Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Moderator: Burnaby49

Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by Burnaby49 »

There's no way to sugar-coat that title, What you see is what you get; a thoroughly repellant individual.

We'll start with the first case I can find with Lavigne participating; Jackson v. Canada (Customs and Revenue Agency), 2001 SKQB 377 (CanLII)

Lavigne wasn't a party but acted for the plaintiff. The case had an impressive roster of defendants;
CANADA CUSTOMS AND REVENUE AGENCY and DEBBIE JOHNSON and ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE and CPL. E. LANG, jointly, severally and personally, and THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, CHRIS AXWORTHY, JEFF KALMAKOFF and LETA BRIERLY, jointly, severally and personally, THE MINISTER OF FINANCE and ERIC CLINE, jointly, severally and personally, THE CITY OF REGINA, THE REGINA POLICE SERVICES BOARD, CHIEF OF POLICE SERVICES and POLICE CHIEF CAL JOHNSTON, jointly, severally and personally, and GNC and MEDORANN HARRIS and DARLENE DOWNING, jointly, severally and personally and SGT. RICK WATSON #333, S/SGT. W. BRITTON, P.C. RAYNER #422, P.C. TOD WALL #457, P.C. SHAUN YOUNG, P.C. TRENT STEVELY #466, CORPORAL DEBBIE FERGUSON, SGT. TONN #367, S/SGT. WRIGHT, jointly, severally and personally and THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY and MARY SCHICK, jointly, severally and personally and CADILLAC FAIRVIEW CORPORATION and THE CORNWALL CENTRE, REGINA and DUNDEE REALTY and NORTHGATE MALL, REGINA, DAVID PETRUIC and MICHAEL POLEGI, jointly, severally and personally and RAINBOW PHOTO and HAO-VAN NGUYEN, jointly, severally and personally and THE BUSINESS WATCH NETWORK and DION McCARTHUR and DAN ERICKSON, jointly, severally and personally
The issue was Jackson going after all of the above for the following crimes against humanity;
[18] The plaintiff's claim, as I understand it, is based on the decisions arising out of Nuremberg. The plaintiff submits that as a member nation within the United Nations, Canada is bound to abide by the principles espoused at the trial and judgments of Nuremberg following the Second World War. The plaintiff contends that by participating in the production of materials including Tritium and enriched Uranium, Canada is assisting in the production of thermonuclear weapons or the delivery systems thereof.

[19] Based upon the plaintiff's contention that Canada is participating in the production of these kinds of weapons, the plaintiff submits he is bound by an "unconditional duty" to refuse to support a society that "wilfully participates in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit mass murder". In furtherance of his claim the plaintiff relies on specific provisions of the Criminal Code which forbids anyone from conspiring with any other to do anything that may lead to the murder of any person, or to do anything that involves the will and capacity to commit murder.

[20] Based upon the plaintiff's contention that Canada is on a current agenda to participate in the production of materials and therefore participate in the will and capacity to commit mass murder, the plaintiff has attempted to commence what he refers to as an "opting out" procedure. The procedure involves a membership within an International Humanity House where "Sovereign-Citizens/Natural-Persons" reject the "madness of greed" and embrace "the tenets and credo" of that organization. As part of their membership, the "Sovereign-Citizens/Natural-Persons" refuse to pay taxes of any nature to any and all governments

[21] The plaintiff alleges that Her Majesty the Queen has chosen not to deal with people who chose not to participate in parliament's agenda. In support of this allegation the plaintiff relies on the court decision rendered in Daniel Lavigne v. Her Majesty the Queen, Federal Court, #T2020-88, (unreported). As a result of the Lavigne decision, the plaintiff believes that by "opting out" he is no longer bound to pay tax. This belief and the efforts he undertook in enforcing it led to the series of events that found this claim.
Another happy instance where lofty principles intersect with blatant self-interest! Canada is evil so I don't have to pay any taxes.

