Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Gregg »

What bothers me the most, in fact makes me want to go find one of these pimps and feed him to the dachshunds, is that in 3-4 years when the receiver wins clawback actions against the major winners, selfsame winners will claim hardship and settle the cases for pennies on the dollar, which in effect will make them still net winners when everyone else takes a bath.

In the CEP case, where the victims got I think 30% refunds, NOT ONE SINGLE person who LOST CASES FOR JUDGEMENTS paid back what they made in profits. One person who was up by $140,000 settled for just $10,000, which means they (a couple I think, but same last name/address regardless) only made $130,000 profit on the scam. That's absolutely outrageous and I'm gonna make as much noise as I can to make sure it doesn't happen again.

BTW, does anyone know if Ken Russo was in this? I have conflicting reports.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

As I understand it, Rex Ventures was the controlling entity of Zeek Rewards. where exactly does Zeekler fit in to this, and shouldn't it have been shut down with the rest of the dog and pony show? Or was it, and is Craddock again misrepresenting the facts?
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

Rex Ventures is the umbrella under which many scuzzy little scams have crowded. Free Store Club, NewNetMail, GoGo Hub and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. All of them either employed pyramid like aspects or were just straight up pyramids. But it wasn't until select members of the old ASD crew latched onto Zeek Rewards did Paul Burks climb above the radar, which he did in a very Icarus like fashion.

Zeek Rewards was the "affiliate marketing" website while Zeekler was the crappy little penny auction site which was supposed to be generating the profits in the ponzi points pool.

But this just in:

SEC Admissions Of Weakness In Zeek Case "Inaccurate"; Tactics and Motivations of Zeek Victim Group Questioned

Jordan D. Maglich Monday, September 10, 2012 at 8:37PM

(Selected quotes)
Shortly after the SEC stepped in, several groups, including “Zeek Rewards Affiliates United Against The SEC” and “Zteambiz” were formed, and appear to operate in tandem. Zteambiz describes itself on its website, http://www.zteambiz.com, as “a professional organization designed to secure competent legal counsel to prevent further damage caused by the actions of the SEC actions against Rex Venture Group aka, Zeek Rewards.” Dave Kettner and Robert Craddock are several of the individuals behind these sites, as evidenced by multiple postings attributed to them. Using the site, both have solicited Zeek victims to “donate” towards a fund being set up to retain a top law firm to fight the SEC’s allegations and reopen Zeek.
The claims seem skeptical for several reasons. First, it is highly unlikely that these kind of admissions would be made to a potentially adversarial party and/or attorney. Second, both Rex Venture Group and Paul Burks have each already entered into a consent judgment agreeing to waive any right of appeal, and, in Burk's case, paying a $4 million civil penalty. Further, a link to an information page established by the SEC now features prominently on the SEC's homepage, http://www.sec.gov.

These suspicions were confirmed today after Ponzitracker spoke with a top SEC official familiar with the case. After reviewing the allegations, the official, who declined to be named, labeled the statements as "inaccurate" and "false". Additionally, it would be highly impractical for the SEC to make such moves and statements without allowing the receiver to complete his initial investigation and make appropriate recommendations.

Craddock is no stranger to controversy in his affiliation with Zeek and Rex Venture Group. Several months before Zeek was shut down by the SEC, a blogger who goes by the name of KSChang posted an article presenting a detailed look into the legitimacy of Zeek. The article contained a wealth of information about Zeek, its past, and, perhaps most prescient, whether "ZeekRewards [is] a Ponzi Scheme?"..,..
What, you think I'd spoil a cliffhanger like this? Nah, the links about the quotes.

The fact that a contributor to Forbes magazine, who runs the Ponzitracker blog and who is covering Zeek Rewards for Forbes is calling out Kettner and Craddock can't make them very comfortable. We'll guys, you earned it.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

Couldn't happen to more deserving parties either.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by EagleOne »

Gregg wrote:What bothers me the most, in fact makes me want to go find one of these pimps and feed him to the dachshunds, is that in 3-4 years when the receiver wins clawback actions against the major winners, selfsame winners will claim hardship and settle the cases for pennies on the dollar, which in effect will make them still net winners when everyone else takes a bath.

In the CEP case, where the victims got I think 30% refunds, NOT ONE SINGLE person who LOST CASES FOR JUDGEMENTS paid back what they made in profits. One person who was up by $140,000 settled for just $10,000, which means they (a couple I think, but same last name/address regardless) only made $130,000 profit on the scam. That's absolutely outrageous and I'm gonna make as much noise as I can to make sure it doesn't happen again.

