Stephen Davis is not a Poriskyite! He said so himself.

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Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Stephen Davis is not a Poriskyite! He said so himself.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well he didn't actually use the word "Poriskyite". He claimed he wasn't using the "natural persons" argument.
[5] There were arguments today and in the written materials that went well beyond what was in the notice of appeal, relating to persons, corporations, human beings, living souls, certificates of live birth and punctuation appearing in people’s names. It was conceded by Mr. Davis and his representative that they were not advancing the “natural persons” type arguments usually associated with those references. This was wise, given that the Federal Court of Appeal has most recently, in the Ian Brown case, rejected and upheld this court in rejecting “natural persons” type arguments. ... 0/

We have already considered the Ian Brown decision here;


Mr. Davis was a private contractor who reported some of the income he made but not all. When the CRA audited his company he did not dispute the amounts he hadn't reported but, for various reasons, said they weren't taxable.

Davis tried the same argument I discussed in my Anthony Parker write-up,


that the court could not pass judgment against him because no Canadian court is independent;
[6] The written argument handed in today included several pages on the Judges Act. There was some discussion and submissions by Mr. Davis’ representative that, in the circumstances, it was their opinion that neither this court nor the judges of this court, nor any court nor any judges in Canada, could be considered to satisfy Canadians’ rights to have things heard by an independent person and an independent court. Mr. Lukiv acknowledged that he had trouble framing any relief request, given that, had I agreed with him, my opinion became worthless. So he left that dangling. I could not do anything with it in any event. So, that was dealt with satisfactorily to Mr. Lukiv.
So that just left the vague arguments that Mr. Davis's constitutional rights had been somehow violated by trying to tax him on what was clearly taxable income. The court wasn't buying it;
[8] So, the only substantive issue, while multi-pronged, is what I will refer to as the Constitutional/Charter/international treaties, all as they concern the human rights arguments that Mr. Lukiv and Mr. Davis wanted to advance. I certainly agree with them and do not deny that all such rights exist as phrased in our Charter and in our Constitution. The problem that Mr. Davis and Mr. Lukiv face is that the courts have been clear that those rights do not extend to not paying tax, nor do they include expressly or otherwise a right to not pay tax. The courts have been clear and consistent. I really need not spill any more ink on this point.
Judge then decided that Davis had been enough of a pain in the ass to warrant costs against him even though this was informal procedure;
[9] For these reasons, I will be dismissing the appeal. Under the Rules of the Court, in an informal case, I am able to award costs payable against an unsuccessful taxpayer if the appellant has unduly delayed the prompt and effective resolution of the appeal. In addition to my view that continuing to pursue these arguments, many, many Canadians are abusing the process of the Court, I am also satisfied that today Mr. Davis, simply by bringing these arguments forward once again with no prospect for success, unduly delayed the prompt and effective resolution of his appeal. Therefore, I am awarding costs against him in the amount of $1,185, which is the aggregate of the amounts in Rule 11 for preparing for the hearing, filing the pleadings, and the conduct of a day’s hearings.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Stephen Davis is not a Poriskyite! He said so himself.

Post by Burnaby49 »

I found the decision in this case to be, to say the least, unsatisfactory. Not because Davis lost, that was a foregone conclusion, but because of the very brief review the judge gave of the appellant's arguments. The decision stated;
[5] There were arguments today and in the written materials that went well beyond what was in the notice of appeal, relating to persons, corporations, human beings, living souls, certificates of live birth and punctuation appearing in people’s names. It was conceded by Mr. Davis and his representative that they were not advancing the “natural persons” type arguments usually associated with those references. This was wise, given that the Federal Court of Appeal has most recently, in the Ian Brown case, rejected and upheld this court in rejecting “natural persons” type arguments.

[6] The written argument handed in today included several pages on the Judges Act. There was some discussion and submissions by Mr. Davis’ representative that, in the circumstances, it was their opinion that neither this court nor the judges of this court, nor any court nor any judges in Canada, could be considered to satisfy Canadians’ rights to have things heard by an independent person and an independent court. Mr. Lukiv acknowledged that he had trouble framing any relief request, given that, had I agreed with him, my opinion became worthless. So he left that dangling. I could not do anything with it in any event. So, that was dealt with satisfactorily to Mr. Lukiv.
So what arguments did Davis advance? Who knows? Obviously an obsessive pedant like myself with a document fetish couldn't be satisfied with this parody of a decision so I went down to the Tax Court of Canada and reviewed the file.

