Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

Google ads says:
Jerry Weinzierl Scam?
smears, wrongful character defamed
we are collecting information!
we are gathering information for a defamation suit involving Pastor Jerry Weinzierl please email us at
Former MMC-IV rep of Advantage Conferences, Jerry Weinzierl of Grace Christian Chruch in Michingan, has paid ads on google soliciting a lawsuit against me. Men of God chasing anti-MLM consumer advocates!!! Pastor Jerry Weinzierl needs to pass that collection plate. He is a prosperity preacher that wants to attack a consumer advocate that has spent thousands helping scam victims. These lawsuits can easily run tens or even hundreds of thousands in attorney fees. If he has that kind of money to burn why is he not ministering to Advantage Conferences victims and others in need?????

Here are some threads about Advantage Conferences:

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by webhick »

I think he may be violating Google Adwords Policy. He's basically promoting a blog, his Twitter feed, and some YouTube content using an ad that indicates that he's collecting information on a lawsuit. He doesn't even say who the lawsuit is against. I wonder if he's trying to trick one of his enemies into forking over personal information.
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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

Jerry Weinzierl is threatening me. His brother, Jack Weinzierl, is a former Advantage Conferences rep that I have been blogging about for 3 and 1/2 years. Jack Weinzierl was involved in the lawsuit Advantage Conferences / Tim Darnell filed against the Dallas Better Business Bureau and lost in Summary Judgment. Tim Darnell also filed a losing lawsuit against me that Jack Weinzierl was behind.
Heather, you leave us no option‏
From: Jack Weinzierl (
Sent: Mon 10/29/07 7:08 PM
To: 'Heather' (

Heather, you leave us no option. I trust that you are prepared to face the consequences for your continued actionable statements and actions.

In Service,

I won that suit in Summary Judgment as Jack, Tim Darnell and their clown of a (former) attorney Jason Charles Ciarochi, were never able to produce a single false statement made by me.

Tim Darnell, Jack Weinzierl, Jim McHugh and Advantage Conferences are being sued in Dallas by an elderly former rep of Advantage Conferences seeking a refund and damages. They are being sued for fraud, conspiracy and violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

I have continued to blog about these scammers furiously. They apparently think this will get me to take down my posts and derail that rep's legitimate suit. They obviously underestimate my tenacity and persistance! ... y-Judgment ... nt-Dobrott ... ess-Bureau ... d-Stalking

The goon patrol is going all out this time!

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by wserra »

What's the story with these guys, SBM? I certainly know who Jack Weinzierl is, and I assume that these guys are related. Were they part of the Advantage Conferences scam too?

I also seem to remember an abusive lawsuit in Michigan - a copy of Darnell's Dallas suit against the BBB - and I see that these guys are in Michigan. Were they behind the suit there?
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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

I started a thread about them on Scam. Jack's brother, Jerry Weinzierl, was a rep according to Jack's deposition, many published statements and the Advantage Conferences webpage he shared with his son, Aaron Weinzierl. They got a $7,000.00 refund from Jack, to which I took great offense. The Church, Grace Christian Church, where Jerry Weinzierl is the Senior Pastor, is ten miles from the courthouse and weasel Jack was in Michigan at the time the suit was filed. They won't answer my obvious question of whether they had any involvement.

We know that David Myers, the attorney for the BBB of Dallas, spoke to that attorney and as it was identical to the suit in Dallas that attorney didn't pursue it any further. That attorney said someone came into his office, but he declined to name that individual. So, I have asked numerous times who was behind that frivolous harassment suit and none of the Weinzierls are talking. As you will see in the thread, Pastor Jerry Weinzierl as gccpj and Aaron Weinzierl plus a few other family members have been posting.

They support Jack all the way. Jack is asking me to sign a settlement offer in the case the rep filed against him for fraud and conspiracy when I am not a party to that suit. He says he is looking forward to going to court and collecting damages for the "attacks." Jack is insisting I remove all my posts about him and his family members in Advantage Conferences and saying his family will fund him fighting that suit with the elderly rep he defrauded.

As you can see it is getting ugly and I have no intention of backing down. These so called pastors are unlike any I have ever seen!

