Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Unfortunately, at the moment I can't read the CUA pages, as the new site they "rolled out" is extremely unfriendly to Firefox. Entire sections are obscured by other parts of the page, critical links are pushed off the sides of the screen, and the font is tiny and crabbed.

I may have to install a second browser.
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »

So sorry to hear that Professor because our programmer loves Firefox and I would think he would have made it user friendly. Anyway hope you are having a great day
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »

You seem to think that I am keeping silent. I am very busy on a daily basis suspending all those who are not in Connecting Us All for the right reasons and unfortunately I don't have time for you on a daily basis. We have been very busy with CUA and that is why you haven't heard from JJ. The picture of Harvey does not embarass us. We all know where he has been and so do the members. He is out now and yes he goes back to court on the 17th of this month. We will know then what his fate is. We have never hidden the fact that Harvey has been incarcerated. As far as a response from an AG I will ask JJ again to take time from his busy schedule to converse with you on this matter. We are not being silent. There are just times that we don't have time for this nonsense. I am glad that you, like the Professor, are trying to heal the world. But really, aren't there more important things you could be doing to help that situation? Are you sharing any of your hard earned money to feed the starving and house the homeless? Or are you one of those lawyers that has to drive around in a nice car and have the best of everything? There are several ways you can help the world, focusing on CUA is not one of them. Hope you have a blessed day.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Well, I see that the issue with Firefox has been resolved.

Now CUA can worry about this:
Updates from Connecting Us All
In 2 Days Connecting Us All will be clearing out Inactive Accounts! Every account that has had no activity in NINETY (90) days will be deactivated. Please tell everyone in your blessing line to Log In Immediately!

In 2 Days Connecting Us All will be restructuring EVERY team into a TWO by TWO (2x2) system. Send your requests on how you want your teams restructured to Info@connectingusall.org immediately!
The first announcement looks good.
The second one... a 2x2 system?!? Valerie, what in Hell, Hull, and Halifax is wrong with your legal team that they conveniently "forgot" the Secret Service raid on ReGenesis 2x2 around a year ago?

Let me post some links to point out the issues:
http://www.warriorforum.com/internet-ma ... ystem.html
http://patrickpretty.com/2009/08/04/bre ... bation-fo/
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

Val Lambert wrote:I don't have time for you on a daily basis.
Well, that would be understandable. I first asked the ignored questions, however, nearly three weeks ago. You have responded to HH multiple times since. Whassamatta, don't like me?

Can't answer the questions?
As far as a response from an AG I will ask JJ again to take time from his busy schedule to converse with you on this matter.
Exactly how long does it take to post a docket number? Well, I suppose it would take longer if it doesn't exist.
I am glad that you, like the Professor, are trying to heal the world.
One scam victim at a time.
Are you sharing any of your hard earned money to feed the starving and house the homeless?
Actually, yes. And my time to provide free legal advice to those who need it and can't afford it. Here's some right now: avoid gifting schemes generally, and specifically those with 2x2 matrices.
Or are you one of those lawyers that has to drive around in a nice car
'98 Camry. If you have the resources, you can even verify that. I am not ostentatious, and can think of many more worthwhile things to do with my money than blow it on fancy stuff.

What do you drive? Do I have your permission to verify your answer?

BTW, if you would like to see the opinion of law enforcement about a "2x2 matrix", you should read the affidavit of Secret Service SA Matthew Flick in support of the Regenesis search warrant from last summer. Here, let me help:
When I described the details of the Regenesis2x2 . . . the [FTC] Economist indicated that the Regenesis2x2 bore all of the characteristics of a Ponzi operation. The Economist performed two mathematical analyses on Regenesis2x2's business model and in both instances he found after a brief period of perceived success that 75 percent or more of those contributing to the scheme would not receive any return on investment. The overwhelming majority of participants will lose money.
Of course, your 2x2 matrix is different.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

While checking some of my less-frequently accessed email accounts, I found some real gems from Grandberry.

