Advantage Conferences - Tim Darnell - Jack Weinzierl

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Advantage Conferences - Tim Darnell - Jack Weinzierl

Post by soapboxmom »

http://www.advantage-conferences-traini ... sites.html

The truth about negative posting sites
Tuesday, May 1, 2007 at 10:57AM
Here are a few facts about Negative Posting Sites (such as scam dot com) that most people don’t know. I am continually attacked on this site and their complete disregard for the truth is appalling.

1. Negative Posting Sites routinely BAR the TARGETED PERSON/COMPANY FROM POSTING. The site’s owners have full editorial control over what content is posted, and who is able to post. For example, Tim Darnell is not allowed to post on their blog an answer or refutation to the accusations that are levied at him. E-mails coming from his e-mail addresses are blocked. Why? Sensible postings containing truth and reality don’t drive traffic to Negative Posting Sites. Sometimes a refutation will briefly stimulate the number of postings, but eventually they slow the flow. The negative postings are easily exposed and laid to rest with a few short sentences if readers were really looking for veracity and truth. But that is not at all the basis for the sites’ business model. It is the strength of Negative Posting Sites’ business models that fictitious slander is their dominant theme and content. They will allow some positive postings that counter the negatives into the mix to add the dimension of controversy. But a disproportionate balance of negative over positive postings draws greater interest and viewership, and therefore profit to their site - not a genuine understanding of the truth of a matter.

2. Negative posting sites are EXTREMELY PROFITABLE BUSINESSES. The sites receive tremendous revenues in the form of Pay per Click advertising. The sites make fortunes on Tim Darnell’s name generated by Google searches about him, his work, writings, ministry and business (the same with all of the better known ministers, authors, and business owners). So it is in the site’s best interest (balance sheets) to keep the negative, tantalizing postings coming in regularly and in sizeable amounts. The negative posting sites really are a brilliant business model as regards profit. They know that a sizeable segment of the public are ‘suckers’ for negative information. There is simply a high demand for suspicion and smut and the public proves that fact by buying that information multiple times over boring, “noble” reporting. And, what’s even more ludicrous, they not only crave and buy this negative info – they actually believe it!

It makes total sense. Take a step back and think about the content of virtually all media, and ask the question, “what sells”? Do people rush out to buy stories about the positive good that ministers and entrepreneurs say and do; or do they demand shocking, accusatory, slanderous gossip that fuels their suspicions and fears? Of course the latter creates the much larger draw. The public demands negativity and titillating gossip whether the reports and stories contain any truth at all. Truth is in no way the criteria for the postings in a scam dot com or Hollywood celebrity reporting (the Enquirer, for example). No, scintillating stories sell much better! This is a sad, but factual commentary about what the average person wants to view, how they spend their time, and what they actually buy. To repeat, what is worse is that way too many well-meaning people actually believe the postings and accept them as factual.

3. PAID POSTERS: Negative Posting Site Companies pay negative posters to keep the pot stirred - the more negativity the better. And the public is quick to rush in, fuel the fire, and believe virtually any statements made. If a site doesn’t have consistent negative postings, then traffic to the site would dwindle and eventually die a natural death. The sites can’t afford for that to happen. Obviously, it is important to keep the negative postings coming in on a regular basis. It makes one wonder what the job description of a Negative Poster is – “Vice President of Assassination”, “Director of Mischief and Mayhem” or, “Fictional Prefabrication Editor”?

4. ANONYMOUS POSTINGS: Of course, the vast majority of postings are made by anonymous posters. Posters are smart for not putting their real names on their messages for the fact that many of their postings are unquestionably libelous, some being actionable in a court of law. The predominant posters are “un-findable”. Is this all starting to make sense?

5.FOREIGN LOCATION: Further, most people are not aware, and frankly don’t really care that scam dot com is a foreign owned and operated company based in Finland . The owners are not identified, nor is their location or contact information posted where the average web surfer can find it. Obscurity and anonymity allows their business to go untouched and protected from lawsuits regarding their complicity to the slander and libel from which they make their millions of dollars. Brilliant business model, would you not agree?

6. DUE DILIGENCE Sabotage: Making decisions based on unsubstantiated opinions is the sure-fire way to be totally misguided in one’s decision making process. Does it make any sense whatsoever to form an opinion based on an anonymous poster who claims to have secret insights and proofs about their targeted person or company? Does it make sense to accept those inflammatory opinions without talking to the accused person or to respected persons with whom they are closely associated? Getting information from a Negative Posting Site is not due diligence at all, and in fact is exactly counter-productive to genuine due diligence. People formulating opinions from these sites are simply being deceived.

