Great news, is coming to America

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Great news, is coming to America

Post by Thule »

Of course, despite the promises of unlimited wealth, a confusing compensation-plan, use of 'sponsors', memberships aviable in gold, silver or kryptonite, this is not at scam. No siree!

Using a proven idea, in this case eBay, but repackaging it to include an MLM-structure, that is a flashing red light in my book.

Actually, Dubli has been in the US for a while. When the original Danish company went bankrupt, Dubli was registered as a nonprofit organization in Delaware. But it looks like someone is trying to launch the MLM-part as well.

Some promoters have mentioned it in their blogs, such as ... -ebay.html
In 2006, they started in Germany and became larger than Ebay in Germany.
Of course, Statbrain tells us that logs around 6 million visitors a day, compared to 17000 for Alexa tells the same story, Dubli is way behind, and has been so for a long time. Not to mention But I am sure Dubli will straighten out blogger "Linda", of course the nice guys at Dubli never would have said something like this. Bad promotor!

Still, Dubli has provided quite a few laughs the last months. During the summer of 2007, Dubli tried to make a splash by announcing that they were going on the London Stock Exchange by Q1 2008, and everybody should get onboard. Of course, nothing happened. In fact Dubli never showed up on the list of applicants to go public, meaning they never applied for a listing in the first place. That, or their application was so lousy that it was thrown away in disgust.

Which of course lead to many cute explanations:
- The timing wasn't right
- LSE failed to meet our high standards (which is MLMish for 'They wanted us to disclose our records')
- There were disagrements regarding LSEs payment to Dubli (I know, it doesen't work that way)

Yes, my friends, interesting times ahead. And why not make it more interesting? I bet 5 Quatloos that by the end of 2009, some promotor will claim that "Dubli is going on the NYSE".
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.

Re: Great news, is coming to America

Post by MediaKate »

I'm new to the online shopping world, after finally being convinced by my avid ebaying fiance!

After doing a little research, I found DubLi and it seems very interesting but obviously being so cautious I wanted to learn more!

The other day I found, which looks pretty similar to DubLi but it only charges 50 cents per bid and actually reduces the product's price by 50 cents as well. Does anyone else know anything more about BIDZONE?? I'd like to find out more information.
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Re: Great news, is coming to America

Post by wserra »

stevemcdonald19 wrote:Hey,
I'm interested in Dulbi. Wanna know more about Dulbi. ... q=&aqi=g10

All you ever wanted to know.
Could you please make another post about Dulbi?


There you go. And, if you keep spamming the forum, we will taunt you a second time.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Great news, is coming to America

Post by jackslatess »


Why this Dubli is getting so much famous, I am tired of there invitations on facebook. Too much spam, keep inviting for some stuff and always self promoting.