BTW, does anyone know if Ken Russo was in this? I have conflicting reports.
Russo was in it and posting at TG all of his thousands of dollars in payments. Here's just one of his payment postings:
DRdave, 7-10-12:
Another week and another payment right on time....

Date: July 10, 2012 1:06:54 AM
Amount Sent: $2298.54 USD
Sender Name: Rex Venture Group LLC
Sender Email: rexventuregroup@gmail.com
Reference Number: CBA08-6FCA6-BDA7C
Message: Cash-Available Payment for 7/9/2012

Thanks again ZR!

I think it was nice of him to give the authorities all his payment information, as it makes their job so much easier. Of course just like always, he knew this was coming and was out before all the problems started.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Gregg »

Thanks Lynn. I'm going to make it my goal in life to see to it that he pays back every dime he made, it's high time he got caught on the bad side of a scam that managed to get a receiver appointed.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by EagleOne »

Gregg wrote:Thanks Lynn. I'm going to make it my goal in life to see to it that he pays back every dime he made, it's high time he got caught on the bad side of a scam that managed to get a receiver appointed.
Music to my ears, and let me know (E-mail) how I can help.
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com

Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by kschang »

Too bad government agency can't sue an individual for slander and libel, or can it? :D (it's a rhetorical question)
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

Robert Craddock has been getting into a pissing match with Troy Dooly and I just had to share this "breaking news update" from the zTeamBiz website:

Update for September 13, 2012

Greetings good people, I wanted to provide everyone an update of the latest. First as I checked the counter for the hits to Troy Dooly videos, we can see that everyone now understands the motivation by Troy, for income potential by keeping the controversy going, and it appears that most people have now stopped the viewing of the ranting videos we have all been deluged with over the past weeks.

Next let me give you some numbers by going to the YouTube site and pulling up a list of Troy videos it is easy to see the current numbers and it is a telling tail of our message now reaching the masses. First video attacking two weeks ago currently has 10,379 views, attacking video 4 days ago, 16,872 but here is the part I’m impressed with attacking video 17 hours ago 1,099 so clearly now that we are explaining to everyone that if we reward Troy by going to his site with his desire to place negative and false information, regarding Zeek and the people working to correct this issue, his traffic will drop off quickly. Troy is now seeing a decline in viewers. In addition it appears that his only viewers were Zeek Affiliates and the other companies he is reporting on has not importance to anyone but Troy. I had started to contact YouTube.com and under their community guidelines, http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines in the section of Harassment, file a complaint but as we see the numbers start to drop it is just not worth the time as there was close to 2 million people worldwide in Zeek Rewards and Troy at Troy’s brightest moment Troy reached just .843 percent of the people in Zeek rewards, and now he is reaching just .054 percent so it just was not worth the time and effort to file anything.

We wish him well as he is learning that his short term fame is fading and soon will be forgotten.

On to legal news, have not heard back on the notice of appearance filing but will get it posted just as soon as we see it, secondly there is a letter circulating out there that says that McGuire Woods the Lawyers for the Zeek appointed receiver stated “Finds Zeekler innocent” as I’m with everyone in believing that this is true I have to tell you that I have not heard this from our attorneys and feel if such a statement was made it would have made it to me by now.

Second there is yet another statement that this group and Fun Club USA would not have standing or the Judge will stay any filing, again this is not accurate and has not happen. As always this is factual information and not rumor or speculation.

Will update you again on Friday the 14th of September.

Bolding mine.

Robert Craddock has delusions of adequacy. He pretends he could get Troy's videos taken down (if he thought it was worth the effort). But Robert has other things to worry about, the Business for Home website is saying that zTeamBiz is most likely ripping people off and MLM attorney Kevin Thompson is suggesting that people ask for refunds.

Karma's a bitch Robert. :D

And a late edit to add the latest Samurai Kudzu update:
Helllo Zeek Samurai,

I wanted to update you on the progress of the Zeek lawsuit and to answer to the "junk" and lies that are being posted now around the Internet. It is absolutely ridiculous what people around the Internet are posting about us and our legal fight who have no idea what they are talking about and blasting us for the good that we are trying to do to fight for Zeek Rewards and all of us their affiliates.

