Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

The Latest Greatest Thing from Connecting Us All: the "Turbo Cycle 1x4 Matrix". After cutting through the usual smoke and mirrors, here's how it works: You join by paying somebody and "invite" (ah, euphemisms) four people who then pay you. Yes, that's it. As they say, "The Turbo is indeed the mighty mouse of all cycles because all gifts go directly to you". I wonder what happened to all the world's starving people that CUA is saving?

Now somebody tell me how this thing is anything more than an electronic chain letter.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

In other words, they are re-hyping something that was in Elite. Belinda is at it again, considering the emails and CUA page spam that my undercover accounts have been getting.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

The M-J's Report and Recommendation, well, recommends that Talk Fusion be granted a preliminary injunction against Ulrich, Read and IWowWe. In essence, they are enjoined from soliciting Talk Fusion distributors except for those they personally recruited to Talk Fusion. If there is any doubt, they must submit the identities of those they wish to solicit to Talk Fusion's lawyers. Assuming the DJ adopts the R&R - the usual course - the main matter will then proceed to arbitration.

I'm sure the lawyers in this line of work appreciate the business they get as a result of accusations of MLM downline-stealing.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Belinda is still flogging this scam, among a dozen others.

Read the latest she sent to my email:

Five Dollar Feeder Program For CUA
Friday, July 8, 2011 3:20 PM
"Belinda Grandberry" <giving2u@gmail.com>
Add sender to Contacts
<name removed for personal safety>

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know about a $5.00 feeder program I joined through my daughter. It is called OneX and if you cannot get anyone to join for 5 bucks then they are definitely the wrong person. OneX allows members to use their program in addition to any other business you may be in. Their product is marketing lessons based on mlm and once you get a downline built you can invite them into Connecting Us All because by then they can afford the $16 monthly fee to join the Turbo. There are no monthly fees in OneX which makes it the ideal feeder program.

Each person needs to invite four people, it is a 4x4 matrix that only holds 256 people total on each stage. There are two stages with 4 tiers each and I have never seen anything like it. OneX was three years in the making and they had thousands of people from around the world to join before they officially launched last week. There were so many people joining that they crashed the servers. They had to upgrade to new Cloud servers, the same servers that sites like Amazon use and they are still programming the new servers. This thing is so huge and if you have not heard of it I am very surprised. When I did my research everybody and their mamma is promoting it! The OneX program is actually a feeder program for their main program, QL Exchange that will allow you to buy silver and gold. It is also mlm and they are not going to open up that part until all positions have been filled in OneX. Then everyone will join QL Exchange with their teams. I was lucky that my daughter joined under Te Lamont Silver and Cory Crabb, we have a upline of heavy hitters and should get tons of spill over.

They say you do not have to invite but you know how I feel about that, you would be foolish not to invite your loved ones and friends. If nothing else take a look at OneX if you are not already in it, you will not be sorry.

We have a OneX group on Skype and if you are not on Skype you are behind the times. I resisted it for a long time and now I love it. Just download the software at www.skype.com it will reside on your computer. We can chat/text each other instantly or call each other on the computer. Plus it is free!

If you are interested, just click the link on my Blog, you can join for free and get your Solid Trust Pay set up. They do not use Alert Pay because of the charge backs and they have a special relationship with STP. There is a link to join STP on my Blog. Do you due diligence as always there is no rush.

My OneX Blog: http://prosperonex.blogspot.com/

Best wishes!



giving2u@gmail.com My personal email. No soliciting please.

Use belinda33@sbcglobal.net for your offers, I check it once per week.

Never mind that OneX is a rebirth of a Ponzi that collapsed a few years ago. Never mind that her daughter, Jennifer Smith (also goes by Jae Smith) has been helping sovrun momma with gifting fraud for years. This woman just doesn't know when to stop shoveling dung on top of herself that any police department could use as evidence against her.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

Several days ago, the DJ adopted the M-J's R&R and entered a preliminary injunction against Ulrich and Read. They are enjoined from soliciting Talk Fusion distributors whom they did not personally sponsor.

Well, there is already a motion to hold Ulrich in contempt. Talk Fusion says Ulrich sent this email to its distributors, soliciting for IWowWe in violation of the injunction. They surely appear to have a point. I particularly like the last sentence, an especially lame attempt on Ulrich's part to appear in compliance. Y'know, JJ, I don't think the Court meant that you could spam Talk Fusion's distributor list with an obvious solicitation, and protect yourself by means of an afterthought direction to the recipients to ignore the message if you had not personally sponsored them.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Grandberry just posted something calling CUA's Turbo Cycle "attorney approved legal gifting," the same terminology she used for Elite Activity. Clearly, she has not learned a thing, much like the CTC tax protestors.

She also still hasn't spotted which account I'm watching her with, either.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

By order dated August 18, 2011, the Court found Ulrich in contempt due to violation of the preliminary injuction prohibiting him from soliciting Talk Fusion reps whom he had not personally sponsored. As I wrote above would likely happen, the Court found that Ulrich's half-assed "disclaimer" does "not constitute compliance with the Court’s orders". However, the Court only fined Ulrich $100 plus the costs of the motion, since it also found Talk Fusion at fault for not moving fast enough to comply with an earlier order to cooperate in compiling a prohibited customer list.

HH, do you know if Ulrich is still actively involved in CUA? He's still listed as the "CEO" on their web site, but that likely doesn't prove much. After all, our former correspondent Val Lambert is listed as "Compliance Officer", and she's been wrong about virtually everything she's posted here. If the shit ever does hit the fan, she'll likely wish she hadn't posted. I mean, "compliance" with what? The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition?
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Checking... last message posted in his personal page was 5 months ago.
Status updates, hmm, his other account may be active. But there's no dates attached to these.
Belinda Grandberry [Skype™ Me!] ... I have had many sign-ups form safe lists. Have not tried streaming traffic but will check out.
lilly ... There is nothing hidden under the sun god has a way of bringing forth light into a dark situation. Life wants what's best for me. I'm hurt n disgusted with how I had to find out but I'm glad my intuition was never wrong! Women intuition is a powerful thin
NOEL [Skype™ Me!] ... "El que no vive para servir, no sirve para vivir." Teresa de Calcuta
Mechelle Tucker [Skype™ Me!] ... is looking forward to NEW FRESH Energy from the new and improved Connectingusall.org AZ Team.. LET's GO!!!!
NOEL [Skype™ Me!] ... El Ave Fenixes
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "The man of wisdom is never of two minds; the man of benevolence never worries; the man of courage is never afraid." -Confucius
Lidya Ugalde ... "Nuestra generación no se habrá lamentado tanto de los crímenes de los perversos, como del estremecedor silencio de los bondadosos" Martin Luther King Jr.
Kelvin Armstrong [Skype™ Me!] ... is
Mario Cabello ... estoy dando y recibiendo regalos!
Aristides Gonzalez Falcon [Skype™ Me!] ... La pobreza es un estado mental en muchos casos. Muchos tienen a CUA y no hacen nada. Nada va a cambiar en nuestras vidas si nosotros no hacemos nada por cambiar
Leticia Castro [Skype™ Me!] ... missing my husband
Frank Alvarez ... En el turbo de 30, te dan todos tus invitados, aqui te colocas para recibir inmediatamente.
Michael [Skype™ Me!] ... is Back and looking to make this work. I do need help recruiting. So I anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Mario Cabello ... estoy viendo videos explicativos de Luis Fernando Soto
Harvey Dockstader Jr [Skype™ Me!] ♥ ... "Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade." -- Rudyard Kipling, author
The Voice ♥ ... I want to thank everyone for your prayers for me during this time of poor health. You are the best.
Edgard ... é
Mechelle Tucker [Skype™ Me!] ... is getting organized!
Angelica Maria Poveda Pelaez [Skype™ Me!] ... que bendicion es connectingusall y que bendicion mi equipo de trabajo, un saludo especial para todos, y estoy segura que todo lo que se esta desarrollando en florencia con personas tan especiales y algunos tan necesitados es deplicable en todo el pais, y
Rick Harrold ... is in need of help. Please go to: http://pleasehelpmyfamilytoday.com and see if you are able to help. Thank you! Rick:)
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will seek for it in vain elsewhere." -La Rochefoucauld
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "Actions, looks, words and steps form the alphabet by which you may spell character." -Johann Kasper Lavater
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Anthony West [Skype™ Me!] ... is Hello World!
Frank Alvarez ... Excelete, tenemos los turbos de 100, 250 y 500
luis pablo jurado morales [Skype™ Me!] ... es
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "Talents are best nurtured in solitude, but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
reiser71 ... hola amigos quisiera saber si hay algun grupo en el salvador desarrollando esta actividad, favor avisarme.
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "No man can stand on top because he is put there." -H. H. Vreeland
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... ?"Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm." -Publilius Syrus
Frank Alvarez ... Que estas esperando para activar tu regalo de 10, sin pagar membrecia? tus invitados ya lo estan haciendo!!!!
Gustavo Alberto Wenzel [Skype™ Me!] ... www.gustavowenzel.com bendiciones y prosperidad para un mundo mejor
Nurse ... A big shout out to my awesome team! Welcome new members and I look forward to making a Global difference together!
Mechelle Tucker [Skype™ Me!] ... is sending out healing thoughts and prayers to all affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan!
Marina Castillon ... Hola ya te uniste al ciclo de 10 dolares? No necesitas tener la membresia pagada para entrarle . Te lo recomiendo,... pasa la voz.!!! 10 dolares nos los gastamos en cualquier cosa....vale la pena el riesgo.
Victor Rodrigues [Skype™ Me!] ... Para todos que queiram aderir ao novo sistema do ciclo express10 e não saibam como fazer, contactem comigo.
Victor Rodrigues [Skype™ Me!] ... é
Connecting Us All Intl. [Skype™ Me!] ... "Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us." -Sir Thomas Brown
The events calendar still lists regular training sessions and conferences at Ulrich's other website, this one.
Connecting Us All International

12811 Goshute Drive
Riverton, Utah 84096
United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 17-Sep-10
Expires on: 17-Sep-11
Last Updated on: 17-Sep-10

Administrative Contact:
Ulrich, J.J. me@jjulrich.com
Connecting Us All International
12811 Goshute Drive
Riverton, Utah 84096
United States
(888) 759-0771

Technical Contact:
Ulrich, J.J. me@jjulrich.com
Connecting Us All International
12811 Goshute Drive
Riverton, Utah 84096
United States
(888) 759-0771

Domain servers in listed order:

The last publicly visible message from Harvey was about 4 months ago.
Exciting News!! You Ask and Connecting Us All Delivers!! The new TURBO Cycles are now available for participants worldwide! The Turbo System now has four Cycles available… The Turbo $50, $100, $250, and $500!!! All members who have received at least $40 in gifts AND have a paid Feature Rich Subscription can now join any or all of the Turbo Cycles for additional Gift Receiving Potential!! Abundant Wishes to Everyone!!
Broadcast Message From Harvey Dockstader Jr [Skype™ Me!] ♥ (4 months ago)
I see that http://connectingusall.org/media/rudy_garcia.jpg is still posted among their documents for members.

Grandberry's latest tax fraud schemes for CUA are posted at http://www.giftingislegal.org/welcome_letter.htm , apparently with Jean Small's blessing and proofreading given what Grandberry posted a day ago to her downline. Interesting that she's now claiming that CUA has 501(c)(3) status in 3 countries, and that Harvey is running the Thurs. night training seminars.

Ulrich's Twitter and Blog have both dwindled greatly. His last Tweet definitely regarding CUA was at the end of May, with a Tweet in late July that may or may not have concerned CUA.

The "Giving Tree" part of the site has withered and is practically dead. All the activity that remains in CUA appears to be focused on trying to get cycles moving; i.e. pure cash gifting scammage.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:The "Giving Tree" part of the site has withered and is practically dead. All the activity that remains in CUA appears to be focused on trying to get cycles moving; i.e. pure cash gifting scammage.
I'm shocked. Of course, from the beginning it was all "pure cash gifting scammage".