In summary, the only people being scammed are those who view and fall for the ridiculous, negative content on the scam dot coms of the world. Negative Posting Sites play on peoples’ unquenchable thirst for scintillating accusation and innuendo. The owners of these sites know full-well that the suspicions and fears of a gullible and uninformed public can be manipulated and utilized, resulting in tremendous profits. Don’t fall for this deceptive nonsense. If you do, you will find out from first-hand experience who is actually being scammed and why this particular site is appropriately named.

Posted by Jack Weinzierl | Comments Off
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Copyright © 2007 Jack Weinzierl, Christian Entrepreneur and Network Marketing Mentor. Independent Representative of Advantage Conferences. This is not an Advantage Conferences corporate website. It is an independent website and the information provided is the sole responsibility of Jack Weinzierl. All rights reserved.
It is so totally inane I felt it must be enjoyed in its entirety. I am extremely insulted that we fine scambusters from were not included in his insane rant. I am going to ask all of the fine folks here to join me in duscussing that egregious pyramid scheme. Perhaps our scamming boys, Jack and Tim, will join us on here, since they are yellow bellied cowards and afraid to post over yonder on the site that is more sympathietic to MLMers.

wserra posted the court documents from Tim's silly little lawsuit against the Dallas Better Business Bureau. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his excellent research. Thanks to those documents I was able to calculate a 98% loss rate for Timmy's scheme. We confirmed that no retail sales of the conference had taken place. All the totally misleading earnings claims Timmy and his reps made were compiled into one document. Best of all Timmy spent pages sticking his big fat foot in his mouth. That make a cool million your first year didn't work for the heaviest hitter after over 2 years of conning Christians out of their life savings.

A deliriously happy (read dripping sarcasm)former rep found Jack Weinzierl's mansion up for sale. Perhaps our real estate gurus here would like to keep an eye out for the sale price so we can have a laugh. I found out he paid $975,000. ... ID=5655102

Let's give these goons the attention they deserve. Better yet perhaps all you folks would like to join me in inviting the scammers here for a little chat. Remember negativity and titillating sells. LOL

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Post by wserra »

Welcome back, SBM. Haven't seen you much lately.

I don't have the time now for new research, but it is worth reposting the links to the various available views of Timmy getting his butt kicked in his defamation suit against the Dallas BBB - especially since they are only posted on the old board. (Warning: some of these pdf's are large files, up to 6 MB.) So:

(1) Excerpts from Timmy depositions.

(2) The BBB's (quite good) summary judgment motion.

(3) What appears to be one of Timmy's multiple responses (being seated while reading this helps).

(4) Judge Mary Murphy's one-page order throwing Timmy out on his ear.

(5) A really funny "sovereign citizen" type affidavit from somewhere in Timmy's past. Are you aware that he is not a United States citizen? I think he should be deported. Moreover, he claims that the court in which he later sued the BBB has no jurisdiction. (I guess he just had nothing else to do at the time.)

You should know, SBM, that I tried to get the full deposition transcripts, and not just the excerpts above. Three copies are extant: Timmy, the court reporter and Jackson Walker LLP, the BBB's law firm. I think it unlikely that Timmy would give me copies. The court reporter refused without written permission from both the BBB and Timmy - see above. Finally, Jackson Walker outright refused. You should understand that sharing depo transcripts is something that lawyers do as a matter of professional courtesy routinely. I make copies of transcripts for other lawyers at least once or twice a month without thinking twice. The basis for Jackson Walker's refusal? They're afraid of Timmy suing them. Let me repeat that: Jackson Walker, LLP, is afraid of being sued by Tim Darnell, scammer. I'd remember that.

The only other chance is checking the summary judgment papers in the court file. There is no guarantee that the full transcripts are attached and, in fact, it is entirely possible that the excerpts I have are all that one would find there. In any event, I am a long way from Dallas. I checked with a paralegal there, but hiring someone to go and copy the papers would cost more (several hundred) than I am willing to spend as a volunteer. I would be very interested in the full transcripts, and would share any reasonable cost of obtaining them.

Welcome back. As far as Timmy and Jack posting here - nobody is edited (except to remove advertising), nobody who remains non-profane is banned, this site has no advertising, pay-per-click or otherwise, nobody is paid to post, and the site is not hosted in Finland. Any other excuses?
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Post by soapboxmom »

Jack and Tim,

You silly boys, I want to try English again. You have a formal invitation from wserra to post here. Do join us boys.

I will be stopping by downtown to get any other court papers that are on file. That should be delightful fun, boys.

Now, let's touch on just a few of the many topics you boys need to address with us here.

From the fine Houston Press article:
Tom Kelley, a spokesman for the Texas Attorney General's office, says the Texas anti-pyramid statute is clear: if there's more emphasis and energy on recruiting people rather than selling a product or service, there's a problem.