This one, for instance, where she reiterates her greed and desire to profit - along with giving out the phone numbers of three of her fellow conspirators from her Elite Activity days, back at it again in CUA (Juan is the only one of the set who I haven't tied to an Elite past scam).
Urgent Be Ready For Tomorrow Saturday May 1st Launch!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010 12:54 AM
From Belinda Grandberry Sat May 1 00:54:13 2010
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Do not join a cycle tomorrow until you get a call. Remember to call the two people below you tonight and make sure they will be joining a new $20 cycle tomorrow. Ask them to be on standby. If you do not reach them call the next two and so on in your 14 people below you. If they are in the red ask them to go ahead and submit their subscription fee if they plan to participate. Tell them to check their spam folder if they did not receive this email or forward it to them. -Belinda

For those of you who did not attend our group call last night, David and Juan have come up with an alternative way to get the cycles moving fast. Along with input from J.J. And Pastor Boyd this is the fastest way to get us moving. But first of all I want to make sure that everyone has their Alert Pay setup for you to automatically receive gifts. Also make sure that your Alert Pay email address is the same email address you used to sign up with CUA. This will make the gifting process automatic. You can change your email address under Edit Profile, you will have to verify the new email address from the email you will receive from CUA. Make sure all of the boxes are checked on under Edit Profile/Privacy Options. If you need instructions for Alert Pay they are at the bottom of this email. Also make sure that you have setup your website and that advanced Invitee Placement is enabled. Make sure you have entered your Alert Pay email address under Edit Profile, this will show up on all of your cycles so that people can use the correct email address at Alert Pay. Also make sure you have setup your website under Edit Profile top right hand corner. Next go to your organizational chart and get familiar with it. I will talk more about that later.

The new strategy that David and Juan are implementing on May 1st will finally get our teams moving under the new structure. The structure that we have now as I look at it from the pilot's seat is a beautiful site to see and is how the GEO system is designed to work. You are all stacked neatly under me two by two in groups of 7 then 14. We still have a few in the red and hopefully they login before 1st to see where they are in the line-up and fully activate. The restructuring of my blessing line has disconnected us from the cycles we joined previously. We would have to bring in a lot of new people to connect again with those cycles because we gave our gifts under the old structure and we have already filled the spots for new people to come in on. We will however go back to those cycles eventually. Except for new people coming in there is little movement. Therefore we must all start over as though we had all just joined CUA on the same day. We are in the perfect position to push each other up to the next cycle. It takes about 130 people to push us up to the $500 cycle, we have almost 500 people with David and Juan's blessing line. We should be moving like stampede which we will once we all join a new $20 cycle under the new structure.

For those of you in the red (have not paid your fee), you can still login and join a new $20 cycle under the GEO system. If you do not have automatic accept checked under your Edit Profile/Privacy Options other people cannot come on to your cycle if it is being blocked by someone who is holding for your cycle. You would have to manually accept them in a timely manner. To compensate for this the system will give you 72 hours to accept them, in the meantime you are holding up people for 3 days. Just because you are in the red does not mean your position on a cycle will not receive gifts, but you must be on a cycle. If you have not paid your subscription fee, you will have limited access to your giving pool and may not receive an email notifying you of your gift. The only way you will know is to login and click on My Giving Pool/ Gifts I am Receiving and Gifts I Need To Send. You will not be able to view your invitees or blessing line and you will not be able to create your website. If you are in the blue, that means you never gave a gift nor joined a cycle or paid your fee.

Juan has been working with admin to get everyone who decides to do this one free month off your subscription fee so that your total out-of-pocket cost will only be $4.00 for joining the new cycle. If you have already paid or you are about to pay for May, you will get June free of charge. To not take advantage of this plan when you are already in position to receive lots of gifts would be suicide for you in CUA. Most of you should be on the $250 by Monday if not higher. Depending on how many people you have under you. There will be a lot of new people coming in on May 1st that will fill in some of the needed positions.