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

Jerry Weinzierl (gccpj) said on
If you follow this dishonest thread regarding me (Jerry Weinzierl) by "soapbox" you will see that I have addressed every issue ever brought into question by this pathetic woman. She and others hide behind fictional names and make wild statements that sometimes well meaning but ignorant people will simply swallow as fact. It doesn't have to be true, it just needs to be said! As to a are the facts. Because the things that are being said about me bring into question my integrity, honesty, character and reputation just through a brief association with Advantage Conf., and because I have a very public life in the role of pastor (25 years) operating a Christian School (20 years), helping THOUSANDS of people financially (paying bills, fixing cars, buying food and clothing) & spiritually, many things that have been said about me fit the legal description of "defamation" and therefore need to stop. We were advised by the organization that hosts this site that the only way they would remove these things is with a court order. We will proceed aggressively to obtain this! Don't be fooled by any commentary from "soapbox" regarding her quest for truth. Her search for truth ended LONG AGO. She wants revenge and will attack anyone that might feed that pathetic desire. And by the way, the cost to proceed toward a court order is minimal. Her outlandish #'s she and others have attached to this effort is just another way to stoke the fires of outrage. If she REALLY cared about helping people, she would not continue her efforts in attacking my family who has dedicated their life to just that. The difference between "ms. soapbox" and us is we are actually helping people by the thousands.
Jerry advertised with paid Google ads:
we are gathering information for a defamation suit involving Pastor Jerry Weinzierl please email us at.....
Perhaps, someone here could explain the potential costs of such folly.

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

Please allow me to introduce Jerry Weinzierl's attack dog Snorg, What thinly disguised hostility is directed at Jack. Ouch!!! Could this be Joy Weinzierl, Jerry's wife???
Originally Posted by Snorg
Why are you so afraid of a law suit if you are so sure that you are right about all the claims you make here?
Originally Posted by Snorg
Aaron lives within 5 miles of the church.
Originally Posted by Snorg
You guys really have no clue, do you? I live in Sterling Heights and my IP address shows as coming out of Troy.
Originally Posted by Snorg
....You DO realize that Aaron works at Grace Christian Church which has about 20 or so employees and 20 or so computers, most of whom know about this site and the lies that are spread here. Any of them could have posted under the Butler account. Not to mention the open WiFi they have throughout the entire building and in the cafe that would allow ANY person with a laptop to post from that same address. Butler obviously goes to Grace Christian Church so this is entirely plausible.
Originally Posted by Snorg
First, I've always been weary of AC and yes, in hingsight, its obvious it was only there to benefit those at the top of the pyramid. I'm not here to defend AC whatsoever, and never have.I didn't speak for Jerry. One would think that when Jack approached Aaron to join AC, he would have approached Aaron's father, Jack's brother around the same time. I could be wrong, but only Jerry could clear that assumption up. And since we have no documented proof dating when Jerry joined, we'll just have to wait for him to clarify if he ever returns here.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Again, you'll have to tell me what this has to do with Jerry Weinzierl.
You think Jerry and Aaron should be responsible for helping those whom they were never even in contact with because they were involced in AC as reps who as far as I know never signed up one person under them. I'm not quite sure how you draw the conclusion as to how Jerry and Aaron are responsible for making ammends for Jacks misleadings. Unless they scammed someone directly, I dont see how they should feel like they need to hand out money which they likely do not have to others who have been scammed by someone else.
Originally Posted by Snorg
As Jerry has suggested, I'm sure he would WELCOME the investigation with open arms. He said he's pastored for like 25 years and never had a single accusation of fraud or mismanagement made against him. But I'm sure those couple of crazy people on the internet who have never met him will be the ones to crack open this conspiracy case! LOL!

And thats fine if you want to believe I'm Aaron. Like I said, I'm not. And its obviously not the only thing you are wrong about here.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Oh man, this is great. The weasels here think I am Aaron now! For the record, no, I am not Aaron, or anyone else involved in AC. I'm just an outsider who sees the lies and accusations without any proof being thrown around. This is kind of like going after Bernie Madoff's kids for something Bernie did. Keep it up guys, no matter how much you try to make someone else out to be the bad guy, it was your own stupidity that got you into this mess and now its obvious that you believe this is making you feel better by attempting to make others look just like the bad guy here.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Talk about grasping at straws. You are attacking Jerry for receiving a refund of $7,000 (if this is actually true that he did even receive it)????? What exactly is unbecoming of a person to accept a refund? Isnt that the VERY thing you and SBM are complaining about here in this thread, that some people did not receive a refund? Maybe it has to do with the fact that if Jerry had to respond to every NUT like yourself, he wouldnt have any free time left. He already explained in his other post that he has more checks and balances in his church then one can think of and has NEVER had ANY accusations made against him like those which you have here.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Well, Advantage does not seem like a good company to me, seeing as they were taking people for their money, $10,000 at a time.
In general, I would never go with an opportunity in MLM that required me to front money before seeing any results.

