Steve Bates aka Wake Up! Productions

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Arthur Rubin
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Re: Steve Bates aka Wake Up! Productions

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:A point that ninja made that I'd like to repeat. While Steve seems to have gone off the deep end over some disagreements with him nobody was hostile or unfriendly or even impolite. Just standard questioning of proof of his contentions.

Steve seemed to get into a fuss over a posting I made where he and I actually agreed. We were getting off topic in the Dean Clifford thread so I said I'd start a new discussion and move the off-topic Dean postings to it. Then we could all squabble as much as we wanted in the new discussion.
What is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander on Quatloos !!!

I have been reading this site for about 6 months, and I was constantly seeing posts about "STAYING ON TOPIC". A month ago I decided to become a member, and today I realised that "Quatloosians" don't even abide by their own rules !!!

I responded to a valid comment with my views on Canada's tax system on DEAN CLIFFORD'S FORUM, ...
I don't recall the messages you deleted (yes, the deleted message placeholder shows who deleted the message, but not what it was), but we are not allowed to comment on what the law should be -- we comment on what the law is. (Exceptions include legal attempts to change the law, such as actual court cases or submitted legislation, and the NESARA forum.) Some of your comments earlier in this thread (living outside the box) suggest that your comments were, well, outside the law, and hence not appropriate on this board.

Should we have deleted the messages rather than commenting on their impropriety and/or hilarity? Possibly.
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by ontobserver »

I, and I'm sure others here, are sorry to you felt you were being attacked. That was not the intent. Having people who can provide an alternate view on things can make the discussions much more interesting and fill in some gaps.

You have to remember that Quatloos is here to expose scams and prevent people from taking actions based on bad advice. While your post lead to a small number of slightly off topic (still related to freeman beliefs), you provided an opinion that many of us here believe to be incorrect and we were looking for you to provide evidence to support your opinion. Burnaby provided court documentation contrary to your stated opinion.

Although the discussion took a bit of a tangent, it would have been equally wrong for us to not comment on your post as that would have made it appear that everyone agreed with that opinion. Following your opinion could get people into serious legal trouble.

Many threads on Quatloos are started in a similar manner...a discussion takes a bit of a tangent that is worth further discussion, the new thread is created, posts are moved and the original discussion gets back on track.

I did look at the video linked at the top of this discussion before it was made private. I agree with you on one point you made: that you don't have to pay income tax on a birthday cheque from your mother. The reason you don't have to pay tax on the birthday cheque, however, has nothing to do with the way your name is written on the cheque. Canada does not have a tax on money that is gifted. However, if you get paid for doing work, you are in fact required to pay income tax on that money. Even waiters/waitresses are supposed to pay taxes on all of the cash money they make from tips.
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Philistine »

So, Mr. Bates, are you still a "private contractor" working "under the table"?
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by notorial dissent »

Wake Up, ordinarily, I would say I’m sorry your feelings have been hurt, but truth be told there is no reason to be. You have gotten exactly and precisely what you asked for, to be treated as an equal and a part of this group, and yes, believe it or not that includes getting slapped down occasionally. You are free to believe anything you please, and say so at any time, but bear in mind that it is your belief, and not that of most of the rest of the posters. To put it in simpler terms, you are free to believe that the red lights at crossings mean go, and you can continue right on believing that even after you have been run over, repeatedly, but there are also posters here who really will know better and tell you so and make no apologies for it in the process. And when you make a bald statement, trust me, you can expect to get called on it to explain yourself, that's how it works here. You don’t have to like the answers or responses you get, but you will get them because the posters have taken your point seriously and responded seriously.

This IS NOT a FOTL board that will shut you down or toss you if you diverge from the party line or fantasy, but you will get to justify any claims you choose to make. If that is a little too much freedom for you, then I would suggest you go somewhere else where you won't have to suffer from divergent opinion and free discussion, and people who might just know a whole hell of a lot more than you. That isn't to say that discussions here don't get heated, they often do. The only two hard and fast real rules we have are to avoid politics, and to curb your vulgar mouth if you are so inclined.

The other thing that you should be aware of, if you’re not, is that a good proportion of the membership are either former or active legal or tax professionals of one kind or another, and FWIW several of them make or made a living arguing AGAINST the gov’t, and WINNING. The rest of us come from literally a variety of professions with a good deal of knowledge and experience in those fields. And be warned, for the most part none of the members here have checked their brains at the door, and none of their teeth need sharpening, further.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

I think our new friend, WUP, far from being tearful wants to talk about the topic of the tread.

I can honor that sentiment.
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Wake Up! Productions
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

arayder wrote:I think our new friend, WUP, far from being tearful wants to talk about the topic of the tread.

I can honor that sentiment.
Thank you. And from now on, I will keep my personal beliefs strictly to the thread that already bares my name.
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by LordEd »

I think the stay on topic post a were likely in the private sector act dot com thread. The poster in question had been given a significant amount of rope and many days worth of repetitive un substantiated claims of attack against another poster.

That poster also wasn't banned, just put into a moderator queue . as far as was reported last time I poked in there, no posts were actually blocked.

I stray at times to follow specific details. Burnaby poked me if I go too far.

It's the 'injected fact' problem. Many Freeman style arguments are long winded and contain a small innocuous statement as though something is a fact but is actually without support. I call out those statements because at times they are the basis of the larger argument. No foundation means the tower collapses.

Why argue over wording in a complicated act when the base of the argument is acts don't apply?

I'm not a lawyer or tax person. Just a simple geek. I get corrected when my ideas don't match reality.

Edit: Burnaby, can you move my other off topic posts in the Dean thread here for continuity?
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Burnaby49 »

Will do. I'll move them all so that at least one discussion has the history.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:Hutterites? Welcome to my world eric! Not as a Hutterite but as an ex tax auditor. I've already written about Hutterites on Quatloos;


They are as taxable as anyone else and they agree that they are taxable. The only issue that puts them out of the mainstream is the method of apportioning the gross colony income amongst the individual colony members.
Thank you for the information. I asked a Hutterite friend one time about income tax and he just said "the secretary does them for us" and he really didn't have any more information. The reason I mentioned them in the original Dean Clifford thread as a specific and unusual example of the cash economy. For "off colony" work they are usually paid in cash but with certain limits. For example, if I buy one chicken from a Hutterite I pay him directly, but if I buy ten chickens I pay the colony.
With respect to the Blackmore decision referenced in the thread above and outlined below: ... 8/
I had a couple of business dealings with Blackmore at one point and even have met the man himself. (he even had pink hair the one morning I met him. :shrug: ). It was bad mistake conducting business with them and the organization bore more resemblance to a cult organized to enrich Winston Blackmore and his cronies than a group with honestly held religious beliefs that required them to have an internal economy different from the norm.
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Wake Up! Productions
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:Will do. I'll move them all so that at least one discussion has the history.
Can you at least change the title? Only my mother calls me "Stephen", and although the URL remains "WakeUpToTheNWO2" at youtube, my "Google+" handle is now "Wake Up! Productions". Come on guys, get with the times (lol).
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Re: Steve Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Burnaby49 »

Happy now?

In order to change all of the individual posting titles I'd have to edit each separately. Can't be bothered. But any new posts here will have the new title.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".