Each of the defendants had brought motions asking the court to strike the statement of claim. The motions made were for various reasons; all alleged various deficiencies in the plaintiff's claim. Granted and statement of claims struck in its entirety.Then the Court moved on to considering if it should declare Jackson a vexatious litigant. No problem.
[38] There will be an order restraining the plaintiff, without leave of the court, from instituting any further proceedings in the Court of Queen's Bench as against any of the named defendants in these proceedings, without leave of the court. I direct that the local registrar of each judicial centre be notified of this order.
As far as costs against Jackson went; double up!
[39] Those defendants who brought formal motions also seek costs. Rule 173 would entitle each of these defendants to double column IV costs as against the plaintiff.
While Lavigne was not a party to the lawsuit the judge thought he was the real culprit so he invited the defendants to claim costs against him;
[40] As noted in Television Real Estate Ltd. v. Rogers Cable T.V. Ltd. (1997), 1997 CanLII 999 (ON CA), 12 C.P.C. (4th) 381 (Ont. C.A.) at 386 and the principle in Sturmer v. Beaverton (Town) (1911), reflex, 25 O.L.R. 190 (Ont. H.C.); affm. (1919), reflex, 25 O.L.R. 566 (Ont. Div. Ct.) there may be jurisdiction in the court to award costs against a person proved to have been the real litigant and who has put forward a man of straw to advance his cause. If any of the defendants should wish to make an application to seek costs against Mr. Lavigne, such application must be made within 60 days. In the event no such application is made within 60 days, or is unsuccessful, each of the six groups of defendants as identified at the beginning of this decision shall be entitled to one set of costs as against the plaintiff. Such costs to be taxed on the basis of double column IV.
In 2002 Lavigne acted as the representative of a guy charged with failing to file income tax returns.

2001 SKQB 377; R. v. Reddick, 2002 SKCA 89

His defence of his client at the trial level was not entirely to point with the charges;
[3] Mr. Reddick was defended in the Provincial Court by his agent, Mr. Daniel Lavigne, of Toronto, Ontario, who styles himself as “the leader of the tax refusal” and as “Founder, International Humanity House.” He presented no defence to the Crown’s prima facie case. His submissions consisted of a presentation to the Court of his views on the evils of today’s society, coupled with the view that the citizenry of the country should conspire to reject that society by refusing to pay taxes. The gist of his submissions may be garnered from these excerpts from his presentation:

"Mr. Reddick is before the Court because as a human being who has a conscience, who understands his duty to the rule of law, to our ancestors, to the framers of the British North America Act, to those who have lost their lives in the of freedom [sic], he understand his duty that if humanity is to progress beyond a new care age and survive the insanity of that which we are prepared to do, each and every one of us must heed the rule of law. We must heed our oaths. We must recognize and respect and have all act on the imprescriptible right. It cannot be defined, Your Honour. That is why no evidence can be brought before the Court.

The imprescriptible right, Your Honour, is ageless. It dates from the day we first crawled from the sea and developed conscience. We have consciences. We have failed to act on them.

I stand before you. I stand before the world as the person who is plotting a planetary conscience to arise where citizens will say, no, I cannot participate in this. I have had enough. I will not continue to support a society that ignores the fact that we are participating in plans and preparations that are predicated on the willing capacity to press buttons to launch weapons that render worthless everything we have ever worked for. [Transcript at pp. 17-18]. . .

We face the abyss, Your Honour. I hope that you will take this to heart, and I respect with the totality of my being, with the residence of my soul, I respect the conundrum that you face.

