A Recipe for Awful Money -- LOCKED

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A Recipe for Awful Money -- LOCKED

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Here's the latest gem from Planet Merrill:

Open Letter to the American Sheeple
September 21, 2014 at 8:03pm
(by Jaro)
Admit it, Americans, you've gotten lazy and fat, and your freedoms are disappearing at an ever increasing speed. If you don't like what's happening to this country, maybe YOU should DO something about it. You're losing your freedoms because of the ever increasing NATIONAL DEBT. Surely you don't think that if you buy something with other people's money (borrowed from Federal Reserve), you'll be free to do whatever you want with it? I hope you realize that the GREATER the national debt, the FEWER freedoms will the people of the nation have.

So if you want more freedom, STOP BLAMING the politicians and START REDUCING the national DEBT!
Let me repeat that;
If you want more freedom, STOP BLAMING the politicians and START REDUCING the national DEBT!

And the amount of the National Debt is the amount of US Bonds and other Treasuries that United States (federal gov't) gave to Federal Reserve as collateral for their PRIVATE currency, the Federal Reserve Notes.

US courts ruled that Federal Reserve Notes are OBLIGATIONS of United States, which means that they're only PROMISES to pay. They also are LIABILITIES of Federal Reserve, via the Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act, which is also codified in US Code Title 12, section 411. It says:

"Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are hereby authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank."
[12 USC 411. As amended by act of Jan. 30, 1934 (48 Stat. 337). For redemption of Federal reserve notes whose bank of issue cannot be identified, see act of June 13, 1933.]


FYI, Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are a PRIVATE CURRENCY issued jointly by the Federal Reserve and the federal (not national) gov't, and because they're a LOAN from FedRes, they come with a LIABILITY to pay interest on that loan, which is paid by anyone using them, mostly in the form of INCOME TAX.
Perhaps you've heard some politicians mention that income tax is voluntary. What they meant was that USE of FRNs is voluntary, because you instead can demand and use US Notes, which are the NATIONAL, not private, currency and which doesn't come with tax liability attached to them. Which means that if you VOLUNTARILY use FRNs, you're volunteering to pay certain taxes because DEBT NOTES come with liability to pay interest.

Which means that unless you're helping to reduce the national debt by demanding LAWFUL MONEY (US Notes), you're just an i diot with a gun who complains about gov't ignoring Constitution. REAL Americans AREN'T SHY, and are responsible enough to make a demand for LAWFUL MONEY, and so help reduce the national debt.

You see, when you make that demand, the FedRes has to BUY US Notes from the US Treasury, and pay for that with the US Treasuries they've gotten as collateral for the FRNs they issued into circulation. And THAT DECREASES the NATIONAL DEBT.

BTW, decreasing the national debt, and so INCREASING our freedoms, would be something that BOTH, conservatives AND liberals should have no problem agreeing on.

So I hope you now realize that the amount of national debt (ND) is basically the amount of FRNs in circulation. So the amount of FRNs that we redeem in lawful money (US Notes), will be the amount that is DEDUCTED from the ND. So if we managed to replace ALL FRNs in circulation with US Notes, the ND would drop to ZERO. And consequntly our freedoms should increase to the level we had 50 years ago.

In other words, there's no need for any revolution to restore our freedoms; it just takes REAL MEN who aren't shy to go to the bank and make a demand for lawful money, to restore them.

BTW, if FedRes banks refuse to redeem your FRNs, they're violating federal law as well as the Federal Reserve Act, and you should complain about that to the US Treasury, since that would amount to DEFRAUDING our country, the United States of America.

There are basically TWO ways of making that demand:
1) Take your Federal Reserve Notes to a national bank in the amount of at least $100 and ask the teller to redeem them. If they don't know how, ask for the manager. And like I said, if they refuse to redeem and give you US Notes (lawful money), then you should complain as they're violating the federal law.
2) Endorse your checks on the back with a demand for lawful money like this:

Demand is made for lawful money,
pursuant to title 12 USC 411.
John Henry Doe

And lastly, if we get enough peple to stop being lazy, and demand lawful money, we'll basically have a NON-VIOLENT 'velvet' REVOLUTION, which will restore our freedoms without firing a shot. So PLEEEEAASE, stop being DUMB, thinking that voting will fix anything, and start addressing the REAL problem, which is a PRIVATE currency that comes with liability attached.