Back to your organizational chart, when we join new $20 cycles on May 1st it will have to be synchronized. This is where your organizational chart will be essential. The first two people who will join a cycle Will be David O'Neal and Juan Garces since they are the first two people under me. David and Juan will then proceed to call the first two people under them and those two people will call the two people under them and so on. What ever you are doing on Saturday you will need to reschedule if you can or be at a computer and phone. Make sure that the number you have on your profile is working and put in your cell phone too.

Do not join a cycle until you receive a call form the person above you or call them to be sure they are on the cycle first or we will get out of synch. Just let them know that you are ready to join a new cycle and you will be waiting for their call. Ignore the messages that you will receive from CUA to go forward to a new cycle on the 1st, you want to make sure that your inviter is already on the cycle before you join it. Your Inviter is the first person on you chart. CUA will not be available on Saturday to fix screw ups. If you are not sure about something call one of the leaders.

During the next two days you are to call the two people directly below you, leave a message if they are not in. Also write to them on your profile and email them. Their number will appear when you point at their picture on your organizational chart. Let them know what we are doing and ask them to participate so that they will not miss out on gifts. Tell them all they have to do is join the $20 cycle when they get the call and that they will receive $60 on the first cycle. Remember that not only will you receive gifts from the people below you, you will also receive gifts from anyone who lands on your cycle that is not below you. I call these out-of-the-blue gifts. This will happen as David's team and Juan's team merge on the cycles. If they do not want to give up $20 to get $60 then something is wrong with their math. Let them know that they are already in a position to receive because they gave a gift when they first joined and that it is time for them to become a receiver under the new line-up.

If you have not invited and have received people from the restructure, it is your obligation to keep building your blessing line by paying it forward. Just because you may have two people under you is no reason to sit back and not invite. Inviting is what will keep us moving and as new people come in through your website or invite link, they will go below you to build your cells of 7 and keep us from becoming stagnant. After May 1st when you will have something to show for your commitment and dedication, it will become easier to invite. Put your ads on craigslist or Facebook, get you blogs up and link them to your site, they are free and if you can type or copy and paste, blogs are easy to create because they have a built in wizard. I have posted more information about blogs on our new social group. If you have not joined it here is the link. http://cua.socialgo.com/ So far only 49 of you have joined this group and I know we should have at least 300 in by now, it will be easier for us to interact once everyone has signed up.

Also in order to receive your free month subscription fee you must send an email to me at: belinda33@sbcglobal.net or just reply to this email and change the subject line to New $20 Cycle, I have a special folder setup to receive these emails. I will then submit the list to CUA so that they can add the extra month to your account.

All right folks, this is what you have been waiting for, do not let the team down, if we all participate the more momentum we will create and maybe go all the way to the Classic by next week. If you are already on the Classic you will not have to join it, you will just end up where you left off. Then maybe by next month we can all join the Turbo as a group and be on all of three models at once, that would even more abundance for everyone. I thank you all in advance for taking this step to insure that we all prosper together, remember it takes two to tango and we will be dancing all the way to the bank!

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call one of our leaders, we will be standing by.

David: 216-577-4526 EST

Juan: 215-269-8134 EST

Terry: 904-476-0116 EST

Ross: 216-299-6888 EST

Belinda: 214-321-7533 cell 214-616-1562 CST

How to Sign-Up for Alert Pay

A lot of people get confused the first time they use AlertPay. It is not like PayPal where everything is turned on once you enter your payment information. With AlertPay you can send a payment the instant you join using your credit/bank card. You do not have to wait until you verify your account and bank You also do not have to fund your account. But you do have to turn this on because the default tries to pull from your AlertPay account and you have a zero balance. This causes some people to think that they have to transfer funds from their bank which takes up to three days.