My last post on Saturday were all facts. This information came directly from Robert Craddock who shared information from the communication from our lawyers and the lawyers representing the case from the SEC. Robert has since now said that the lawyer has said that we should not have shared this conversation between the two lawyers as it was not an "official" conversation and the last thing we want to do is back the SEC into a corner making this fight harder then it should be. This information obviously was not and will not be published or posted by the SEC.

Here is what will be made public very soon...When the motion filed by our lawyers goes through the court, it will be made public that our law firm is representing ALL of the Zeek Rewards affiliates that have either donated money for the law firm support and/or have added their information to the list of people submitted at http://zteambiz.net or submitted through the spreadsheets of people that have been sent in to Robert Craddock. The next public announcements will be from the courts regarding our actions that we are demanding that the SEC present to prove their allegations against Zeek and Rex Venture and things will progress from there.

We will not provide any more information regarding the lawsuit as whenever we have done this, it has resulted in negative attacks and hindered the progress of the fight and what needs to be done by the lawyers and through the court system. For example, Robert in confidence provided Troy Dooly with the names of our previous law firm SNR Denton's lawyers along with their cell phones and Troy posted it publicly in a video and on his website for all to see. This resulted in thousands of people contacting our lawyers directly to the point that they had to decline to represent us and we were forced to find a new law firm. This blatant disregard for keeping important information private by Troy has made it that we can not and will not share any more information with him or any other "talking heads" on the Internet. In result of this, we are receiving a lot of negative publicity from them as they want our information so they can post more drama to generate more views to their websites thus resulting in them making more profits. It is a shame that this is happening, but nevertheless, they are still doing it.

Team, we are in the middle of a fight for the life of our Zeek Rewards business. Myself, Robert, and several others are doing EVERYTHING possible to prove to the world that what the SEC accused Zeek and Rex Venture of to be false and do what ever possible to get Zeek Rewards back up and running again in the future. We are fighting this fight using our own time and resources and not making a dime from it. ALL of the money that has been collected by Robert Craddock has been sent to our law firm and will be used to meet our goals as I just mentioned. There is no other agenda but to achieve these goals and do whatever possible to get Zeek Rewards clear of all accusations and get the company back in business as we all know that Zeek Rewards was wrongly shut down by an agency that not only should have no authority over it, but also who did not understand the entire business model before they acted on an emergency injunction shutting Zeek Rewards down.

Here is what need from all of you...Please stop listening to the negative naysayers and doomsday "talking heads" that obviously have no idea what the facts are and are only trying to drive up traffic to their sites by preying on this hot new topic. Please be patient in knowing that whenever we are dealing with the court system, this process takes time. Please stop emailing me asking about the progress of our fight or if I know any new information or when Zeek will be back up as all you are doing is hindering the progress of what we are trying to do. Information will be posted as we can post it and I will not post anymore "insider information" as it is only taken by others as more ammunition for them to attack us and fuel more drama. The last thing we want is to damage the positive progress that we are seeing moving forward with our law suit.

In other updates...If you have not already, please make your account at http://zteambiz.net. Robert has been fixing the problem with people requesting their passwords to their email and not receiving them. If this is the case, please give it some time to be fixed and try again later. Those wanting to still donate can do so once logged into the site. On Wednesday the 12th of September the Zteambiz.net site was updated so if you used the link to signup, the next page you would view was your information with the temp password, due to the massive amount of signups now we are having issues getting the emails out and had to go to this plan. if you sent in spread sheets with names we are backloged in getting the data in the correct format to upload it and if you can just go to the site and signup now. when we get the data uploaded it will not generate a second record, if the system sees you have allready signed up.

People that have already made their donations through PayPal need not to worry as your funds have already been sent directly to the law firm and you do not need to worry. Plus your name has already been recorded into the protected group of affiliates being represented by our law suit. The retainer for the law firm has already been met and no funds are needed at this time, but anyone still wanting to donate to the cause will be further sent to the law firm as backup funds that may be needed at a later time.
Some people have been receiving generic emails from the receiver...please disregard as it is nothing important.

Robert has also updated the site http://zteambiz.net in the latest news section with new information as of today. Watch this latest news section for information as it can be shared by Robert.

As you are hearing the bogus reports being posted around the Internet, please do me and all of us a favor and respond back to these people in defense of what we are doing. We are only as strong as us willing to stand up for what we believe. So please let these "talking heads" know your thoughts and they will also see when the details come out through the court and everything is made public. This will be the proof that will not only make them look like fools, but will maybe result in them not having a following of people anymore. That will be a very tough lesson for them to learn and will teach them a lesson in reporting what is real and not posting lies simply to get traffic to their websites.

