Women Earning Six Figures

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by littleroundman »

It's obvious that nobody here is fluent in MLMeze

It's entirely possible for any woman to join up and earn 6 figures.

Possible, that is, if the first 5 figures are "0"

So, they're not lying.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by Arthur Rubin »

I want to apologize for saying 1 in 1000, although that may be correct for "six figure incomes" (littleroundman's interpretation notwithstanding). There's still a significant difference between "failure rates" of 1 in 5 and 19 in 20.
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: include reference to post above, which wasn't there when I started
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by webhick »

Arthur Rubin wrote:I want to apologize for saying 1 in 1000, although that may be correct for "six figure incomes" (littleroundman's interpretation notwithstanding). There's still a significant difference between "failure rates" of 1 in 5 and 19 in 20.
Yes there is a significant difference between 20% and 75%.* Also, I'd like to reverse it: 80% of all corporations succeed while only 25% of the Melaleuca reps are still in business and only about 7% of them earn minimum wage or more.

EDIT: Corrected the "earned minimum wage" flub.

*I hate those # in # comparisons because they never feel equal enough for me to easily see the comparison. I usually have to normalize the numbers (ie. 5 in 20 and 19 in 20) or break it down to percentages (20% vs 75%) to really figure it out.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Denise wrote:....but you all would rather see that Mom trying to make some additional income be squashed because they don’t live up to your standards, they don’t punch a time clock and get minimum wage. Lets keep people broke and poor at minimum wage then give them a chance to do something about their situation. Small brick and mortar business owners don’t make minimum wage either.
For 6 years? Maybe not for the first one or two but do you seriously believe "small brick and mortar business owners" earn less than minimum wage for 6 years? It comes back to the comments already made, why bother putting all this effort in when at the end of the day most (95% wasn't it?) people won't make minimum wage.
Denise wrote:Sad mentality when you think about it.
MLM or something else?
Denise wrote:I suggest you look at Jim Rohn and Success Magazine, but I highly doubt you would pick them up because your mindset isn’t focused on that mindset.
I'd rather not look at Jim Rohn, he can't look very pretty these days. He was a salesman who taught salespeople as far as I'm concerned. Like a lot of guru types he could pump up people temporarily and come out with some clever quotes but their relevance?
Denise wrote:We are proud to be partnered with an Inc. 500, Multiple Award-winning, International Wellness Company with incredible credentials. This is a strong, stable, legitimate company. They are continually expanding worldwide with explosive growth. This company is continuously awarded and recognized by the United States Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 500 Magazine, USA Today, CNN and The BBB (of which we hold an A rating), among other noteworthy and prestigious institutions. We have also won the Environmental Excellence Award and our company's kindness in times of need has awarded us recognition from the American Red Cross, Circle of Humanitarians Award, and the Salvation Army.
So it's your partner that holds all the award type stuff. What's the difference between you claiming that and me claiming the same thing for working with Ford?
Denise wrote:I get your main job here is to bash network marketing companies, if that's what you choose to do with your time, have at it. But that doesn’t change the fact that your information is skewed.
This section exists to be critical of MLM as it just doesn't work for the average guy. How the information is skewed when it comes from the company itself, I'm not sure.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by Kestrel »

Denise wrote:Yes the numbers do come from Melaleuca however again you missed the point that they include all customers and many of the people who open a membership simply just want to be a customer and shop and save. I think you would be hard-pressed to find any other company that would put everything in writing like that. High, Average and low.
No, Denise, numbers I cited were NOT of "all customers and many of the people who open a membership simply just want to be a customer and shop and save." I was referring specifically - and ONLY - to Melaleuca "Business Builders." But you were so quick to parrot your answer from your MLM script that you didn't even notice.

Let me give it to you a little plainer:

Melaleuca Developmental Status (2010 Definition): Only 1 out of 9 customers (12%) will decide to start their own Melaleuca business. In any given year less than 7% of them will earn more than minimum wage; the other 93% will fail.

Note that the 7% success rate is ONLY of those 12% of Melaleuca customers who are "Business Builders" in the "Developmental Status" group. When you include the other two Melaleuca member groups, "Customers" and "Customer Referrals Status" ("... all customers and many of the people who open a membership simply just want to be a customer and shop and save") the ugly truth comes out. 7% times 12% is 0.84%. Less than one percent of all Melaleuca members will earn more than minimum wage through Melaleuca in any given year.
Denise wrote:{Reciting from MLM script} Interesting that folks buying real products that they really use, that don't require safety caps, helping folks keep harsh chemicals out of their homes, keep their kids safer, saving money while doing so, getting better products then their competitors like Tide is a scam, because Melaleuca gives their revenues back to the end consumer rather then advertising, but when you buy products like Tide, Lysol who pay Billions in advertising each year etc and then sell to Wal-Mart, that isn’t a scam?! So Tide/Lysol/Tilex isn’t overpriced? Somehow Tide/Lysol/Tilex is honorable? Because its sold on a grocery store shelf, its honorable? That makes no sense at all. Just because your sold out on that way of shopping doesn’t make it honorable. All those people shopping are duped into thinking they are buying safe items simply because they are sold on the grocery store shelf idea. Its sheer ignorance and brain washing by the Billions spent on advertising but to you that’s more honorable, lets keep our nation ignorant and broke. Hmmmm
No, Denise, the "sheer ignorance and brain washing" happens when someone convinces you to memorize and recite this script without thinking about it.