Also, I am always weary of any business that is called a "Christian" business. Many times, they are using your faith to gain your trust, which is just plain wrong.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Who is Tim and why would I defend him? I'm talking about this thread being a total hit-piece this Jack fellow. You see, some of us actually come here to find out if a program is a scam or not. This thread does nothing but perpetuate hate as you and sbm have shown. I'm not here to protect anyone, but your obviously here to tear down those who are done wrong to others in the past.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Thanks for proving you have no clue what the hell you are talking about. Do us all a favor and stick to the mindless Jack-bashing, you and SBM seem to be pretty good at it. But thats the beauty of the internet for losers like you and SMB. You hide behind your computers and wouldnt dare say any of the things you say online to someone IN REAL LIFE.

Actually, it seems you and SMB are the ones here who were stupid enough to fall for it, and now, instead of dealing with your mistakes and moving on, you've decided to harp on your past mistakes by posting the personal information of someone who gave you the rope to help you hang yourselves.

To sum it up, this thread in particular serves no purpose other than to further humiliate Jack Weinzierl. And I find it highly ironic that some here would suggest that SBM take up what others have said about her here with her local authorities when she and those who suggested such things are the ones perpetuating the exact same thing against Mr. Weinzier.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Well, again I think its completely pathetic what you and others are doing here. Sure, I'll agree I would NEVER give $10,000 to join an MLM, that just stupid, and some here were stupid enough to fall for it. And yes, shame on Jack for getting into that mess in the first place. However, now Advantage Conferences is out of business, and Jack has moved on to other ventures apparently. In fact, I did some reasearch and the only business I can seem him currently promoting is, which is actually a completely legitimate business, and not a scam.
Originally Posted by Snorg
Wait, so because she has "proof" that Jack was filing for bankruptcy at one time, that makes it legitimate for her to not only post all of the bankruptcy documents on-line in a way to humiliate him, but even take it one step farther by actually attending his bankruptcy hearing and returning here to post more insults and further humiliate the man?
Originally Posted by Snorg
Does anyone else find it HIGHLY IRONIC that Soapboxmom is allowed to start countless threads and post all types of personal information and insults, bordering on stalking and be allowed to do so for years here; yet, when a few people come onto these forums to give her the same treatment she has given Jack those users are Banned?

I see is only interested in smearing CERTAIN people. ... ry-10-2006

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »
gccpj wrote:
06/18/2009 10:42:12 a.m. EDTSoapbox has decided to make very personal her outrage against a business that didn't work out for her and others. (By the way, it didn't work out for me either, I just don't blame others for my decisions! My brother refunded his commission to my son, his nephew, and that's the real source of her pathetic accusations.) I have answered in detail accusations and innuendo that called my integrity into question. I have posted explanations that should help a reasonable person to know how things are handled within our church. She/They have insinuated through association that I am dishonest & untrustworthy SIMPLY because we became part of a business idea, received money back from my BROTHER, and no one else did. This woman and her minions will say anything they can to bring doubt about my motives and actions. ANYONE in this region that knows me, knows better. I will rely on I Peter 2:15 "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men." gccpj
Recommend(1) New post Reply to this Post Report Abuse
gccpj wrote:
Replying to Soapboxmom:
Sadly, Jerry Weinzierl's attention is not on helping his flock in Michigan. He is soliciting a lawsuit against me. I am Soapboxmom and have deovted my life to advocating for vicitms of scams. Jerry was a rep for Advantage Conferences, an adjudicated pyramid scheme that sued the Dallas Better Business Bureau and lost. The owner of Advantage Conferences, Tim Darnell sued me and lost in Summary Judgment. Jerry Weinzierl's brother, Jack Weinzierl, was heavily involved in that scam. Now, Jerry wants to sue me for sharing the truth about that scam in an effort to protect the public from the Advantage Conferences scam that had 98% of its Christian participants lose money. Many lost around $20,000.00 in that scam. Please go to and get the facts!
The real "sad thing" is that this woman has decided to take her frustration out on me. My legal action will be for a court order to remove this "advocates" defamation of my integrity. PLEASE READ MY POST IN RESPONSE!
06/18/2009 10:28:24 a.m. EDT
Jerry and I are duking it out across the net.

Last edited by soapboxmom on Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by wserra »

I just want to make sure I have the scenario straight.

(1) Poster's brother is one of the people who starts an obvious scam of a "business".

