Porisky Strikes Again!

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Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

And this time he got one of you Americans, a sovereign reversal! See link below for two new "victims" of Porisky's tax evasion schemes. The court obviously had no sympathy since it imposed significant jail time, a rarity in Canada. This one seems to have been particularly offensive since both taxpayers were very active in giving tax avoidance seminars and the wife used her dental practice as a recruiting pool to find new suckers. In fact she required her employees to participate. The actual case decision not yet publicly posted but I'll link it when I find it.

http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/11/23 ... on-scheme/
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Polriskyites aren't doing well against the opressive Canada Revenue Agency. Our two defiant dentists just got significant jail sentences for agressively following the Porisky Plan. Your American compatriot got the longer sentence, obviously a blatant case of yankee-bashing.

The article states;

Porisky is the brains behind Paradigm Education Group, which teaches followers that taxes are unconstitutional and that taxing a human being’s labour is a confiscation of property and, therefore, against the Canadian Bill of Rights.

I think it a bit of a stretch to call Porisky's contibution to the understanding of Canadian tax law a result of "brains".

http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Ottawa ... story.html
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, if you are the leader of a group in which the average number of brain cells can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and yours can be counted on the fingers of both hands, that makes you the "brains" of the group....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote:I think it a bit of a stretch to call Porisky's contibution to the understanding of Canadian tax law a result of "brains".
Well certainly hyperbole at the very least, or maybe just over done politeness, I've always been told that was a Canadian thing, as they didn't want to hurt the poor dears widdle feewings.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

This is just a housekeeping post. I'm preparing an omnibus posting giving links to all the Quatloos discussions of cases related to Russell Porisky's tax evasion scheme. I'm doing this because (largely my fault, sue me) they are scattered everywhere so anyone checking Quatloos for information on the Porisky scam faces way to many hurdles to find them all. I've been finding as I do this that many of the newspaper articles I've linked to are dead. This is a problem in discussions like this where I carelessly neglected to give any information of any use in my posting but relied on the article. To stop a possible severance of this link making this discussion worthless (always a judgement call in any case) I'm posting some relevant information from the article. It speaks for itself how extreme greed and hubris arrogance can result in intelligent successful people totally screwing up their lives.
A wealthy Ottawa couple who followed the teachings of a B.C. group that believes taxes are unconstitutional have pleaded guilty to evading almost a million dollars in personal taxes and to helping others evade millions more.

Pembroke dentist Tania Kovaluk, 50, and her husband, U.S. citizen Lee Williams, 55, were sentenced Tuesday to 2.5 years and four years in prison, respectively. They are followers of Russ Porisky, a British Columbia man who is himself serving a four-year prison sentence for tax evasion.

Williams and Kovaluk, who married in 2003, ran at least 16 Paradigm seminars in Toronto and Ottawa. Williams was an “educator” at the closed-door sessions and Kovaluk promoted Paradigm’s ideas and used her dental contact list to recruit new members, according to an agreed statement of facts presented in court.

As part of the deal, students — many of whom were also dentists — agreed to pay between 7% and 10% of the money they saved by not paying taxes to Williams, their educator. Williams then forwarded a percentage of that income to Porisky, the father of the scheme.

The court estimates that Williams helped his students defraud the government of $4.5-million between 2003 and 2008. Ontario Superior Court Justice Colin McKinnon said before sentencing that the “preposterous” tax scheme “shows remarkable hubris and contempt for the rule of law.”

Between 2003 and 2007 Kovaluk failed to report $2.6-million in income earned from her dental practice. During that time, Kovaluk and Williams built two villas in Costa Rica, purchased gold in Canada and through offshore accounts, and built a home in Ottawa worth at least $974,000. They also bought luxury items such as art, jewellery and furniture and took lavish vacations.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

A bit more on Tania, our Poriskyite dentist. Found this link from 2010 where Tanya was giving free seminars on how to beat the taxman.

https://web.archive.org/web/20100719092 ... taxes.html

However what is of interest is this link;

https://web.archive.org/web/20100518163 ... right.html

To a Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right put out by Kovaluk's husband Lee Williams, or as he prefers to be called, "I am that I am sometimes respond to Lee, of the Williams family, a living, sentient, flesh-and-blood Soul, having no corporate status". Why this is interesting is because a NUICR is a Freeman-on-the-Land document and is not part of the Porisky tax evasion method. This is the first time I've seen a link between Freemen and Poriskyites. One proponent of NUICR's is the good Reverend Belanger and he certainly has no concerns about tax evasion since you have to actually work at something and make money before you need to worry about the taxes you want to evade;

http://allcreatorsgifts.blogspot.ca/200 ... t-and.html

Williams got a significantly greater sentence than his wife so I assume that he was the leader in promoting the Porisky scheme. Going full Freeman probably didn't help him either. If you want a look at the delightful Tanya and her ruggedly handsome wind-blown husband back in the happy days before the Canada Revenue Agency dropped the hammer on them here is a link to her Face Book page;




What a carefree golden couple!