I understand though. You've got time and money invested in this. You hope it's true. You want it to be true. You're going to be hurting pretty badly if it's not true. Maybe if you just try a little harder, try a little longer, you'll finally recruit those "Business Builder" customers who are just waiting for your call. Didn't Melaleuca promise you "anyone can do it?"
Denise wrote:{Reciting from MLM script} I use Pampered Chef products, I also love Creative Memories and have many wonderful albums. Many of the folks who get started in those party plans, never make any money and they spend hundreds to get started with a boat load of products they must inventory and sell. Still I'd rather buy from my friend and support her then buy at from a big commercial company, but you all would rather see that Mom trying to make some additional income be squashed because they don’t live up to your standards, they don’t punch a time clock and get minimum wage. Lets keep people broke and poor at minimum wage then give them a chance to do something about their situation. Small brick and mortar business owners don’t make minimum wage either.

Sad mentality when you think about it.
Small brick and mortar business owners who fail to take home more than minimum wage don't stay open very long. But what was that figure you cited? The failure rate for a typical traditional American business is one in five, or 20%? Do you honestly think most of the successful 80% of traditional American businesses are scraping by at less than minimum wage?

I hardly think that misleading and recruiting people into Melaleuca, a company where - year after year after year after year - more than 93% of all "Business Builders" and more than 99% of all members FAIL to make more than minimum wage, is really "giving them a chance to do something about their situation."

If you still think it is, that's the sad part.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by notorial dissent »

Denise wrote:{Parroting from a bad MLM script}Because its sold on a grocery store shelf, its honorable? That makes no sense at all. Just because your sold out on that way of shopping doesn’t make it honorable. All those people shopping are duped into thinking they are buying safe items simply because they are sold on the grocery store shelf idea.
You have a remarkable talent for taking what some one says and BADLY misconstruing it. NO ONE has said anything, let alone implied that there is anything honorable or dishonorable about where one gets the products one buys. The dishonor is in the way the merchandising is handled in that it abuses the people who shill for you, and the people who ultimately buy the overpriced products, and mainly in pretending that they can make a living do it.

...but you all would rather see that Mom trying to make some additional income be squashed because they don’t live up to your standards,...
I’m sorry, and just where do you get this flight of fancy? The only thing that has been said here is that we don’t like to see people get taken for a ride with the fantasy that they are somehow going to be making money at something when the facts, let alone the statistics say otherwise.

Lets keep people broke and poor at minimum wage then give them a chance to do something about their situation.
Not in the least, and not the issue, the issue is that it doesn’t happen that way, the facts, and the statistics show that the only ones making any money off of it are the ones up the line.

Small brick and mortar business owners don’t make minimum wage either.
Nonsense, if that were the case, they wouldn’t be in business very long. They may not make all that much to begin with, but if they aren’t making a living within a reasonable time they are just wasting their time and throwing their money away, and in reality would soon be out of business.

As my website says, people have the opportunity to get the details via a professional live format. Not over the website. Many people don’t feel offended by it at all.
As far as I can tell no one here is “offended”, they are concerned because you are not honest about what you are doing. You are still not honest about it, and continue to prevaricate. The fact that rather than answer any of the questions posed you in your own words that you use what amounts to prepared scripts tells me that you do not have a real answer, and that you are being no more honest with yourself than you are with us.

It is all in writing and people do see it in writing. Hard sell, really? Over less then $30.00 for a membership fee that’s refundable for 4 months!?
Sure it is, so was the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge.

I get your main job here is to bash network marketing companies, if that's what you choose to do with your time, have at it. But that doesn’t change the fact that your information is skewed.
No job about it. As you obviously didn’t review the site before you jumped in, take a look, it deals with varying types of frauds, big frauds little frauds, and funny frauds, this falls into the pathetic category. That is what is discussed here. The fact that MLM’s promise one thing and deliver something else is part of the reason this area exists. The facts speak for themselves, and the fantasies those companies peddle, are just that. The only ones making money off of them are the ones running the company and a few rare individuals along the way. If you consider the facts coming from the companies themselves when reviewed by someone not trying to hide something skewed, then you do have problems.

And now, we are back to where we started.“What do you do to earn your six figure income?” This is the same question you have been asked repeatedly, and yet somehow you continue in not answering it, which leads us back to the original point of YOU not being honest about what YOU are doing.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by wserra »

Let's review all the questions Denise has ignored. Taking it from the top, eliminating the questions that are purely rhetorical (including several of mine):
  • What exactly holds that A rating? What has "been in business 26 years"? because Women Earning Six Figures doesn't appear to have been.

    Your web site says, "Work from home • Award-winning company • Executive style income for life • Achieve freedom • Enjoy your family • Live your dreams • Create your future" That's nice. Doing what? Picking hundred-dollar-bills from trees? Finding hidden pots of gold? Hitting Lotto? Why don't you tell people?

    So what do "Women Earning Six Figures" do to, well, earn six figures? Sign up under you as a Melaleuca distributor? That's good for you, I suppose, but how good is it for them?

    So why don't you show proof that, say, one out of four people who sign up with you are actually making six figures? Why don't you show proof that anyone who signed up with you actually makes six figures? Not gonna do that? So I guess that you can say anything you want on your website, right?

    You see, the problem is that YOUR website says absolutely nothing, but uses a lot of “magic words” which generally does not bode well, and speaks volumes. If you have nothing to hide, then why obfuscate it behind a bunch of meaningless words and phrases, never a good sign

    Then just what is it you do to earn that Six Figures you’re claiming?

    Denise, if you were starting your own business in any other company, and after six years you were still earning less than what you could make as a Wal-Mart cashier, would you consider yourself successful?

    Could you pick out a handful of Corporate businesses (not in MLM) where their website doesn't tell you what they sell, produce or what service they provide?

    What do you do to earn your six figure income?

    why bother putting all this effort in when at the end of the day most (95% wasn't it?) people won't make minimum wage?
All of these questions are based on claims you made, either on your site or here in person. They are the questions any rational person even considering your "opportunity" would ask. You have now made several posts without answering them.

The common sense implication is that you're running a scam.

BTW, this thread is now a top result on a google of "women earning six figures", following only your own site and the yellow pages. You might consider answering some questions.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by Cathulhu »

Frankly, the only "business" she seems to have is dancing as fast as she can while cut and pasting from the MLM scammers' instruction manual. How 'bout it, Denise? At no time have you answered the questions, except blithering off about product that you don't name. Magic words! Exclamation points! Rationalization for ignoring warning signs! I came into this with an open mind, but your own bs answers to rational questions are why I am now firmly convinced this is a scam. You're either an enthusiastic scammer good at appearing dumb, or you're soon to be numbered among the victims. Judging from your posts, I'm thinking it's the first.

And how much did you make last year?
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by wserra »

Does this look familiar?
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by Lambkin »

How about this?
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by webhick »

Looks like this one is still floating around. My mom spotted it in the Capital Edition of a free publication called "Coffee News." The referral link in the ad is different. The one in the Hipo was "NHTeam" and this one is "Nashua." In any event the contact person for each referral link is the same - Denise Bell. Looking back at the ad in the Hippo, everything about the ad is the same save for some formatting and the inclusion of a phone number in the Coffee News ad.

Googling the phone number turns up a meetup group that Denise has started called WINGS (Women in Networking Growing Strong) where it seems that MLMers meet up and try to recruit each other generate referrals. Brick and mortar business owners are apparently welcome, too. 25 seat maximum so don't all try to get in at once!

And you can tell it's the same Denise that posted here because she makes the same kind of grammatical mistakes.

It's really too bad that I have neither the time nor inclination to attend. Okay, maybe I have the inclination to attend but I hate navigating in Portsmouth. It's like this web of streets where every intersection is really just an excuse to join five or more streets at awkward angles and there are pedestrians everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Also, a tanker hit a bridge and now the only way in is to leave the state and backtrack. So, there's that.

But I digress. One day I will go. I will meet this Denise.
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Re: Women Earning Six Figures

Post by JamesVincent »

I didn't think Coffee News allowed adverts from a MLM, they actually are a very good paper, though they are franchised. When this fruitcake was posting before I really wanted to get into but refrained for some reason. When I was growing up my mother did Marykay, Princess House, Home Interiors and something else whose name escapes me. I can very well remember helping her set up "parties" at the house for take your pick above. I don't think she ever made much more then enough to cover the food cost for the "parties" out of these companies, though we still have a good amount of Princess House crystal floating around. I think I made much more mowing lawns as a teenager then she did with her "parties". The best was going from mailbox to mailbox with her tying the Marykay catalogs to the post since you aren't allowed to put them in the mailbox. So for someone to come around telling me that all these women have money coming out their wazoo thanks to MLMs just kinda sticks me.
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