(2) Poster buys in. Whether poster makes any money by selling the "business" to others is unclear. It would be interesting to know, but a denial would likely be impossible to verify. Are there others who say they bought in through the poster?

(3) In any event, at some point poster, thanks to his brother, receives his stake back.

(4) Lots of others - in fact, virtually everyone - lose whatever they put in. Brother lives high on the hog.

(5) Poster whines and moans at the publicizing of the scenario.

Do I have it about right?
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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

The Advantage Conferences webpage of the scamming Weinzierls:
Welcome to Advantage Conferences!

Do you realize that God never intended for his creation to be financially burdened – never having enough. Take a good look at creation and you will notice that He really is a God of MORE THAN ENOUGH! A wise teacher once said, “There are more bananas in the jungle that fall off the tree and rot than the gorillas could ever eat.” We were created to live a life of abundance.

Our goal is to build a team of individuals that are motivated toward success and prosperity. We are committed to building our team with honesty and integrity. It is our desire to show how you can live a life of abundance and prosperity.

CLICK HERE for our Income Opportunity (or keep reading)


Advantage Conferences is a great company with two opportunities. The first is the Millionaire Mindset Conference which will change the way you think about finances and teach you the responsibilities that come with great wealth. The second is an opportunity to build a business that will create wealth for you and your family. Advantage Conferences will change your life.

Let me tell you a little about us. We are Jerry and Aaron Weinzierl, a father and son team who along with our wives are building a business in a company that understands Godly principles. My dad has been the senior pastor of a thriving congregation he founded over twenty years ago in Warren, Michigan. He and my mother are in their 30th year of marriage, have three children, like to ride their motorcycle and enjoy warm weather. My wife and I work along side them in the ministry as children’s pastors. We have been happily married for six years and are the proud parents of two children under the age of five.

If you are interested in changing your way of thinking and revolutionizing your financial situation – possessing MORE THAN ENOUGH – then take the next step. Fill out the Interest Form. You will discover how ordinary people transform their personal and financial goals into reality. Put your skepticism aside, believe in yourself. We are here to help you build your business and succeed.

To your Success!

Jerry and Aaron Weinzierl

Contact your Pro Rep at:
or complete the online Interest Form

Upcoming Strategist Meetings

December 1 – Barbados
President, Tim Darnell speaking

December 2 – Trinidad
President, Tim Darnell speaking


Upcoming Millionaire Mindset Conferences

Advantage Conferences' next Millionaire Mindset Conference will be held March 17 & 18, 2006 in Orlando, Florida. Another MMC is scheduled for stunning Maui, Hawaii in June, 2006 - exact conference dates and location to be announced!!!
Those folks think I will remove my posts across the net, sign Jerry's brother Jack's bogus settlement offer, discontinue posting and that Jack will be collecting damages from me when I am not a party to the current lawsuit he is facing for fraud and conspiracy. Those pastors need to exit Timmy's Magical Kingdom! I am extremely vexed that they got at least one $7,000.00 check plus that $7,000.00 refund / gift from Jack. I firmly believe all the reps, especially that 98% that lost their money, should have gotten exactly the same offer! God is watching and he certainly did not intend for His flock to be fleeced and left in desperate financial peril! Many reps were out thousands of dollars they could not afford to lose thanks to these scammers' deceptions.

That load of bull certainly has incurred the wrath of Soapboxmom! Wserra is spot on. Jerry just isn't bright enough to see the writing on the wall. Remember, I dinged Timmy Darnell's ling!

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

Pastor Jerry Weinzierl – Sterling Heights, MI
Our Story: We moved into our new facility June 3, 2007. Since then we have grown by 2 1/2 times and our income has doubled. Yahoo! That's the good news! The "less than good news" is that we need it to triple! I have found that the adage "it's all relative" is quite true in situations like ours.

We are pastoring in the state with the highest unemployment in the nation. We stand at 14.6% right now. In response to the situation at hand, these are some of the things we have done.

1. Pray for those that are unemployed (or at least speak to the issue, believing God with them) on a regular basis. We have the rest of the congregation pray for those with an uplifted hand near where they are seated. It helps connect us through an attitude of faith in the context of compassion. We declare regularly that we are a church with 100% employment!

2. Every time someone gets a job, we have them write out the testimony and then from time to time share those with the congregation. People applaud and cheer! It keeps people hooked up in their faith and gives hope to those still unemployed.

3. We have fine tuned our budget and cut those things that are not necessary to the function of ministering directly to people. In other words, if we can still do ministry without spending that money, we cut it from the budget for now. (Again, I realize it's all relative, but we had to trim just under one million dollars from the departmental budgets that were submitted for 2009.)

