Earn $200 per Day Income Guaranteed (ikonnetjobs.com)

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Earn $200 per Day Income Guaranteed (ikonnetjobs.com)

Post by jametom »

More Than $200 per Day Income Guaranteed Join & Get Your Website Package For Free

Affiliate program is FREE to JOIN.Now we are appointing new affiliates. Join our program and receive $299 value Website Package for FREE.
Sign Up Bonus $80

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Re: Earn $200 per Day Income Guaranteed (ikonnetjobs.com)

Post by wserra »

Once again, it's a lot more fun to reply to a scammer's post than just delete it. Now we have "jametom" and "ikonnetjobs.com" to make fun of.
jametom wrote:More Than $200 per Day Income Guaranteed Join & Get Your Website Package For Free
"Guaranteed", huh? Really? The fine print:
There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials.... No guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any result from our website, ideas and techniques in our material.
The old "No-guarantee guarantee": "We guarantee that there are no guarantees that you will make anything at all".

And, of course, the whole thing is a perfectly transparent pyramid scheme - no product, only "bonuses" for signing up other suckers.
How does the Affiliates Prog.com work ?

When you join our affiliate program, you will be supplied with a FREE website, banners and textual links that you place within your site. When a user clicks on the links in your website, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. You will earn $1.5 to $3.0 commission when the visitor sign up to our website for free.
Couldn't be a lot clearer than that.

Oh, and if you have any problem with these thieves, you have to go to India to get your money back:
These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of India . In case of any dispute, only the courts of Chennai shall have jurisdiction.
There really isn't any point to spending more time on something this obvious.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Get $1.5 to $3 commission per lead.affiliate program

Post by jametom »

Earn up to $600 per day within 30 days

When you join the Affiliate Program, FREE today, you will also receive the Affiliate Website Package, 100% free of charge! ($399 value)

Vist Website:
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Re: Earn $200 per Day Income Guaranteed (ikonnetjobs.com)

Post by webhick »

Looks like our little friend decided to come back. He posted the above to the General Questions section, and I merged it into this thread.

Only this time, he's sweetened the pot to $600/day within 30 days!

Just how can they do it? Through the magic of getting you to sell absolutely nothing! They're selling an opportunity to you so you can sell the same opportunity to people who will sell the same opportunity to others who will sell the same opportunity to sell to others who will sell the same opportunity... and it goes on and on like that until you've run out of people to sell the opportunity to and have effectively saturated the market. Or the company decides they've scammed enough people and closes up shop.

But before that happens, you would have quit your job in the hopes that if you devote 40 hours a week to this program, you'll actually earn that $600/day. Then the commission checks turn out to be not as high as promised, and then they stop coming altogether.
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Re: Earn $200 per Day Income Guaranteed (ikonnetjobs.com)

Post by wserra »

webhick wrote:Only this time, he's sweetened the pot to $600/day within 30 days!
Not only that, but the amazing "Website Package" which they throw in free has increased in value from $299 to $399.

Of course, when you make up your own numbers, the only trick is remembering your own lies. In a couple of months, they'll probably tell you that you'll make $1000/day, and they'll give you free a "Website Package " worth $1,000,000.
and it goes on and on like that until you've run out of people to sell the opportunity to and have effectively saturated the market.
I hear that the "opportunity" market saturates fairly quickly.
Or the company decides they've scammed enough people and closes up shop.
Or they run out of marks, which seems likely to occur earlier.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume