Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Wizzard7 »

Craddock's latest update tells us this:

October 2, 2012

Greetings good people; as you may have expected, the progress has felt painful at best, but I’m here to say we are moving forward. Today I’m having a conference call with your leaders; I will be updating the leaders on what is needed from the field as we move forward. We expect some additional filings this next week and this will be benefiting all.

As you can see I’m choosing my words carefully, and do not want to causes any distractions, as we all need to move forward with our ultimate goal.

I’m still confident that Rex Venture Group was operating as a legal business opportunity and the profits were a direct result of bid purchases used to play the penny auction. We all know our goal was to encourage as many people to play the penny auction and to purchase bids to do so. The money made in the sale of bids to play the penny auction is how we all earned income as we all played a role in attracting new customers for the penny auction.

Stay positive and we will continue to keep you updated, please do not think we have given up, or not actively working to restore Zeekler and Zeek Rewards, if you do not hear from us for a few days.

The wheel of justice sometimes turns slowly.

Stay positive

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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by EagleOne »

Here are some of the highlights of the Receiver's report to Judge Mullen in the Zeek case:

Bell learned that Zeek had about 2.2 million “affiliates,” but that some of those affiliates appeared to have “more than one user id.”

Approximately 1 million affiliates “paid money into the Zeek Rewards Program.”

The receiver said that certain individuals associated with Zeek were cooperating in the receivership probe, sometimes through lawyers. The names were not disclosed, nor was the degree of their cooperation.

Filings hinted that some people close to Zeek had stories to tell. “Initial interviews of the Receivership Defendant’s employees and officers who were willing to be interviewed, as well as communications with various third parties, have revealed the identities of numerous other individuals and entities that might have relevant information regarding the Scheme, including potential business associates and investors of the Receivership Defendant and its principals.”

Certain Zeek-related financial documentation “has been found to be inadequate or incomplete.” Examining paperwork and data will be time-consuming because of “the significant lack of documentation and the organization of this data.”

The receivership team will be following the trail “to identify additional assets, trace the proceeds of any fraudulent conduct, evaluate claims of creditor and investors, and identify potential claims against former employees, third parties (including Affiliate-Investors), and others that may have received assets of the Receivership Estate.”

As the receiver’s probe moves forward and more evidence is gathered and analyzed, clawback claims will be contemplated under “applicable fraudulent transfer statutes against those who ran the operations and ‘net winner’ participants.”

As for clawbacks, Bell envisions an approach that would “first offer those who are required to return money to the Receivership Estate the opportunity to do so cooperatively in an effort to avoid costly litigation for all concerned,”

Bell also plans to investigate potential claims against "professionals and others” involved with Zeek to determine “who may be liable for the role they played in facilitating the operation.”

Claims against the unidentified “professionals and others" will be pursued, if warranted, Bell advised the judge.

Hmm, sounds like there could be some "Professionals" who just might be in jeapordy of having sanctions taken against them by their professional peers, in addition to any action taken by Bell if snared in Zeek. One can hope so and it is about bloody time.
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

Mr. Craddock speaks:

October 12, 2012

Greetings good people, as some of you know the quite time we have had on the posting is by design. We have had the information posted here copied and altered to promote other agendas, and we want to simply move the process forward, and get the facts exposed.

There is much work being done with the law firms and you can expect to see additional filings happening soon.

In regards to the latest filing by Kenneth Bell on dismantling Rex Venture Group and its associated companies, please keep in mind, the receiver is and was required to put up a plan, but until now he has had the luxury of being unquestioned and the judge has had no one opposing his decisions. This process is not going to continue, I can assure you his proposals will be met with correct and accurate information that addresses the lack of or miss information provided to the court and we will be addressing the concerns that everyone has ask to be done.

Please have faith that we are actively working to bring factual information to the court, and our side will be heard.

Times like this remind me that built in browser spell checkers provide no grammar correction.

They've been promising to file something "soon" for weeks. If they're smart they're already working on the next round of "ebil government" sales pitch to explain to their donors why everything they file gets bounced out of court.
notorial dissent
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, rather short, and pointless in comparison to some of his earlier bombast. I should think that the absolute last thing that Craddock et al would want is to "get the facts exposed", since the "facts" aren't really going to speak well of or for him I should think. As to the "dismantling Rex Venture Group", again Craddock rather misstates the obvious. Unless Bell comes up with something really outre, and there is no reason he would, the judge is going to pretty much go along with his plan. Craddock doesn't want to acknowledge that ZEEK and its dependencies are a dead item, and as I recall, the only ones who really could legally make any kind of protest have already signed off on it when they took the agreement with the gov't.

