Poriskyite Annual Tax Evasion Dinner and Dance!

Moderator: Burnaby49

Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Poriskyite Annual Tax Evasion Dinner and Dance!

Post by Burnaby49 »

As readers of my postings know I have written a lot about the Poriskyites, a tax evasion cult that flourished in Canada from about 2000 to 2006 until Canada Revenue Agency started rooting them out and prosecuting them all. The Quatloos one-stop shopping discussion for Porisky research is here;


The Porisky madness started in the Vancouver area with the ideas of Russell Porisky, a Chilliwack carpenter. As stupid as his scheme was there were plenty of fools with more greed than sense eager to joined up and they had a merry time cheating the government until it all turned to tears. Porisky franchised his seminar presentations across the country and his scheme blew up into possibly the most extensive organized tax evasion scheme Canada has seen. However I didn't realize how organized it was, or how merry a time was had by all, until I found out they held annual dinner dances! With Door prizes and a live band!

http://lege.net/blog.lege.net/financial ... 0Flyer.htm

A link to the flyer for the fourth annual soirée is here. I assume this was the last since things were closing in on them by 2006. How fleeting the good times are.

http://www.natural-person.ca/pdf/Dinner ... r_2006.pdf

Of note is the contact information;

Purchase tickets from your local Paradigm Educator
or contact Debbie @ 604-316-0969

"Debbie" is Debbie Arlene Anderson, a 56 year old Porisky follower, not previously mentioned in Quatloos, who is currently facing her own criminal charges for tax evasion and counseling others to commit fraud. The counseling charge relates to her claimed career as a Paradigm educator teaching the Porisky tax evasion scheme. I've been following her for a while. As the dinner dance arrangements show she was, and maybe still is, a true believer. She's been following Freeman/Sovereign type activities for a long time. One I've managed to locate is this flyer, where she is also the contact, for a 2001 :David-Wynn: Miller: workshop.

https://www.mail-archive.com/public-lis ... 01508.html

While her trial is sure to be highly enjoyable it is unlikely I'll attend. Porisky started his tax evasion career with seminars in Chilliwack, a town about 60 miles east of Vancouver and Debbie hails from Abbotsford, about 40 miles east of Vancouver. So her trial will be held at either Abbotsford or Chilliwack, both inaccessible to me since I rely on public transportation. I bounce around between the Vancouver, Richmond, and New Westminster courthouses but those are my practical limits. So Debbie's court antics will have to, lamentably, go unrecorded. At such time as a decision comes out I'll be back to discussing her.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