Go to Profile, Financial, Credit Card to set up your credit card. This turns off the AlertPay default, then go to Financial, Payment Preferences. Select accept payments by credit card/bank card then click “save settings” (lower right corner). Now you are ready to send/receive funds. Go back and set up your bank account so that you can transfer funds to your bank. You will receive two small deposits into your checking account. Write them down and use these amounts to verify your account. You may also verify your account by mail with a copy of your drivers license and a utility bill if you do not have a checking account. The limit on the Personal Pro account is $500, once you accumulate close to that amount in your account, transfer some of it to your bank account by clicking on Withdraw. Be sure to leave enough to send your gifts.

Make sure you sign-up for the Personal Pro Account. The Personal Starter account is too limited to do business online.

Not all banks will process Alert Pay transactions because they are located in Canada. If you bank with a small community bank or credit union they may not process overseas transactions. You may have to fund you account with a GreenDot Card GreenDot is a well-known pre-paid debit card available to anyone. They are refillable in many ways, but the easiest way is via "MoneyPak". A "MoneyPak" is an item you purchase at your local Grocery Store, Gas Station, Walmart or Pharmacy via cash, credit or debit cards. To find a location near you that sells GreenDot Money Paks, Go Here: GreenDot Store Locator
Tell the store employees you need a "Green Dot MoneyPak Universal Reload",
Which looks like this: These reload packs sell for $4.95 above the amount you want to put on them.

"David" is David O'Neal of Cleveland, father of Ramon & Devlin (both of whom were also in Elite Activity) and husband of... Zorida? I think that was her name; I'd have to check again as she's only popped up twice in all the scams I've seen from her balder half. David was a notorious double-dipper in Elite, making account after account under his own recruits to gather more cash. He was also banned from Elite for screwing Joe Read out of a $500 "gift" but kept coming back to scam some more, and they didn't care.

"Juan" is Juan M. Garces the Kangen Water nut in Pennsylvania. To the best of my knowledge, CUA is his first gifting program.

"Terry" is Terry Shields of Jacksonville, Florida, whose phone number can be used to directly access his tax records from his cleaning business. He was part of David's scam gang in Elite, too, for a time.

"Ross" is Ross Jones (middle initial A.? Not sure) who was under David at least twice in Elite (as Quattro and again as Teatime), with a third possible account sighted briefly in Elite's internal message system. His son is also active in CUA, from what Belinda has said in other messages to her faithful cultists (which for some reason seems to include me on her mailing list - go figure).

Belinda has another "Team general" named Terry Brooks who wasn't mentioned in this particular posting.
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »


I drive a 1996 Toyota Corolla Station wagon. Yes you can verify. No big deal.


We are not going to do the 2x2 thing. We gathered, we spoke, we changed our minds. Thank you.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

Val Lambert wrote:I drive a 1996 Toyota Corolla Station wagon. Yes you can verify. No big deal.
You miss the point. Having no information about me at all, you asked:
are you one of those lawyers that has to drive around in a nice car
I could have asked you, "Are you one of those MLM scammers who actually drives a 1996 Corolla but photographs herself in front of a 2010 Lambo to pretend it's hers?" I didn't do that because I don't disguise unfounded accusations in the form of questions. You seem to lack those scruples.
We are not going to do the 2x2 thing. We gathered, we spoke, we changed our minds. Thank you.
That's really interesting. Since HH was not the only one who saw the announcement on your website - I saw it too - a couple of things seem to have happened. (1) Despite all your talk about being guided every step of the way by legal advice, you made plans and threw them up on your site with no advice at all (or really bad advice). (2) You are actually getting your legal advice from an internet bulletin board - to wit, Quatloos - and that's why you "changed
[y]our minds". If that is what happened, you should bear in mind that we think you're running a pyramid scheme.

Either way is pretty scary, dontcha think?

Oh, yeah, there are still those questions you guys studiously ignore. Here, I'll recap:

Why an important difference in the Gifting, er, Giving Pool? If you really don't need to give, why are those who do give signed up immediately and those who don't told to send a "written request"? I know what I think. BTW, what's a "subscription payment"?