It will be interesting to see what, if any, further comedy the "lawyers" file. I really don't see that there is much an outside party could really file in this, as in these actions, once it goes in to receivership there isn't much that can be done other than to sit back and wait for the eventual parceling out of the remains. Now admittedly, the ones looking a clawback in the face have something to worry about, and well they should, but otherwise, there just really isn't much else that can happen. Admittedly my experience is from a slightly different arena, but the mechanics and the end results are pretty much the same.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

Last Thursday Robert Craddock held a confrence call. I have yet to find a recording of the call but a summery has been floating around. Nothing really new, just a rehash of all Robert's previous prevarications. For your amusement:
Subject: Fwd: Very important Zeek update from Richard Trotter...
The following are some of the items touched on by Robert Craddock
on the ZeekRewards conference call I listened to. I was taking
notes as fast as I could but I might have missed a few things.

1. We have 3 attorneys working on the case and their first order
of business is to get the money being held in all of the eWallets
released back to the affiliates. The SEC claims that NxPay was
an extension of ZeekRewards and that is why the money was frozen
in there. NxPay has to show that they are an independent eWallet
company and not owned by ZeekRewards. Our attorneys are typing
up motions that are going to be submitted to the judge in the
next few weeks to have the money released from the eWallets.
This is ONLY the money sitting in the eWallets, not any potential
commissions that were requested and still pending in ZeekRewards.

2. The attorneys see NO VICTIMS (except at the hand of the SEC)
and NO Securities being bought or sold through ZeekRewards. The
SEC was required to file their motion in front of the judge for
the liquidation process. The judge is not obligated to grant
their request. The SEC did not anticipate anybody standing up
and fighting for ZeekRewards. Our attorneys said that the
information the SEC received is not accurate and the SEC made it
look like Paul was guilty, when he was in fact innocent.

3. Robert Craddock and the attorneys will be announcing the
court date and want at least 2000 people to come to North
Carolina to support ZeekRewards and to show that there were no
victims and that they need to release the funds from the
eWallets. This will get the attention of the media and show
everyone that we support our company. The only victims are the
ones that have been created when the SEC took our company and
stole our money.

4. The reason the NC DOJ was alerted about our company is because
ZeekRewards grew too big too fast and people were taking all of
their money out of their banks and credit unions to acquire
bids. The smaller banks and credit unions were losing money.
They panicked and were working together to stop this by spreading
lies about the operations of ZeekRewards.

5. When Paul Burks received the civil request from the NC DOJ,
his small town attorney advised him to give up. Noel has no
experience in this area and he gave Paul Burks extremely bad
legal advice. Paul admits he was under duress when he handed
ZeekRewards over and now wants to clear his name. He knows we
are fighting for him and fighting to reopen ZeekRewards.

6. The SEC wants to vaporize the entire data base of ZeekRewards
so nobody has any documentation of the company or anything that
has happened; but our attorneys are not letting that happen.
Everything in the back office is currently still there. The SEC
has filed a motion to vaporize everything and our attorney's are
fighting that motion. If we prevail, what happens to all of that
information is up to Paul Burks.

7. Our attorneys said there will likely be NO CLAWBACKS. They
said Kenneth Bell was improper in saying that. All three of our
attorneys have worked as receivers so they know exactly how the
process works. One of our attorneys is only 1 of 2 in the
nation who has the highest credentials for fighting this.
He was a senior enforcement officer with the SEC, was a
federal prosecutor who knows all about insider trading,
bank fraud, mail fraud and tax fraud. He also knows all of
the members of the SEC personally.

8. When Kevin Grimes was brought on by ZeekRewards it was solely
for the compliance video. There was nothing he could do when
Paul was advised by his personal attorney to give up.

9. If Paul does not want to step back in and run ZeekRewards he
has two choices. He can appoint someone to run it for him.
There are a few people who have already volunteered to take over
and run Zeek 2.0. Or he can sell it and there are some people
who have already said they will take it over.

10. After the verdict is handed down (and we win), it will
take at least 2 months to have ZeekRewards back up and running.
Robert Craddock said everything is looking really good right now
but we are walking on thin ice so that is why everything is
taking so long. We have to be extremely careful with all of the
motions that are filed.

