In Jail By Consent?

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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by webhick »

JamesVincent wrote:We need to seriously get this thread back on track.

Hey Web, can you tell me why when I open Q on my 'Droid with Chrome it makes seemingly random posts a smaller font?
It's a known bug in Firefox/Chrome and they don't appear to be able to fix it. I use Dolphin on my phone and it renders fine, along with several other pages that Firefox/Chrome can't manage (like YouTube pages, WTF Adobe?). Eventually when I finish the mobile theme we won't have this problem anymore.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Duke2Earl »

My best regards to my friends here who favor Bourbon (Tennessee Whiskey) or Beer or Troll Ale or whatever. And my thanks for leaving more scotch for me. Personally, I have consented to moderate a glass of Bunnahabhain this evening.

Ain't consent grand?
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by JennyD »

Gnu: since the other thread got locked and this little Illuminati Peon Girl would like to still know why you are so concerned with whether my computer workstation is near my kitchen, which I have already explained for the sake of getting a continuous supply of coffee, it is..
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by ashlynne39 »

ngupowered wrote:Still it is my will.
See what I mean? That post would be the first to go.
How about this post: moderators, why us gnu the nut allowed to continually post utter ridiculousness that he tries to pass off as the law? We've seen some ignorant posts here by David and his ilk. Gnu is ignorant in his own special way. He started in lala land and has rapidly descended into delusion.

Gnu, you really have no idea what you're talking about and since in large part you're talking to a group of very experienced and skilled attorneys, it just highlights your ignorance even more.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Kestrel »

AndyK wrote:Webhick not smart :?:

It's time to get out of the line of fire - preferably into one of the nuclear-resistant bunkers.
Webhick is really a very nice lady. You just have to know to stay away from her volatile side.


Fortunately for the gnu tonight, I think the Troll Ale has her interest. I like staying on Webhick's good side so I found a mug and a keychain to go with her ale. I hope she likes them.


Last edited by Kestrel on Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by ashlynne39 »

webhick wrote:
ngupowered wrote:Remove that option from the poll.
I don't consent.
Also delete all the posts hitherto except of course the initial.

I don't consent.
I have updated my signature.
Yeah, to say that you don't consent to having your polls edited. You consented to your posts and polls being altered when you registered. Well, technically it says topics, but all posts and polls are within topics so, guess what? You consented.

But here's the thing. You only consented to having Quatloos (and by extension those entrusted to moderate the forum) edit your posts, not yourself. So since you don't consent to editing your posts, I've removed your ability to do so.

I take back my earlier comment and after reading this post am thrilled with the moderators actions :re gnu. I definitely consent to reading more posts like this.
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How does a man gain authority over a man?

Post by grixit »

I think that's what gay marriage is supposed to determine.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Gregg »

I can't stand it anymore, I just have to jump in and set a few facts and divinations right.

Bourbon and whiskey, BY LAW, must be cured in NEW charred white oak barrels...a branch of my family is well versed in the making of legal and more often not legal spirits, I come by this honest. When the barrels are done doing the lord's work they usually sell them to Scots distillers because GOOD Scotch is always made in "second generation" barrels. Same branch of the family, 4 or 5 generations further back. They're big on banjos and bluegrass and UK Basketball, its just who we are.

Only those who know me well can appreciate how much I enjoyed seeing Cincinnati getting beat by Harvard. And I have no particular fondness for Harvard, either, actually. They made fun of me when I was just a boy, and I've never forgiven them for it. Another long story. In fact, the whole story is several stories and involves delivering Pizza on a bicycle, see where I'm going with this, it's too involved for this post, but good on you, Crimson...

Ngu, before you proclaim yourself the Emperor of Cretin, I'd like to give you my own take on your relevance here. I am not a lawyer, most of what I know of the law I learned in one years worth of setting in on classes at a midwestern law school (Chase School of Law, Northern KY Univ) at the pleasure of the faculty there. As much again, I have learned from hanging around quite a few lawyers of some ilk who are personal friends of mine, ranging from a common ambulance chasing right wing radio talk show host (who is THE BOMB if you're in need of criminal defense, but he got famous and is hard to get in a courtroom these days), to a few local politicians, a former Governor of the Great State of Ohio, a Federal Judge and a total legal scumbag who is the guy you would expect to defend serial killing rapists if the check cleared. I know some lawyers, get it? And the finest collection of Legal Talent I can think of that has people in it I proudly call friends, is right here. They got game.

Anyhow, continuing with my long winded mildly on topic placing in you in perspective.... I consider my own legal knowledge base as about the size of a Kentucky Barn. Give or take, that's about 1600 square feet.