On one side we wish to maintain our society. On the other side, people such as I, we know where we’re going. We know that we face the abyss, so we must respect the right, the lawful right, the legal right, the imprescriptible right, the unassailable right, and the unconditional duty to refuse to support a society such as Canada that is now wilfully and with all criminal intent, I say that and I really mean that, Your Honour, with all criminal intent is participating in these plans and preparations ‘cause they dared not say no to the madness that guides the United States of America, dare not say no to the fact that NATO, the North American Treaty Organization, a military organization, maintains its first strike stance with regards to the use of nuclear weapons. [Transcript at pp. 21-22]
. . .
Robert has told me that he will not aid or abet a society that is participating in such madness."
The Court of Appeal For Saskatchewan had little sympathy for this argument and refused to allow Lavigne to represent Reddick;
[6] When the matter came up for hearing, Mr. Lavigne again appeared as agent for Mr. Reddick. At the outset, the Court directed a series of questions to him and Mr. Reddick to establish the former’s status and the latter’s relationship to him. It was clear from their responses and from the material filed that Mr. Lavigne was not a lawyer and had no intention of making submissions on any questions of law that may have relevance to the case. The Court refused to give him the privilege of audience. The refusal did not appear to surprise him.
The court seemed to have some animosity towards Lavigne because of his futile pursuit of similar claims;
[9] The Crown asked for costs. Section 839(3) of the Criminal Code empowers the Court “to make any order with respect to costs that it considers proper in relation to an appeal under this section.” Given the frivolous, if not vexatious, nature of the proceedings undertaken by Mr. Reddick and the fact that other courts across the country have been faced with similar useless proceedings at the behest of Mr. Reddick’s agent, the Court thought it proper to impose costs in this case. The Court made an order for the payment of costs by Mr. Reddick in the amount of $1,000.00 and for the application of s. 827 of the Criminal Code mutatis mutandis. The Court directed that the costs be paid to the Clerk (Registrar) of the Court of Appeal within 30 days.
Notwithstanding these defeats Lavigne took on a tax evasion case in 2002 where he had a somewhat novel defense, admit to all the charges!
Draft: Agreed Statement Of Facts

R v. Paul-Joseph: Ricci

Mr. Paul-Joseph: Ricci, a self-employed person who manages sales for "Super Seal Mfg. Ltd." on a contract basis and who previously was an employee of that company, admits that, in 1994, he started to conduct his affairs in keeping with his imprescriptibly right and lawfully compellable duty to never aid, abet or otherwise support a society that participates in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

He admits the fact that he has, with the fervour of an all-encompassing religious belief, embraced the credo and tenets of International Humanity House and its publicly stated determination to confront the criminals who command, control and misuse the World's various Courts in order that the vast majority be overwhelmed by the force of Judicial, Military and Police might to ignore their right and duty to refuse to support societies that participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

(Lot of bombast here I've cut out)

These are some of the manifest facts and reasons why Paul-Joseph: Ricci stands before Canada's Courts and a corrupted "System Of Justice" that dares not do its duty and openly and lawfully recognize and accept that everyone, including everyone employed within Canada's Courts and that "System Of Justice", must do as he, Paul-Joseph: Ricci, has done, and act on their right and duty to refuse to support a society that is so lost to "The Madness Of Greed" as to participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

He openly admits, and does so with all pride and proper conviction, that, as part of the process by which he is determined to withold (sic) all taxes and all other forms of support from any such society, that he completed that which is commonly known as "Tax Returns" in a manner that failed to disclose all income for the years in question; he openly, and with all pride and proper conviction, admits that the amount of taxes which he has not paid by virtue of his determined plan to fully cease supporting any such society, amounts to some $42, 099.69 for the years 1995 to 1999.

He openly, and with all pride and proper conviction, admits that he has publicly proclaimed that he will never support a society that participates in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

Paul-Joseph: Ricci, with all pride and eternal conviction, admits to having openly and publicly rejected all demands that he pay taxes in support of a society that is determined to have its citizens, as fools and cowards, support its involvement in plans and preparations that mock the very meaning of existence and render meaningless the oaths so vacuously uttered by those who purport to be qualified to dictate that such as he should be tried as criminals for acting on their imprescriptible right and unconditional duty to never support a society that continues to actively participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

I am sure that those who oppose the right and duty to refuse to support a society that would commit Mass Murder will be very upset when they realize that such right and duty MUST exist; or they MUST ADMIT that "The Rule Of Law" is stranded in the crap of their belaboured lies and meaningless self-deceptions.