The result? I'm ashamed of myself. Deeply ashamed. I thought Davis was just another jerk trying out bullshit Freeman tactics to weasel out of paying his fair share of taxes. Not true at all; the documents in the file showed that this view is entirely wrong. He's actually a courageous fighter for the oppressed everywhere making a brave moral stand on their behalf. The Canadian government is engaged in MASS MURDER and Davis, for one, has staked out his position on this. He's willing to make whatever personal sacrifice is necessary to stop the government in its rampage of crimes against humanity. Apparently the most effective way our valiant warrior could determine to fight the genocidal Canadian government was to stop paying his taxes and demand his past taxes back. His willingness to make this sacrifice humbles me.

His crisis of conscience apparently struck him in 2008. Before that he had been quietly filing his income tax return but grossly under-reporting his income. Nobody in the CRA even noticed him, just another taxpayer who's returns were filed and forgotten. But then, in 2008, he sent in a revised 2007 tax return filling in zeros in all the income areas and demanding that the taxes he'd condescended to pay be returned to him. Along with the return he sent a shot-across-the-bow letter telling them where he stood on the matter of Canada's genocidal rampage;
Re: My completed " T1 Tax Return with addendum" associated with the social insurance :number 703-651-034, and hereby filed in keeping with regard to your criminal insistence, and the support offered to you by Canada's :now corrupted Courts, that no one has a right and duty to refuse to support a society merely because it participates in plans and preparations that a:re predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit mass murder:

.... and faced with the reality that the majority of Canada's Courts and the Judges therein dare not refuse to aid and abet your will that ALL be forced to support the nation despite the fact of its participation in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit Mass Murder; I herewith provide you, UNDER DURESS AND INTIMIDATION, with this, my completed "Tl Tax Return" as required by the Income Tax Act.

Should any aspect of this duly completed and hereby delivered "Tl Tax Return" cause you any
problem, please feel free to contact me in writing.

Note that, contrary to your known contempt for such requirement, this, is the "Tl Tax Return" is completed with a full and honest respect for Canada's existence as a Sovereign Nation subject only to the Supremacy Of God and the Rule Of Law". Further, while UNDER DURESS AND INTIMIDATION, I take full responsibility for completing this "Tl Tax Return", to the best of my ability given the nature of your determination and that of the majority of your Judges, Courts and other agents, that I be forced to aid and abet your will to have Canada participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

Now, to the "technical" aspects of this, is the "Tl Tax Return" for the year 2007.

My income for the year 2007 _is as known to you through our Nation's investments in various "Tracking Technology" and reporting requirements by which your minions track and record all matters relating to all citizens.

While my expenses and lawful deductions for the year 2007 are as known to you, I choose to believe and hereby so claim, that my "Lawful And So Claimed Expenses" are at least two times MORE than you would otherwise permit me to claim.

That being so, it is my claim that there are "No taxes due" and payable to you by such as myself and all who are determined to act on their right and lawful duty to refuse to support a society that participates in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

Further, I claim a sum equal to the average of all "GST Rebates" that you have paid those who remain silent while you condemn CANADA to the sin and eternal shame that mark its participation in plans and preparations THAT YOU KNOW are predicated on a will and capacity to commit Mass Murder.

NOTE #1: While you may believe that all of Canada's Judges dare not stand and speak against your will, such is not the case. Some Judges actually do realize that the right and duty to refuse to aid, abet, support, _fund or otherwise assist a society that participates in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit Murder, must be offered all necessary protection in the only venue wherein such protection will carry the weight and force of law.

NOTE #2: Due to the fact that it is impossible for me to identify which of Canada' s Judges are not so cowardly and I or corrupted as to be able to recognize and act on their duty to recognize the right and duty of all to refuse to support a society that is participating in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to commit mass murder, I hereby attach a copy of a "Tl Return of Income", as supplied to me by your agents, as an addendum to this, my Tl return, in order that a Judge who does have spine and integrity sufficient to uphold and recognize the above stated right and duty, may then state, in keeping with the Judgment of the Manitoba Court Of Queen's Bench, in the matter of "Hart vs. Regina", that I have, in fact and in deed, filed a return of Income as required by the Income Tax Act, while thereby permitting me to fulfill my lawful and lawfully compellable duty to refuse to aid, abet or support, in any fashion whatsoever, a society that continues, contrary to the rule of law, the Nuremberg Principles and the 1998 ruling of the International Court Of Justice, to participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain will and capacity to be party to mass murder.

NOTE #3: The letters "SPDTWTAIA", wherever found on the attached addendum, shall mean
It may not have been the most tactful step to address the CRA staff as "the following minions etc. of the above "Minister". I'm guessing that might have prejudiced them somewhat against his brave stand. ... n_-_01.pdf

The CRA, debased beyond any possibility of respecting a plea for human rights and justice, responded to this by sending him a heartless letter telling him to forget it;
Re: Your 2007 Income Tax Return

December 10, .2008

Account Number
703 651 034

We have reviewed the amended return that you submitted in regard to the above taxation year received on May 15, 2008.