According to the statute, a pyramid scheme is "a plan or operation by which a person gives consideration for the opportunity to receive compensation that is derived primarily from a person's introductions of other persons to participate in the plan..."
The court papers we have accessed so far show that there have been no retail sales of the conference. All you have is reps recruiting reps for the income opportunity/ spots in the pyramid.

The testimony of Timmy also gives us the means to calculate the failure rate of his reps. If, as he says in his affidavit, only 5-6 have made the $7000 over and over and over again and a 3-4 more have made $7000 that gives us only that 5-6 in profit. With the ten grand conference purchase and thousands in advertising and business expenses many are out upwards of 20 grand thanks to Timmy boy and Wacko Jacko. In Sept. 2006 we had around 300 reps. So, it is an abysmal opportunity.

Advantage Conferences has a sign-up sheet asking folks to select earnings of 100, 250 or 500 grand for their first year earnings. Many AC sites say one must be expecting to make at least 100 grand or more thier first year. Jack's own site says "Our goal is for you to make $7,000.00 over and over again and a minimum of $100,000 in income over the next year - with a realistic potential to make much, much more." You boys care to address these misrepresentations and fraudulent ads?

Why did AC claim many things on its site were copyrighted and trademarked when they were not and there were no applications in to do so?

Why did Tim Darnell claim in the early days to be a member of the Better Business Bureau when he was not?

Why have you boys lied about the true numbers of refunds and request for refunds?

Why are you selling your million dollar shack afer being there for less than a year and a half and after having the very costly 3550 square foot home previous to that one for the same year and a half? There was much discussion about lawsuits against you boys. Are you trying to hide assets in the event the reps or authorities in Texas catch up with you?

I have communicated with people close to Timmy, former reps and family members of reps that are very worried about what Timmy's scheme is doing to their family. The upwards of 20 grand lost by reps is life changing as Timmy says to be sure. It is the life savings of many. So, boys, I will do everything humanly possible to expose your shenanigans.

Oh, and for the millionth time, your threats of litigation are getting downright silly. You boys didn't file that appeal in the BBB lawsuit where you got your rear ends kicked. I would so love to have more hilarious documents to post. Remember discovery and those embarassing depositions and affidavits? Mom and company would be tickled to spend more time discussing AC with you boys.

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Post by soapboxmom »

Jack and Tim,

I keep hearing a booming voice that says Jack and Tim are scammers. It must be the voice of God. Divine intervention has happened again as well. I have learned that you have a whopping 13 rooms booked for your scamference out of around 3 dozen. That is beyond pathetic.

Let's have a little fun with math. Jack reports on his Yahoo group that there are now only 189 reps down from well over 300. We will assume that 180 of those left are not in profit. After they hand up their 2 sales to Jack or Timmy(most likely recipients) they will need 15 more to make the 100 grand promised in every AC ad. 15 sales x $7000 = 105 grand. We will assume that after making the promised amount for the first year the rep quits. Those 180 need 180x 15 reps/sales ( remeber boys you have no retail sales) = 2700 That 2700 needs (x15) 40,500.....607,500......9,112,500.......136,687,500....2,050,312,500.....34,754,687,500...... Where are we going to seat them all boys?

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Post by soapboxmom »

Surprise boys! Straight from the court documents, Jack and Tim. wserra we hit the jackpot!
Jason Ciarochi
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 5:01 PM
To: Jason Ciarochi

Subject: Re: Request to Cease and Desist Defamatory Comments regarding Advantage Conferences, LLC

Mr. Ciarochi-

In reply to your letter of 12:34 today:

1. < On that website, you make many strong and inflammatory allegations regarding my client. These statements are not true. >
The statements are as true as that you are sitting in your chair at this time. I do not volunteer my time for the sake of consumers without serious analysis, based on extensive research on endless chain schemes such as Advantage Conferences.

2. <If these statements were posted in haste, my client is willing to forgive a mistake.>
They were not posted in haste, but based on ten years research of such schemes -which could hardly be classified as haste. And the information on the compensation plan was extracted directly from the web site.

3. <Demand is hereby made that you remove your website po stings and take the time to conduct a reasonable investigation as to the facts. >
The latter is already done, more than you or your client realize. In fact, it was the obvious potential for widespread victimization that this scheme represents that led me to post the evaluation of Advantage Conferences in the first place. But to save myself hassle, I plan to remove the posting from the site. You and he will find this a hollow victory, for reasons explained below.

4. < If my client hears nothing, it will be forced to assume that your website is another cybercriminal trying to earn money at the public's expense.> (Did you really intend to refer to your client as an "it?")
Now let's see. Who is the criminal in this case? And who is earning money? You certainly don't write threatening letters for your clients pro bono, and your client isn't conducting this scheme out of the goodness of his heart. But I do donate my time to help expose uneconomic schemes such as AC. Please tell your client, who I assume is Tim Darnell, that-

• I am in frequent contact with law enforcement officials in many states. As you know, some states are more vigilant in acting against these schemes than others.