I said at the beginning of this post that Tanya was our Poriskyite dentist. That may be incorrect. Her Face Book page lists her as a "former dentist".

For those of you with no life and plenty of time on your hands (Burnaby49 looks into mirror) below is Lee's NUICR. I hope it played a part in his sentencing.
Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right

by lwilliams on March 2, 2010


1. Michaelle Jean
Governor General of Canada
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A1

2. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A2

3. Minister of Finance
Department of Finance Canada
140 O’Conner Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G5

4. Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A1

5. RCMP Commissioner
Headquarters Bldg
1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R2

6. Chief of Justice of Canada
Supreme Court of Canada
301 Wellington St.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0J1

7. President of Canadian Bar Association
865 Carling Ave. Suite 500
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5S8

8. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
Queen Regnant
c/o Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
London, England, SW1A 1AA

I am that I am sometimes respond to Lee, of the Williams family, a living, sentient, flesh-and-blood Soul, having no corporate status, do hereby make oath and state the following is my Truth and my Law, here present you with a Notice of Understanding and Intent.

I am sending this letter out as a courtesy in order to avoid any further confusion or potential conflict. I am now expanding the reach of my discourse in order to maintain my honor and ensure maximum clarity to all known entities living or fictional. After receiving this letter, please expect a Notice of Understanding and Claim of Right in order to ensure maximum clarity amongst all entities. As a peaceful man desiring to avoid conflict and live lawfully with maximum freedom, I have recently been studying the history of the Canada and many other countries along with its legal systems and have come to some very interesting conclusions. After reading various acts and exploring the way language is used in those acts, I have realized that “lawful” and “legal” are not always the same. It also appears that all acts and statutes in Canada and many other countries are only contracts based in commerce. Therefore I am now contacting the various government officials named above in the hopes that someone can either confirm or correct my understanding. If you do choose to respond with corrections, I must insist that you do so within thirty (30) days of service of this letter, in writing, via registered mail and provide proof of your claim, under oath or attestation with full commercial liability and penalty of perjury. A lack of response or response that does not contain proof of my mistaken understanding, on a point-by-point basis, will be assumed to imply agreement with my understanding. Failure to dispute the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by tacit acquiescence. Now, specifically in CANADA I understand that there is both a common law and statute law tradition, which is interesting, because I also understand that a statute is a legislated rule of a society, which has the force of law upon members of that society; a society being a fictional legal entity such as a corporation. I also understand that the Government of CANADA is not a nation as I once thought it was, occupying a geographical location, but instead merely a corporation with de-facto authority, rather than lawful. This corporation can only make corporate/contract law that has the force of law only upon its consenting members. From my research, the “law of the land,” is the peaceful common law, which is not influenced by acts and statutes. Under common law, the rights, freedoms, and duties of private individuals have long been established and unlike statute law, common law has had a progression towards more freedom and personal responsibility rather than less. Among the rights and freedoms understood by common law are such things as the rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, property and use thereof, privacy, peace, and the ability to travel freely in public without harassment or intimidation. The obligations and duties of those entities living and operating under common law are essentially compelled to ensure that one does not infringe or allow others to infringe upon those unalienable rights and freedom of the human beings in this arrangement. I have also learned that the rights of a free spiritual being cannot be lawfully limited without consent, as that would imply slavery. Effectively, rights are not bestowed upon one by another unless the first gives his or her consent, or the first is the lawful property of the second. The very nature of the concept of consent is that it can only exist amongst equals with full disclosure and without coercion. I do not recall ever being sold or purchased as a slave, nor do I recall giving my free consent to be governed or represented by any governmental agent, although at times I have been deceived and intimidated into submission. Various rights and freedoms are self-evident and unalienable. In order for lawful representation to exist, there must be mutual consent, and that consent may be revoked for any reason depending on the nature of a specific contract between the two parties. I am hereby notifying all in our universe and other interested parties that I have revoked my consent to be governed by fictitious corporate entities with which I do not have a subsisting contract. I declare that I am neither a child nor a slave, but a free man capable of administering my own affairs.

Whereas it is my understanding that the geographical area known, as Canada and The Government of Canada are both common-law jurisdictions.

Whereas it is my understanding that for something to exist legally it must have a name.

Whereas it is my understanding that governments in CANADA are corporations, which provide services.