11. The reason the North Carolina DOJ dropped all of the charges
is because they found NO VICTIMS and NO SECURITIES. The SEC
might have a different opinion. Robert Craddock has to attend
all of the court hearings. He believes that Zeek will be proven
to be a solid and legal business model. He said they will be
able to prove that the money being paid from ZeekRewards to the
affiliates was from the success of the auctions. The points that
everyone had was not money. They were just points. We were
only paid from the profits from the auctions. This has been
proven by the profit and loss statements that were requested by
the SEC. Paul Burks attorney (Noel) said he wished he would
have known this information before he gave Paul such bad legal

12. Robert said that the Judge is not dismissing our arguments so
we are able to move forward with everything. Robert also said
that the SEC has spent about $50,000 to $60,000 of ZeekRewards
money so far on this case. He said right now the money that we
all have donated is enough to pay our attorneys. He did say that
at some point in the future we might be asked to donate $10 more.
When the first donations poured in, 2/3 of it came from outside
of the United States.

We need to stay positive and know that our attorneys are doing
everything in their power to prove our company should be restored
to us as soon as possible.
This is sorta one of those instances when singling out any particular lie would seem to diminish all the other lies. I will endeavor to record any subsequent calls because quite frankly deceptions like these deserve to be archived in their own words and not just summarized by a third party.

But this is just a rehash of all the crap Craddock has been spewing from the beginning. That Paul's attorney Noell Tin is some sort of small town small time bumbler who doesn't know what he's doing despite the fact that he's kept 12DailyPro's Charis Johnson out of jail for better than six years (and counting), is just the same lie he told on his earliest fund raising calls. The only innovation is concocting the "profit and loss statement" which Craddock alleges Mr. Tin wished he would have seen "before he gave Paul such bad legal advice."

Sam E. Antar of "Crazy Eddie" fame once complied what he called The Art of Spinning, while I can't prove that Robert Craddock ever read the blog post it seems certain that he's mastered some of the fundamentals.
notorial dissent
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

I think that really is called lying by the numbers.

Do we actually know who the "3 attorneys " working on the case are at this point? I seem to have missed an episode.

While I'm sure the attorneys "see" no victims, otherwise they wouldn't be able to make their bid for their fees, I think reality is otherwise.

Yeah like 2000 people are going to show up in NC for the hearing, that and other fantasies.

I see a whole lot o' fantasy goin' on here, and very little else.

It will be interesting to see the spin when they get their heads handed to them at the hearing.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:It will be interesting to see the spin when they get their heads handed to them at the hearing.
What hearing? A quick PACER check shows the same as it has all along: these guys haven't filed anything. All of the stuff GD has been posting is classic scammer-babble. Craddock has been frothing about "motions" for weeks, with nothing to show for it. Craddock explains, "We have to be extremely careful with all of the motions that are filed". Not filing anything is the greatest care of all. You can't get publicly shot down if you never ask for anything.

Maybe it's because these purported lawyers are "typing" them. I haven't seen a typewriter in years.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Arthur Rubin »

wserra wrote:Maybe it's because these purported lawyers are "typing" them. I haven't seen a typewriter in years.
I have. My wife has a long series of forms to fill out, and typing seems better than handwriting. At least, it avoids writer's cramp (although it may lead to carpal tunnel).
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Gregg »

The lawyers are preparing motions alright. Motions that try to justify why clawbacks aren't justified, motions that point out the money is already spent, motions about jurisdiction and such. They're a lot like CTC people writing responses to 3176 letters, they can write, but it won't do much good.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, if there is no hearing scheduled, and nothing filed, then they obviously will have a lot to spin won't they?

I was being facetious when I wrote that, since I really am not expecting anything more than meaningless rantings and posturings coming from that quarter. I really suspect that the last thing any of them want is to get into a court room where they could be asked some really embarrassing not to mention hazardous questions about their involvement.

Unless I have missed something in this exchange, Craddy et al, don't have any standing whatsoever to be filing or claiming anything in this mess, except possibly against some of the estate funds "if" he can prove a claim and clean hands, something I'm not betting on. At this point, the only standing in this matter would most likely be claimant against the estate, recipient of a clawback order, or possibly future indictee in a criminal matter. As to the rest of it, ZEEK, its minions and subsidiaries, are well and truly dead, not going to be resurrected by any sort of legal mumbo jumbo, and I would suspect that if they start up anything similar, they will be hit with a further enforcement action. There was enough money involved here that I don't see the SEC just rolling over and going away on this.