• Due to your threatening letter and to compensate for the loss of the evaluation on my web site, I will redouble my efforts to bring this scam to the direct attention of law enforcement officials and consumer protection officials around the country. I plan to send out a bulletin alerting officials about the AC endless chain scheme, which is about as close to a naked pyramid scheme as any I've seen recently. Neither you nor he can stop me from taking this action, if! choose to do so.


- Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., President, Consumer Awareness Institute


Jason Ciarochi
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 11: 19 AM
To: Jason Ciarochi;

Subject: RE: Request to Cease and Desist Defamatory Comments regarding Advantage Conferences, LLC

Mr. Ciarochi -

I am double-checking the AC web site to verify all my conclusions re AC. I shall then be forwarding the information to the appropriate consumer protection officials nation wide, as well as the media. It takes time to verify addresses and to identify appropriate officials for this particular type of endless chain recruitment scheme - which it clearly is.
This all takes time. As I wrote earlier: "But to save myself hassle, I plan to remove the posting from the site. You and he will find this a hollow victory."
As soon as I complete this process, I plan to remove the posting from the site, and not a moment sooner - so that consumers will have some degree of protection. Law enforcement should ultimately act on this, but often many are victimized before agencies kick in gear.

- Jon M. Taylor, Ph.D., President, Consumer Awareness Institute and Advisor, Pyramid Scheme Alert


Web site for MLM research and guides -
Dr. Taylor, we will carry the torch!

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Post by wserra »

Ooh. I take it that you found some stuff. Good work, SBM. Those visits can be like voyages of exploration - you might find nothing, you might find buried treasure.

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Post by soapboxmom »

BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU• of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. 1600 Pacific Avenue Suite 2800 Dallas, Texas 75201
Phone 214 / 220 2000 Facsimile 214 / 740 0321

CERTIFIED MAIL October 26, 2005

Mr. Timothy Darnell Advantage Conferences LLC 1513 Home Park Drive Allen, Texas 75002

Dear Mr. Darnell:
Your recent application for membership in the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc., has been submitted to the membership committee of our Board of Directors for its consideration as required in Article 3, Section 3, of our Bylaws.

The Membership Committee voted to defer consideration of your application, as you know, until its next meeting on November 21, 2005. So that the Committee can make a well-informed decision, we are requesting additional information.

The basic principle of the enclosed BBB Code of Advertising indicates the responsibility for truthful advertising rests with the advertiser. Advertisers should be prepared to substantiate any claims, upon request, to the Better Business Bureau. On October 25,2005 the website for Advantage Conferences stated, "The Income Producing System Specifically Designed to Provide Uncommon Income for Common People $7,000.00 over and over and over again: Consequently, we shall appreciate your providing us with 10 individuals who earned the stated amount.

Additionally, we shall appreciate your modifying your website to eliminate any reference to trademarked or copyrighted text that is in fact not trademarked or copyrighted. In our conversation of October 21, 2005 and again on October 25, 2005, you admitted that MMillionaire Mindset Conference Income Producing System" is not trademarked; however, a review of the site opportunity. asp on October 26, 2005 shows false statements of trademark and copyright. Please make that change by November 1, 2005.

Finally, please provide a statement as to why Advantage Conferences is not conducting an illegal pyramid scheme. A pyramid promotional scheme Is a plan or operation by which a person gives consideration for the opportunity to receive compensation that is derived primarily from a person's introduction of other persons to participate In the plan or operatio,:", rather than from the sale of a product by a person Introduced into the plan of operation. Enclosed Is page 9 of the "Getting Started E-Package" that the Bureau 'interprets as an Illegal pyramid scheme.

As one way of fulfilling Its mission to foster marketplace self-regulation, the Better Business Bureau develops reports about companies that are made avaUable to the public. The Bureau reports on members and lion-members alike. BBB reports are Intended to provide inquirers with Information documented In Bureau files.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Please provide your written response by November 1, 2005.

Christopher Burgess
Vice President, COO

Enclosures: BBB Code of Advertising
Page 9 of "Getting Started E-Package"

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Post by webhick »

Wow, that means a lot from an organization that routinely covers up complaints for their members.

Seriously, I didn't even know the BBB had a standard of ethics anymore.
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All-Star Entrepreneur

Post by soapboxmom »

All-Star Entrepreneur, which was founded by Tim Darnell, went bankrupt shortly after he left the position of president to start Advantage Conferences. The BBB site linked a report on All-
Star that reflected it was out of business. All-Star was Texas based right out of Tim's lovely converted bathroom office. If there were a number of reps that purchased expensive conferences under his presidency and then lost all their money and got no dream vacation spot and business conference then we have another interesting avenue to explore. Timmy boy was extremely upset that the BBB listed him as the president of All-Star and now I think we are about to find out why.