Whereas it is my understanding that in CANADA, the Criminal Code of Canada binds governments and corporations, and,

Whereas it is my understanding a society is defined as a number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and,

Whereas it is my understanding equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,

Whereas it is my understanding a statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law, and,

Whereas it is my understanding the only form of government recognized as lawful in Canada is a representative one, and,

Whereas it is my understanding representation requires mutual consent, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor governance can exist, and,

Whereas it is my understanding those who have a Social Insurance Number are in fact employees of the federal government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the federal government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one’s Social Insurance Number, and,

Whereas it is my understanding people in Canada have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and thus governed, and,

Whereas it is my understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government control and statutory restraints, and,

Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that acting peacefully within community standards does not breach the peace, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and,

Whereas as I am a Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility and not a child, I do not see the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited liability, and,

Whereas it is my understanding a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and,

Whereas it is my understanding corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to claim authority or control over other parties, and,

Whereas it is my understanding legal fictions lack a soul and cannot exert any control over those who are thus blessed and operate with respect to that knowledge as only a fool would allow soulless fictions to dictate ones actions, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a summons is merely an invitation to attend and the ones issued by CANADA or any of its agencies creates no obligation or dishonor if ignored, and,

Whereas it is my understanding peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in fact breaking the law, and,

Whereas I have the power to refuse intercourse or interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace, and,

Whereas permanent estoppel by tacit acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a Freeman-on-the-Land under any Act is created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time,

Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and affected parties, that I am that I am a Freeman-on-the-Land do hereby state clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist free of all statutory obligations restrictions and maintain all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter.

Furthermore, I claim that these actions are not outside my communities’ standards and will in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.

Furthermore, I claim the right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property held by me is held under a claim of right.

Furthermore, I claim that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure.

Furthermore, I claim that the courts in CANADA are de-facto and are in fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and I further claim they require the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services.

Furthermore, I claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both parties and I do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act.

Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS PER HOUR or known as $4000.00 Canadian Dollars or portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PER HOUR or known as $10,000.00 Canadian Dollars or portion thereof if I am handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express written and Notarized consent.

Furthermore, I claim the right to use a Notary Public to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm my interests, or me directly or by proxy in any way.

Furthermore, I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants who having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, I claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both.

Furthermore, I claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture on videotape or recording device said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as I see fit.

Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately within thirty (30) days of service of notice. Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and registered in the Notary Office herein provided no later than thirty days from the date of original service as attested to by way of certificate of service.

Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act against My Self Freeman-on-the-Land

Place of claim of right: in the city known as Ottawa in the province known as Ontario in the geographical area known, as Canada

Dated: November 27, 2009

Claimant: I am that I am sometimes responding to Lee, of the Williams family, a living, sentient, flesh-and-blood Soul, having no corporate status.

By: Lee of the Williams Family
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by notorial dissent »

Definitely way too much time on his hands, and not much in the way of common sense. I would have said that was awfully sovcit for a Poriskyite, but that's just me.

I really do think you ought to rename this as Porisky Strikes (Out) Again.
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by grixit »

These statements are rendering the word "honor" meaningless.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

An update on Dr. Tania Kovaluk, or, as she now styles herself, Tetiana. She was originally sentenced in 2012 to two years, five months in jail and fined $887,328. She served her time, got out, and has now been sentenced to an additional five years for the failure to pay off her fine;

http://www.timescolonist.com/tax-dodgin ... -1.2368908

Here's what got her back in jail;
She knowingly failed to report almost $2.6 million in income between 2003 and 2007, avoiding $721,000 in taxes.

"In addition to spending large amounts of money on personal luxury items such as art, jewelry, vacations, a home in Ottawa, and personal home furnishings, Kovaluk invested her money in offshore assets, including two villas in Costa Rica," the Canada Revenue Agency said in a release Wednesday.

"Kovaluk transferred her ownership of these villas to third parties for no consideration, with the intention of avoiding payment of her court-imposed fine."
However Tania seems ok with it because she's found true freedom and paradise inside herself;


And she's willing to sell you the secret for $18.
WHY do we live in fear of the future?

WHY do we fear death?

The human personality is only a role I agreed to play in the movie:"Earth School". I am on a fabulous journey to discover my True Self, my Soul. This journey will give me a broadened understanding of this wonderful world, of my True Identity and my purpose, here on planet Earth.

My inner purpose is to connect to WHO I AM, transform in consciousness and disseminate this Truth-Consciousness. As I express my unique, individual, outer purpose, I slowly dissolve my ego.

TRUE FREEDOM IS INSIDE each and every one of us human beings. We will all eventually awaken to this Truth. I had to suffer the incarceration experience to find my True Self, peace, joy, and grace.

I was physically in prison but it was “inside” that my Soul became bigger and louder. My Soul wanted to get out of her prison to accomplish her individualized purpose. I could no longer ignore her. I started to listen to my Soul. Slowly... very, very slowly...

Please donate $18.00 to receive this book.

