Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

Valerie Lambert wrote:They may get frustrated with me but they never resort to name calling.
There's not much point in name-calling. There is a point, however, in calling a spade a spade.

Before we start: why am I doing this? All of your happy horseshit (a spade) about thoroughly vetting your stuff legally by retained counsel, writing to the AGs of all 50 states, starting a declaratory judgment action - why is some random lawyer who posts to a bulletin board checking the legal issues in stuff you've already claimed? Why haven't you responded to requests for a single answer from a single AG? Why haven't you responded to requests for the court and docket number of the DJ action? Why am I posting on the details of your nonsense 501(c)(3) status, instead of your lawyer? Why do you make the claims first and then scramble to some way, any way, support them?

These are rhetorical questions. The obvious answer is that you're running a gifting scam. You have yet to provide any others.
wserra In IRS Information Letter 2003–0158
I'm not going to quote your post, because it's repetitive and much of it is wrong. Here are the facts, which you kinda should have had before making the claim.

That IRS info letter is little more than a rehash of the "Exempt Organizations" section (Article 22) of the United States Mexico Income Tax Convention. The relevant part of Article 22:
An organization resident in a Contracting State which is operated exclusively for religious, scientific, literary, educational or other charitable purposes shall be exempt from tax in the other Contracting State in respect of items of income, if and to the extent that:
a) such organization is exempt from tax in the first-mentioned Contracting State, and
b) the items of income of such organization would be exempt from tax in the other Contracting State if received by an organization recognized in such other Contracting State as exempt from tax as an organization with religious, scientific, literary, educational, or other charitable purposes.
Later on, the Convention also provides for tax-deductible contributions for such organizations.

So: has Connecting Us All received exempt status in Mexico? Doesn't look that way.

According to your site, your Mexican office is "Connecting Us All Internacional, Torreon, Mexico". No address? Torreón is a city of about a million people. What do you do, float over the place in a balloon? Anyway, the most current list of Mexico's exempt organizations appears to be from April of 2010. In (sorry, amigos, but I've spent a fair amount of time there; the people are great, but does anybody believe that the bureaucracy is bad here?) typical Mexican fashion, it's not the easiest to use. Still, it's a Word document, so search for "Connecting". What do you get? Please provide proof that you are exempt in Mexico.

But the worst of it: it doesn't matter. The Convention only applies to "an organization resident in a Contracting State". Even if you have an office in Mexico - at some unspecified place in a city of a million people - your main operation is surely based in the US. Please note sub (3) of Article 4, the definition of "Resident":
3. Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 a person other than an individual is a resident of both Contracting States, such person shall not be treated as a resident of either Contracting State for purposes of this Convention.
Connecting Us All is "a person other than an individual" - a company. If you are a resident of Mexico at all, then you are a "resident of both Contracting States", and the Convention doesn't apply to you. If you want 501(c)(3) status, as a resident of the US, you must get it from the US, not back door through Mexico.

I thought you had legal advice. Face it, Connecting Us All is a scam. If you personally really do operate in good faith, Val, the only advice I have for you: get out.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

Now we have yesterday's timely contribution to the scam:
a Non-Profit corporation and a 501 (c)(3) Connecting Us All has changed the way people think about gifting programs. It was constructed to be in complete compliance and their Attorney's have counseled them every step of the way to insure legality and adherence to the laws of each state in the U.S.A.
And lest anyone question what it's really about:
Connecting Us All is the top cash gifting program online
Each time the cycle flips, the showering of gifts starts all over again from the same participants
the best gifting program
a new paradigm in gifting
These are just a few of the things that makes Connecting Us All the best cash gifting program online
Such remarkable humanitarians.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Nor, might I point out, does a company being a 501(c)(3) provide any benefits regarding members giving to each other.

That's the same fallacy that I slammed Joseph Botto for a few years ago when he tried to incorporate it into the Oprah Paypal chain letter, falsely claiming that because "he" was 501(c)(3) (which his business was not and is not - despite using the same name as a legitimate charity in another state), it made other people giving to each other via his letter tax-free.

501 status applies to gifts given to the charity itself. Not person to person.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:Nor, might I point out, does a company being a 501(c)(3) provide any benefits regarding members giving to each other.
Certainly true. However, Connecting Us All would no doubt just claim that they're not giving to each other, but instead to the company. You and I know that's just BS, but it's all BS. The threshold problem is that they're not a 501(c)(3), and never will be.

Y'know, the only thing that distinguishes this scam from the ones that don't even try to put lipstick on the pig is a poster who does come off as sincere. But look at what they do, despite claims of being guided by legal advice throughout:
  • Claims of similarity to an adjudicated pyramid scheme in an effort to rope in the same suckers.

    Claims of law enforcement imprimatur, with no proof whatsoever.

    Repeatedly flogging an obvious red herring, the claim that no one "has to join".

    Claim of starting a declaratory judgment action, with no proof whatsoever.

    Advertising based on receiving gifts.

    Claims of the received gifts being tax free.

    Plans to set up a binary matrix, backing off on advice from a bulletin board.

    False claim of 501(c)(3) status.

    False claim of 501(c)(3) status thanks to irrelevant and possibly non-existent Mexican connection.
They're just making this stuff up as they go along. If they have legal guidance at all, it's particularly ineffective.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

A few other points:

The claimed UK address is used by numerous other online companies, many of them shady. It appears to actually be the physical address of Allied Wallet.

Nearly all of their staff and most of the listed leaders were themselves participants (or even operators) in said adjudicated pyramid scheme. A number of them are behaving exactly the same way with CUA that they did with Elite, with the same followers.

Despite Valarie's claims that no one is permitted to have multiple accounts, oddly, the majority of the Dockstader family appear to have just that. Harvey Dockstader III has 2, Maureen has 2, Olivia has 2. Maureen and Olivia even have their second accounts "managed" by their first accounts.

For a supposedly "legal" program, they have a surprisingly high percentage of serial Ponzi promotors and career pyramid players running around.
Valerie Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Valerie Lambert »


The rule on the multiple profiles has changed. Nothing to hide, not doing anything wrong, just changed the rule.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by wserra »

That's it? That's all you have to say after the last page or two from ProfHH and me?

For an organization whose president blathers on and on about how open it is, you surely do your best to avoid answering questions.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by littleroundman »

Seven Newaygo County women charged in alleged pyramid scheme
Published: Friday, December 17, 2010, 7:00 AM
Brian McVicar | The Muskegon Chronicle By Brian McVicar | The Muskegon Chronicle

NEWAYGO COUNTY — Seven Newaygo County women have been arraigned in 78th District Court on felony charges in connection with a pyramid scheme targeting women, Michigan State Police said.

Facing charges of pyramid chain promotions, which carries up to a seven-year sentence and a $10,000 fine, are: Lori Bruggema, 40, of Newaygo; Madeline Fessenden, 46, of Fremont; Linda Richards, 52, of Hesperia; Lisa Vazquez, 48, of Newaygo; Deanna Michiele, 69, of Newaygo; Darlene Millis, 60, of Fremont; and Marcy Bacheller, 49, of Fremont.

Michigan State Police Detective Sgt. Scott Rios said scammers, working under names such as the Women Integrity Group, invite women to give $5,000 cash, with the potential of gaining $40,000.

http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/inde ... n_cha.html
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

And here we have comments (advertising) from another of Belinda's flunkies from Elite Activity, one Brandon Jacobs of Castleton-on-Hudson, New York. His website timefreedomforlife.com forwarded into an account at eliteresurrected with the user handle "lovejoy" in the old days; now it forwards into a connectingusall account with, you guessed it, the same handle.
email this posting to a friend new york craigslist > manhattan > community > general community
please flag with care: [?]

best of craigslist
A Way Out Of The Recession -The ONLY Legit. Gifting Program on the Net (West Village)
Date: 2010-12-19, 10:39AM EST
Reply to: comm-hd22k-2120535798@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

There are over 6,850 gifting programs online today. Many of them are not in compliance with the various statutes of each state and have no clue of what is involved in becoming compliant. Some are run by well meaning people who buy a script, register a domain name and start a gifting program. Once they start to grow in numbers they quickly discover that such scripts cannot handle the overload. Plus, their bandwidth exceeds its monthly limit which can be very expensive for a new program. Then you have the programs with the flashy websites or the “mom and pop”’ type programs that are popping up every day.

There are a few good ones out there that work well for their members. Whether or not these gifting programs are structured legally remains to be seen. With the ongoing investigations by the SEC into the structure of these programs they are living on borrowed time. What makes a program legitimate is their ability to pass the muster of these investigations. Is their unconditional giving? Is there no consideration to join? Are they completely transparent in their operations? A viable gifting program should provide an area where anyone can come and post a request for assistance that is not dependent upon membership in the giving pool. Any Attorney General should have login access to their site to monitor activity. There should be a disclosure section that explains any risks that are involved in participating. There should be a way for people to join for free without having to send a gift if they cannot afford it. Most states require that the first gift not be more than fifty dollars and not be detrimental to a person's finances.

A 100% completely legitimate gifting program is one that is a non-profit charitable organization that hires a law firm to make sure that they are in complete compliance with laws in every state and country that they operate in. This is not to be taken lightly. There are over 1,800 pages of compliance in all 50 states and countries around the world. This research can reach a hefty fee of one million dollars in Attorney fees because of all the leg work involved. A fully legitimate gifting program should house their own servers and have on staff programmers to insure their continued growth and operations. They should have a staff to provide ongoing support, host Webinars and conference calls and be willing to make changes to their system as members request it. They should make public all financial documentation and certificates, plus contact information for the CEO, directors, leaders and all members in the organization. Their Attorney's should work diligently to provide legal counsel for any upgrades in order to stay in complete compliance with any laws that may change.

Can They Pass The Muster With Online Payment Systems?

As many of you may have heard, there is a change in Alert Pay's Policy Regarding illegal gifting programs: Alert Pay will no longer allow gifts to be sent by any account holder involved in a gifting program except for Connecting Us All. This is a new policy that Alert Pay implemented as of this week. This affects all cash gifting activities that are not in compliance and there is a long list of them. Banks and credit card vendors, at the request of Federal authorities, asked Alert Pay to remove this option for illegal cash gifting activities and to freeze all accounts. If your account is associated with Connecting Us All, Alert Pay has assured us that your account will be safe. Connecting Us All programmers work closely with Alert Pay developers who have integrated Alert Pay into their system with payment buttons for each gift sent and will soon be issued an Alert Pay debit card because of their compliance to all gifting statutes. So a rule of thumb is, if your gifting program cannot use Alert Pay, you cannot achieve longevity because it is just a matter of time before it folds or get shut down by the SEC. Most likely this will soon start to affect other on line payment processors; the writing is on the wall.

There is no law that says we cannot give to each other; that would make all of us criminals. There are however laws that govern pyramid schemes and devious intent. Gifting is based on a universal principle that says what you give out in life comes back multiplied. It is returned to you in the same manner in which you give it. People, who are greedy with the intention only to receive, end up sabotaging this law and themselves.

The concept of giving has been in operation since the beginning of time, it is what the people want and is a movement that cannot be stopped. Legitimate gifting will prove only to serve one another in a manner that edifies and improve lives; its principles are built on giving and receiving in a manner that adheres to the law of the land and universal principles.

Connecting Us All has Four core areas of their website:


Our giving tree is a worldwide relief center where you can post your needs and desires and where we help those who are in need. Our community believes in abundance, giving brings joy in circles of giving and receiving abundance. Our organization invites YOU to receive ALL the benefits of our like-minded members.


The Giving Pool Captures, Generates and Focuses abundance globally. This excitement begins with your choice to give an unconditional gift of only $20.00 to someone in the world. The Giving Pool requires no consideration to participate and is open to everyone World Wide.


Your Online Profile is free, fun and easy to use, this is where we get to know one another. Our website uses state-of-the-art cutting edge technology. With tens of thousands of members logging in daily. Communicate with any member in their native language using our dynamic translator.


Our international patent pending Flip'n system was created out of a dream by one of our members. He was able to communicate this dream to our programmers who then created a system that gifts everyone on a cycle leaving none left wanting each time the cycle Flips. Everyone from around the world who joins the cycle will follow each other eliminating the need for members to personally invite. The cycle builds from our PPC advertising, leaders inviting plus all of the other marketing that Connecting Us All does online. As more people join the pool, each flip grows larger and larger. This quite frankly is the death of the pyramid as we know it. The Flip'n system starts at $40 and has several higher levels that you can join after your first flip.

If you would truly like to help others and join the first 100% Legitimate Gifting Program that is creating abundance across the globe...And,

If you would like to learn more about what makes us legitimate and how we are leading the way in making gifting an honorable and proud movement that is eliminating poverty and scarcity on our planet, please attend one of our Webinars that will reveal how everyday people are achieving great abundance without peddling products, lotions and potions. Just click on the blue Craigslist email at the top of this posting and email me with "more info" in the 'subject' line. I will be happy to get you more information about one of our Live Webinars you can attend!

Peace and Love to You!!

Brandon (:-)

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2120535798

* Copyright © 2010 craigslist, inc.
* terms of use
* privacy policy
* feedback forum

Let's compare this with some of Brandon's older scammy postings, shall we?

From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/elite-abundance/message/3
New 24hr. EARC Recorded "sizzle" Call! Topic List < Prev Topic | Next Topic >
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Hello All Messenger's of GOOD NEWS!

Paster Boyd and Harvey announced on the Inspiration and Training call tonight a new Elite 24 hr. recorded "sizzle" call you may want to put on any/all of your materials. It is short and to the point: 641-715-3900 pin# 7558414
The recording is much clearer than the old one (712-432-8598 24hrs.). I think the old one is good in its own right even though the recording quality is a little subpar.

For those of you that missed the 10:30PM EST Inspiration and Training call tonight let me say that you missed a call of a lifetime! But don't worry, it will be archived in your back room at the eliteresurrected.org website very soon! Be on the lookout for it! Simply go to the 'Contact Us' link (once you are logged-in) and then click on support calls -- scroll down until you see the February 7th, 2008 Inspiration call. I hope it will be up yesterday because I want to listen to it again and I will use that call to email to people who are looking to join EARC!
Have a Joyous and Restful night!
Brandon LoveJoy : )

The You and Me World through Giving
The power of many giving to one, no matter
how much is given, can change lives --
and if we have anything to say about it,
The World too!
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common
than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
~ Calvin Coolidge
"I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won't amount to anything."

Abraham Lincoln
1809-1865, Sixteenth President of the USA

Thu Feb 7, 2008 9:23 pm

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"Brandon T. Jacobs" <btj@...>
From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/elite-abu ... message/65
2 compelling videos and 2 effective (?) Invitation questions Topic List < Prev Topic | Next Topic >
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Re: [elite-abundance] 2 compelling videos and 2 effective (?) Invitation questions

The purpose of ALL of this is to bring the non-Annunaki (Google it), which is people like us and really the vast majority of human souls on planet Earth, back to Love and the Christ Consciousness.
Love and Peace to you ALL! Keep spreading the good news EARC has to offer!
Also, preparedness for possible Martial Law after a domestic (and eventual global) financial ruin (Depression) is a must. If anyone would like simple instructions on how to prepare for Martial Law please email me directly at btj@...
Again, Love and Peace to you ALL!
Brandon LoveJoy : )

----- Original Message -----
From: Belinda Grandberry
To: elite-abundance@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: [elite-abundance] 2 compelling videos and 2 effective (?) Invitation questions

Hi Biz, thanks for the links. Awareness is essential in order to shake people from the matrix. It is not intended to dwell upon these harsh realities but to combine our spiritual effort in focusing on a better world so that we may abolish the scarcity mentality.

This is an excerpt from the scarcity mentality:

"Scarcity Mentality is characterized by disconnectedness and a greedy focus on the individual. Material possessions and knowledge are gathered and jealously guarded to build personal power, with efforts also made to prevent others from
doing the same. The mind is consumed with thoughts of day-to-day survival. Because this paradigm cannot support a person in a sustainable way indefinitely, a sense of helplessness emerges. This leads to a belief that ultimately there is no hope for long term satisfaction of basic needs, and so the individual's focus shifts away from survival needs and into the realm of sensual gratification. "If tomorrow there is no hope of escaping pain, loss and deprivation, then seize what pleasures today may offer."

I have often wondered what make the controllers of wealth so greedy, they have all that they need yet they want more. No just money but total domination. Of course some of the craziness is attributive to inbreeding. -Belinda

----- Original Message -----
From: bizburnett
To: elite-abundance@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:48 PM
Subject: [elite-abundance] 2 compelling videos and 2 effective (?) Invitation questions

Here's the URLs of 2 recent videos that individually should be enough
to convince anyone who's still breathing that there's not much time
left until the economic tsunami hits. Combined, they're terrifying if
you really let yourself think about this for a few minutes.

http://abcnews.go.com/search?searchtext ... ct%20storm
Click on the 2/29/08 video called "Perfect Storm of Economic Troubles"

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp ... 2#23677276
3/17/08: Mort Zuckerman on the Recession

What do you think of these 2 ways to see if someone is open-minded
enough to consider cash gifting?

"Would you like to hear about a different kind of credit union that I
joined to make it through the recession?"

"If you could buy recession insurance for $116 the first month and $16
a month thereafter, would you?"


Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:05 am

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"Brandon LoveJoy" <btj@...>

And from http://web.archive.org/web/200801230735 ... fting.com/
1st Legal Cash Gifting System

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

Elite Activity Resurrected!

Elite Resurrected is a Belief System that is based on the laws of our government and our creator.

Be sure and print out the weekly conference call schedule.

Elite Resurrected is now formally organized under a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. This is EXCITING NEWS! Read all about it by clicking the link above.

Talk with us LIVE!

IRS Publication 950

When to File Gift Tax Forms

Is Gifting Legal?

The New Poverty

Cycles of Abundance

The Law of Giving & Receiving


Apply for Debit Card

Free Ebook -The Greatest Money Making Secret In History

Who We Are

We are a select group of people who are looking to invite like minded individuals. Meaning that you are sincere in your desire to help others. We are a seven year old worldwide activity with over 250,000 members worldwide. We come together through a unique on-line tracking system that enable us to communicate and feel as if we are a physical group, though we are separated by oceans and borders. We believe that our Creator designed this Earth with more than enough for every man, woman and child to be filled up and overflowing, that abundance is available for all of us. But there is something terribly lacking in a society that fails to achieve this. Through our system, abundance can be infinitely recycled through a perpetual forward progression that is unlike anything you have ever seen in a gifting program. This is a private member to member system in that nothing is given directly to the activity itself. The activity is simply the online tracking system and the belief that we were put on this earth to help each other. Our system is designed to work by each member inviting only two people. There are no bosses, monitors or middlemen to interfere with you building your legacy. You are in complete control.

Elite Activity Survives Court Battle

Elite Activity set precedence for gifting programs by declaring their system is not a pyramid and is equal for all. Elite is a unique Belief System that is causing a paradigm shift across the globe. The incorporation of their organization into a legal 501(c)(3) eliminates the fear and oppression associated with gifting.

Inalienable rights: The term inalienable rights refers to a set of human rights that are fundamental, are not awarded by human power, and cannot be surrendered. They are by definition, rights retained by the people.

Invitation Call every Tue. & Thurs. @ 9:30 pm EST, Call Number:405-244-5070 PIN No. 6020#

24 Hr.Call: 712-432-8598

The Gifting Revolution!
The world is ready for this...
The Idea Whose Time Has Come!

Èlite A group or class of persons who collectively share an idea, a concept or a belief.

Evidence of this proven principle has been found over the centuries on ancient Egyptian scrolls, in medieval European history and even early American Capitalism. Leaders over the centuries have used the system to revitalize a lagging or weak economy within their own communities.

We Are The World's First Interdenominational Belief System
Our beliefs are anchored in the intention to uplift the human spirit through the elimination of poverty and by opening our hearts to the world.

Poverty is our Adversary!
"True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wounds of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born. Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty." -- Martin Luther King Jr., April 4, 1967.

Paradigm (3)
A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them.

William Blake (18 century poet and philosopher) summed it up perfectly with the following lines from his epic poem 'Jerusalem' in which he said:

"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's; I will not Reason and Compare; my business is to Create."

The author Robertson Davies was even more brutally honest in his book 'The Dept ford Trilogy' (p477), when he said:

"Be sure to choose what you believe and know why you believe it, because if you don't choose your beliefs, you may be certain that some belief, and probably not a very creditable one, will choose you."

What all this means is that a person should embrace ideas and beliefs that sit well with him or her at the present time, whilst keeping in mind that as awareness about reality expands with the advent of new experiences, so must one's concept of reality change accordingly.

The Three Stages of Truth
It would appear to be an indelible human trait that the 'truth' about all issues goes through three distinct phases known colloquially as "the three stages of truth". During the first stage, the issue goes unnoticed and is ignored. The second stage is characterized by a period of vehement denial. The third stage witnesses the truth about the issue being recognized as self evident.

Thus for example, five hundred years ago contemporary Western (meaning European) society believed that the Earth was flat and at the center of the Universe and anyone who had the temerity to suggest otherwise was invariably burnt at the stake. It wasn't until the Magellan expedition's circumnavigation of the globe in 1522 that the reality of a round Earth was finally acknowledged as being "self evident".

The reason why 'truth' goes through these three stages is that humans in general are very reluctant to give up their beliefs as to the nature of reality because they have invested a lifetime of expense and effort in arriving at those beliefs. Acknowledging that their perception of reality may no longer be applicable in the light of new evidence usually presents humans with the uncomfortable choice of dispensing with a paradigm that they are used to - and which has probably worked quite satisfactorily to date - in favor of something new and yet to be properly defined.

Few humans have the courage or strength of character to pursue such a course of action, as it usually results in considerable personal discomfit associated with a lack of supporting structures around new ideas and a fear of the unknown, not to mention the vociferous ridicule by their contemporaries towards anything new. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that those who question society's prevailing orthodoxy are by definition dissenters who, by "rocking the boat", tend to threaten the very lifestyle and comfort of all around them who hold to the prevailing orthodox position. It is for this reason why dissenters have been relentlessly pursued and persecuted throughout history by their contemporaries.

The founder of Elite Activity and his Attorney Henry W. Curtis Jr. are two men who were not afraid to stand up for what they believed was our inalienable right to give and receive as a group of like-minded people. We give through a systematic structure that is fair and equal for all. There are no victims here, only happy prosperous individuals who have lifted each other to new heights of abundance they would never have otherwise achieved.

What has the Elite Activity done for mankind? The blessings flowing through this belief system cannot be measured. Many people who participate in our organized giving have saved their homes from foreclosure, put food on an empty table, paid for an important medical procedure, and improved the overall quality of life. In 2005 many families displaced after Hurricane Katrina received free gasoline from Elite. Recently, we helped a man who had exhausted all his means supporting his wife through her terminal illness. The power of many giving to one, no matter how much is given, can change lives -- and if we have anything to say about it, The World too!

Do you believe that giving opens the door to receiving?

Legal Cash Gifting Program How would you like to receive $800, $2,000, $4,000, $8,000, $16,000, $32,000, and $48,000, 83,200 Over and Over Again? You can get started by giving a one time out of pocket gift of $100, plus a $16.00 per month hosting fee to access the tracking system, a percentage will go to help the needy on our poverty tours and charitable works. It is also tax-deductible. The tracking system will enable you to invite others into the system, and notifies you when it is your turn to be gifted. Without it we could not exist online as it is how we track over 250,000 members worldwide.The first gift is the Invitation! I cordially Invite you to join us.

click to join
When you are kind to others, it not only changes you,
it changes the world. -- Harold Kushner

Legal Gifting Program

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." (US Constitution Amendment XIV).

Homepage / Invitation / Is Gifting Legal / Law of Gifting / Appeal / FAQ / New Poverty / Talk with us LIVE!

support@legalcashgifting.com or call (518) 732-0847.
THANK YOU! legalcashgifting.com © 2008 | All Rights Reserved
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

And something that dropped into one of my honeypots today... Ulrich's people are crowing about how their new ladder matrix Ponzi is paying off.
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Funny that they can't even spell the names of some of their "leaders" right. It's Miriam Cosey, not Casey (although in her Craigslist ads she's also called herself Miriam Cosi), going by her registration as a social worker in Arizona.

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by littleroundman »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote: Funny that they can't even spell the names of some of their "leaders" right. It's Miriam Cosey, not Casey (although in her Craigslist ads she's also called herself Miriam Cosi), going by her registration as a social worker in Arizona.
Do you think it's possible that "Miriam" is finally wising up enough to make sure she doesn't include her real name on everything connected to her gifting activities ????

By changing the spelling of her family name, she may be hoping that a search engine query will overlook the obvious.
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Val Lambert »

Littleroundman....as for Miriam, she has told us several times it is Casey....why? I do not have that answer. As far as everyone else....Connecting Us All has been here for a little over a year. We have not changed our name and moved on, we have no money in the coffers for staff, several people have told us they are going to the SEC, we haven't heard from the SEC...so let it go!!! If the SEC comes in and shuts us down, and we all go to prison, then you can come back and tell us "I told you so" until then, go after Amway or Noni juice or whoever else that is out there breaking the laws.

Hope you all have Happy Blessed New Year!!!!
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Val Lambert »

Oh and Professor....why are you so uptight about people who USE to be in Elite being a part of Connecting Us All? I don't care what 'handle' they are using....WE ARE NOT ELITE!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Dezcad »

Val Lambert wrote:Oh and Professor....why are you so uptight about people who USE to be in Elite being a part of Connecting Us All? I don't care what 'handle' they are using....WE ARE NOT ELITE!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You can tapdance, evade, shuck, jive, weave and duck all you want, Val, and change the wording around as you please; but the bottom line is that this is another pyramid scheme, in which the early birds (especially the organizers) will make out like bandits and the latecomers will get fleeced. Here, you can pretend that this is a system of people giving freewill "gifts" to other people; but a little pencil and paper math will prove to you (unless your mind is welded shut) that, in just a few generations of "gifting", you will reach a level where those who send in their "gifts" would have to help recruit a staggering number of suckers -- or "gifters' in order to receive the promised benefits.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Val Lambert wrote:Littleroundman....as for Miriam, she has told us several times it is Casey....why? I do not have that answer. As far as everyone else....Connecting Us All has been here for a little over a year. We have not changed our name and moved on, we have no money in the coffers for staff, several people have told us they are going to the SEC, we haven't heard from the SEC...so let it go!!! If the SEC comes in and shuts us down, and we all go to prison, then you can come back and tell us "I told you so" until then, go after Amway or Noni juice or whoever else that is out there breaking the laws.

Hope you all have Happy Blessed New Year!!!!

Considering that in your most recent newsletter, you got Jack Koetting mixed up with a "Jeff Koetting" when congratulating him for being in last place in your FLIP'N money shuffling program, I'm going to take that claim regarding Miriam with a grain of salt.
Valerie Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by Valerie Lambert »

Yes Professor I messed up his name on the Newsletter. I have never claimed to be perfect and I do make mistakes. Working for Connecting Us All is not one of them before you say anything. And I would hope you by now would take everything said and done in Connecting Us All with a grain of salt. We did have SEC contact us over the holidays and they stated that they don't have a problem with what we are doing. So as long as they are okay with us....I really don't care what you and the others have to say to bad mouth us. I do look forward however, to us having another year of this endless bantering.

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by littleroundman »

The SEC reference would be impressive


it were the SEC which dealt with "gifting clubs" and not the Federal Trade Commission http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consume ... lt056.shtm and/or the various state Attorneys General.

It is a variation of a classic magicians' misdirection technique in action to claim SEC "approval" when, in fact, the SEC deals with "Securities and Exchange" and NOT gifting fraud.

The fact that examination and/or prosecution of "gifting clubs" is not within the remit of the Securities and Exchange Commission means absolutely nothing in terms of the legalities or otherwise of "Gifting"
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Funny that Val would show up to say that, right after allegations of insider trading by the Ulrich family came up over at scam.com.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

Post by EagleOne »

I'm not sure, but didn't JJ claim he was not part of Elite? He was asked to come in as an outside consultant, and then decided he wanted to run the new cash gifiting scam, oops, this open and above board new company that is so transparent in all it's activities. If I am right, he lied. He was one of the big pimps of Elite. I know the Prof will know the answer to this question.
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
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Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com