I wish you all the best and God Bless,

Dave Kettner
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

One update then on to your regularly scheduled Crock of Craddock. Ken Bell, the court appointed receiver sent out an e-mail this week which was also posted on the official site. It reads as follows:
September 13, 2012

Many of you are asking what the Receiver has been doing since August 17, 2012. Among a great many other tasks required by the Court’s Order, we have made it the first priority to secure Receivership Assets. As of today we have secured nearly $300,000,000.00 in Receivership Assets. There may be tens of millions of dollars more of recoverable assets. This process will take time, and I ask your patience while we seek every recoverable dollar for victims of Rex Ventures Group LLC. While many of you are understandably anxious to begin the claims process, we simply can’t do that until we are reasonably certain we have recovered all assets from which victims can be compensated. This process will take months, if not longer.

Among those from whom we intend to recover assets are those affiliates who took more out of Rex Ventures than they put in. Many of you received little or nothing from this enterprise. In order to make everyone as whole as possible, those who profited from participating should surrender their gains.

We hope to soon post an information template for you to complete. This is not an official claim form, but it will allow us to begin collecting your information for future claims processes, and better enable us to communicate with you.

Finally, I read in many emails and web postings that some affiliates claim to have spoken to me or the SEC. False information is being circulated by these claimants. I have not spoken to any of those claiming to have done so. I will communicate with you through this web site. If I could answer all of the hundreds of thousands of emails and calls from you I would, but obviously I can’t. I also recommend that you consider only what the SEC posts on its web site for its position on this matter.

Thank you for your patience and support as we work for the benefit of all victims of Rex Ventures Group LLC. I commit to keeping you as informed as possible.

Kenneth D. Bell
Bolding Mine.

Well that does serve to contradict what Dave and Robert was saying last week. Robert responds:
September 14, 2012

Greetings Good People, today has been filled with chasing down the status of the attorneys, but it has come to my attention that there is a phony letter circulating out there reporting to have come from Ken Bell, if anyone has an actual email that states the original location the email came from, leading you to believe it was from the receiver please contact me, as I want to get the header information from the email. When someone impersonates someone like this, we need to do what we can to track down the source and turn it over to law enforcement. It is sad but, in this day and age, there are people that derive a sick pleasure from tormenting you with false and misleading information trying to confuse you, and if we can police this abuse, we can make this process much smother for you.

My email is legalboards@gmail.com and I would welcome that direct message so I can help you, send me the header information, to track down the person doing this.

On a brighter note, I still very encouraged and know we just need to give the attorneys the time and space to represent the facts to the receiver, and the court. I feel confident once that has happen we will see a positive conclusion to this nightmare we are all trying to wake up from.

Again we will be posting new information in the backend of Zteambiz.net and starting today we will be posting on Zteambiz.com only that we have updated in your backend area of Zteambiz.net

Hey, he only said that there was A phoney letter from Ken Bell circulating but he didn't say the one reposted on the receiver's site was the one that is phoney. Almost clever, but this isn't:
September 15, 2012

Greetings good people; we have not heard anything from our attorney. Yesterday I received many emails from fellow Zeekers, regarding statements from the receiver and, I like you, was shocked and viewed it as their attempt to say, there is no need to be represented by counsel. Well, as we all know we live in America, and for the fellow Zeekers that live outside of America this is not the behavior the world has come to expect from this country and its legal system, simply we all want to get the honest facts and it would appear that the receiver would rather all of us just roll over and take it.

I can assure you that our team, which has come together, is committed to questioning everything that the SEC and the Receivers are alleging, through competent and qualified legal counsel. We can only assume the prospect of our large group, now questioning every step the receiver has taken is a basis for great concern and it should. Naïve, and uninformed people have under estimated the passion of this group, because as a group, we recognized what a great business opportunity Zeek Rewards was, and speaking for myself I won’t roll over without a fight, and will do everything in my power to see the steps taken by the SEC and Receivers come under the strongest scrutiny.

As most of us know, to be appointed as a receiver is a profitable job, and some would call it legalized stealing. The court comes in and says it wants to protect everyone, but did you ever hear any one complain that they did not make money with Zeek Rewards, has the goverment produced anyone, that asked the goverment to stepin because Rex Venture Group LLC., was not paying its bills? Well I sure did not hear it, nor have I seen any filings regarding or supporting that conclusion.

People, we are in the fight of our lives and financial future. Now, as we have all come together to hold the government accountable, in a court of law, and if needed, in the media, we are secure in the quality of the law firm we have secured to represent us.

As I receive emails referencing the people wanting to post fraudulent and defaming comments that were not associated with Zeek Rewards, simply to mold and alter your thinking, please keep in mind, there was no investment, Zeekler was a penny auction and we all bought bids. We do not have a mountain of money sitting there to be distributed to us, “WE BOUGHT BIDS”, and we did this because we understood the Zeek Rewards business model, other people do not, and try to slam it with no knowledge, of how the system worked.

As of 4 weeks ago, your leaders came together to fight what we believe to be an unlawful action. People ask how do we prove this when it appears the government is making the rules as we go, simple we secure competent legal counsel and position ourselves to turn the spot light on the individuals that have stolen our present and future financial dreams and hopes. “And that is just what we have done”
Have you ever wondered how do the Receiver, Lawyers and accountants get paid?

The Receiver, lawyers and accountants are paid an hourly fee by the Court from the funds collected. The Receiver must file an application with the Court and the Court will only pay the Receiver a reasonable fee based on the services rendered and the results obtained. In many cases, Receivers are unsuccessful in collecting any funds. Thus, to a certain extent, the Receiver and his professionals work on a "contingency" basis.

This is great job if you can get it and most times it comes from political favors, so that leads me to one last thing, we have a very important date coming up the first Tuesday of November. You can’t complain if you don’t vote, so I urge everyone to allow us the time to work with the attorneys to hold the government accountable and you can help us by going to the polls in November and ask yourself if you are better off now than 4 years ago, because winning this battle is not the end. We need to locate lawmakers and open their eyes to what is happening and if they do not see a problem you need to decide if that person is someone you want as your representative in Washington.

I would be greatly cheered if a copy of this found it's way to the people administering the clawbacks.

And this just in. Business from Home dot Org is very much a Pro MLM website but in a link I posted previously it's owner Ted Nuyten posted an article critical of zTeamBiz and their fund raising efforts. And as is his want, when this sort of things happens Robert Craddock uses his magic truth hiding skills to try to bury those truths:
Update: 14 September 2012 Robert Craddock has send a request to my provider, in an attempt to block my Freedom of Speech.

September 14, 2012 Regarding: BusinessforHome.org

There is potential situation that I’m asking for your assistance on. My name is Robert Craddock I’m the owner of Zteambiz.com and .net, and I’m in the middle of assisting a large group of individuals around the world retain legal counsel for potential crawl back action by the Securities and Exchange Commission here in the United States.

As we move forward there are several groups that want to capitalize and attract traffic to their site for financial gain. To accomplish this they are engaged in cyber harassment on the web directed at me. Here in the state of Florida this type of activity is a crime, as I’m sure it is in other locations around the globe.

I’m sure you have procedures against this type of action and follow a code of conduct by ICAN and Arin. As we plan on taking additional action against this group and others for their conduct, I would request the following:

One: park the domain BusinessforHome.org

Two: investigate the owner of the domain to see if the Whois is correct as I believe the whois information is incorrect and the owner of the domain is a US citizen. We intend to file an action against this person in the state of Florida as this is where I reside.

The following is an image of how this individual is trying to portray me. (Image above: – TN)

Robert Craddock
1704 Baron Court
Port Orange, FL 32128
386-405-0855 Cell

My answer:

Business For Home.org is a foundation under Dutch law, Ted Nuyten is the founder and chairman. If you want to sue me in The Netherlands, I will defend my legal rights and freedom of speech.

My contact details are all over this website. In case you can not find it: Ted Nuyten, Linge 88, 2105 WG, The Netherlands.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by wserra »

GlimDropper wrote:
crawl back action
Definition: That action which Craddock et al should take with regard to their rocks.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

~Yawn~ Robert's getting boring:
September 17, 2012

Greetings good people, Well its Monday and a new week, I’m expecting as I’m sure you are also, wanting to get some news from the attorneys this week, and rest assured as soon as I know something I will get the information out to you.

The receiver Kenneth Bell has enjoyed the ability to make statements and file motions with the court without having anyone to oppose him or question any of his actions, that luxury, has not changed and we expect to see the tone of his public statements start to change some what.

