"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

Moderator: wserra

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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Skyvoyager wrote: ... Most disturbing is that he has complete access to everyones' private messages --everything they've ever communicated under the expectation of privacy. ...
Expectation of privacy? :shock:
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Post by Skyvoyager »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Skyvoyager wrote: ... Most disturbing is that he has complete access to everyones' private messages --everything they've ever communicated under the expectation of privacy. ...
Expectation of privacy? :shock:
I've just learned from a reliable source that Mods and Administrators at do not have access to the PM's or emails sent to others via their site. If so, I stand corrected.

However, I still maintain Len Clements infiltrated not out of any desire to assist that forum to become more fair, balanced and popular. Rather, he did so purely to conduct espionage with the intent of silencing his critics. At the very least, Leotardo was able to harvest everyone's "private" email addresses. A quick Google search could --possibly-- turn up plenty of info if the member had not set up a seperate email account (i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail) solely for scambusting. His access to everyone's IP addresses could confirm the general area of the poster.

I'm sure we'll all be waiting for the first frivilous SLAPP lawsuit to be filed. When you combine a "schoolyard bully" (a term used to describe Len by PRO-MLMers on with his relatively deep pocketed cronies anything can happen. Stay tuned
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Post by Gregg »

I have been a moderator at for several years, and I have never had access to anything more than IP addresses. I cannot read mail or PMs, but I can usually see deleted threads and posts.
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Post by wserra »

OK, guys, one more time.

This is the MLM Scams Forum (as if any of them aren't). It's about MLM Scams (as if any of them aren't). It's not about I allowed the thread to go on for a while, because I think it relevant to the forum that at least one of the management of was a participant in one of the most blatant MLM scams of the time, Global Prosperity. If anyone has anything further to say about that, or about other scams which may go on there, feel free.

There is a thread for the antics now going on over there which do not amount to scams. Please use it. Welcome to the new posters. If you are not familiar with the workings here, no one will be banned, no posts deleted. From now on, though, I will just move the posts debating the current nature of that site to the appropriate place without further comment.

Thank you.
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Post by wserra »

Please read the post immediately above, and then go here to continue.
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Post by Deb_ »

Posted on sadly is a cesspool of a "small group of individuals" who want to literally blackmail a large group of the internet for their own "traffic and monetary gains".

I've got the names/addresses/background histories/criminal records/affiliations and other important information of most of their prominent players.....including liveandlearn here.

They are all going down.

1 by 1.

Grab your popcorn'ers.

The sleeping giant, has been awoke.

Kind Regards,

Justin "Broker" Jones
8) :D
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Post by wserra »

Deb_ wrote:They are all going down.
The sleeping giant, has been awoke.
Another Internet Rambo, albeit with poorer grammar than the original.

And I wonder where he got the personal info?
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Post by soapboxmom »

Well, being one of the five lucky ducks Broker boy exposed on his blog that was removed by Wordpress, I would be happy to hazard an educated guess. Old booted admin Lenny Clements was probably helping his dear friend. Remember how Lenny jumped right in as an admin in all the glory the position warrants and promptly deleted the thread about Broker boy on Scam. Seems our boys both have some serious sour grapes.

Broker is out to get me when actually I made very few posts about him at all. I was busy chasing around a slew of other charming scammers and harassing Lenny of course. Apparently, Broker is quite rattled by mad housewives that haven't even got him in their sights yet. I guess I am so threatening he thought he should try and take me out before I was hot on his trail. Hilarious! Now, I am going to find exposing him even more amusing and satisfying!

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Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:Well, being one of the five lucky ducks Broker boy exposed on his blog that was removed by Wordpress, I would be happy to hazard an educated guess. Old booted admin Lenny Clements was probably helping his dear friend.
I try to steer clear of personalities, but I can't help it here.

A lawyer in Franklin, TN, named Kevin Thompson styles himself "The MLM Attorney". I know nothing about him, and he doesn't tell you much. What he does tell you raises questions, such as his glowing opinion of Clements. For example, according to Thompson, Clements is "one of the most sought after expert witnesses for companies in litigation". Any companies? Fortune 500 companies seek him out? Pardon my laughter.

Anyway, Thompson's introduction to Clements is worth repeating: "Len Clements’s influence in the network marketing industry cannot be understated." In other words, however little you think of the guy, it's too much. If you think no one who matters pays him any attention, you're flattering him. If you think people snicker when he approaches, you're wrong - they really guffaw openly. If you think he hasn't done anything remotely worthwhile in his career, you give him too much credit.

Gee, Len, with friends like this guy maybe you ought to get some who know how to proofread.
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Post by soapboxmom »

That clown of an attorney is quite comical. Do sought after "court certified" experts spend exhorbitant amounts of time trying to out "anti-MLM trolls" across the net? Do sought after "court certified" experts have 50 posts a day drama queen meltdowns in public? Anyone with two working brain cells will turn tail and run if they see Clements approaching if they aren't incapacitated by laughing until they are in stitches!

I saw Lenny boy lurking on Why is it he won't discuss his involvement with Broker Jones and the charming threats being made? Isn't Big Bad Lenny the one who stated the War is not over???

Doc Bunkum
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Post by Doc Bunkum »

Deb_ wrote:Posted on

I've got the names/addresses/background histories/criminal records/affiliations and other important information of most of their prominent players.....

They are all going down.

1 by 1.

Grab your popcorn'ers.

The sleeping giant, has been awoke.

Kind Regards,

Justin "Broker" Jones
8) :D
Well, I see my name was on that list of the original 5 that "Broker" Jones posted on his now suspended blog.

Funny, I don't recall ever having any dealing with the guy.

What's your beef anyhow, Jones?

Or did you really write that "exposé "? The text and wording smacks of Clementine.

Haven't you learned from the experience of George Dranichak that things tend to go south when you get involved with Clem?

As for myself, I've never taken any great pains to hide my identity or who I am. You can go searching for criminal records/affiliations and other important information all you want, but you won't find much.

As for that detective you claim to have hired to find out my name and address, you should ask for a partial refund on his fee. Not only have you got my name spelled wrong, you give my e-mail address as a site I let expire some 5 years ago.

But you really want to play that game of making private information public, do you, "Broker"?

As SBM says, you don't really think we're going to just drop the subject and let your little rant go unanswered, do you, Jones? Oh, it may take a while, but believe me, when we get around to it, everybody on the internet is going to be aware of every little seedy scam and con game you've played. Trust me on that one.
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Post by soapboxmom »

Broker is going to have blast digging up the dirt on me. How about that one speeding ticket from when I was 17 and the speedometer was broken. Hardened criminal I am to be sure. Why doesn't he check out my high scores on the PSAT which put me in the top 5% in the nation listing me as a Commended student. All those years working my way through college studying music, education and French and I never once ate the brownie or inhaled either.

Does Broker need a tutor so he can get a GED or something? Is he in need of piano and / or voice lessons so he can get the 6 years old away from the 50 inch TV in her room? Hell, he probably could benefit from the elementary and high school level courses I am covering in homeschool. Should we discuss my excellent investigative skills and their applications in scambusting?

Come on Broker, inquiring minds want to know the scoop!



Post by bmielke »

Something really bothers me about this Thompson guy. He's not in the Attorney's Directory, which isn't that big of a deal because it does cost money. He is also not in the TBA again not a big deal because the Supreme Court handles licensing here. His phone number is unlisted, I did find him on BPR website. But for him to be otherwise unlisted is very strange, apparently he must not do business with other attorneys here in Tennessee.

I can't imagine Franklin has much call for an MLM attorney. It's a rich suburb of Nashville.
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Post by soapboxmom »

You're right. The clown is not listed by the Tennessee Bar Association. The clown is licensed:
Kevin Prescott Thompson
FRANKLIN, TN 37067-6191
BPR Number: 024755
Status: Active
Office County: WILLIAMSON
Year of Birth: 1980
Licensed in TN Since: 2005
Law School: UNIV TN
One has to go to the Board of Professional Responsibility of the Supreme Court of Tennessee to find out that Lenny's fruitcake friend is actually a licensed attorney.

Doc Bunkum
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Post by Doc Bunkum »

Speaking of Broker Jones, he continues to have a meltdown over at in the finest Lenny Clements tradition:

As far as you cautioning people what they post on the internet?

You should tell that to your gang at

My wife and daughters (ages 6 and 2) have received threats of RAPE....Death......and other sadistic crap. I have received emails from people with IP addresses that match up with some of the posters at saying things like "we can't wait until you're in jail Broker so we can go take care of your wife and daughters and send pictures to you."

If you think I'm bluffing?

Re-read that above statement.

I'm one pissed off father and addition to an angered (likely multi millionaire) business man.

I will own that forum when I'm done.

Like I said.

Bring your popcorn.

Justin "Broker" Jones
I gather that's why "Broker" is going to sue me and the others on his "hit list" - because of alleged e-mails we sent his wife and children threatening RAPE....Death......and other sadistic crap?

Unless I'm missing something here, threats of RAPE....Death......and other sadistic crap is a police matter - not a civil matter.

If he did receive those threats, wouldn't the FBI or some other police agency be tracking down the sender?

I'm not familiar with how these things work in the States, but I would certainly think so.

And just to be clear, "Broker", are you accusing me of threatening your wife and daughters with RAPE....Death......and other sadistic crap?

A simple yes or no answer will suffice. If the answer is "yes", then I suggest, my likely multi millionaire friend, that you have the proof to back up those allegations.

And I might ask also, what kind of parent gives their 2 and 6 year kids unrestricted access to the Internet? If you think about it, what 2 yr. old kid has their own e-mail account? Sounds like bad parenting on someone's part.


Post by bmielke »

Doc Bunkum wrote:Unless I'm missing something here, threats of RAPE....Death......and other sadistic crap is a police matter - not a civil matter.
They are both.


Post by Imaloser »

I checked out recently and it looks unmoderated, based on the flame wars I saw there.