Liberty League International scam

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Liberty League International scam

Post by HelpfulSam »

For you lawyers out there. Seems like I have offended my ex advisor. I ended up being scammed out of the $1500 and the $8000 levels. I know pretty dumb :oops: I posted names and the methodology by which it happened. All true BTW. I included founder pasts associated with your great write up on IGP. Lies about the Attorney General judgement against LLI. It wasn't enough that he scammed me. Now he wants to sue me for slander.

He has used a lawyer office letterhead each time and has switched lawyers twice. There have been 4 letters. Then he calls and tries to threaten---I usually thought that once in a lawyer's hands then keep it in the lawyers hands. First time one thing, second time another, so forth.

The threat he is using is some sort of garnishment of wages into the future. I suppose the trial would be to determine how much earning potential was lost. I really didn't have the $9500 to loose, I just charged it---I have no money now of course.

First, there are only 2 places on boards he is mentioned. If he goes thru with the lawsuit, I plan on doing a number of things including:

subpoena of LLI income statemements of his 1500 or so associates he claims to have. I know that according to the LLI income disclosure only 2-3% are actually making enough money to live on, the expenses of lead generation are too high to make any real money. A blog for pre-trial updates and requests for support moneywise, a press release, the products have no value in the real world--you cant resell them nor can you sell your position like in a real businees like a franchise, so on and so forth......... for at least a hundred more places of negative publicity instead of the 2 now.

Second....Has anyone heard of a garnishment award such as this in a slander lawsuit?

Third, I personally think its crazy for scammers to sue. I read a post here I believe about that. The only one I have seen is Tim Darnell and he just embarassed himself. What about compliance?

This is a great site. Thanks for your assistance
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Re: Liberty League International scam

Post by wserra »

HelpfulSam wrote:He has used a lawyer office letterhead each time and has switched lawyers twice.
There's a hint and a half about what is likely going on. Lawyers will frequently write letters threatening lawsuits which they actually have no intention of filing, for one reason or another. Defamation is difficult to prove, especially for an MLM scam which has already been the subject of a state (Arizona) AG investigation, and damages are even harder to prove and collect. So your friend is probably going to a lawyer, paying something minimal to write you a nastygram; when you don't respond in the intended manner, the lawyer refuses to bring suit, and your friend goes elsewhere. Rinse and repeat. If I intend to bring suit, I don't even bother to write first.

There have been 4 letters. Then he calls and tries to threaten-
When the lawyer won't do anything. Sounds right.
I usually thought that once in a lawyer's hands then keep it in the lawyers hands.
Only if the lawyer actually wants it.
The threat he is using is some sort of garnishment of wages into the future.
First he has to get a judgment, and he hasn't even brought suit yet.
Third, I personally think its crazy for scammers to sue.
Scammers tend to agree with that. Most would pull their own heads off rather than undergo a deposition and paper discovery which opens up their whole lives for inspection - basically what a defamation suit does.
I read a post here I believe about that. The only one I have seen is Tim Darnell and he just embarassed himself.
Pro se. Despite their yak about all the lawyers they have on retainer, he couldn't get a lawyer to touch it. YMMV.
This is a great site. Thanks for your assistance
Welcome. Sorry you were scammed, but former victims provide some of the most valuable posts here.
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- David Hume
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Liberty League International scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Liberty League has a website called LibertyLeagueLife where they discuss what it takes to make money in Liberty League.

Some guy admitted that he forged documents in order to get a loan for LL conference tickets! . That comment got deleted for some reason.

(If you read some of the comments, it's surprising the people that admit they haven't made any money yet - that's when Tony Rush jumps in to chastise them for having the wrong mentality).

But on his website - James Marotta's Page - he again admits ...
I got started in March, I saw the big picture right away but didn't see how i would get SUMMIT and LIBERTY, then it clicked the day before Super saturday.

i forged documents to prove my income and then told the bank i was using the money for a nose job

what ever it takes.!
Ah yes, must go to conference.

What ever needs to be done. You claim to have been a Liberty League associate from 3-12 months. Think maybe if you had sold anything by now you wouldn't be having to forge bank documents? :lol:

(BTW, James, you should have told the bank manager that you needed the money to buy a gym membership and some protein shakes. If I looked as bad physically as you do, I wouldn't be posting pictures of myself with my shirt off on the net.)
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Re: Liberty League International scam

Post by Thule »

HelpfulSam wrote:He has used a lawyer office letterhead each time and has switched lawyers twice. There have been 4 letters. Then he calls and tries to threaten---I usually thought that once in a lawyer's hands then keep it in the lawyers hands. First time one thing, second time another, so forth.
A common strategy when faced with this method is to call his bluff. Write a polite reply, explain that you at this point can't see that your writings qualify as slander, but you will of course be ready to defend your view, and elaborate as needed, if he should choose to file a suit.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Liberty League International scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Seems over in Australia they've declared LLI to be a pyramid scheme.

Liberty League a scam in Oz, Polaris Media Group next?

Catch that paragraph that states...

Fair Trading has legal advice confirming that the scheme (Liberty League) is a pyramid sales scheme within the meaning of the act.

Participants and promoters who are involved within the scheme not only risk losing their money, but are also at risk of being prosecuted or being of other action by Fair Trading.

So in response, LLI apparently is changing their name to Polaris Media Group.

As the author of the article asks, does that absolve them of any legal action whilst they traded under Liberty League International?