Do stay tuned!

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Post by soapboxmom »

Our scambuster extraoardinaire,wserra, accessed the bankruptcy filing! A big thank you is very much in order. Thanks to wserra, our scamming boys Jack and Tim will be enjoying this today: ... count=2447

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Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:Thanks to wserra
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by soapboxmom »

wserra, you need to gracefully accept the praise of the junior scambusters. Thanks to Skeptic I learned the fine points of MLM math. Elfninosmom introduced me to the charity search on the IRS site. You taught me the ropes to accessing documents at the courthouse. I had a tremendously good time at the courthouse! I can't wait to go to the dungeon again. What else can we research?

HypocriteBusters, a poster on whiined that I shouldn't post Jack's "personal information", but he also reminded us of the bankruptcy filing for All-Star Enrepreneur. The documents seem to confirm HypocriteBusters contention that around 100 reps lost thousands each. They paid for conferences in exotic locations that they never received while Darnell was the founder and president of that scam. HypocriteBusters also concluded that I was the thorn in Jack's side placed there by God. If so, then all the volunteers here must be the roses.

Jack and Tim should be expecting much more of the fine work the volunteers here always do. Thanks to all of you dedicated folks!

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Post by wserra »

What SBM and I are talking about: Darnell's last scam, All-Star Entrepreneur, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. From the PACER records, the case was dismissed rather than any discharge occurring, because Darnell never provided the Bankruptcy Court with the information it requested. He did file a net worth disclosure with all "$0.00" entries for assets, and did supply the Court with a long list of creditors. Most of the creditors by far are individuals (rather than businesses), meaning that a fair conclusion is that he was seeking protection from those he had scammed.

Nice guy. Too bad he didn't get it.
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Post by soapboxmom »

All-Star Entreprenuer Bankruptcy filing

Alfred Galvan Purchased conference 4/21/03 -$2,995.00

Angelo Parrish, Esq. Notice Only

Angela M. Lee Purchased conference 8/2003 -$7,995.00

Arthur Carlson Purchased conference 4/30/03 -$12,995.00

Arthur Leroy Michael Conferences and commissions -23,490.00

BDC Payroll Payroll services 2003 -7,216.60

Basic Investment Rent -$6000

Beverly G. Kelly Purchased conference 6/26/02 -$12995.00

Bill Rauscher Purchased conference 10/7/02 -$12995.00

Bob McCarthy Purchased conference 2003 -$4,995.00

Bobbi Harrell Purchase -$3815.00

Boyd S. Pickering Purchased conference 7/15/02 -$12,995.00

Bryan Hall Purchased conference 2/6/03 -$12,995.00

Card Services International Credit account -$9,296.06

Claude Broussard Royalites -4585.00

Claude Cawley Credit Card payment on Tim's Maui conference -$15,000

Coast to Coast Productions Event production -$737.00

Craig Locke Purchased conference 9/9/02 -$12,995.00

Daniel M. Hagen Purchased conference 6/13/02 -$12,995.00

Danny Fyffe Purchased conference 9/15/03 -$7,995.00

David Friedholm Purchased conference 7/29/02 -$12,995.00

Debbie Chesley Purchased conference/commissions 8/7/02 -$13,995.00

Denise Sipe Purchased conference -$12,995.00

Diane Lewis Returned merchandise 2003 -$355.00

Diane Valencia Purchased conference 3/7/03 -$12,995.00

Don D. Timpson Note for operating finds -$25,000.00

Donna Nelson Purchased conference 8/23/03 -$11,000.00

Douglas Virgilio Purchased conference 3/3/04 -$12,995.00
NJ Software program -9281.26.00

