Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

Moderator: wserra


Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by finnarm »

So my good friend gave me this natural supplement one day actually it took a while for me to say alright I'll try the friggen stuff. I was getting my exhaust installed on my truck at his shop in hawaii (Revolution Motorsports).

Long story short a few days into it, It was really amazing what began happening with increased energy, mental acuity and reduced inflammation to name a few, and I've been taking this product ever since for over a year now and havent felt better in a long time.
Below I typed some information on it. What I suggest is log on to the website order a month and you will see what this companies products can do for you and your family/friends.

This product has drastically improved my well being and improved the lives of
several of my family members and many of my friends within the last few months.
I highly recommend making some time to look into the company for your personal
benefit as well as your family & friends. Any persons you know
who just wants to feel better or whom has ailments, this will help them!

For more information log into there website:

The worlds' most powerful antioxidant is not in a fruit or a
berry…it's already in your body.

If you believe in medical and scientific research...then let's cut to
the chase. The most powerful antioxidant is called Glutathione. Type
into your web browser and in the search area,
type in Glutathione and any disease. Prove it to yourself.

Committed to your Health!

If you have any questions call me. There is alot of information on these three products available.

[Moderator deleted contact information. Forum rules do not permit commercials. Moderator also added "Max-GXL - glutathione" to subject line.]
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Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough!

Post by Burzmali »

On the health side they sell 3 products:

MaxGXL - A glutathione supplement,
N-Fuze - An energy drink that makes MaxGXL work better, and
MaxWLX - A weight loss pill consisting of fiber and an arthritis treatment supplement (what, was it on sale?).
All are marked up by around 400%.

On the compensation time:
Standard MLM setup:
You always get paid based on the weakest side of you downline, and
You have to take a $138 auto-ship to get your check.

All and all it is the same system all the other folks in town are running just with a new name.

Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough!

Post by finnarm »

The health sides a bit more complicated you may not understand its almost something you have to see first hand or really do alot of reading unless your a biochemist. I certainly wont waste my time arguing the facts between what I have felt/ seen and the clinical test results by third party labs ect.

The rest of that well yes it is a great product promoted through well for the time being on a network marketing format which these people have down pat. The company huge firm they really dont need more money or would they put there name on a useless product and risk loosing credibility.

Its what you do with it the product speaks for itself the business is a byproduct. Well thats it have a good night.

Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough!

Post by Nikki »

Amazing how much better his writing is when he's copying from the MLM blurb as opposed to when he has to think and write for himself.
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Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough!

Post by Burzmali »

finnarm wrote:The health sides a bit more complicated you may not understand its almost something you have to see first hand or really do alot of reading unless your a biochemist. I certainly wont waste my time arguing the facts between what I have felt/ seen and the clinical test results by third party labs ect.
I'm not a biochemist, but my wife is a handful of credits away from becoming one, so YMMV. When all is said and done, MaxWLX's "vicious polysaccharides" is still another name for fiber and "celytaded fatty acids" are a joint remedy. MaxGXL is just a cocktail of the precursors for glutathione with Vitamin C. And, N-fuze is sugar water (ribose = sugar) with a "patent-pending nanotechnological process" that apparently entails "grind real small and hydrogenated". Since the only MaxGXL lab report on the company's website is a statement that says it isn't a performance enhancing drug, there isn't a whole lot to go on.
finnarm wrote: The rest of that well yes it is a great product promoted through well for the time being on a network marketing format which these people have down pat. The company huge firm they really dont need more money or would they put there name on a useless product and risk loosing credibility.
They are selling dietary supplements with a substantial mark up using a MLM setup that looks remarkably Egyptian. What more do you need to know? Those there are strikes 1 2 and 3 in my book.
finnarm wrote: Its what you do with it the product speaks for itself the business is a byproduct. Well thats it have a good night.
Sure, by the way, what percent of your customers aren't part of your downline?
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Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (Glutathione)

Post by wserra »

There is nothing "revolutionary" about glutathione, and glutathione supplementation is hardly a "breakthrough". As the PubMed search the poster suggests shows, medicine has known about glutathione for a long time. It is indeed an important antioxidant, the more so since it is one of the few to actually enter the cells. However, a healthy diet provides what one needs, and there is no proof that a healthy person benefits from any more than such a diet provides. There is considerable proof that over-supplementation of other anti-oxidants (Vitamin E, for example) is actually harmful.

Oral supplementation even in large doses is well known to be ineffective, since digestion breaks glutathione down chemically. While I suppose that it theoretically possible for a supplement to do what MaxGXL claims - "provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione" - they provide no proof either that its use results in higher glutathione levels or that such higher levels provide any health benefits. Like Burzmali, I do appreciate their "Read Independent Lab Results on MaxGXL" link - the only "independent lab result" it links to shows that using the stuff won't get you banned from the Olympics. Well, MaxGXL, congratulations. Water won't either.