About six months ago she did a couple of YouTube videos explaining that's she's no longer Tania Kovaluk and how, in pure Paradigm terms, she's broken joinder with that name and is no longer a taxpayer. Or a citizen, or a dentist, or pretty much anything else. Just a three bodied spirit.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW8VKxy ... =11.693291

But that didn't stop the Crown from sending her back to jail with a five year term. The Poriskyites have had a distinct lack of success with that tactic.

She tells how things were just great. Until they weren't;

I have been known as Dr. Tania Kovaluk since my graduation from dental school in 1987. Today, I no longer identify with the title or the full name because I have found my True Self/my Soul. I AM, Tetiana.

I met Lee, an American living in Florida at an investment conference in Cancun, in May 2002. I did not allow myself to believe that Lee would be interested in a complete family. My daughter Luba was 10 years old and my son Greg was 8. Belonging to a family was in fact, Lee’s deepest need and desire. Even life in the very cold winters of Ottawa Canada, did not scare Lee away.

We were married on a cruise ship in Barbados, December 2003. Luba and Greg celebrated with us. Life with Lee was amazing for almost 10 years. We traveled the world with Luba and Greg, mostly by cruising.

In early 2003, Lee introduced me to "Paradigm Education". The minute I heard this information I could not stop myself from trying to share it with others. Lee and I formally promoted this information because we believed we found "the truth" and I believed that God chose me to be the savior by informing others of "the imminent world financial collapse". I openly stopped paying income tax and the government did not bother me for years. I believed that their tacit acceptance was proof that I was right.

Lee and I were arrested for income tax evasion and the promotion of Paradigm Education December 6th, 2011. This was what can be called a “shock situation” for both of us. I was able to pull myself together quite quickly because unknowingly, I was preparing myself for this, the entire 10 years I was with Lee.

I started writing letters to Lee to help him deal with his emotional state and this immense challenge we created for ourselves. " True Freedom Is Inside" is the beginning of our evolution of consciousness journey.

I, sovereign being Tetiana, and sovereign being Lee, invite you to join many of us on this journey to...

Paradise - on - Earth
I suppose she can look on the bright side. With that new sentence the government of Canada has given her plenty of time to explore the inner Tetiana.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by notorial dissent »

What is it about dentists, too much nitrous???? too much sampling the pain killers??? Just too odd.

What happened to Lee? I don't remember him being mentioned.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:What is it about dentists, too much nitrous???? too much sampling the pain killers??? Just too odd.
Maybe too much practicing by drilling and filling their own cavities without an anesthetic?
Tetiana wrote:I was physically in prison but it was “inside” that my Soul became bigger and louder. My Soul wanted to get out of her prison to accomplish her individualized purpose.
I guess she didn't realize that souls get released only through death.
I met Lee, an American living in Florida at an investment conference in Cancun, in May 2002.
And I will lay dollars to donuts that this was a not an investment conference that any legitimate and knowledgeable investor would attend. And I would not be surprised if the agenda of speakers had experts on natural herbal remedies, chemtrails, and why ET is trying to kidnap your wife.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
notorial dissent
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:
And I will lay dollars to donuts that this was a not an investment conference that any legitimate and knowledgeable investor would attend. And I would not be surprised if the agenda of speakers had experts on natural herbal remedies, chemtrails, and why ET is trying to kidnap your wife.
I think that qualifies as a sucker bet if ever I saw one.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

notorial dissent wrote:What is it about dentists, too much nitrous???? too much sampling the pain killers??? Just too odd.
Many, many years ago, during the U.S. Government's first wave of criminal prosecutions of tax-shelter promoters, I was a young puppy of a lawyer assisting in the defense of one of those cases. When the defense team went to have a meeting with the Assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case, I saw a sign hanging over his desk which read: "Most tax shelters are bought by doctors. But every once in a while, there is a tax shelter so bad that it will only be bought by dentists."
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)
notorial dissent
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by notorial dissent »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:What is it about dentists, too much nitrous???? too much sampling the pain killers??? Just too odd.
Many, many years ago, during the U.S. Government's first wave of criminal prosecutions of tax-shelter promoters, I was a young puppy of a lawyer assisting in the defense of one of those cases. When the defense team went to have a meeting with the Assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case, I saw a sign hanging over his desk which read: "Most tax shelters are bought by doctors. But every once in a while, there is a tax shelter so bad that it will only be bought by dentists."
There has to be a corollary for chiropractors, as they seem to be even more prone to it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Porisky Strikes Again!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

The Observer wrote:And I will lay dollars to donuts that this was a not an investment conference that any legitimate and knowledgeable investor would attend.
Actually, donuts are worth more than $1 these days. Perhaps the English version, pounds to pennies, might be a better choice....
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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