Edward Schmitt Purchased conference 6/26/03 -$2,995.00

Elizabeth Cawley Credticard payment for operqating funds -$20,289.00

Emily Cannon Purchased conference 11/25/02 -$12,995.00

Farrell Pickering Purchased conference and loan 7/15/02 -$22,995.00

Fedex Credit account -$276.80

Gary W. Phillips Purchased conference 2/21/03 -$12,995.00

George Bellini Purchased conference 7/1/03 -$2,995.00

George Fryman Purchased conference 2/13/03 -$12,995.00

Grand America Hotel 2/19/03 -$316.00

Grant Miller Purchased conference 11/18/02 -$12,995.00

Hammerman & Hultgren, PC Notice only

Hilton San Diego Airport Business event 2003 -$7470.04

Hollishea Mathews Purchased conference 2003 -$12,995.00

ID3 Solutions Web hosting -$3230.64

IRS Taxes -$4,876.10

Ian Forrester Purchased conference 11/1/02 -$12,995.00

Ivan Kunic Purchased conference 7/14/03 -$15,990.00

J & S Audio Visual Business event 8/2003 -$7,784.05

Jack Butler Purchased conference 8/29/02 -$12,995.00

Jan D. Killian Purchased conference 5/12/03 -$15,990.00

Janice Neumann Purchased conference 2003 -$15,990.00

Jeffrey B. Brown Notice only Attorney for Marriot

Jenny Giannaris Purchased conference -$12,995.00

Jerry L. Ray Purchased conference 8/20/02 -$5,000.00

Jerry W. Grindstaff Purchased conference 7/9/02 -$12,995.00

John Cawley credit card payment for operating funds -$10,000.00

John Timpson operating funds 6/2003 -$10,000.00

Joyce Crosby Purchased conference 9/9/02 -$12,995.00

Julian Birdsong Purchased conference 11/5/03 -$12,995.00

Julie Johnson Purchased conference 1/1/03 -$12,995.00

Karen Carlisle Purchased conference 6/26/02 -$12,995.00

Kathalyn R. Kantchner Purchased conference 9/8/03 -$11,000.00

Kathryn Apostolakes Purchased conference 1/10/03 -$12,995.00

Larry Watkins Returned paycheck 11/2003 -$3,750.00

Leasecomm Corp. Services -$140.00

Louis B. Schwartz Notice only represents Denise Sipe

Louis Prescott Purchased conference 9/8/02 -$12,995.00



Marianne White Purchased conference 10/12/03 -$5,000.00

Marilyn Grant Purchased conference 9/8/03 -$11,000.00

Mark Victor Hansen & Associates Plane ticket 11/2003 -$1695.99

Marla J. Phillips Purchased conference 10/24/03 -$21,985.00

Marriott River Center San Antonio Business conference 11/2002 -$62,617.97

Marriott Woodlands Waterway Accomodations 2003 -$29,690.00

Mary K. Li Purchased conference 7/25/02 -$12,995.00

Michael Cawley operating funds -$37,256.64

Michael Thompson Purchased conference 6/26/02 -$5,000.00

Mitchell A. Butler Purchased conference 7/23/02 -$12,995.00

Money Makers Monthly Advertising -$10,100.00

Omar Periu International Plane ticket -$2309.66

Peggy A. Ochs Purchased conference 9/3/02 -$12,995.00

Promo International Business Promotional materials 2003 -$6264.26

Randall Loyd Purchased conference 9/5/02 -$12.995.00

Randy Kamin Purchased conference 11/1/02 -$12,995.00

Renaissance Orlando Resort Business event -$4,879.42.

Retail Services Computer -$1,345.94

Robert Griffin Purchased conference 5/28/03 -$12,995.00

Sam Wipf Purchased conference 12/4/02 -$12,995.00

Sandy Schleppers Purchased conference and commission 12/28/03-13,500.00

Scott White, Inc. Conferences -$81,990.00

Shanda Glenn Purchased conference 8/28/02 -$12,995.00

Sheila Dalo-Curva Purchased conference 7/22/03 -$12,995.00

Sheraton Maui Business conference 11/2003 -$5927.96

Sherry K. O'Brien Purchased conference 4/9/03 -$2,995.00

Sprint Cell phone 2003 -$1,053.93

Stephen Young Purchased conference 6/26/02 -$12,995.00

TKS, Inc. Equipment repair -$915.89

Tam Tran Returned merchandise -$1,909.28

Ted Spoltore Purchased conference 10/23/02 -$12,995.00

Tim Amend Purchased conference 1/29/03 -$12,995.00

Tim Darnell

Toni Banks Purchased conference 11/30/03 -$5,990.00

Transworld Systems Inc. Notice only

UPS Shipping charges -$1518.50

Vanderford Center Shipping charges -$2463.59

William Branley Purchased conference 8/29/02 -$12,995.00
Case 811845

Harris County Civil Court at Law - No. 4

Case type: Debt


10200 RICHMOND #255

ALLEN (Tim Darnell's home address)
Tim Darnell, scammer bailed at the end of June 2003. Under his presidency they amassed almost all the 1 million + debt. Remember All-Star also offerred the Millionare Mindset Conferences. Tim sure got a lot out of those. Did those conferences teach the president should pocket all the money?

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Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:Did those conferences teach the president should pocket all the money?
Well, of course. How do you think they become millionaires?

Nice job, SBM. I wouldn't want you as an enemy.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Post by soapboxmom »

Ramblings of the insane! Thankfully it is only 10 minutes.

