Steve Bates aka Wake Up! Productions

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LaVidaRoja »

What you need to realize is that many posters here are either current or former tax professionals. They have seen the 5% positions, and seen them loose in court. What they are interested in seeing is ANY of those 5% positions that have been successful in court. SUCCESSFUL IN COURT meaning that a judge has ruled that a. They apply to the situation and b. they are CORRECT.
Understand, we have spent endless hours discussing how individuals in group marriages would file their returns. We have debated whether a transaction tax applies to artificial insemination (of dairy cattle!) or whether the human involved is "servicing" the cow.
When you accuse of us seeing things "in black or white" what you are seeing is attorneys and other professionals asking; "Has this EVER worked in court?" Yes, that is "black and white" But it is also the litmus test of whether a position is valid or not.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

LaVidaRoja wrote:What you need to realize is that many posters here are either current or former tax professionals. They have seen the 5% positions, and seen them loose in court. What they are interested in seeing is ANY of those 5% positions that have been successful in court. SUCCESSFUL IN COURT meaning that a judge has ruled that a. They apply to the situation and b. they are CORRECT.
Understand, we have spent endless hours discussing how individuals in group marriages would file their returns. We have debated whether a transaction tax applies to artificial insemination (of dairy cattle!) or whether the human involved is "servicing" the cow.
When you accuse of us seeing things "in black or white" what you are seeing is attorneys and other professionals asking; "Has this EVER worked in court?" Yes, that is "black and white" But it is also the litmus test of whether a position is valid or not.
I do not wish to cause any more controversy on this Dean Clifford forum, please repost this here viewtopic.php?f=50&t=10026 and I will be glad to respond.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Wake Up! Productions wrote: No need, I have deleted my original posts. Thank you for the very quick "awakening". I realise now that this site has no "grey area" at all, and no room for free thought, free expression, or well researched knowledge put into practice (as opposed to theories). Everything here is either BLACK or WHITE. George W. Bush said it best, and I believe this quote also applies to those on Quatloos: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." :mouthshut: No problem, I will stick to what I do best, reporting on Clifford and Menard.
Why the extreme reaction WUP? How can you say there's no room for free thought/expression when I just suggested that a separate thread be started where you can explain more fully your beliefs and what they are based on. Now, the inquisitive minds on here will (and have) put your ideas to the test but such is the nature of any discussion. I only referred to you as being from "the other side" because you at one time subscribed to freeman beliefs. As I said, it is rare for someone like that to post here. There's plenty of room for free thought and discussion here, as long the forum rules are followed. There's no need to take your ball and go home.

Edit: I just saw your reply to LaVidaRoja - glad to see you're willing to continue the discussion elsewhere.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Dr. Caligari »

fussygus wrote:Freemanism attempts to come into my house and drink my beer, eat my food and shit on my bed without consequence.
Fuzzy, that's the best one-sentence summary of Freemanism I've ever heard. Bravo.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

What is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander on Quatloos !!!

I have been reading this site for about 6 months, and I was constantly seeing posts about "STAYING ON TOPIC". A month ago I decided to become a member, and today I realised that "Quatloosians" don't even abide by their own rules !!!

I responded to a valid comment with my views on Canada's tax system on DEAN CLIFFORD'S FORUM, and the next thing I know, I am hit with a barrage of TOTALLY OFF TOPIC comments. I responded to most by taking the "tail between my legs" passive response, "I do not wish to cause controversy on the Dean Clifford forum", but that did not stop the vicious attack dogs who chose to IGNORE their own rules when it suits them !!! Very much a learning experience, and a fleeting glimpse into the TOTAL HYPOCRISY that is Quatloos !!!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by LordEd »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:No need, I have deleted my original posts. Thank you for the very quick "awakening". I realise now that this site has no "grey area" at all, and no room for free thought, free expression, or well researched knowledge put into practice (as opposed to theories). Everything here is either BLACK or WHITE. George W. Bush said it best, and I believe this quote also applies to those on Quatloos: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." :mouthshut: No problem, I will stick to what I do best, reporting on Clifford and Menard.
That's not exactly fair. If that was the case, your posts would have been erased by the moderators and account banned.

Freeman thoughts have ventured here before. Chief and bmx still have accounts. The refugees from GOODF reside in the UK forum. Even pigpot still has an account.

We're just asking to take your argument into its own thread to keep clifford's pen clean.

However, you can expect aggressive opposition to those arguments here. Its no different than my attempted ventures to the GOODF to talk about banking (where I was promptly banned and comments erased...)
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

LaVidaRoja wrote:What you need to realize is that many posters here are either current or former tax professionals. They have seen the 5% positions, and seen them loose in court. What they are interested in seeing is ANY of those 5% positions that have been successful in court. SUCCESSFUL IN COURT meaning that a judge has ruled that a. They apply to the situation and b. they are CORRECT.
Understand, we have spent endless hours discussing how individuals in group marriages would file their returns. We have debated whether a transaction tax applies to artificial insemination (of dairy cattle!) or whether the human involved is "servicing" the cow.
When you accuse of us seeing things "in black or white" what you are seeing is attorneys and other professionals asking; "Has this EVER worked in court?" Yes, that is "black and white" But it is also the litmus test of whether a position is valid or not.
Everything that you state is valid, if you are operating within the box called the "legal system". I have always chosen to live outside the box (not a reference to Kate of Garbage). The fact is, I do not require a court decision to know that I am in the lawfully correct. Only SLAVES require the opinion of their MASTERS in order to ensure that they are operating within their Master's given parameters. Sad really.

You speak of "former tax professionals" and attorneys as if they define our existence. The ONLY thing that defines my "legal existence" is my own voluntary actions. If I act in DISHONOR of the "legal system", then yes, they have the RIGHT to ruin my life. On the other hand, if in HONOR, and only do the legal bare minimum of what I am obliged to do, who the hell are you to complain?
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Burnaby49 »

Another unhappy customer.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by bmxninja357 »

dont stress my friend. i also do not see eye to eye on many points here. however one must keep an open mind as one is not always right. i have had to concede more times than i wish to admit. however the truth is what your seeking and although i at times may not like the source, the information is evidence based.

i think we would agree there is much in the legal world that we do not feel is right. but our feelings are not relevant in law as quite often the law is black and white.

your not alone in being frustrated. but the truth is the truth weather we like it or not. i have had to change a lot of viewpoints i held as a truth; when faced with the reality of the judgments and laws currently in play. i have even had a few people agree that some things need to change. but we are not going to get anywhere with anger and frustration as a guiding light. trust me on this. i was welcomed with animosity not open arms. as time passes you will make your friends and come to appreciate some aspects of this place. even if everyone dosent always agree.

glad you are here.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Burnaby49 »

A point that ninja made that I'd like to repeat. While Steve seems to have gone off the deep end over some disagreements with him nobody was hostile or unfriendly or even impolite. Just standard questioning of proof of his contentions.

Steve seemed to get into a fuss over a posting I made where he and I actually agreed. We were getting off topic in the Dean Clifford thread so I said I'd start a new discussion and move the off-topic Dean postings to it. Then we could all squabble as much as we wanted in the new discussion.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Wake Up! Productions
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

LordEd wrote:That's not exactly fair. If that was the case, your posts would have been erased by the moderators and account banned.

Freeman thoughts have ventured here before. Chief and bmx still have accounts. The refugees from GOODF reside in the UK forum. Even pigpot still has an account.

We're just asking to take your argument into its own thread to keep clifford's pen clean.

However, you can expect aggressive opposition to those arguments here. Its no different than my attempted ventures to the GOODF to talk about banking (where I was promptly banned and comments erased...)
I do not wish to cause any more controversy on this Dean Clifford forum, please repost this here viewtopic.php?f=50&t=10026 and I will be glad to respond.
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote:dont stress my friend. i also do not see eye to eye on many points here. however one must keep an open mind as one is not always right. i have had to concede more times than i wish to admit. however the truth is what your seeking and although i at times may not like the source, the information is evidence based.

i think we would agree there is much in the legal world that we do not feel is right. but our feelings are not relevant in law as quite often the law is black and white.

your not alone in being frustrated. but the truth is the truth weather we like it or not. i have had to change a lot of viewpoints i held as a truth; when faced with the reality of the judgments and laws currently in play. i have even had a few people agree that some things need to change. but we are not going to get anywhere with anger and frustration as a guiding light. trust me on this. i was welcomed with animosity not open arms. as time passes you will make your friends and come to appreciate some aspects of this place. even if everyone dosent always agree.

glad you are here.
Thank you, I do try not to take things personally. The best thing is to point out their own hypocrisy in defence of their beloved system - and that applies to the attack dogs here too !!!
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:A point that ninja made that I'd like to repeat. While Steve seems to have gone off the deep end over some disagreements with him nobody was hostile or unfriendly or even impolite. Just standard questioning of proof of his contentions.

Steve seemed to get into a fuss over a posting I made where he and I actually agreed. We were getting off topic in the Dean Clifford thread so I said I'd start a new discussion and move the off-topic Dean postings to it. Then we could all squabble as much as we wanted in the new discussion.
What is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander on Quatloos !!!

I have been reading this site for about 6 months, and I was constantly seeing posts about "STAYING ON TOPIC". A month ago I decided to become a member, and today I realised that "Quatloosians" don't even abide by their own rules !!!

I responded to a valid comment with my views on Canada's tax system on DEAN CLIFFORD'S FORUM, and the next thing I know, I am hit with a barrage of TOTALLY OFF TOPIC comments. I responded to most by taking the "tail between my legs" passive response, "I do not wish to cause controversy on the Dean Clifford forum", but that did not stop the vicious attack dogs who chose to IGNORE their own rules when it suits them !!! Very much a learning experience, and a fleeting glimpse into the TOTAL HYPOCRISY that is Quatloos !!!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by pigpot »

LordEd wrote:
Wake Up! Productions wrote:Even pigpot still has an account.
Even me. Aah! :lol:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Burnaby49 »

Watch out! The attack dogs here can get dangerous;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by pigpot »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:
LordEd wrote:That's not exactly fair. If that was the case, your posts would have been erased by the moderators and account banned.

Freeman thoughts have ventured here before. Chief and bmx still have accounts. The refugees from GOODF reside in the UK forum. Even pigpot still has an account.

We're just asking to take your argument into its own thread to keep clifford's pen clean.

However, you can expect aggressive opposition to those arguments here. Its no different than my attempted ventures to the GOODF to talk about banking (where I was promptly banned and comments erased...)
I do not wish to cause any more controversy on this Dean Clifford forum, please repost this here viewtopic.php?f=50&t=10026 and I will be glad to respond.
Sounds like you've had a cry. Don't take it personally. You can still post about your stuff.
However, you can expect aggressive opposition to those arguments here.
Exactly. I don't agree with virtually anything that's posted here but I haven't been banned YET. :shock:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
Nothing in this post is legal or lawful advice, it is only used for the sake of entertainment.
All "rights" are reserved by this poster.
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:Watch out! The attack dogs here can get dangerous;

By this post I can assume that you are NOT willing to admit the BLATENT HYPOCRISY that exists? The rules (BYLAWS) only apply when you want them to apply - sounds a lot like a FREEMAN THEORY to me !!!
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by bmxninja357 »

the mods much like a police force have the right to use discretion.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Oh, would you look at that - I have been DEMOTED for pointing out that you are ALL a bunch of raving HYPOCRITES !!! :brickwall:
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Re: Stephen Bates aka WakeUpToTheNWO2

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote:the mods much like a police force have the right to use discretion.
Unlike a "police force", the mods are accountable to no one but themselves - which makes them DICTATORS !!!

Enough of this shit - I AM OUTTA HERE !!!