the usual allegations of state wide conspiracies and corruption. He then tried to make the real grand jury actually vote in favor of an indictment, but failed. Could this be right? If someone is appointed a grand jury foreman (how does this happen in Florida, I'm guessing people volunteer from the jury pool and no one else wanted it?) can they just start "investigating" every insane complaint, regardless of actual merit? I just looked up the State of Florida grand jury handbook the NLA gibberish quotes from, and it does say the grand jury may investigate complaints from private persons. So it looks like some crazy sov'run filed a complaint, found out a NLA member was foreman, and then he tried to get the grand jury to issue crazy indictments.

To be honest with you, I am kind of surprised this guy got this far. As soon as he started acting like this was his own personal NLA style grand jury you would think he'd be slapped down by the judge. If it isn't illegal to turn real grand jury proceedings into a circus, it should be.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

It is interesting how many NLA members seem to be facing some serious court charges - just this week we heard tales of woe (because you know the court is corrupt/not following the law/etc. in every one of their cases) from people facing the following charges:

- Aggravated assault
- Aggravated burglary
- Harassment/stalking so bad it led to 11 months in prison
- Elder abuse
- Dead beat dads who owe so much support they are at the "start paying or start going to jail" point
- Kidnapping
- Parents who were so bad they got their children taken away *permanently*

I mean, I do get it to some extent. People who don't get the outcomes they want in court/lose their case seek out groups like the NLA because they are angry/jaded/vengeful/etc. But I am shocked at how serious some of this stuff is, I thought most of the NLA members would be facing common things like traffic court/drug possession/minor family court/tax protestor type charges.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

LaVidaRoja wrote:One Life to Waste"

We have a winner!!
I'm too late then with "Little Brain off the Prairie"
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

LiD, actually not odd at all that the NLA would attract those types of members, just the way the sovcit nuttery tends to really attract the same variety, basically "the what do you mean I can't beat MY wife/kids, they're mine, what do you mean I can't build any old kind of fire trap I want to on my property, what do you mean I have to have a DL/registration/insurance on my car, what do you mean I have to pay child/spousal support, what do you mean I have to have a license to ...." crowd.They've lost every time they've gone to court, for good and obvious reason to everyone except them, and they're convinced it is all a plot against them. This particular scam was tailor made to attract them, and since they didn't learn the first time around they'll be right there righting their perceived wrongs with their presentments against the courts and institutions that wronged them, at least in their fantasies, until it all goes terribly terribly wrong and a bunch of them start going to jail on Federal and State charges. Basically, don't like the law the way it exists, make up a version of it you do that favors you.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

A good point, notorial, I guess I am just surprised at how bad some of these charges are. Your average sov'run mad at a traffic ticket - which makes up most similar groups like RuSA - this is not.

On another note, I found more information about the renegade legitimate grand jury foreman in Dixie County, Florida. There was a group of NLA crazies that established their own fake grand jury proceedings in the Dixie County court house last week, and I was wondering how all those people got in without the court noticing. RuSA's latest propaganda call had a witness from the fake Florida grand jury proceedings - and he revealed that it was the NLA guy who got picked for a real grand jury foreman position who somehow got them in.

This is the same grand jury foreman who was harassing the clerk about getting a "budget" and then got mad when he couldn't convince the grand jurors to investigate one of the crazy complaints filed by another NLA member, which resulted in an indictment by Darash and the NLA through the One Seal To Rule Them All.

I am wondering at what point this steps into criminal territory. At the very least hes wasting tremendous amounts of court resources and abusing his position by going full sov'run on real grand jurors. And then on top of it he lets in the fake NLA grand jury to the court house through some means that escaped the notice of the security. At what point can you remove legitimate grand jury forepersons...this one is crazy, we should be at that point.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect that if the Dixie County court house is like a lot of small country courthouses I've known, there probably isn't much going on there most of the time, least of all in the main court rooms, so it probably wasn't all that big a trick slipping in and playing their games. As to counterfeit of legal process, I don't know what the FL statutes are, or if there are any.

I suspect the judge will straighten it out when he finally has enough of their play acting. I have to say that I think the local DA is a lot more laid back than most of the ones I've known. The judge, according to a legal opinion I've seen, has the authority to remove an unruly or disruptive grand juror, and I expect that will happen shortly. As to criminal/contempt charges, one can only hope. The "foreman" down there is a real piece of work, and is one of the major NLA crazies.
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