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Post by wserra »

But if you want to see Advantage Conmen sold in true frontier gibberish as intoned by someone on Quaaludes, check out
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Post by soapboxmom »

As advertised in Givers maagazine

Several years back I entered into and ‘endured’ a business partnership that fairly quickly included fraud, collusion, and embezzlement by two partners.....

What a challenging time for my family, my employees, my Representatives (mostly very good friends), and many others who were distressed to see the business and me go through such an arduous ordeal.

Losing a business takes no small toll on a person. I wouldn’t wish what I and my family went through on anyone. A failed business affects a person mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Non-stop, intense stress will actually make you look different, and not for the better....

After realizing that my status in the company where I was the President, CEO, and Founder had been negated by the nefarious collusion of my “partners,” I determined that my best solution was to resign my position and immediately start a new company with a much improved business model....

I had bill collectors calling non-stop, Sunday through Saturday for well over a year, but we finally erased more than $200,000.00 in credit card debt! How nice to be able to answer your phone and it’s not a bill collector!!!
We came out of the torment intact. We survived....

Collusion can even take the form of pirating money out of a company and putting that money anywhere the majority conspirators decided it should go. For instance, operating capital, with no more than a phone call between the two colluders could by vote be designated as salaries for the conspiring parties. That is exactly what happened in my situation. English translation? “They stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in operating capital” simply because they could out-vote me....

When you choose to live in an Abundance Model, rather than a Scarcity Model (Scared City), you will find incredible new options are available. There is more than enough abundance, supplies, and business for everyone to thrive.

New Home blah, blah, blah......

Most People-MPs

Scared City........

For instance, I have recently had to file a law suit against an agency that falsely and erroneously made statements about my company. The statements were ridiculously false, yet they somewhat tarnished my company and me personally to those who don’t really know who I am and what we do. The statements were verifiably false and the defendant admitted under oath that his statement was made based on no experience of my industry. He stated that he was ignorant of my industry and had no knowledge of the very laws he thought I was breaking. Amazing! And yet they stood by their statement, refusing to retract their posting. What has been a sterling reputation was made questionable by their statements.

Without going into great detail, I find it truly predictable that I would face a formidable Giant the moment I began writing a book called, “Slay Your Giant”. That had to happen, would you not agree?

But look at the positive aspect of this seemingly negative circumstance. How perfect the timing – a gift of first-hand, experiential data that would do nothing but give me greater insight into this important subject matter of Slaying Your Giant! I must tell you that I’m actually thankful and excited about this challenge. What better way to put Godly insight and advice into action! What I am sharing with you is actually serving to coach me through this battle.
Frankly, I have never had more confidence in all my life. I am calm in Christ! I know that, by the time this book goes to press or shortly thereafter, I will have conquered this particular Giant, and I will begin gearing up for the next one who will inevitably appear.

And so for me, I say, “Let no one lose heart on account of this ‘agency’, your servant will go and fight them.” I have decisively entered the battlefield. I have calmly and resolutely committed to the fight. And I am completely confident of the victory, with God as my guide, companion and fellow warrior. Insert Your Giant’s name in this phrase and let it be your firm conviction to prevail, as well....

Certainly my attorneys are trusted and capable allies as I fight business issues.


Jack Weinzierl, a business partner of mine I think of every time I say or write the word, Champion, genuinely puts God first in his life in all aspects of his life. He is also currently the top income earner at Advantage Conferences. Jack embodies all of the positive attributes that you’ve been reading about in this book. Jack is a runner and uses running to keep his mind clear and his energy level high.

Jack likes to use running as a metaphor for business. In his trainings, he teaches that life is a marathon....

Among many, one of the wonderful character traits of Jack and so many millionaires I know is their genuine humility.

Jack recognizes that he is no more than just a regular guy, but he also knows that through Christ he can do anything – he believes in being “more than a conqueror.” I know in my heart of hearts that Christ is proud of productive, men and women of excellence, the Jack Weinzierl’s of the world.



Unsolicited Advice and Nay-sayers....
You can’t put stock in unqualified peoples’ opinions, even if they are a beloved family member or someone you have respected in the past.

Champions are more open to money flowing out and flowing in....The reason that people differ in monthly and annual income amounts is because each person “thinks their way” to different dollar amounts.

I don’t like the fact that two people embezzled a very substantial amount of money from under my nose....

Small income is a “settle for” mindset that correlates to a poorly developed self-image. It’s time to see yourself creating more money. See yourself as deserving and able to create double or triple what you are now making. The money is there – billions of dollars are floating all around you every day. The right business or the right job is there,....

For instance, imagine your monthly income with an extra zero at the end of your current monthly amount. Would that make an impact on your life? You bet it will....

