Ghislaine Lanctôt - sovereign tax evading phlebologist & God

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Ghislaine Lanctôt - sovereign tax evading phlebologist & God

Post by Burnaby49 »

Although she has also gone under the monikers Guylaine Lanctôt, Ghislaine, Ghis, Madame Ghis, and the corporate sheep bearing the name LANCTÔT, GHISLAINE. Her webpage actually has a section dedicated to the history of the evolution of her name ... #Evolution

Getting a little ahead of myself here. First the introductions. Ghislaine Lanctôt is a Canadian fruitcake, mid 60's, living in Quebec. Ex doctor, convicted tax evader, published author, purported founder of a batch of eponymous medical clinics, and self-proclaimed god (really);
If the world in which I live is illusory and deceitful, there must be a world of truth somewhere. In reality, I am not a poor creature, separated from an external creator. I am unified, both creatrix and creature. That is the true meaning of “indivi-duality”. If the supreme authority is not external, it must be internal. I recognize and acknowledge my true identity, in the world of reality:

unlimited creatrix of the whole universe,
incarnated in a physical body, my creature.
She had a webpage chock full of self-pitying new age and sovereign gibbish with a level of narcissm and self-importance impressive by even the lofty standards of the Boomer generation. Just read her home page;
The internal passage from the world of illusion to the world of reality represents the greatest adventure of all times. It requires courage, determination and discipline. There is nothing to do… but all to undo. I need to let go of my old sheep behaviour, so that Idessa finally emerges, after being imprisoned inside of matter since the beginning of times. To achieve this goal, I ask my soul to guide me. She knows everything and has access to the world of truth and reality. She is eager to help me and I obey her command. She recommends that I do the opposite of what I did as a sheep. Quite a program!

So, I stop my reliance upon external authorities. I end my role as a kept sheep. One after the other, I let go of all the rights and privileges granted to the sheep by the shepherd. The list is long….

My soul knows that she is sovereign. She has all the rights and no obligations. She is idessic, has no needs and no ego. She cannot interfere with anyone, as she is infinite love and peace. She never makes mistakes, so I can follow her advice at all times. However, my old sheep is really scared and worries constantly. He is scared of losing his rights and privileges and tries to stop me at all cost. Despite his efforts, I continue to move forward, keeping the pace that my soul dictates.

Anyhow, I'm a tax guy and that is what brought her to my attention although a touch late since she hasn't updated her webpage since late 2009;
This site was created to report, as it went along, the saga of the legal proceedings that were instituted against the fictitious legal entity LANCTÔT GHISLAINE because of her failure to file income tax reports. This legal dispute brought about the imprisonment of Ghis, the sovereign being with body, soul and spirit. LANCTÔT GHISLAINE’s trial ended Ghis’ imprisonment. Consequently, the activities on this site have ceased.
She was convicted of failing to file tax returns although I can't find locate a decision. As she says on her webpage;
On July 16th, 2007, Judge Marie-Josée Ménard ordered a trial at the same court, to be held on September 6th, 2007.

On September 6th, 2007, the legal entity LANCTOT, Ghislaine, was sentenced on all charges, by Judge Menard, and asked to pay a 1000$ fine for each charge, for a total of 7000$. An order was also issued to produce seven income tax statements within 30 days.

On January 30th, 2008, new charges were laid against the legal entity LANCOT, Ghislaine, for not having produced the income tax statements within 30 days. The appearance was set for March 3rd, 2008, at the Granby Court of Justice (Summons No. 460 73-000190-085). Me Serge Champoux, attorney, was still acting for Canada Revenue Agency.

On March 3rd, 2008, given the absence of the former representative for the Ghislaine LANCTOT Corporation, a warrant for arrest was ordered against this corporation for failure to appear.

As the above quote indicates she had a problem of not showing up for her own trial because the accused was somebody else;
Ghis, previously known under the name of Ghislaine Lanctôt, was arrested at 1:30pm, on April 3rd, 2008 by two members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Her arrest followed a warrant for arrest ordered on March 3rd, 2008 against LANCTÔT, GHISLAINE, a corporation created by the government and owned by it, for omission to present “herself” at the Granby Quebec Court.


Actually, there is confusion between two distinct persons:

The first is the real person, whose name is Ghis (previously known as Ghislaine Lanctôt). She is a sovereign woman with a body, a soul and a spirit. She is not concerned with this situation.

• The second is the fictitious person, whose name is LANCTÔT, GHISLAINE. “She” is a legal entity, a corporation created by the government and owned by it. “She” is the one concerned with the present situation.

The origin of this confusion comes from the following fact. When a living human baby is born, the government constitutes a corporation – a company – that belongs to it and to which it gives the same name as the one chosen by the parents for their baby. To this name, the government adds a date of birth and a social insurance number. This establishes the “birth certificate” of a legal entity, a fictitious, virtual, lifeless person. Thus, the birth certificate represents the registration of a historical fact and does not constitute, IN ANY WAY, a proof of identity.


This newly created fictitious person is the property of the government. Since “she” is not alive, “she” can only exist if the real person accepts to “feed her” by endorsing “her” with a signature. How can this be done? By making sure that the real person identifies herself to the fictitious person bearing the same name as her. This way, both persons become amalgamated. As she is not aware of this scheme, the real person works by the sweat of her brow in order to “feed” a fictitious person who belongs to the government – “her” and all of “her” possessions. In fact, everything under the name of a person (house, car, bank accounts, salary, pensions, insurance… even her children) belongs to the fictitious person, and therefore, to “her” owner, the government.

In addition, without the citizen being informed of the situation, a commercial exchange exists between the government and the fictitious person. First of all, the government grants “privileges” to the fictitious person: rights, security, protection. In exchange, the fictitious person must pay all taxes. This contract is “presumed”, which means that the government takes it for granted without informing and getting the consent of the real person. In return, she must conform to the obligations of the fictitious person since she identifies herself to “her”. The real person is totally unaware of the existence of a fictitious person bearing the same name as her, and of this presumed contract. She does not realize that the contractual obligations are not related to her but to the corporation bearing her name. Actually, for the real person, the production of an income tax report and any contributions are always voluntary.


In the present case, Ghis, the real person, does not identify herself to the fictitious person any more and does not endorse “her”. Since 1995, she has stopped using the privileges granted by the government. After that date, her obligation to produce an income tax report has no longer been applicable. The governmental and corporative privileges that she has not used since include: all pensions, health and all other insurance, permits, bank accounts, legal defence, employment, along with any possession in the name of the fictitious person. Since then, Ghis has not been involved with the contract between the two following corporations: the Government of Canada and LANCTÔT, GHISLAINE. Consequently, she is not concerned with the summons addressed to LANCTÔT, GHISLAINE. For all these reasons, Ghis’ arrest is a case of mistaken identity.
She ended doing two months for this and realized, sadly, that the only solution to the whole mess was to die.
Only after my release from prison did I finally realize that, in reality, the citizen is a slave and that only death can free the sovereign being imprisoned inside the body. At that moment, I finally let go of the security and protection that went along with the rights and privileges of the citizen. Marie Éva Sophie Ghislaine Lanctôt and her Siamese sister LANCTÔT GHISLAINE both died on July 31st 2008. As Ghis, I discovered true freedom, as “True freedom is inside”!
Being a considerate type she provided her own death notice;


But don't despair! Death hasn't slowed her down a bit. Then again, why would it given that she has proclaimed on her website that, as a god, she is also immortal.

So why didn't she file tax returns? No clue that I can find from her website apart from the quasi-strawman gibberish explaining why she skipped her trial. However, although now deceased, she is posting Youtube videos from time to time and this one explains, as best she can (she has problems with coherent narratives), her beliefs.

I watched it so you don't have to, she gets very annoying very quickly. Note how much she's aged in the five years between her death notice (the photo must have been current, a god wouldn't lie) and the video. Does that imply that while imortal she still ages? A harrowing thought.

Essentially her position is that she determined that there is no law requiring you to pay income tax so she didn't. That one was big in the US for a while with similar results. She also babbled on about a course she went to that explained that there are two laws, the law of the land and maritime law and that we are being enslaved by maritime law when the old law of the land should prevail. Under that one you break no law if you don't harm someone and she is not harming anyone by not paying taxes. Then she got into strawmen because, under maritime law you are part of the crew of a ship (membership means you are a member of a ship) but the ship is not a real ship, it is your other person. As soon as you are born the state registers a corporation in your name and enslaves the real person through it as a member of the ship's crew. She didn't do a very good job of explaining. She can sure ramble on and on and on . . . . . .

She is also a big fan of Mowe's heartthrob, David Lindsay. Not the best of mentors given his track record in court.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".