Daniel Lavigne

http://educate-yourself.org/cn/taxrefus ... an02.shtml
Not the way I'd conduct my defense but Lavigne, seasoned hand that he was, must have known what he was doing. Or maybe not. Ricci was convicted (unreported) and one of the grounds of his appeal was how abysmally Lavigne handled his defense. Appeals court wasn't buying it and said that, while Lavigne was totally incompetent, he was Ricci's choice. His guilt was so obvious in any case that no counsel could have saved him.
[7] We now turn to the issue of whether a miscarriage of justice was occasioned because an agent represented the appellant at trial. The appellant submits that the agent’s conduct of the trial fell well below the standards expected of a reasonably competent lawyer and, as a result, his right to a fair and impartial hearing was violated. The appellant also complains that the pre-trial judge failed to advise the appellant of the distinction between an agent and a lawyer.

[8] In our opinion, the appellant made an informed choice to have an agent represent him. In doing so, he could not expect the same level of representation he was entitled to expect from a lawyer. Further, there was no miscarriage of justice because the appellant has presented no evidence that, even with experienced counsel, the result of this case could possibly have been any different.

[9] In the result we would dismiss the appeal.
He also tried Porisky's natural man argument although Porisky was not mentioned in the appeal decision;
[3] The facts in relation to the second issue, whether the appellant lacked the necessary mens rea for the offence of tax evasion, can be briefly stated. The appellant was a sales representative. Between the years 1995 and 1998 he had income tax deducted at source and filed a tax return with respect to commission income in Canada. He did not report income he received from certain commissions in the United States during this period. He also did not file a tax return for the years 1999 and 2000 when he operated as a self-employed person. When the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) informed the appellant that he was under criminal investigation, he wrote them a letter saying that he was not a person included in the Income Tax Act but a “natural person of commoner status” and not subject to payment of income tax. The appellant did not testify at trial.

[4] The appellant submits that he did not attempt to evade income tax. He was open and forthright in what he was doing. He submits he held an honest belief that he was not a person subject to the Income Tax Act. Even if the appellant was mistaken, it was his honestly held belief that he was not a “person” under the Act and therefore could not have had the mens rea required for the offence.
Another clue that he was a Poriskyite was that the trial judge cited Klundert, covered in Quatloos here;


A point of interest on Ricci's representation. While he had Lavigne at trial he lawyered up on appeal and retained, Doug Christie, Canada's default lawyer when no one else will touch your case. I've discussed Doug here;


Anyhow that loss seemed to sour Lavigne of the whole legal process so he went on-line instead with his tax viewpoint and tried to sell something he made up called Tax Exemption Status Cards.

The "Tax Exempt Status" card is now available from The Nousury Network for $169 (13x13) ("usury-bearing" Canadian Funds) or $104 ("usury-bearing" Canadian Funds) and 5 hours of "usury-free" time currency valued at 13 eco$ per hour.

From this fee of $169. an amount of $78 ("usury-bearing" Canadian Funds) is sent directly to Daniel Lavigne who enters each new cardholder into the database for International Humanity House and issues the Registration number and $26. is sent directly to the person in British Columbia who now produces the professional "Tax Exempt Status" card which closely resembles our the driver's licences issued by our respective provinces. When ordering your "Tax Exempt Status" card please forward a photo (colour or black and white) of yourself and a clear copy of your black ink signature on a piece of white paper with your payment. Remember, use a black pen.

The Nousury Network earns 5 hours of "usury-free" time currency which is equivaent (sic) in value to $65.00 (Canadian Funds) since one hour of "usury-free" time currency is equivalent to $13.00 ("usury-bearing" Canadian Funds.) If you have not yet created your own "usury-free" time currency account then The Nousury Network will accept payment in $65.00 ("usury-bearing" Canadian Funds) To create your own "usury-free" time currency account follow the instructions at this URL: http://www.cyberclass.net/letsbuild.htm.
Unfortunately this led to a lot of negative news reports:

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/beware-of ... s-1.203064
http://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/salle-de- ... onnue.aspx
http://www.profitdrivers.ca/blog/archiv ... cal-update
http://lists.topica.com/lists/Important ... =804258431