Still comes back to my original question, do we know who these very ambitious lawyers are?
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by rogfulton »

notorial dissent wrote:Still comes back to my original question, do we know who these very ambitious lawyers are?
Dewey, Cheatum and Howe?
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Wizzard7 »

I did post a reply to Craddock's mutterings over on the Blog. Total nonsense from the Fun Club bunch.

notorial dissent
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

rogfulton wrote:Dewey, Cheatum and Howe?
Ah, that fine old prestigious firm.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

Two of the attorneys representing Fun Club USA are Rodney Alexander of Alexander Ricks PLLC and Michael J. Quilling of Quilling, Selander, Lownds, Winslett & Moser, P.C. Mr. Quilling in particular seems to have impressive credentials but it is speculative at best to to guess what they were hired to do.

Sort of a haphazard update, it's been a rough week.

Earlier this week Ken Bell, the court appointed receiver issued the following on the official site:
October 30, 2012

I want to give you an update on our efforts to recover assets from which we will be able
to refund victims of Rex Venture Group LLC.

Our preliminary analysis has identified more than 800,000 affiliate User IDs who put
more money into Rex Venture than they took out. We estimate that losses will total
between $500 million and $600 million. We have already recovered more than $300
million and continue to pursue millions more held in financial institutions. To fill the
gap between what we have recovered and what victims lost, we will pursue recovery
from those who took out of Rex Venture more than they put in. There are more than
100,000 User IDs in this category representing hundreds of millions of dollars.

This week we will issue subpoenas to approximately 1,200 affiliates who profited most
from ZeekRewards. The subpoenas ask for financial information, including dealings
with Rex Venture. Depositions and litigation will follow if necessary. With each
subpoena will be a letter offering to negotiate voluntary surrender of profits (victims'
money, really) instead of going to Court. Additional subpoenas and demands for return
of profits will be served on thousands more in the weeks to come. I can't tell you we will
recover enough to make all victims 100% whole, but if we don't it won't be for lack of

As soon as we are able we will submit to the Court for approval an Official Claim Form.
Once approved the Form will be posted on this website. When that process has run we
will ask the Court for permission to make a preliminary, partial distribution to qualified
claimants from recovered funds. A final distribution will have to wait until we have
finished collecting all recoverable assets. This will unfortunately take quite a while, and I
appreciate your support and patience.

Finally, I have received emails from many of you asking if you need to, or should, hire an
attorney or join a group that has hired an attorney to assist in your recovery of claims. I
cannot and do not advise you one way or another about hiring an attorney. I can tell you
that my direction from the Court, and my duty to you, is to seize all recoverable assets
and distribute them to victims as fully and fairly as possible. That, I will do.

Kenneth D. Bell

As by means of reply our own Mr. Craddock issued the following:

November 3, 2012

Greetings good people; I would like to comment on the latest events concerning Kenneth Bell.

Let me first give this disclaimer I’m not an attorney, and I cannot give legal advice but I would like to point out some obvious, areas you may be overlooking.

First, for everyone that has received a civil request for information from Kenneth Bell, do not panic. Kenneth Bell is fishing for information and is using, in my opinion, scare tactics to shake you good people up in turning over money you have earned from your efforts in building the penny auction known as Zeekler.com for Rex Venture Group.

Next, I have been instructed by the attorneys fighting for us to inform you that any request you have received to voluntarily turn over any monies earned is just that a request. You are not bound to turn over any money. Why, you may ask and that is simple there has not been any judge ordering you to do so and the likelihood of that happening is slim to none.

The attorneys have all looked at this and have concluded two things; first, they do not see a victim, as alleged by the affidavits filed by the court. Second, they do not see a security as alleged by the affidavits filed.

What does this mean? Simply we would not have gone through the prior events if it was not for Paul Burks believing he had to voluntarily turn over control of his company to the North Carolina DOJ on August 16, 2012 and leading up to the rushed filing by the SEC assuming that Paul Burks was admitting guilt.

I’m now confident, as are the attorneys, with motions being filed in the court on our behalf will bring into question the accuracy of the statements, affidavits and testimony’s given to the court to secure the order Kenneth Bell is operating under and interruption of the order Kenneth Bell adopted.

We are putting together examples of how to respond to requests by Kenneth Bell. You can follow if you wish. The information will be coming directly from the Attorneys representing this effort to bring all the facts into the court on how Rex Venture operated. In addition, how we all earned money and how Zeek Rewards was not a Ponzi scheme, as alleged by people that simply, do not understand the Zeek Rewards business model.