I would guess that Ulrich has moved on to other scams. Typical of the genre. Thanks, HH.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

Ulrich is no longer listed in CUA's "corporate executive team", which now consists of just Dockstader and the Lamberts.

Look back up this thread. Ulrich was the guy who was going to save the world. I'd say the world is about to end.

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Interesting. I see that they still have the crew of con artists from Elite Activity as "leadership," too.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

The last "event" listed in their "Event Archive" was May 24, 2011.

It looks as though the place has all but dried up and blown away. As for the serial scammers who ran it: "NEXT!"
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

And the place that they are promoting as their next scam seems to often be Empower Network. In the same breath as an older cash gifting program.... Diane of Dicole Enterprises was doing that with Connecting Us All on Youtube not long ago, as was Rick La Fata with The People's Program.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Site "update" posted by Belinda Grandberry yesterday:
Harvey Dockstader Jr. our Director will be stepping down due to miss-management of staff tax payments by a former CEO which caused all operating funds to be frozen. We are sad to see him go though he will still consult with our New Managers John & Jean Small who will lease the software and operating system from Harvey. John & Jeans have been with us from the beginning and are the only ones I would trust to take us into a new era of gifting. They are both former six figure earners in MLM and the are dedicated to our mission as am I. The Connecting Us All website is Registered to Harvey therefore we will be getting a new name when John & Jean take over and the new website is up and running. Jean is trying to come up with a new name so suggestions are welcome. Jean will notify everyone for our new launce date in the near future. We will still have the Turbo and the same cycles as before, just under new management. All teams will stay intact. Warmest regards, Belinda Grandberry
I've been holding onto some nasty evidence against the Smalls for a while now. Time for the other shoe to drop...
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by notorial dissent »

miss-management of staff tax payments by a former CEO which caused all operating funds to be frozen.
I really like that turn of phrase, what a way to deflect the reality of it. Miss-management indeed. Said one con artist of another.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:Site "update" posted by Belinda Grandberry yesterday:
Harvey Dockstader Jr. our Director will be stepping down due to miss-management of staff tax payments by a former CEO which caused all operating funds to be frozen.
That wouldn't be J.J. Ulrich, would it? The white knight? The guy who was going to save the world? Oh, the humanity.

"Operating funds frozen"? A common variant on "the dog ate my homework" list of reasons why people won't get paid.

Y'know what this reminds me of? Professional wrestling. The scripts. The drama. The bullshit. Everyone with six functioning brain cells knows it's fake, but somehow that doesn't matter.
Jean is trying to come up with a new name so suggestions are welcome.
Meet the new scam, same as the old scam. "Elite". "Connecting Us All". How about "Fleecing You All"?
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

wserra wrote:
ProfHenryHiggins wrote:Site "update" posted by Belinda Grandberry yesterday:
Harvey Dockstader Jr. our Director will be stepping down due to miss-management of staff tax payments by a former CEO which caused all operating funds to be frozen.
That wouldn't be J.J. Ulrich, would it? The white knight? The guy who was going to save the world? Oh, the humanity.
I presume so. The account he gave me the keys to still works, so Valerie Lambert hasn't locked me out of the site by any means.

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Taxpayingcitizen84 »

As they say in Pink Flamingos..."You are guilty of first-degree stupidity" and "assholism". Thank you for that Devine....
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

And now the Lamberts and Dockstader have left the sinking ponzi, leaving a "corporate executive team" that consists of Keith Boyd, Jean Small and Tommy Tibbets. Two of the three of them use free emails. Nice "executives".

Y'know, I really think this is a good thread to have around. It documents, in real time and with the participation of the scammers themselves, the rise and fall of a typical ponzi. Starting with a pool of marks from a previous ponzi, continuing with grandiose promises which we show beyond any doubt at all to be bullshit, representations [501(c)(3), anyone?] made up out of whole cloth, to the inevitable demise, following which the promoters just move on to new scams. Leaving the marks that much poorer, and themselves that much richer.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

I've never been able to pin down just where Keith Boyd and his wife live, but Tommy's address is ludicrously easy to find, and I know where Jean Small lives (as well as her daughter and grandchildren, all of whom are entangled in this mess).