Which must have discouraged our boy because he tossed tax protesting aside and decamped to Cambodia to set up a scam, OOPS, excuse me, establish a charity called "MedicAngel"

http://www.fundsforngos.org/events/xi-i ... nal-level/

From the comments;
1.Daniel J. Lavigne says:
July 26, 2011 at 11:48 pm

As the Founder, International Humanity House and the party who first started ‘The Tax Refusal’ – with the intent of having all nations recognize the right and duty of ALL to refuse to support societies that participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to use nuclear and / or other weapons of mass murder against defenseless fellow human beings for inherently ‘Political’ purposes; I offer my best wishes to the XI Colloquium, as sponsored and promoted by the International Human Rights Colloquium.

Continuing my passion for the further development of human rights, including personal and family security and equal access by all to necessary health care and education, I have launched the MedicAngel® initiative in Cambodia and invite input by anyone that might be able to help this organization access funding with which to expand its efforts.

With all amity and best wishes for an enjoyable and successful undertaking.

To a safer, saner and more caring world. To Duty.

Daniel J. Lavigne
Now in Cambodia
Well, that's nice of him! The archived MedicAngel website gives a bit of background, along with soliciting donations;

https://web.archive.org/web/20120624093 ... angel.com/
The MedicAngel® Mission To Help The Poor

calls on tourists, travelers, ex-pats and all others to help provide, directly, medical and dental care to all in need.

Besides providing families of the poor with free dental and health care, our start-up efforts include the development of a shelter for homeless mothers with children near Ream, Cambodia, with running water, washroom facilities, communal kitchens and volunteers to help them gain an education.

Tourists in the Ream / Sihanoukville, Cambodia area with a desire to help / contribute to such: Please contact Mr. Virak @ 855-015-735-551.

Where the donations are going:

The people displayed on our 'Calling All Angels' and our 'Photos' pages are examples of the recipients of our efforts to secure dental and other help for the poor, including those in communes around the 'Ream' area, north of Sihanoukville, in southern Cambodia. We have identified thousands of individuals of all ages who are in desperate need of assistance, but shall never receive such absent a positive response from the world at large.

After reading and understanding what we are doing, if you don't care to participate in a Lottery, please offer your support by sending a donation to:

Account Number 1550-3156697
TD Canada Trust,
2700 Kipling Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9V 4P2
Help spread the message!
Send your mailing lists to:


- Thank You!

This included this happy picture of our boy;


That picture has relevance in a minute;

Soon after his arrival things took a darker turn for our selfless humanitarian. In January 2009 a Canadian named Daniel Lavigne was arrested in Cambodia for molesting young girls. He was living with the two girls, ten and twelve years old, and their mother, who was infected with HIV. As the news report stated;

"Cambodian police have arrested a Quebec man and charged him with committing indecent acts against minors and having sexual intercourse with a child under age 15."

http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/canadian-c ... a-1.815478) (http://www.nationalpost.com/related/top ... ederated=1

This David Lavigne was subsequently convicted in Cambodia and ordered to serve a one year jail term and fined $500

http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne+Ne ... 78137.html

Is that the end of the situation? No… because Pervert Lavigne was deported from Cambodia in Oct. 2012 and, upon his arrival in Canada, was arrested for yet more sexual interference charges that date back to 2003

http://www.mississauga.com/news-story/3 ... x-assault-
http://westnipissing.com/Sexual_predato ... ssing.html

Could Detaxer Lavigne and Pervert Lavigne be one and the same? Yup: Check back to Daniel Lavigne's photograph posted on MedicAngel and compare it to the still shown at 0:44 of this Canadian News Story on our Canadian sexual predator:

http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/Mo ... 335267191/

There is plenty of other evidence linking our Canadian tax protester to that guy in Cambodia molesting children and that the same Daniel J. Lavigne is responsible for both MedicAngel and The Tax Refusal:

http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/02 ... the-world/)
Daniel J. Lavigne says:
2012/02/29 at 00:16
“We have to come together & stop paying taxes. ”

In fact, the LAW demands that you REFUSE to support any society that can be said to be participating in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to be party to the use of nuclear and / or other weapons of mass murder!

Access: ‘The Tax Refusal’ ( TaxRefusal-DOT-com)

Continuing the effort to help the poor in Cambodia, laos (sic), Thailand and Vietnam.
(http://stmichaeltraveler.com/2011/12/23 ... with-iran/)
Daniel J. Lavigne says:
December 26, 2011 at 9:03 am
It is interesting to note the focus of concern:

The possible use of nuclear weapons to prevent Iran from developing a weapon it has said, repeatedly, that it shall not develop.

Alas! There is nothing that can be done to stop the madness.

Humanity’s infection by greed is so overwhelming that the ONLY way that sanity MIGHT return to the human race is for ALL governments to recognize the right and duty of ALL to refuse to support any society that would be party to the use of such and other weapons of mass murder.

Thank you.

Daniel J. Lavigne, Founder
“The Tax Refusal”

Now resident in Cambodia doing his best to help the poor in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam via ‘The MedicANgel® Mission To Help The Poor’.

(http://www.fundsforngos.org/events/xi-i ... nal-level/)
Daniel J. Lavigne says:
July 26, 2011 at 11:48 pm
As the Founder, International Humanity House and the party who first started ‘The Tax Refusal’ – with the intent of having all nations recognize the right and duty of ALL to refuse to support societies that participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to use nuclear and / or other weapons of mass murder against defenseless fellow human beings for inherently ‘Political’ purposes; I offer my best wishes to the XI Colloquium, as sponsored and promoted by the International Human Rights Colloquium.

Continuing my passion for the further development of human rights, including personal and family security and equal access by all to necessary health care and education, I have launched the MedicAngel® initiative in Cambodia and invite input by anyone that might be able to help this organization access funding with which to expand its efforts.

With all amity and best wishes for an enjoyable and successful undertaking.

To a safer, saner and more caring world. To Duty.

Daniel J. Lavigne
Now in Cambodia
(https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110 ... rest.shtml)
Daniel J. Lavigne, Sep 25th, 2011 @ 5:25pm
Re: From "Eight Keys to Eden"

sehlat offers: " Fifty years haven't changed a thing, except now we have a shot at proving the lies. "

True. But how many of you have spine sufficient to attempt to do so AND persevere until you KNOW that the change that must happen in America is underway?

Hint: How many of you have acted on your LAWFUL DUTY to refuse to support a society that would be party to the use of weapons of mass murder? (Hint: Read "The Nuremberg Principles", to which America is a signatory and has signed a treaty to fully respect those Principles and that all of its citizens are similarly obliged to refuse to support a society that would be party to mass murder.)

Then, access "The Tax Refusal" and learn about your imprescriptible right and duty in such regard and GET BUSY doing what ALL Americans should have done so long ago. Rant over.

Now, have a look at something positive with regard to helping the poor, get involved and maybe, just maybe, win a prize for doing so.

Thank you.

Daniel J. Lavigne, Founder
MedicAngel® is on twitter but it has not been updated since May 2012, just before Lavigne returned to Canada.


The website is now for sale;

http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profi ... ngel&e=com

Although I doubt that a website set up by a convicted child molester will be attracting many bids.

There is some old information floating around about Lavigne, the usual baggage. For a Detax guru he has a surprisingly minimal personal litigation footprint in addition to what is mentioned in Meads v Meads. I suppose he let others do the heavy lifting:

Federal Court: two income tax certificates,
ITA-10168-07 - Daniel Joseph Lavigne
-filed Sept 21, 2007
-paid May 18, 2011
ITA-1921-76 – Daniel Joseph Lavigne
- filed May 20, 1976
-no details

Tax case: T-2020-88 – R v Lavigne, Oct. 20, 1988

Since Lavigne's guru activities are not otherwise documented on Quatloos other data could be helpful. Particularly if its funny.

Note - Edited to correct a stupid mistake on my part. Where I wrote;

While Jackson was not a party to the lawsuit the judge thought he was the real culprit so he invited the defendants to claim costs against Lavigne;

I meant;

While Lavigne was not a party to the lawsuit the judge thought he was the real culprit so he invited the defendants to claim costs against him;
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by notorial dissent »

I was going to ask if there was someone he forgot to sue in the first little bit? Doesn't much look like it.

So you don't have to pay taxes because of Nuremberg? How did Lavigne come to be filing a suit on behalf of Jackson? That I really don't understand.

I don't think I've ever come across the term "imprescriptibly", does it actually have any kind of legal meaning?

What an altogether too charming individual.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by Burnaby49 »

I looked imprescriptible up before I posted because I didn't believe it was a real word either;

(of rights) unable to be taken away by prescription or by lapse of time.


1.that cannot rightfully be taken away, lost, or revoked; inviolable
2.Law not subject to prescription.

Origin of imprescriptible
Fr: see in- and amp; prescriptible

Close enough.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, new one on me. I still don't think it means what Lavigne thinks it means, but that is another matter, and it certainly has no legal foundation that I can see.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by Dr. Caligari »

there may be jurisdiction in the court to award costs against a person proved to have been the real litigant and who has put forward a man of straw to advance his cause.
See? The Canadian courts recognize the existence of the strawman! Victory!!!
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by The Observer »

We are the sovrun men
We are the straw men
Failing together
Headpiece filled with gibberish. Alas!
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by Burnaby49 »

Remember Daniel J. Lavigne of the Tax Denial? Old-time Detaxer, child molester convicted in Thailand then departed back to Canada and arrested on arrival in November 2012?

https://www.mississauga.com/news-story/ ... t-charges/

I just googled him and . . . .


I'm assuming that he was charged and convicted of something because he was quiet for years then he suddenly started firing up Twitter in late 2016.


And this thing, whatever it is.


Political Pawns,
Promoting Profits,
Possess No Principles;
And Piss On Their Pride,
When Plucking Poverty’s Poor.
D.J.L. Meanderings Spring/85
Since then he has been very, very busy setting up websites:


And I'm sure there's a lot more. And he's posting about stuff! And his websites!

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 60971.html

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ho ... 75706.html

http://www.joboneforhumanity.org/paris_ ... _talks_q_a

It's good to see an old-timer (he's 77) still trying to keep up with technology even if his websites look like they were set up in 1995 and not changed since. He seems to have a lot of animosity towards president Trump and an obsession with Global warming. Also still an obsession with children.

Note that the 'jobone' posting has the following:
As a ‘Purported Pedophile’ and, due to such, reluctant to discuss or engage in any matter, regardless my poetry regarding questions of ‘Duty’, I risk my life to say:

My book,
‘Purported Pedophile’
should be available by June /July next year (2017).
Not that such shall change anything.
Unless we change.
Same statement here;

http://trumpsmessage.com/questions.html) (http://obamasmessage.com/obamas-message.html

https://deepgreenresistance.blogspot.ca ... erson.html

https://www.desmogblog.com/2017/04/07/h ... ople-lives

http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/26/opinions/ ... index.html

http://www.newser.com/story/245000/645m ... cheme.html

https://www.nationofchange.org/2017/07/ ... nsecurity/

"Purported" pedophile? While I have no evidence of a conviction in Canada he was certainly convicted of child-sex offenses in Thailand. His book was scheduled to have been available six months ago but I can't find any record of it. He seems to be totally forgotten. He has 12 followers on Twitter, probably mostly police keeping an eye on him.

We just lost Eldon Warman, another Detaxer from the prior century and, given Lavigne's age, he may well be the next to go.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by grixit »

You know, you have to try really hard to violate the child protective laws of *Thailand*.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by notorial dissent »

grixit wrote:You know, you have to try really hard to violate the child protective laws of *Thailand*.
I was just thinking the same thing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Daniel Lavigne - Detaxer, Humanitarian, Child Molester

Post by notorial dissent »

notorial dissent wrote:
grixit wrote:You know, you have to try really hard to violate the child protective laws of *Thailand*.
I was just thinking the same thing, not to mention getting thrown OUT of the country.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.