Why don't you post one official response you guys received from one AG? Just one.

Speaking of courts, Ulrich has been posting for the better part of a year how he sought a declaratory judgment as to CUA's legality. How's that going? Court? Docket number?

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

*tap tap tap*

Valerie, is this thing on?

If you're reading this, one of your staff members (#12) apparently doesn't know what the left hand is doing. He or she sent me an invitation to Connecting Us All, despite your ban.

Oh, and by the way, Firefox hates the website again. The entire left side of the screen is unreadable.
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »

could have asked you, "Are you one of those MLM scammers who actually drives a 1996 Corolla but photographs herself in front of a 2010 Lambo to pretend it's hers?" I didn't do that because I don't disguise unfounded accusations in the form of questions. You seem to lack those scruples.
Its really funny you asked that question. Years ago, before I even heard of JJ Ulrich or my husband for that matter, I was at a concert and yes I did have my picture taken in front of a Lambo...a red one if I recall. If you can find that picture, I'd love a copy of it. If you can find any others, they are photo shopped.

JJ asked me to let you know he has already answered all of the questions you have posed on scam.com. He does not have time to redo everything and start another site. If you would like to read his answers please take a look. If you want to contact him personally, his email is me@jjulrich.com. It is on everything he puts out because he is not hiding from anyone.

Thanks for the names Professor. I am watching Mr. O'Neal very closely. Yes, I had heard of him and I will be his worst nightmare if he starts his crap again.

Hope you all have a great day. Will write again when I get a minute. God bless
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

Val Lambert wrote:JJ asked me to let you know he has already answered all of the questions you have posed on scam.com.
No, he didn't. In fact, I doubt he answered any of them. Here:

Why an important difference in the Gifting, er, Giving Pool? If you really don't need to give, why are those who do give signed up immediately and those who don't told to send a "written request"? I know what I think. BTW, what's a "subscription payment"?

Where on scam.com did he answer that?

Why don't you post one official response you guys received from one AG? Just one.

Where on scam.com did he answer that?

Speaking of courts, Ulrich has been posting for the better part of a year how he sought a declaratory judgment as to CUA's legality. How's that going? Court? Docket number?

Where on scam.com did he answer that?

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Seeing as Val hasn't come back yet, let me drop another foot.

I checked the gifting upline for the new account. 3 definite staff members and one maybe-staff member were in it, three more people whose names I'd collected from Elite before the changeover, and a buttload of, get this, 801 phone numbers.

Area code 801 is Utah. The state that drove you out last time. And one of the staff members in my upline was Natalie Read. One of the two people specifically named in the Utah action.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

Y'know, HH, it isn't clear to me that this scam is worth any more time. On site after site, Connecting Us All is sold as a gifting scheme. For example:

"How would you like to receive $20, $50, $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 as many times as you'd like?"

"If you give, you will receive." This site also promotes a tax scam: "turn non-deductible personal medical expenses into a legitimate business expense ... legally deduct your vacation expenses as a business expense ... convert TAXABLE income into NON-TAXABLE income". Y'know, double your taxes by the time you're done paying interest and penalties.

"GIVING opens the door to RECEIVING ... Multiple Streams of Abundance coming to you (with just one program and one low level entry)"

You're only one website away, from receiving free help. (This person doesn't even mention giving.)

That's five minutes of searching, and it makes perfect sense. Nobody needs CUA to give. You only need it to receive.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by educatedindian »

wserra wrote:
Val Lambert wrote:Hello wserra, Professor and Doc Bunkum,
Hello, Val Lambert. Welcome to Quatloos.
I see that you have found another forum to complain about Harvey and Elite.
Look to your right as you read this. I have been a member here for seven years, and have made over 4000 posts. Perhaps 4 (0.001) of those concern Elite/CUA.

