CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

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CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by AndyK »

In today's newsletter, RuSA President Pretend announced his endorsement of the Constitutional Sherrifs and Peace Officers Association resolution of January 14, 2014 (text of resolution to follow)
President Pretend wrote:On behalf of the Republic for the United States of America and the American people, I absolutely support their Resolution and determined stance against tyranny. Their beliefs are not unlike our own declaration and echo the very foundation of the Republic. The county Sheriffs are the last line of defense against despotism.
IMO, despite facing Sovereignorami on a daily basis, the CSPOA seems to be instation its own version of ignore-the-government.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by AndyK »

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association wrote: Pursuant to the powers and duties bestowed upon us by our citizens, the undersigned do hereby resolve that any Federal officer, agent, or employee, regardless of supposed congressional authorization, is required to obey and observe limitations consisting of the enumerated powers as detailed within Article 1 Section 8 of the U S Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.

The people of these united States are, and have a right to be, free and independent, and these rights are derived from the “Law of Nature and Nature's God.” As such, they must be free from infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, unreasonable searches and seizures, capricious detainments and infringements on every other natural right whether enumerated or not. (9th amendment)

We further reaffirm that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” (10th amendment)

Furthermore, we maintain that no agency established by the U S Congress can develop its own policies or regulations which supersede the Bill of Rights or the Constitution, nor does the executive branch have the power to make law, overturn law or set aside law.

Therefore, in order to protect the American people, BE IT RESOLVED THAT,

The following abuses will not be allowed or tolerated:

1) Registration of personal firearms under any circumstances.

2) Confiscation of firearms without probable cause, due process, and constitutionally compliant warrants
issued by a local or state jurisdiction.

3) Audits or searches of a citizen's personal affairs or finances without probable cause, due process, and
constitutionally compliant warrants issued by a local or state jurisdiction.

4) Inspections of person or property without probable cause and constitutionally compliant warrants as
required by the 4th Amendment and issued by a local or state jurisdiction.

5) The detainment or search of citizens without probable cause and proper due process compliance, or the
informed consent of the citizen.

6) Arrests with continued incarcerations without charges and complete due process, including, but not limited
to public and speedy jury trials, in a court of state or local jurisdiction.

7) Domestic utilization of our nation's military or federal agencies operating under power granted under the
laws of war against American citizens.

8) Arrest of citizens or seizure of persons or property without first notifying and obtaining the express consent
of the local sheriff.


that the undersigned Sheriffs, Peace Officers, and other Public Servants, do hereby denounce any acts or agencies which promote the aforementioned practices. All actions by the Federal Government and its agents will conform strictly and implicitly with the principles expressed within the United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights.
There is no greater obligation or responsibility of any government officer than to protect the rights of the people. Thus, any conduct contrary to the United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights will be dealt with as criminal activity.
In short, the SCPOA has carefully studied the Constitution and has vowed to uphold it -- except for those nasty little bits about the supremacy of the Federal Government.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by notorial dissent »

Basically they are all for law and order as long as they agree with the law, how convenient.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Hmmm...An organization which ANYONE can join (for a fee) and which does not make ANY mention of members actual involvement in any law enforcement organization. After looking at their website, I think I might tend to vote against anyone running for a law enforcement position who touted their membership in this group.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by The Observer »

I cannot support any group that doesn't have the ringing endorsement of Constitutional Rangers and Bounty Hunters.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by AndyK »

I am looking forward to the day when a CSPOA member decides to obstruct an FBI, ATF, DEA or IRS agent or a US Marshal.

With any luck, the CSPOA jerk will have enough sense to keep his sidearm in the holster and NOT attempt to arrest anyone.

Feds tend to get extremely cranky when guns are waved around.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree with LaVidaRoja, I just can't see CSPOA as being anything but a red flag in a LEO. FWIW, we have several county sheriff members of same in our state and Knowing the individuals, it doesn't enhance my already poor opinion of them, or the quality of their offices where they are. They are fortunately in places where they can't do any major harm, but still....
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by Arthur Rubin »

LaVidaRoja wrote:Hmmm...An organization which ANYONE can join (for a fee) and which does not make ANY mention of members actual involvement in any law enforcement organization. After looking at their website, I think I might tend to vote against anyone running for a law enforcement position who touted their membership in this group.
Sheriff Joe?
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
LaVidaRoja wrote:Hmmm...An organization which ANYONE can join (for a fee) and which does not make ANY mention of members actual involvement in any law enforcement organization. After looking at their website, I think I might tend to vote against anyone running for a law enforcement position who touted their membership in this group.
Sheriff Joe?
I was thinking Mark Kessler - that guy who was a birther who lost his gun in a bar fight and then got sacked for playing with weapons privately that were owned by the county, IIRC.
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Re: CSPOA endorsed by RuSA

Post by morrand »

AndyK wrote:
President Pretend wrote:On behalf of the Republic for the United States of America and the American people, I absolutely support their Resolution and determined stance against tyranny. Their beliefs are not unlike our own declaration and echo the very foundation of the Republic. The county Sheriffs are the last line of defense against despotism.
IMO, despite facing Sovereignorami on a daily basis, the CSPOA seems to be instation its own version of ignore-the-government.
IMO, Prexy made a slight error. Notice the capital "U" in "United." (Or have they officially dropped that?)

IM further O, it's telling that the CSPOA gets this right:
The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association wrote:The people of these united States are, and have a right to be, free and independent, and these rights are derived from the “Law of Nature and Nature's God.”