I would place, say, Wes's legal knowledge base as about the size of, lemme see, New England...that's Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. He's at the high end of the typical brain box here, legal wise...Dan is pretty good, too and the guys from Texas are not only smart, they're mean as spit, too, even the one with the killer gams wold scare me if she was angry. Just Saying.

Now, having said that, I'd say you're a barn, too. But not a Kentucky Barn. Not even a South Carolina Barn, which is much smaller since the entire population of South Carolina is more than likely retarded, insane, drunk or all of the above. But I'm thinking of a different barn, one I had never seen or heard of until I was about 15 years old. I was delivering Pizza, on a bicycle, in Cambridge Massachusetts in January of 1979 (a very bad winter, if you remember it). I'm really fixated on that bicycle, ain't I? Anyway, somewhere in the miserable winter of my discontent I took a class in which I was introduced to new measurement criteria and among them the one I was most amused by was the Barn. A Barn is a unit by which the Nuclear Cross Section is measured, it is approximately 10 to the minus 28 /M squared. That's a crazy little place. It's not far from how small a membrane would have to be to diffuse Uranium 235 (the good stuff cause it breaks down with more energetic neutrons than the natural Uranium 238) from common ore. I don't remember much about that class, to tell you the truth, but I do remember thinking that you couldn't keep a decent horse in one (I'm from Kentucky, its who I are). So you can rule that ENTIRE barn, but you haven't earned much else.

Rambling enough for you yet? Do I need to be moderated ya think? Well, too bad, I'm one of the moderators, and for now the crazy pirate is driving the boat, so you're just gonna have to lash your skinny ass to the mast and hope the sea lets you live. Cause now I'm gonna get to my point.

Okay, not quite yet, I've still got issues with the pizza delivery gig. See, I was poor in a universe of rich people. I was 15 years old in a universe of urbane upper classmen. I was a yokel from Appalachia in a universe of sophisticated people, brought up in privilege. I actually eventually fled the USA for a period because of them,if you must know, so I hope the pricks enjoyed every damn slice. 'Cause Cambridge on a bike in winter is a hard way to make a little pocket money and college student's tips just plain suck, even rich college students.

Okay, my point. You inquired somewhere about 'Rules", and I have something to say about that. I must first say that officially I speak for no one but myself. No one has appointed me to say it, no one has agreed to endorse it, and if anyone in any way agrees with me, living or dead, it's a happy coincidence. Still, I've been saying it for going on ten years and no one has kicked me out yet, and they still let me know the secret handshake. So, for better or worse, here we go again, Gregg, LE&VR (Learned, Enlightened and Very Relaxed, with apologies to Douglas Adams) is gonna lay down the rules for some precocious prick who didn't just ask for it, but got down on his hands and knees and called it down, in fact BEGGED for it. So sit down and take your medicine.

We don't have rules. We, the people who we are, simply RULE, as we see fit.
Rules are the last bastion of the intellectually lazy fool. Any idiot can take the best intentions and twist them to the dark side, just ask California about how they made rules to keep companies like Enron from ripping off customers, they had more rules than the IRS and Jeff Skilling took 'em for 9 billion dollars in less than a year. When you try to define things to those who pick nits, you cannot make enough rules, and rules beget rules and then you have rules to amend the rules, rules to make exceptions to the rule, the exceptions that prove the rules and Roberts Rules Of Order begets Bob's Rules on ordering Lunch (another tip of the hat to Douglas Adams there :mrgreen: )
The responsibility that WE have taken upon ourselves here, and all for free mind you, and at great personal exertion of thought and time, is to educate the honestly curious and hopefully prevent a few poor souls from the folly of believing that "I read it on the inter webs, so its gotta be true" because I have come to think that reading it on the internet more often bears a normal causal relationship with something being some combination of confusion, Authentic Sov'run gibberish of plain old bullshit.
In our finest hour, we are the sober and noble voice of reason in a sea of things so wrong they're often not even wrong. People like you, are the proverbial village idiot who WE tolerate only to contrast the power of stupid with the pureness of the way things really are. You're the comic relief and don't, as a friend of mine says, "smoke your own dope" by thinking that what you say, believe or think matters as anything more than the object of our ridicule. We're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you and you have not a whit of a chance of convincing anyone who matters here in OUR forum that you have more common sense than a retarded monkey on crack. We let you continue to post and proselytize only to demonstrate how incredibly stupid it is possible to be and still manage to breath in and breath out often enough not to assume room temperature. You and your ilk are the cautionary "There but for the Grace of the Divine, go I". That's why we, as a rule, don't censor you. That's why, it takes a very concerted effort for us to actually ban you. When we have banned people, the general rule has been to leave their stinking excrement steaming on the floor for all posterity to see. The very few we have banned have been for especially egregious behavior that has more often involved a certain moral turpitude than anyone approaching proving our collective wisdom flawed. Start talking about child molesting and we'll ban you, stay away from that kind of stuff and you're pretty much golden, we'll laugh all the way to the bank. And what rules we have, we discuss, agree, enforce and ignore at our own discretion and amongst ourselves in a place that the rabble cannot even see, because as I said before,