Of course, as always, if you want this stuff you can get it a whole lot cheaper than by MLM, certainly including "MaxGXL". Unless you agree to "autoship" - no, thanks, I don't need a garage full - MaxGSL costs $85 for a 30-day supply. Yes, you read correctly, that's over $1000 per year. Vitamin Shoppe sells the same stuff for $26 for a 30-day supply, less than one-third of MaxGXL's price. GNC sells the same stuff for even less - $20 for a 30-day supply, or $16 with a "Gold Card".

Gotta pay that upline.
finnarm wrote:I certainly wont waste my time arguing the facts between what I have felt/ seen
I certainly wouldn't want to waste time arguing facts. Why, over the last two years, I've smoked two packs of Camels a day, and I feel better than I ever have in my life. Well, yeah, I sell them too. What's your point?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by finnarm »

Come on GNC are you joking they sell the cheapest vitamins around test show about 20% get absorbed your stomach cant even break those pills they sell down it ends coming out looking like it went in. Why dosent anybody check the double blind placebo study which was conducted posted on the main site? Little Research ... whoever that was whom had a garage full of anything got involved with a terrible product so say the least the idea is to take the product that works and order only as needed hence a one month box once a month.

In case there was a question since those handful of credits are still pending.
Placebo controlled trials are those trials where some participants take a placebo as a control and the others take the drug being investigated. Here the placebo is an inactive substance designed to resemble the drug being tested. It is used as a control to rule out any psychological effects which may show during testing. Most well-designed studies include a control group which is unknowingly taking a placebo.

For this product more than 2/3 of most peoples downlines, which I have seen such as mine are preferred customers which = Its working for them and they can get off alot of really bad meds which do and will kill you which are prescribed by M.D.s who get paid to push from pharmy giants like pfizer just to name one.

If you take this product and get a blood test before and after a month it has clinically proven results posted on the site "wserra" which are increased glutathione levels which will help everyone especially people with immune deffecincy disorders or ailments such as Diabetes, Gout, ect.
It has been around for a long time only no one figured out how to get it into your body at a cellular level until recently. Unless your spending 300-500 dollars a shot for the injection which may or may not work for many people.


Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by Nikki »

finnarm wrote:...
{irrelevant and incomprehensible jabber eliminated}
If you take this product and get a blood test before and after a month it has clinically proven results posted on the site "wserra" which are increased glutathione levels which will help everyone especially people with immune deffecincy disorders or ailments such as Diabetes, Gout, ect.
It has been around for a long time only no one figured out how to get it into your body at a cellular level until recently. Unless your spending 300-500 dollars a shot for the injection which may or may not work for many people.

Oops :!: Looks like Mr. Shill just crossed the line into FDA jurisdiction.
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Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by wserra »

finnarm wrote:Come on GNC are you joking they sell the cheapest vitamins around test show about 20% get absorbed your stomach cant even break those pills they sell down it ends coming out looking like it went in.
Proof? While you're at it, cite proof that absorption of your stuff is any better than GNC's or Vitamin Shoppe's.
Why dosent anybody check the double blind placebo study which was conducted posted on the main site?
What "double-blind placebo study"? The only study I saw on the site is the one showing that you can use the stuff and still compete in the Olympics. Maybe I missed it. You don't mean those graphs printed on the page with no source cited, do you? If you do, perhaps you could actually link to the study. And I have a question: how come the base (pre-YourStuff) glutathione level of Group 1 is over three times that of Group 2? Doesn't seem like a random sampling, does it? Or does each "group" consist of one person?
Little Research
Very little.
will help everyone especially people with immune deffecincy disorders or ailments such as Diabetes, Gout, ect.
Naughty, naughty. You either don't read the fine print on your own site - "This product is not intended for use in the treatment of any disease" - or you don't mean it.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by finnarm »

you must have a lot of free time to research things to argue must be a democrate.
look up the studies from UCCON University and whalla you found them.
It assists in the recovery of cells thats it never said it cured anything maybe another camel and cup of coffee are needed oh and some ginko from the vitamin shoppe.
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

finnarm wrote:you must have a lot of free time to research things to argue must be a democrate.
look up the studies from UCCON University and whalla you found them.
It assists in the recovery of cells thats it never said it cured anything maybe another camel and cup of coffee are needed oh and some ginko from the vitamin shoppe.
Ah, the typical poseur/shill/troll response, "look it up yourself". Since you're so sure of the efficacy of your product, perhaps you can post a link to the study. It's simple, in fact, it is even more simple than losing money by being suckered into an MLM scheme! Simply use the "URL" button at the top of the Post A Reply dialogue box and cut 'n paste the web address.

Re: Revolutionary Health Breakthrough (MaxGXL - Glutathione)

Post by Nikki »

Never buy anything from anyone who lacks the minimum qualifications to enter an ESL class.