We will be raising $250,000,000.00 for qualified ministries thru 2010. I project substantially more - 1 Billion dollars from 2011 – 2015, all for ministries that are truly doing God’s work. How, you might ask? God has given us powerful techniques that raise huge amounts of money without our having to ask a single person to donate a dime. Yes, you heard me right. God gave me the job of raising millions of dollars for His glory and for the help of His children.

When I was given this mandate and vision called The Fundraising Advantage, I was on board without having a clue as to how this was going to be accomplished. When God tells me to do something (I hear the skeptics right now – Darnell you’re a nut), I don’t ask questions and I simply trust God that He will show me the path. I know that in His time, his mission for me will be fully explained. And that He has done. I have been patient and calm, knowing that the whole project was God’s. It was and is totally in His hands.

The techniques are beyond anything I could ever have imagined, and most people can hardly believe it when I explain the power and rapidity with which we can put hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars into the ministry’s coffers. Again, we call the program, The Fundraising Advantage.

Why would I tell you about this? Because the ministries you know that are truly doing God’s work need funding. Money is a very good thing when it is used for Godly purposes and not for greed. I am humbled that God would choose me to serve in this way, and I am also very, very excited to share this with those of you who aren’t too skeptical to understand it.

One must first GIVE in order to GET. I call this the Law of Circulation. You have to put money into circulation, rather than keeping it clinched to yourself.

If you are fighting a battle on an uneven playing field, then you’ve been trying to create wealth via a mechanism that will never pay you appropriately. Many are actually purposely designed to “not” pay you well. Few compensation plans pay fairly and in large enough amounts.

I am now conferring on you a gift that I absolutely KNOW is one of the single most important qualities you can ever possess in Giant Slaying. It is the gift of SUB, Sustained Unwavering Belief...SUB is what separates Champions from MPs.
Slay Your Giant
Make Your Move to New Home Now!
Rhino Nation Publishing (Timmy boy)
Allen, Texas
Copyright © 2006 by Tim Darnell
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction except for quotes no longer than a single
paragraph requires written permission from the publisher.
E-Book owners are registered with publisher, and are allowed one printed copy for personal use only.
Subsequent copies require purchase. Intellectual property rights and copyright laws apply for the protection of author – substantial legal penalties are applicable and will be enforced in the event of misuse of this license.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Oh, Lord help me! I just read that after I made that post over yonder. My quotes are too long. Timmy will be forced to sue me! What will the dear Lord tell him to do? I quoted more than allowed from a book free all over the internet. Lightening may strike me down!

In Slay, Tim insists that God brought him the Hidden Treasures/Fundraising Advantage product. That sickening product bombed almost immediately as evidenced by the court papers. Then Mike Napoli, as published in Jack's blog, was told do not market TFA (Hidden Treasures), by God himself. Poor God just can't make up his mind.

Tim goes on to discuss the lawsuit against the "agency" which we all know is the Better Business Bureau and Dr. Jon Taylor. He thinks it is so telling that he has filed the lawsuit as he writes his silly giant book. He blathers on about how God has asssured him he will prevail. The truth prevails and Tim is trounced in court. God changed his mind again and stabs poor little Timmy in the back.

Tim, if he had the I.Q. of a head of cabbage would make that inane piece of worthless drivel disappear. He is proven a delusional fool by his own words. No one is going to pay to read that trash. His "Giant" the BBB kicked his bobo. His egregious insurance product is long gone. If I was him, I wouldn't want that crap available for the public to read.

If one does want to read that ridiculous tripe, it is free all over the net.

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Post by soapboxmom »

I am forgot the funniest part. This is how little Timmy boy, the storyteller is going to slay his giant, otherwise known as the Better Business Bureau and Dr. Jon Taylor:
Workshops, Presentations, and Conferences from Expert Giant Slayers are all extremely important means of preparing our minds and hearts for winning our battles and journey to New Home. A single idea taken from an expert can mean all the difference in how you approach Your Giant. A single conference or seminar experience can stimulate your mind to commit to a new, more correct, efficient, and profitable path.

My company, Advantage Conferences, was founded and built on the premise that slight changes in thinking make all the difference in being able to Slay Your Giant and accomplishing greater good. Being a part of stimulating, energetic crowds of like-minded Christian Champions can provide the spring-board for definitive action and massive accomplishment.
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Post by wserra »

It's kinda funny how Tim:

(1) publishes his own tract (as Tim says, "Rhino Nation Publishing" is Tim),

(2) sets its price at $30,

(3) arranges for free downloads all over the place,

(4) has all his buddies (here, here, here) posting that they will give it to their marks for free in exchange for names and emails, and

(5) advertises that, if you give him a lot of money for his "President's Package", you too can give away what is already available for free download.

Such a deal. Hint: as SBM says, it's not worth the free download.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume