National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

His disruptive behavior very probably got him kept in lockup. Maybe for contempt of court. Technically and officially, he failed to appear in court, which pretty much revokes bail anywhere. The fingerprinting and such should already have been done, although the one narrative we have is so completely unreliable that there may have been other complications.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

Here is an internet program that includes an audio tape of Trussell's "appearance" and arrest in the courthouse. The judge called for Terry Trussell to step forward. Without stepping forward an unidentified man (presumably Trussell) announces from the gallery "I am here to address that matter", the judge asks "Are you Terry Trussell?" -- which would appear to call for a one-syllable response from a very limited range of choices, but the man then launches into a non-responsive "I am a living breathing ...."
Terry Trussell not having stepped forward as instructed, his absence is noted and an arrest warrant is issued. ... -to-appear

Not a complicated matter.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

Terry Trussell is now a webpage on GoFundMe ....
... which I suppose means that he wants money for acting like an idiot.

His "cause" has been taken up by RuSA, which is asking people to show up at a county commissioners' meeting this week.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

That ought to go at least as well as them getting people to show up to their fake congress.

I suspect that any of them that do show up for the meeting will get a warm welcome from the sheriff's department.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

The names and contact info for those five county commissioners was posted on line at Patriots For America so they can be harassed right up until the meeting opens tonight. With friends like these ...
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect they are more than used to it by now, they live in rural FL to start with, and they have to know this was coming after Terry's exercise in the theatre of the absurd. There really isn't much they can do one way or another, so it is all largely moot, and just shows the complete and utter lack of knowledge on the part of the NLA crowd about how county gov't, or any gov't for that matter, works. Largely a function of either not finishing school, in Darash/Vidurek's place, or just having slept through it for those who stayed.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

The NLA submitted an elegantly printed writ of habeas corpus at the last minute: ... _cause.pdf

I would appreciate updates on Terry Trussell.
notorial dissent
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Wasn't that the nonsense they filed at NDFL DC, that got bounced for lack of authority to file? I know the crazies filed a bunch of paper at NDFL and that it sat there until someone actually looked at it and then it was unfiled or whatever the term is.

As to Trussell, he's still a guest of the county since he won't cooperate with the court. They have been trying to get him arraigned, and he won't cooperate, so he stays in jail until he does it seems. I don't know how much longer the judge's patience will last before they take it to the next step, but at this point he's just digging himself in deeper, and he's already plenty deep at 14 felony counts. Personally, I expect a psych eval will be the next order of business, adn that won't go well for him at all.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by wserra »

fortinbras wrote:The NLA submitted an elegantly printed writ of habeas corpus at the last minute:
Wacko wrote:Signed and so ORDERED by the People under SEAL October 17th 2014
Sooner or later, someone with the power to do something about it is going to decide that this stuff is no longer funny.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

Some updates about Terry Trussell, mostly from: ... e=activity

This is a first party update of the Dixie County, FL County Commissioners Meeting (cited below) that was attended by Wendell Beattie and Harry Riley among others.

Wendell and I drove from Crestview, FL to Cross City, FL on 10-16-2014 and joined 50-100 other supporters fighting for Terry Trussells release and vindication of a charge for doing his duty as jury foreman and later convening a “common law grand jury” that voted presentments against government officials.

The Dixie County Commission Chairman started the meeting a positive note. Since Terry’s issue was not on the official agenda, it ordinarily would have had to be presented during the “public discussion period” at the end of the commission official agenda. However, the Chairman noting the substantial attendance, elected to move Terry’s issue to the top of the meeting. He asked for those that wanted to speak, hands raised and the documentation of the travesty Terry experienced began and was shared with the Commissioners by Mr. Rodger Dowdell, Hagan Smith, as well as several other men and women who spoke in Terry’s defense, many who had witnessed Terry’s arraignment.

Rodger and Hagan laid out the law in a constitutional sense as well as the Florida constitutional application regarding common law and general miscarriage of justice in Terry’s case. It was compelling evidence that 1. Florida is a “common law” State; 2. The U.S. Constitution clearly supports common law; 3. the Florida Constitution clearly describes the authority of a county commission as key in common law grand jury application; and generally related the absolutely bizarre nature of Judge Hankinson’, State Attorney Siegmeister, and others behavior involving Terry’s arrest at the arraignment.

It was apparent to me that by the County Commission’s attention, that they were grasping the serious nature of what was happening to a citizen in the United States, Terry Trussell, who is being punished for uncovering illegal activity, and having the guts to stand for justice rather than contribute to more corruption. (You can read the sequence of events of Terry’s judicial encounter below)

There was one request from the floor for the Commission Chair to read US Constitution V Amendment. The Chair declined but another Commissioner volunteered to read to the audience. He read, “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment of indictment of a Grand Jury, ...” and of course there has never been a Grand Jury hear any issue regarding Terry Trussell. Bottom line, Judge Hankinson ordered Terry arrested and is holding him without bond, a V Amendment injustice.

I also spoke with Terry’s wife, Marie as well as their daughter. Both are doing well, fully committed to the path needed to exonerate Terry and prove to America that “we the people” are the power given through the US constitution and have rights from God that no judge nor any other human can take from us. Marie indicated Terry was well. The medical episode he had after initial incarceration and landed him in the hospital, resulted from him not having his medication for 2-3 days. The obvious discomfort of a cell, as well as absence from family is troubling but Terry’s attitude is “he is right, they are wrong” and that means a fight for justice.

Finally, at the end of the presentation by Terry’s supporters, the Chair of the commission asked Rodger Dowdell, “what is it that you want”? Rodger stated, “We are asking the Dixie County Commissioners to grant us a room in the Court House to conduct a “new common law Grand Jury” proceeding. The Chair initially responded, “we don’t have that authority, it belongs with the judicial”. To which Rodger Dowdell, cited Florida Constitutional authority that the County Commission has the authority to do exactly what is being asked, “provide a room in the Court House to conduct a common law Grand Jury proceeding”. At this point there was no further discussion as the Commission Chair was either convinced or had no further rebuttal.

The Chair of the commission stated there could be no vote on the request for Court Room space at the present meeting, as the issue related to Terry Trussell was not a formal agenda item. It was agreed that the item would be accepted as a formal agenda point for the next County Commission meeting which I believe is November 7, 2014. (I was not given any information related to Terry’s release from jail.)

The general sense of Wendell, myself, and others as to the reception by the Commissioners was positive, encouraging, and uplifting, particularly to Terry’s wife and daughter in spite of Terry’s continued absence from the family.

There is strength in prayer, and our number one resource on Terry’s and the families behalf. Please be praying, and if you can, be prepared to visit Cross City, FL on November 7, 2014 in support of Terry, his family, and show strength to the County Commission that America is standing with Terry and family.

Hankinson, Siegmeister, and others in the government establishment are wrong, Terry Trussell is right. Someone has to drain the judicial cesspool...Terry didn’t ask to be thrown in it, but he will fight like hell to drain it........

Use the “blow by blow” debacle description below to notify every media outlet, talk radio, editor, representative, FL Gov Scott, AG Bondi, legal firms, FB, email lists........far and wide........let’s sink injustice and establish justice in the Florida and US judiciary.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
Crestview, FL

Please distribute to other members of the Tea Party, and we invite you to please attend:
The Dixie County Board of County Commissioners Meeting
Tomorrow evening, October 16th at 6:00 PM
214 NE Highway 351
Cross City, FL 32628

On Oct 15, 2014, at 12:59 PM, Hagan Smith wrote:


Terry George Trussell is an outstanding member of the Dixie County Community with a record of positively contributing to the community in many ways. Additionally, he is an Army veteran, a courageous Patriot, a loving husband and father, as well as a retired business person. He loves his country and his community deeply. He is now being severely punished for doing the duty he was asked to do by his county government as the Foreman of the Dixie County Grand Jury.
1. In April of this year, Terry was asked to serve as a grand juror for Dixie County, was sworn in, and selected to be the Foreman of the Grand Jury.
2. Terry read the Florida rules for grand juries and the Florida Grand Jury Handbook. He understood his duties as Grand Jury Foreman.
3. As Foreman, Terry had a sworn duty to bring any criminal complaints he became aware of to the attention of the Grand Jury in Dixie County.
4. Terry learned about alleged criminal behavior of Dixie County Public Officers and State officials regarding the deployment of Common Core curriculum into the public schools, where after money was paid, the agreement was made to change the curriculum before the new curriculum was published. Terry brought before the Grand Jury this complaint of official wrongdoing (bribery) associated with the adoption of the Common Core curriculum.
5. In the process of bringing the complaint in front of the Grand
Jury, 3rd Circuit Court State Attorney Jeffrey Siegmeister breached multiple Florida statutes by interfering with the official work of the Foreman and manipulating the Jury, thereby causing the Jury to become tainted.
6. Terry documented the events and put the evidence in the form of a Bill of Information into the public record and also gave a letter to Judge Munkittrick, the presiding judge who empaneled the Grand Jury.
7. As Grand Jury Foreman, Terry now faced a difficult problem: he is duty bound to bring forward two criminal complaints, one on Common Core curriculum and the other on Jeffrey Siegmeister’s unlawful and illegal behavior. However, the sitting Grand Jury was already tainted by Siegmeister’s actions. Terry knew that Florida is a Common Law state, so he set up a meeting with We the People of Dixie County to ask if they wanted to reestablish their Constitutionally-guaranteed Common Law Grand Jury. The People voted yes to move forward.
8. The Common Law Grand Jury was renamed The People’s Grand Jury Under Common Law in Dixie County and convened to consider the two criminal complaints. They handed down two True Bills of Presentment, which meant that they believed enough evidence existed to require investigation into both issues. The two True Bills were entered into the public record.
9. Through interviews with members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), it became clear that Terry, because he did his duty as Grand Jury Foreman, was now under attack by the judicial system and FDLE in a systematic effort to engineer a cover-up of Siegmeister’s alleged crimes. In other words, simply because he did his duty and the Grand Jury voted two True Bills of Presentment, he was being charged with 10 felonies for “simulating a legal process,” the possible penalties if convicted of 70 years in jail. In fact, Terry did nothing but what was his sworn duty to do. The evidence clearly shows he DID NOT simulate a legal process.
10. On September 2nd, Terry was arrested and jailed based on a fatally flawed affidavit. Judge Hankinson’s then issued an order, and warrant for the arrest of TERRY GEORGE TRUSSELL. A Void Judgment True Bill was drafted and filing was attempted in both Dixie County Court Clerk Office as well as with the Court Clerk in Perry (seat of the Circuit Court where Judge Hankinson is assigned), both clerks refused to file these important legal papers in terry’s defense. Additionally, it was discovered that the Court Clerk in Dixie County, Dana Johnson, removed and altered, or had removed and altered, official paperwork that Terry had filed previously into the public record.
11. This past Thursday, October 9th, Terry was prepared and present for his 10:00 AM arraignment at the Dixie Court House when at about 9:30 AM, the Deputy Sheriff delivered a 3-page document to Terry and told him the Judge stated if Terry wanted to speak at his own arraignment, he would be required to sign the document. Terry knew if he signed this document, he would be giving up his Constitutionally-protected right to a trial by a jury of his peers. He, therefore, declined to sign it.
12. In the courtroom at 10:00 AM, Judge Hankinson asked “Is Terry George Trussell here, and if yes, please step forward.” Terry was sitting in the courtroom, and he stood up in a clear voice and said “I am here to speak on this matter.” The Judge responded with a question “Are you Terry George Trussell?” As Terry began to respond, the Judge began speaking over Terry and, once again, asked “Is Terry George Trussell here?” Once again, Terry responded affirmatively. The Judge ignored Terry’s response a second time. Finally, the Judge asked once again with which Terry responded “For the record, I am here to speak on that matter.” The Judge then said, “Let the record show that Terry George Trussell has not appeared,” and ordered his arrest on Failure to Appear while also suspending his bond. Terry then said in a very clear and loud voice, “I object! I am here.” The Sheriff Deputies walked over and took Terry by his arms out of the courtroom, handcuffed him, and took him to jail. There are 26 signed, sworn, and notarized affidavits from people who witnessed the events in Judge Hankinson’s courtroom that day. You may click on this link to hear an audio file of these court proceedings at Terry’s arraignment.
13. According to the Florida Grand Jury Handbook provided at, a Grand Jury Foreman has complete immunity for his actions except in the case he breached the rights of a witness. Because there were no witnesses, brought before the Jury, Terry George Trussell maintained his immunity.

The evidence in this case is clear: if you report a crime by a government official in Dixie County, you will be prosecuted as a criminal. Every action Terry took was based on the Constitution for the united States, the US Supreme Court decision in the case of US v Williams (1992) and as well as the Florida Grand Jury Instructions and the Florida Grand Jury handbook.

Terry is now suffering the loss of his Constitutionally-protected rights for doing his duty. The Dixie County judicial system is working hard to cover up the alleged criminal behavior of Jeffery A. Siegmeister, Judge Munkitrick as well as Dana Johnson. They are instead prosecuting Terry George Trussell on phony charges.

I believe the critical question is: Does the Constitution still apply in Dixie County?


Once you listen to the judges own words, it becomes clear he had no interest in dispensing justice during Terry’s arraignment. His mission was to punish a person who had the courage to report criminal behavior by a corrupt State Attorney. Please don’t forget that Florida Statutes say clearly that the Grand Jury Foreman has complete immunity for his actions with only one exception, breaching the rights of a witness. The reason the foreman has immunity is to protect him from the retribution by those in power.
Because of separation of powers, you as Dixie County commissioners can not address the corruption that has surfaced in the court directly, but you can begin the work of cleaning it up by simply recognizing the fully Constitutional People’s Grand Jury Under Common Law in Dixie County. It is The People’s Grand Jury Under Common Law in Dixie County that has handed down the two True Bills that Terry is now being punished for.
If you do so vote, the PGJ will investigate the alleged criminal activity that occurred during Terry’s arraignment and insure that Terry and ALL the People in Dixie County do receive Due Process of Law

Permalink Reply by Harry Riley 19 hours ago
Here is an update from Canetha, Terrys daughter about what Terry needs us to do. Pls, lets all pull together and get lots of mail going Terry's way everyday. And don't forget to include extra postage, paper, and envelopes so he cal do mailing on his own.
Also, pls reach out to your own email network and ask your friends and relatives to help on this project to support a true Patriot !!

Good Morning Rodger,
To reiterate, here is Terry's mailing address:
Dixie County Jail
Attn: Terry Trussell (0001-0914)
386 NE 255th St
Cross City, FL 32628

Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your correspondence. He can also receive the following:
1. Blank paper - about 12 sheets of the thin paper that comes on a legal pad equal 1oz, therefore it doesn't require additional postage.
2. Extra Stamps
3. Up to 5 photographs
4. Legal documents (be aware that everything mailed to an inmate is read by the jailers)
5. Copy of the Constitution and other such material
6. Terry has a small address book with him, so he would also like folks to send their email addresses with their correspondence. He would like to be able to keep up by email once he's been released.
I hope this helps!
This apparently is the offense for which Trussell was originally supposed to address in court:

Fla. Stat. § 817.38 (2014)
§ 817.38. Simulated process.

(1) Circulation prohibited. --
It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to send or deliver, or cause to be sent or delivered any letter, paper, document, notice of intent to bring suit, or other notice or demand, which simulates a summons, complaint, writ, or other court process, or any letter, paper, or document which simulates the seal of the state or the stationery of any state agency or fictitious state agency with intent to lead the recipient or sendee to believe that the same is genuine, for the purpose of obtaining any money or thing of value, or that a state agency is the sending party. The sending of such simulating document shall be prima facie evidence of such intent, and it shall be no defense to show that the document bears any statement to the contrary, nor shall it be a defense to show that the money or thing of value sought to be obtained was to apply as payment on a valid obligation.

(2) Evidence of delivery. --
In prosecutions for violation of this section, the prosecution may show that the simulating document was deposited in the post office for mailing or was delivered to any person with intent to be forwarded, and such showing shall be sufficient proof of the sending or delivery.

(3) Venue. --
Any person violating this section may be tried therefor in the county where such simulating document was so deposited, or the county where the same was received.

(4) Exception. --
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the printing, publication or distribution of blank forms of genuine summons and other court process.

(5) Penalties. --
Any person, firm or corporation violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in § 775.082 or § 775.083.

§§ 1-5, ch. 57-73; § 1, ch. 65-336; § 870, ch. 71-136.

Fla. Stat. § 817.39 (2014)

§ 817.39. Simulated forms of court or legal process, or official seal or stationery; publication, sale or circulation unlawful; penalty.

(1) Any person, firm, or corporation who shall print, for the purpose of sale or distribution and for use in the state, or who shall circulate, publish, or offer for sale any letter, paper, document, notice of intent to bring suit, or other notice or demand, which simulates a form of court or legal process, or any person who without authority of the state shall print, for the purpose of sale or distribution for use in the state, or who without authority of the state shall circulate, publish, use, or offer for sale any letters, papers, or documents which simulate the seal of the state, or the stationery of a state agency or fictitious state agency is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in § 775.082 or § 775.083.

(2) It shall be no defense that the paper or other instrument referred to in subsection (1) shall declare that it is not a court or legal process.

(3) Nothing in this section shall prevent the printing, publication, sale or distribution of genuine legal forms for the use of attorneys or clerks of courts.

§§ 1-3, ch. 57-265; § 2, ch. 65-336; § 871, ch. 71-136; § 240, ch. 77-104.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Riley is, at least in my opinion, suffering from early onset dementia, but that is close to what happened at the BOCC meeting, they got to make their presentations, and the commission tabled any further action, which is a polite form of FOD.

Rodger Dowdell and Hagen Smith are the brain trust, if you can call it that, behind this.

In any event, Trussell is still in jail, still charged with 14 felonies, and still attempting to obstruct the legal process by refusing to cooperate with the court.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Slim Cognito
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

Do we know if anyone has been successfully convicted of Fla. Stat. § 817.38 (2014)
§ 817.38 simulated process ? Since it's a fairly new law and already rewritten once, I was wondering if there was a way to research who, here in Florida, before Trussell, had been charged and what the outcome was.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

I cannot find a Florida case on these specific laws but have found a handful of cases in other states involving very similar laws. It takes a certain amount of stupidity (and a distinct lack of energy to flee the state) to be nailed for this offense.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

It is newly minted law in deference to its predecessor that was tossed on constitutional grounds, and this is its first outing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

Trussell apparently has filed a document by which his make-believe grand jury grants him habeas corpus so that he is to be released. ... tition.pdf

This is being touted as if, yes, he's already won, thanks to his very own pet grand jury. ... es-corpus/

This is not going to be solved by consulting Blackstone; we'll have better luck with Kraft-Ebbing.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Foggy »

Greetings, people of Earth.

Some of you may know me; I run Fogbow, where we've been following the birther movement since Jan. 2009. But the birthers became boring, so now we're following the sovcit movement, which makes us kinfolk with Quatloos! under the Eleventy Firstest Amendment to the Constitution. So I registered here today.

I haven't seen mention of it, but Trussell's arraignment will be continued on Thursday this week, Oct. 30. We have a member of Fogbow who will attend the hearing and give us a report, which I'll be glad to share here. Of course, the call has gone out to the sovcits to show up en masse in order to intimidate the judge.

Based on recent events, I expect Trussell to double down on his sovcit magickal words, which will presumably result in his continued incarceration. The judge has pretty much made it clear that he's not in the mood for fantasies and imaginary legalities.

More will be revealed, I reckon.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LPC »

Foggy wrote:Greetings, people of Earth.
Greetings, people of Fogbow.

Is it time for the ceremonial exchanges of souvenir refrigerator magnets?
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Burnaby49 »

LPC wrote:
Foggy wrote:Greetings, people of Earth.
Greetings, people of Fogbow.

Is it time for the ceremonial exchanges of souvenir refrigerator magnets?
Nobody offered me fridge magnets when I signed up.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Hey Foggy, welcome aboard!!!

Now we gots llamas and roosters, what'll be next????? Aardvaarks???
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Welcome to Quatloosia, Foggy.
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