4. We have met with our mortgage bank to check on options. Refinance didn't work because our current rate is 2% less than the going commercial rate today. We have submitted a request for them to put us on an interest only payment for the next twelve months until some things stabilize. This looks viable and will save us many thousands of dollars per month.

5. Anything you make payments on (leases), call and see if you can renegotiate the payment. This could apply to copiers, vehicles, phone systems, I.T. equipment, etc.
Jerry Weinzierl sure does like to blather on. Between the sinking economy, my persistent blogging and his spend like you are successful approach, Jerry may find himself out of the pulpit yet. His lawsuit solicitations with paid ads on Google is such great publicity and so dang Christian. :twisted:

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

There were two very long threads exposing the Weinzierl pastors on that I had authored. Those have magically disappeared. There are only two ways to accomplish that. One would involve the work of a legal professional and the other would be something akin to what shady politicans might engage in. Need I say more.

For those who want to meet the real Weinzierls please read which is authored by serial scammer(s) they fully support and happily sing the praises of publically. That site slamming me speaks directly to the character and integrity of its authors and supporters.


Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by Emet »

Are you talking about one of these, SBM?: ... onferences ... onferences ... onferences

I believe I remember LM removing them as stickies but not deleting them.

Ah, here it is:
Originally Posted by James R
I just noticed they were deleted.

Those threads were updated and mostly maintained by SBM.

Will they return if she agrees to return after her suspension?

If not, why were they deleted?

Just asking a question...not trying to cause any trouble.

They aren't deleted. I unstuck them so that the RULES would be at the top of the forum.

Scroll down and ad something to them. They will move back up.

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Happy!

Post by soapboxmom »

One of the two missing threads was only soft deleted. So, I am editing it so it can be reoponed and conform to the new rules over yonder. The charming thread about Jerry Weinzierl soliciting a lawsuit against me using Google ads has gone to cyber heaven and can't be recovered. Otherwise some of the many great threads I have participated in over the years are simply unstuck and falling off of the first page.

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Ha

Post by soapboxmom »

Scammer Jerry Weinzierl has removed his ridiculous Google ads soliciting a lawsuit against me. I take it the booming voice of God told him to go forth and sin no more as His Soapboxmom is always watching as He does.

Jerry got a few threads about him removed. He will have no such luck on with the testy admin over there LOL! I do hope this lively thread will stay open and then hit the archive. The shenanigans of prosperity / MLM scammer preachers are one of my favorite things to blog about and should be preserved for posterity!

I hope Jerry and Aaron will be explaining why their names are still all over and they haven't demanded the they be removed as I am sure they know exactly who is behind that twisted rant. It is so Christian and heartwarming to see alleged men of God involved in that sort of filth. There will be lots more about that soon.

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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Ha

Post by Doc Bunkum »

There seems to have been an interesting development in the on going Jerry Weinzierl/Heather Dobrott saga.

Someone over on posting under the name "Frank Furter" stated a thread about this latest twist in the tale.

I didn't want to say anything about this latest development earlier because of the personal nature of the material, but now I see Heather is talking about it openly in general terms over on her platform, so I figure it's fair game to discuss.

Thing is, she can't respond to Frankie over at, and Frankie refuses to engage Heather on her own turf.

So I suggested to Frankie that he and Heather hash out the details of their little "tiff" on neural ground - over here on Quatloos!. :Axe:

As I asked to him over on scam...
You got the testicular fortitude to meet Heather half way on neutral ground?
So let's see if Wiener Boy, aka Frank Furter, shows up here to talk about it. :)

Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Ha

Post by Emet »

Doc Bunkum wrote:<snip>
So let's see if Wiener Boy, aka Frank Furter, shows up here to talk about it. :)
You're not going to hold your breath now, are you? Could be dangerous to your health...

Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Ha

Post by Mike! »

I'll bet an unleaded, iron filing free health cookie and a bottle of "Holy Moley" to wash it down, that they never show their miserable Snausage hide over here... Outside of some first class lurkin' that is.
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Re: Grace Christian Church Pastor Jerry Weinzierl Lawsuit Ha

Post by Doc Bunkum »

soapboxmom wrote: Tim Darnell also filed a losing lawsuit against me that Jack Weinzierl was behind.

Mike!;1023175 wrote:So, while the big news here is, no news at all, seems there is some serious BIG news on Tim.
Something on the order of a near six figure IRS problem sort of news.

Click the 'view image' at the top... ... ca5c1eca76