There is no provision·in the Income Tax Act for your request. We do not make the law and have no authority to change it. If you disagree with the law, you should contact your Member of Parliament or the Minister of Finance with your concerns. If you feel the Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal supercedes the Income Tax Act, the proper forum for your argument is Civil Court.

As it appears you have received misleading information from various advocacy groups, we are attaching a fact sheet regarding tax myths spread by these groups.

We trust this clarifies our position in this matter. ... n_-_02.pdf

The document attached to the CRA's letter is "Debunking Tax Myths" a pamphlet the CRA sends obvious tax protesters. The court registry screwed up on the copying and it is not complete but you can find the full document here;

As a result of the letter the CRA decided Davis was worth an audit and they began to check him out. He started out defiant going living sole and dual persons, the old Strawman trick;
I do not accept the burden of performance you are attempting to serve upon me for the
following reasons:

1. I believe the unilateral contract between the NAME ON ENVELOPE is not a legal and binding contract that meets the requirements of a contract.

2. . The Canadian and Provincial Governments have created schemes using the Birth Certificate Name which is the legal fiction created by the Vital Statistics Agency.

3. The Vital Statistics Agency provided a Birth Certificate without full disclosure of the facts.

4. It is my belief that the evidence I possess may indicate that a fraud has been committed. The living soul has been given the name Stephen-Christopher.

I herewith claim all equity values that have been received through the birth certificate or ·derivative thereof created name, unless forensic evidence can be produced that proves that the fiction so named on the birth certificate entity actually did the work, either physically or intellectually, to produce anything of equitable value.

Living Soul

Stephen-Christopher ... n_-_03.pdf

When that didn't work he tried to pretend he wanted to cooperate; ... n_-_04.pdf

But he wasn't stopping the train wreck he's put in motion and the CRA finished its audit in 2014 and, as the audit report shows, with very dismal results for our Living Soul. ... n_-_05.pdf

There are a lot more taxes involved than I thought. He underreported by a total of almost $180,000 in taxable income. I thought the informal process allowed only a maximum of $12,000 in total taxes at issue but I'm way behind the times. The limit has been changed to a maximum of $25,000 in tax for each individual year at issue. Live and learn.

Being vindictive the CRA decided to penalize him too; ... n_-_06.pdf

The CRA didn't buy his claim that he'd under-reported personally because he thought that his corporation was the actual taxable entity. If so, the CRA wondered, why hadn't the corporation filed any tax returns?
For the taxpayer's main defence in the audit, it was claimed that he had not known he should report his income from his corporation. In his letter on May 9, 2013, he stated that he was misled in 2005 by a piece of information from internet to conclude he did not have pay income tax. Also in the proposal meeting on April 26, 2013, the taxpayer claimed that his corporation tax matter were all taken care by his accountant, believing his accountant was performing due cares· for his corporation.

However, it does not appear to be convincing. First of all, the taxpayer was informed his no tax theory was groundless in the CRA letter in 2008 prior to this audit. In addition, the taxpayer did not even file his corporation T2 returns until non-filer team actions in 2011. Further, even in this audit before the proposal, the taxpayer claimed he has no obligation to pay income tax quoting so called natural man theory in his letter to the auditor on July 9, 2012.

Considering the above points, the taxpayer has kept trying to avoid income tax consistently using various ways even up to beginning of the audit. Therefore, his claim of not knowing at the end of audit is not consistent with the majority of his previous behaviours
So he filed an appeal. He stopped pussyfooting around with corporation v personal tax or claims his accountant was at fault and went full-frontal Freeman. I'm not going to bother trying to boil down his Notice of Appeal, it is 13 points of irrelevant garbage. But feel free to read it yourself; ... n_-_07.pdf
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Stephen Davis is not a Poriskyite! He said so himself.

Post by Philistine »

Hello Burnaby49!
I've been lurking on Quatloos for a while and have enjoyed reading your amusing posts.
Thanks for all the work you put in for our enjoyment.
Just a note to say that perhaps the subject's SIN should be obscured from your above posts.
Keep up the great work.
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Re: Stephen Davis is not a Poriskyite! He said so himself.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Philistine wrote:Hello Burnaby49!
I've been lurking on Quatloos for a while and have enjoyed reading your amusing posts.
Thanks for all the work you put in for our enjoyment.
Just a note to say that perhaps the subject's SIN should be obscured from your above posts.
Keep up the great work.
Just back from 10 days on New York. An outreach program of the Western Cabal finally networking with the Eastern Illuminati (Hi Wes!).

I included his SIN number since he himself chose to make it public by promoting his moronic Tax Court appeal. it was in filed documents.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".