We don't have rules....we simply Rule.

Now, go play quietly in the corner, the grown ups are talking big people talk....
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Gregg »

And with that, I pronounce you forever and finally anethima, excumunicate and Quatshed... and thou name shall be spoke nevermore... :violin:
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by JamesVincent »

That's all fine and dandy Gregg but what about the tacos? I want to hear about the tacos!

On a side note, I think you underestimate Wes' legal knowledge.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Burnaby49 »

According to tomorrow's Wall Street Journal (I subscribe online) a truce has been called in the whisky war;
A debate over what can be called "Tennessee Whiskey" was put on ice Tuesday after divided lawmakers in Nashville, moved the matter to "summer study" instead of taking it to a vote.
Seems a tempest in a teapot to me. I agree with the comments of one of the Tennessee legislators;
Rep. Ryan Haynes said the state government committee he chairs weighed an amendment Tuesday that would have only required Tennessee Whiskey to be made in the state. But with many other proposals also circulating, it failed to reach agreement. However, he said that the issue isn't dead and that he believes lawmakers made a mistake last year in legislating how Tennessee Whiskey should be made. "It's wrong for the government to codify recipes. I don't think we should be in that business," he said.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Duke2Earl »

I knew I liked Gregg. Very well said!
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by LPC »

Gregg wrote:Bourbon and whiskey, BY LAW, must be cured in NEW charred white oak barrels...
That's consistent with what I've been told before about bourbon, but I'm not sure about whiskey, because I was also told that "Canadian whiskey" is cured in old barrels.

Around the same time, I was told that Jack Daniels violates some rule regarding what is "bourbon," and so can't call itself bourbon, and calls itself "Tennessee whiskey" instead. There's a company FAQ that suggests that a charcoal filtering process makes it "Tennessee whiskey" instead of bourbon.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by AndyK »

1 - Gregg's second prior post is hereby nominated to receive the All-Time Non-Hijack Hijack Award. (And is also nominated as a potential script for the Lake Woebegon monologue.)

2 - I suggest that Rep. Ryan Haynes and his colleagues be locked into a conference room and be forced to sample each of the products at issue until such time as they can reash a resholushion of the queshtion.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by LPC »

Wall Street Journal wrote:A debate over what can be called "Tennessee Whiskey" was put on ice Tuesday ....
Thereby alienating the legislators who prefer their whiskey "neat," and further polarizing the issue.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by AndyK »

LPC wrote:
Wall Street Journal wrote:A debate over what can be called "Tennessee Whiskey" was put on ice Tuesday ....
Thereby alienating the legislators who prefer their whiskey "neat," and further polarizing the issue.

Great catch. Now where's that rim-shot icon? (And don't get started on rim shots. They usually splash over when someone beats the drum.)
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by ngupowered »

Yawn, thx for the confession Gregg but you people still haven't got anything.
Good thing you're confessing the standards of the forum though: "more common sense than a retarded monkey on crack".

Kestrel, not a woman in that picture; it throws fire. Btw, why is there not a kitchen in that picture?
Wouldn't that be a good place to have a hickup over where to lay your penny?

Jenny, I'm not concerned about that.

So, I'm just gonna sit back, enjoy your circus and wait until you come up with the proof 8) Maybe Prof can help you out; he seems reasonable.

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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by The Observer »

ngupowered wrote:Btw, I require that all options be restored & and all posts hereto, except #1, be deleted, all done as soon as possible.
We don't consent.
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by rogfulton »

ngupowered wrote:Btw, I require that all options be restored & and all posts hereto, except #1, be deleted, all done as soon as possible.
We don't consent.

Who's gonna be the third?
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Re: In Jail By Consent?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

rogfulton wrote:
ngupowered wrote:Btw, I require that all options be restored & and all posts hereto, except #1, be deleted, all done as soon as possible.
We don't consent.

Who's gonna be the third?
Me. I don't consent, either.
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