So stay tune and let’s see how the next few weeks play’s out.

Craddock writes crap copy. He's transitioning from his previous URGENT mode of fund raising to setting up the long con but he's doing it poorly. Two Saturdays ago Dave dropped the bombshell that their attorneys had met with the SEC and the SEC admitted they were wrong. Oh how eager zTeamBiz's attorneys were to march straight into court (on Monday or Tuesday of last week) and file the papers that would stop the receiver dead in his tracks. Monday and Tuesday passed and nothing was filed, don't worry, the end of (last) week at the latest.

Now Robert is "expecting" and "wanting" to hear something from the attorneys sometime this week. Or in the next few weeks, or something like that.

And what's with ".,..that luxury, has not changed and we expect to see the tone of his public statements start to change some what."? Nothing has changed so that means.,.. What? He was trying to imply without directly stating that some sort of action they are taking is having some kind of affect but Robert's primary marketing experience is the Fortune High Tech kind and evidently he never bought the "Writing Effective Sales Copy" e-book.

I'm not complaining but if I'm going to spend my time documenting this man's lies the least he could do is be less incompetent about it.

So, no news on the Craddock front but some interesting action by the people who really are filing motions in real court cases. Our friend Don has been maintaining a website with all the Rex Ventures court documents. Document 29 is one I'd love to witness Robert Craddock, Dave Kettner and Todd Disner read. From which I quote:
1. Pursuant to the Agreed Order Appointing Temporary Receiver and Freezing Assets of Defendant Rex Venture Group, LLC [Doc. 4], the Receivership Defendant is directed to “file with the Court and serve upon the Receiver and the Commission a sworn statement and accounting, with complete documentation, covering the period from January 1, 2010 to the present,” of, inter alia, various accounts and bank information.

2. The documentation that supports Receivership Defendant’s anticipated filing contains account and financial information concerning not only Rex Ventures Group, LLC d/b/a ZeekRewards.com, but also thousands of individuals who either paid funds to and/or received funds from Receivership Defendant since January 1, 2010.

3. Because the documentation to be produced contains personal and sensitive financial information of thousands of individuals, Receivership Defendant, through undersigned counsel, respectfully requests that it be permitted to file this information under seal. Due to the nature of the documents themselves and the volume of transactions represented therein, undersigned counsel does not believe that an alternative to filing under seal, such as line-by-line redaction to include only the last four digits of the financial account number, is feasible.
Paul Burks is cooperating in spades, looks like a mega shit load of transaction records are about to hit the fan.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

So, in other words, a whole lotta dirty laundry is about to get a public, well, semi-public, airing????

I wonder how prominently Craddy and his buddies are going to play in them, and won't that be interesting reading?

It does sound like the listing of the stupid and semi-stupid, and the guilty and really guilty is going to go on for days though, doesn't it?

I have a feeling that at this point that what Craddy's lawyers are telling him, always assuming that he has really actually contacted any at this point, is to suck vacuum, or pound sand, since they don't want anywhere close to this clusterf***. I certainly wouldn't do anything for him with out cast up front, lots and lots of cash, and I really really doubt if he is willing to part with any of his own for this.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »


September 18, 2012

Hello Good People, a lot has happened from our last update, we now have a second law firm assisting in the effort to hold the SEC accountable, so not to confuse anyone we have two law firms on the case now. As soon as they send me over the notice of appearance filing, I can publish it on the Zteambiz.net site.

Second, I would like to say is please; don’t fall for the trap the receiver would like everyone one of you to fall into. As of now the receiver has no victims, and let me expand on this a little, on August 15, 2012 is there anyone here, that felt they were taken and wanted out of Zeek Rewards, I’m willing to bet no one felt that way, in addition if you asked anyone, they would say simply we purchased bids to give away and encourage others to play the penny auction. From that simple action we were all able to earn daily cash awards and we had the ability to have that money paid directly to us, or purchase more bids and build up our retail profit pool.

Now that we all have had a refresher on what we did, how is it that people want to ask if they should fill out a claim form for the receiver thus saying they were a victim and part of an illegal investment Ponzi scam.

Next, the leaders that you all looked up to a month ago, are the same people you trusted with your future growth in Zeek Rewards,. I’m here to tell you they are still the same good people that want good things for you and, and for you to enjoy financial success.

So now we have an overzealous government agency, making unsubstantiated claims and convincing a judge to freeze the bank accounts and, dismantle the penny auction and for what, so the receiver can employ 100 people making in excess of 500 an hour for 210 weeks or 4.3 years and burn through the $500 million they have grabbed in 16 bank accounts.

So looking at this, what is this really about? Is it protecting people or giving a win fall of money to a politically connected law firm? Does the receiver have any incentive to protect anyone or run up a bill and submit invoices to the courts so they can pay themselves?

If you can stay strong, and let the process unfold we have some of the top people now working for us and they are not going to allow the SEC, NC DOJ and the Receiver misstate the facts and create victims where there are none. Lastly, this portal you are reading this in, was not our desire to build a portal for fun, but rather a single point of contact that allows the attorneys to clearly state that they can reach everyone and the costly process the receiver was gearing up to take on is greatly curtailed by this portal and we can limit the money he bills for reaching everyone. We want to make this less and less financially appealing to the receiver as this goes on.

So, now they have TWO law firms even if they can't tell us who they are,...yet.

Keep an eye out for more "don't file a claim with the receiver" talk. A lot of people were convinced by the "good people" who "led them" into Ad Surf Daily not to participate with remissions process. So much so that the people that did file received a 100% refund. Deja vu all over again.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm curious at this point, just which case are these so far unanamed attornies going to file an appearance for?

As far as I can determine, there isn't any thing open at this point. The SEC case against ZEEK et al is dead, buried, closed, and not going to be resurrected, so nothing there, and so far they haven't started criminal prosecutions or clawbacks, so just what, and more importantly who, are they going to file an appearance for? They will eventually be able to file as representatives for some of the victims when they get ready to do a redistribution, but that is going to be a whole ways down the road at this point. Who's blowing smoke up who's orifice now?
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by GlimDropper »

My continued thanks to Don Ryan for his ongoing archiving of Zeek Rewards documents.

Fun Club has filed notice of appearance by:

/s/ Rodney E. Alexander
N.C. Bar Number 23615
2901 Coltsgate Rd., Suite 202
Charlotte, NC 28211
Main: (704) 365-3656
Direct: (704) 365-3614
Fax: (704) 365-3676
E-mail: Rodney@AlexanderRicks.com

And an application for pro hac vice admission by:

FULL NAME: Michael J. Quilling
BUSINESS ADDRESS (include firm name):
Quilling, Selander, Lownds, Winslett & Moser, P.C.
2001 Bryan Street, Suite 1800
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 871-2100 – Office
(214) 871-2111 – Facsimile
This attorney will be representing Fun Club USA, Inc.

Hmm, both filings include the same verbiage:
counsel for (or representing) Fun Club USA, Inc and other entities whose assets were seized in connection with the above-referenced matter.
I hope they come up with something more original or compelling, otherwise the Judge might be tempted to rule "Denied, and for the same damn reasons Todd Disner's last save a ponzi lawsuit was dismissed."
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by wserra »

There are a couple of clearer reasons to deny the PHV applications.

First of all, Fun Club isn't a party. If Fun Club has an interest in the litigation, it makes a motion under FRCvP 24 (it's called "intervention"). As of now, there is no reason for a lawyer to file a notice of appearance (although a notice of appearance would be appropriate simultaneous with the motion). Second, there is no such thing as a notice of appearance for "other entities". You represent a named party (or proposed party), a class, or you represent no one.

I think we know whom these guys represent. They're not parties either - and won't be, for lack of standing.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by Gregg »

I saw that and I was wondering how they talked the attorney into that wording. He may think that there's a legitimate reason for it, but I can guess that some mention of "other parties" in one way shape or form was VERY important to the clients, as it lets them look like it's all a big tent and we're all covered.

It gives Craddock and friends just enough of a lie to carry on their scam, and gives the attorney just enough truth to be plausibly deniable.

Or am I wrong?
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, so Alexander and Quilling have officially gone on record as representing "FUN CLUB", but isn't FUN CLUB legally just Craddock and maybe his cronies?

And just what are they representing them for? I can see them spinning this off for the flock, but I would think the lawyers would be skating on pretty thin ice all the while.
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Re: Zeek Rewards and Internet Censorship

Post by wserra »

Gregg wrote:It gives Craddock and friends just enough of a lie to carry on their scam, and gives the attorney just enough truth to be plausibly deniable.

Or am I wrong?
Except for the fact that Fun Club isn't a party, I think you're right.
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