We are doing a series of conference calls on Saturday, Sunday and Monday; get with your leaders to listen in on a call for your group. We will be in contact with the leaders and they will communicate with you.

In closing I would like to say that this is the turning point where we start to have our combined voices heard and take back our future. I personally would like to thank all you for your continued patience.

There was a call as promised tonight and it is to my regret that I couldn't archive it. Hurricane Sandy killed my regular computer (with the help of a faulty surge protector) so I'm typing on computer which is better suited to be a doorstop. So nothing that follows is to be considered a direct quote, it's taken from hand scribbled notes and between all the ambient background noise on the call and the sound of my own laughter it was sometimes hard to hear what Robert was saying. In no particular order:

Because they were mailed and not hand delivered, all but one of the subpoenas sent out this week by Mr. Bell were improperly served. He stopped short of saying people could ignore them, but not by much. The one that was properly served was of course to him. Mr. Bell either called Robert's attorney Rodney Alexander, or was talking with him on a related matter and asked if Mr. Alexander would affect service and he did.

Robert continually conflated the notion, expressed in Mr. Bell's letter above that people could cooperate with the receiver with the notion that if they didn't, they wouldn't be given a choice. While correctly pointing out that you don't need to voluntarily do anything he sorta dissembled the reality that if you don't cooperate steps would be taken to ensure your compliance.

In a similar vein he indicated that even those who weren't in profit with Zeek should avoid voluntarily supplying Mr. Bell with information. He didn't point out that doing so would preclude those people from receiving a refund but to him it seemed more like a matter of principle. Robert Craddock is convinced that by going after individual Zeek affiliates the receiver Ken Bell is going "above and beyond" the scope of his authority.

This is a point he returned to several times. Ken Bell's mandate from the court (as misguided and unjust as Robert views that mandate to be) was to go after and secure the assets of Rex Ventures Group and by extension, Zeek Rewards. But the money the affiliates earned is not the property of RVG or Zeek so Ken Bell is clearly overstepping his authority here. I wonder which of his attorneys briefed him on these issues but I suspect it was the same one* who insisted that no issue in this cased raises to the level of employing clawbacks.

* Early into the call Robert made mention that his attorney (Rodney Alexander) had been consulting with Todd (Disner's) friend Dwight (Schweitzer) who Robert seemed to believe is an attorney.

Throughout the call Robert expressed unfavorable opinions about the receiver Ken Bell, at one point saying that Mr. Bell was not respected in the legal community for his abilities of rational thought. Robert continually questioned Mr. Bell's ethics and motives to the point that when the call moved to a question and answer period someone asked if there was any way they could sue Mr. Bell. Robert correctly pointed out some of the difficulties involved, unless, Mr. Bell could be shown to be acting maliciously, Robert's voice brightened. You see although Robert's total earning did not include him in the 1,200 top earners in the program he was included in the first 1,200 subpoenas issued. He also alleged that Mr. Bell said less than nice things about the Fun Club effort to one of Fun Club's attorneys. Robert intimated that this might be an avenue for their attorneys to pursue.

The notes go on but where the rubber meets the road is Robert stated directly and repeatedly that a motion will be filed Tuesday. It will be with the intent to compel the release of funds Zeek affiliates have frozen in various E-Wallet payment processors. In what might have been an unguarded moment Robert admitted that there were issues with gaining legal standing in this case and the E-Wallet motion was an effort to gain that standing.

Oh, and fund raising resumes next week.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

Well, so far nothing filed by Fun Club but Robert did give an update. I kinda think if something was filed today he'd have crowed about it a bit:

November 6, 2012

Greetings good people, update to the conference calls on Saturday November 3, 2012.

For everyone that has received a subpoena for information from Kenneth Bell, you like us believe that Kenneth Bell is fishing for information to intimidate and to get you to voluntary turn over monies you earned by bringing value to the Zeekler Penny Auction.

As I clearly stated, you are not under any court order to turn over any funds and it is our position that Zeek Rewards was a legal business model, claims stating otherwise are false.

Our law firm is now willing to take on the people that have received subpoenas from Kenneth Bell and respond to them for you. The firm has come up with a flat rate for doing this and it is quite affordable.

You will be listed on the court records as being represented by the firm and they will file the objection to Kenneth Bell’s subpoena request for you. You have 14 days to file an objection and the clock is ticking. Because this is only impacting a small percentage of people we decided to not ask the entire group to help fund this, and the law firm has agreed to do this on a flat fee per person needing assistance of just $300 dollars.