Maybe you deserve some more.
But my point is, its Connecting Us All NOT Elite.
I can appreciate why you say that. After all, Elite was an adjudicated pyramid scheme. Still, do you recognize the following?
Many initial organizers, founders, and/or participants in ConnectingUsAll.org were involved in or connected in some way with Elite Activity, also known as Elite Activity Resurrected, Elite Activity Resurrected Church, Native American Church of Potlatch (referred to collectively herein as "Elite Activity")
I'm a few weeks late on the topic, but can someone clear something up for me?

Groups that pose as Native organizations and cause harm to Native people and causes (as well as others) are a big concern for us over at NAFPS. This group called itself at times Native American Church of Potlatch. There is a genuine NAC, around for nearly a century and well respected. Did Elite Activity claim to be a Native religious group as well, or just tossed Native into its name to try and get some legal cover?
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

educatedindian wrote:This group called itself at times Native American Church of Potlatch. There is a genuine NAC, around for nearly a century and well respected. Did Elite Activity claim to be a Native religious group as well, or just tossed Native into its name to try and get some legal cover?
If you google "Native American Church of Potlatch", the only results are these guys. They aren't a church of any stripe. They're scammers. I think your idea of "legal cover" is even too sophisticated for them. Somebody knew something about Native cultures of the Pacific northwest, had heard of "potlatch", and thought it sounded good.

These guys run a gifting scheme. Very little is beneath them.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

I've suspected for a bit that the "Native American Church of Potlatch" branch of the scheme may have been the brainchild of one Linda Stone of Taylorsville, UT, ID #100 in Elite's system with an apparent Native connection (or claimed connection) and a small "church" of her own. Although at the moment I can't relocate the website that provided me with that religious status data.

She went by "wingblackwolf" on their boards and in email correspondance she used lindastone46@comcast.net.
This appears to be the same woman, I believe:
http://www.plaxo.com/directory/profile/ ... inda/Stone

Note the tie to Dream Makers Academy. The same business that raised both Harvey Dockstader and J.J. Ulrich (also Joseph Read), and whose founder views Dockstader as a success story worth quoting.

There was also a possible strong tie between Linda and the Talkingfeather magazine's website.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Oh, and two more examples of CUA member's greedy natures...

Not only is Frank spamming into another country, but I've pointed out to him before the Myrland decision in his home state regarding the illegality of cash gifting. He didn't listen.
email this posting to a friend toronto craigslist > city of toronto > services offered > small biz ads
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Tired Of MLM? Cash Gifting Works
Date: 2010-06-03, 10:12AM EDT
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To make Cash Gifting work you need to know the meaning of "pay it forward." This short movie clip will give you a great understanding of what "pay it forward" means. http://needhelpmarketing.net/myblog/?page_id=1119

Cash Gifting is more productive and more effective than a MLM or Network Marketing program because your main goal is to help others by offering them a generous gift. And in return you'll be receiving a generous gift as well.

In most Cash Gifting programs you don't need to build a huge downline to make serious money, with MLM it's very hard for many to do. Selling products takes great marketing skills and you need to have very good telephone skills. That's why the failure rate in MLM is so high.

Cash Gifting Benefits:

No huge downline to built to make serious income

No products on auto ship

Very low start up cost (my program $20.00)

Paid instantly, no waiting 30 days like most MLM programs

Retention rate is very minimal, who wants to stop being gifted money?!?

Most programs, well the ones I'm involved with only require for you to invite only TWO people you care about and trust. So anyone else I bring in will only benefit someone else who needs one or two members. This is considered a "Team Build" program, no one is left behind.How hard can that be? I showed this great income opportunity to my wife and daughter. Which by the way have no Network Marking or MLM experience, and they both saw the potential here!

Stop and think how long it would take for someone new to MLM or Network Marketing to make, lets say $500.00 a week? From my experience a very long time. But in Cash Gifting in a very short time. You have to remember like in the short video above, when you "pay it forward" someone else will "pay it forward to you.

I'm keeping this short, go to http://freedom.connectingusall.org/ and join for free my Giving Community to get all the details you need to make a Life Changing decision in your life!

To our success!

Frank Osorio
Dixon Illinois

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And the latest from Grandberry and friends, which plopped into my inbox on Monday:
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David and I want to let you all know that we especially want you all to be on the call tomorrow evening. We are calling out to you to realize that we all have been in the same boat as you far as the cycles go and we want all of us to succeed. The reason why we hang in here is because we believe we have the best organization that is legal and willing to listen to our ideas and suggestions. CUS is essentially starting over with a new activity and brand new cycles, not just our group but the entire organization. You all have worked very hard to make this work and it would be a shame to stop right before your success. Anyone in business knows that success does not come over night but it does come to those who stay the course. Remember CUA is brand new and is constantly transforming and evolving to put in place the changes that we ask for which takes time and money to implement. But we have arrived with the new Imagine system that is near perfection. I will not say perfect because there are no absolutes in life.

So if you are thinking of starting over I ask you to reconsider, why not start over with the new Imagine system? It is designed for those who have experienced giving and are ready to excel in the fast lane. It is for those who know what it takes and have the resources to make it happen. It will not allow people to try and manipulate the system by joining dozens of cycles, thinking this will magically make them receive gifts without inviting or giving. This was a major problem that threw off other cycles. There were hundreds of inactive people that have been removed and will continue to be removed if they do not login for 90 days. The Imagine system will request each cycle for you to keep integrity intact. You will only have to manually request a cycle one time. Deadbeats will not be allowed onto the cycles until you know your gift is on the way. Most of your gifts will come from the top of your blessing line with the new placement structure which is awesome. We do not expect that everyone would be qualified to come onto the Imagine system as of yet. But If you do qualify you are ready to start receiving abundance on June 7th when we launch the Imagine cycles. Please attend the call to learn more and to ask questions, we are here for you and will do everything we can to help you.

The call is this Wednesday for my blessing line, hope to see you there!

Wednesday 6-2-2010 9:00 PM EST

1-605-475-4875 pass code 381553#



The You and Me World through Giving
The power of many giving to one, no matter
how much is given, can change lives --
and if we have anything to say about it,
The World too!

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

HOW do they claim this a "100% legal gifting program"????
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

LaVidaRoja wrote:HOW do they claim this a "100% legal gifting program"????
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by educatedindian »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:I've suspected for a bit that the "Native American Church of Potlatch" branch of the scheme may have been the brainchild of one Linda Stone of Taylorsville, UT, ID #100 in Elite's system with an apparent Native connection (or claimed connection) and a small "church" of her own. Although at the moment I can't relocate the website that provided me with that religious status data.

She went by "wingblackwolf" on their boards and in email correspondance she used lindastone46@comcast.net.
This appears to be the same woman, I believe:
http://www.plaxo.com/directory/profile/ ... inda/Stone

Note the tie to Dream Makers Academy. The same business that raised both Harvey Dockstader and J.J. Ulrich (also Joseph Read), and whose founder views Dockstader as a success story worth quoting.

There was also a possible strong tie between Linda and the Talkingfeather magazine's website.
She may be a possible link to a notorious character in Indian Country, James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney. Mooney founded a knockoff of the NAC for whites who wanted to take peyote. The "church" was called Okevueha EarthWalks NAC.

This story here mentions Mooney's marriage to a longtime friend Linda Stone.
Same here. http://www.entheogen.com/forum/archive/ ... -4398.html The two of them were charged with illegal possession. Peyote can only be (sometimes) legally used by NAC members, who must be enrolled in a recognized tribe.
If it's simply another woman by the same name, also in a small town in Utah, also involved with a group with a claimed Native theme, it'd be a heckuva coinidence.
Photo of the L Stone married to Mooney here. Could be the same L Stone, but maybe not too. Hair color is grayer for the L Stone in the Potlatch group, even though the L Stone/Mooney photo is five years ago.
http://www.deseretnews.com/article/5250 ... .html?pg=2