Only people that have received subpoenas should call the law firm.

Please contact the attorneys directly to get more information the contact person at Alexander Ricks PLLC is:

Clark C. Walton


Alexander Ricks PLLC

(Further contact info redacted)
Wait a minute, I thought that just contributing to the Fun Club fund entered you into the "protected group" so what's up with the $300? It will be interesting to see what people get for their money.
notorial dissent
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

GD, thank you for the latest comedy installment.

Who or what is a Clark C. Walton. I seemed to have missed him in the latest cast of characters. I assume he is a lawyer with Ricks????

I realize this is probably rhetorical, but does this crowd not realize that a subpoena is a good deal more than a "request", and that for the most part, the receiver probably(actually almost certainly) has a good deal more information on them than they think he does? And that the "voluntary" part is just a euphemism for do it the easy way, or we'll do it the hard way?

I wonder if the vaunted law firms involved are aware of the fact that Messrs. Clark et al are advocating and actively encouraging, as well as let's say conspiring, to what amounts to obstruction and the ignoring of a lawful subpoena? I can't believe that any legal professional, at least one who wants to remain as such, would actually countenance what amounts to a conspiracy and active violation of the law. Particularly since the little fish not filing only aids the big fish in, hopefully on their part, getting away with more in the end.

This may be a bit sketchy, but wouldn't
"Our law firm" acting for any of the other gullees in this matter, even on something like the subpoena be a serious conflict of interest since they are already acting for Fun Club in what is most likely a contrary position that will ultimately be against the gullees interests?

Agreed, if by contributing to Fun Club they were "supposed" to be included in the litigation, why now all of a sudden are they being treated separately and charged individually? Answer, because they were
NEVER part of Fun Club to begin with, and Fun Club's interests are ultimately hostile to the rest of the group's when it comes right down to it. I still think it is ethically suspect for them to even be involved with the others based on that fact, and maybe the local bar association will be interested in knowing that as well.

Well, what they will get is screwed out of their $300, and I am betting the scrutiny on the claims will go up, it certainly would if I were reviewing them, and in the end they will be told to comply or else, and they will be right where they are now, plus being $300 lighter than when they started, and what's the bet that Ricks won't soon be asking for yet more money, just as Fun Club is? Also, every little game they play is going to lessen the corpus to be returned at the end of this, so they can just keep right on burning it up if they want to, but just as the residue is portioned out to all the players, so are the expeneses.

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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Gregg »

An important little tidbit on all that is that Craddock was served through HIS attorney, all the other ones were served personally through the mails.

If the attorneys represent everyone, how come they didn't accept service for anyone else?
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by ashlynne39 »

Gregg wrote:An important little tidbit on all that is that Craddock was served through HIS attorney, all the other ones were served personally through the mails.

If the attorneys represent everyone, how come they didn't accept service for anyone else?
This . . . but also, if the attorneys represent "everyone," why does "everyone" now have to pay extra money to be represented to fight the subpoenas? If I had donated money to the legal fund, I would sure be asking that question.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39 wrote:If I had donated money to the legal fund, I would sure be asking that question.
No, you wouldn't. If you didn't have sense enough not to get mixed up in the scam in the first place, and didn't have sense enough to not fall for Craddock's send me money scam, why would this be any different, or any different the next time they do it.

As I said previously, I do not see how Ricks can be representing two mutually at odds groups, since Fun Club's interests are, or certainly will be, antagonistic to all the rest of the gullees when this finally gets down to it, and since they aren't, and can't as I understand it, be doing this as a class action, I just don't see how they have wiggled around the ethical considerations.. It just plain smells, in both directions.

The end result is that the gullees are going to get screwed yet again. At least as I see it.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Gregg »

Ya know, I'm darn near the point of not caring about them if they do, maybe it's time to let Darwin cosign these morons to the trailer parks and government cheese diets. Until they start putting the winners in jail along with the operators, it's not going to stop.
At the end of this, by their own admission, the receivers are going to allow winners to pay back some, but not all, of their 'profits' which means they still come out ahead, while the rest of the people only get back XX % .

Look at CEP, where the victims got about 30% back, but the big winners negotiated settlements that allowed some of them to keep more than half of what they were paid above their contribution. And the list of the people who only got to keep most of their ill gotten gains has a lot of scammers on it I have seen time and again since then. At the very least, for them to negotiate not paying back every penny of gain as well as the same percentage of principal as everyone else, they should have to sign consent decrees to never participate in these scams again.
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