In other words, the American people need not beg Congress for anything, or blame Obama. They just need to demand lawful money and so reduce the national debt and gradually restore the Republic, because the Republic has NATIONAL currency, while corporate Democracy has PRIVATE currency from a Central bank.

I am envisioning branch managers of various banks who are forced to call the police because certain customers will not go away without loudly demanding US Notes -- which have not been issued since 1971, and which exist today only in numismatists' collections.

Perhaps the bank managers should tell these idiots that, once their demand is made, their FRNs magically transubstantiate into US Notes.... :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by wserra »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Here's the latest gem from Planet Merrill:

Open Letter to the American Sheeple
Dontcha love how clueless morons like "Jaro" call everyone else "Sheeple" - and then post something that's mainly copypasta?
Perhaps the bank managers should tell these idiots that, once their demand is made, their FRNs magically transubstantiate into US Notes.... :haha: :haha: :haha:
Don't laugh too hard, that is in fact the delusion. Van Pelt has a stamp that he places on FRNs - red ink, of course.

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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Allow me to translate the VanPeltese:
Four green threes upended a wasted bicycle and found there are no more radishes attached to the fenster wrench. Because of that, a rabbit hole was flooded and two armed nurses waited patiently for a blue screen of death. Wake up! A hundred owls have invaded the west coast of Vermont! This insidious conflagration puts lawn mowers in peril unless large amounts of of unobtanium can synchronize the tan-delta force grammeters in such a way that the anticipated turbine-induced glim-wander can be prevented.

When confronted with barn-seeking horses, it's best to put nine eggs into your garden sprayer and, while avoiding the fumes, retract the semi-oblate slots of the flux-stator barrier and turn the Foresman valve to the up position. If the flow of ratchets is not slowed, bring salted cod and six maids a milking to the edge of the river and toss them in. Salt and pepper to taste.

Unless you find sinusoidal repleneration has modified your back-swing, the only way to stasis is unwanted nose hair removal. This is not for amateurs and interfering with the modial interaction of magneto reluctance may ruin your whole &$(@$_^* day.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by notorial dissent »

Nice to see Merrill has found an acolyte, or a sock puppet, to regurgitate his nonsense, since that is pure verbatim Merrillian nonsense, and as usual wrong in every particular.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by grixit »

Wait, i thought Merrill cancelled the national debt years ago.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote:Wait, i thought Merrill cancelled the national debt years ago.
No, he tried. His plan was one step from completion and that final step required that the Chinese government purchase his UCC filings and suit against the state of Colorado. But the PRC unwisely decided to stick with their ownership of US debt and the rest is history. This pretty much put David into a deep funk and he could not even get excited enough to try to exchange his suit for dinars.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by jg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Here's the latest gem from Planet Merrill:

Open Letter to the American Sheeple
September 21, 2014 at 8:03pm
(by Jaro)

So I hope you now realize that the amount of national debt (ND) is basically the amount of FRNs in circulation. So the amount of FRNs that we redeem in lawful money (US Notes), will be the amount that is DEDUCTED from the ND. So if we managed to replace ALL FRNs in circulation with US Notes, the ND would drop to ZERO. And consequntly our freedoms should increase to the level we had 50 years ago.


From http://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12773.htm
"How much U.S. currency is in circulation?

There was approximately $1.29 trillion in circulation as of July 2, 2014, of which $1.24 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes."

Wouldn't it be nice if the national debt was even close to the amount of Federal Reserve notes in circulation?

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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by LPC »

jg wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Here's the latest gem from Planet Merrill:

So I hope you now realize that the amount of national debt (ND) is basically the amount of FRNs in circulation.
From http://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12773.htm
"How much U.S. currency is in circulation?

There was approximately $1.29 trillion in circulation as of July 2, 2014, of which $1.24 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes."

Wouldn't it be nice if the national debt was even close to the amount of Federal Reserve notes in circulation?
I had the same thought.

Current national debt is about $17.8 trillion, so the ratio of FRNs to debt is about 1:14, and not 1:1.

So close.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by . »

LPC wrote:Current national debt is about $17.8 trillion
Actually, ignoring the non-public debt of about 5 trillion (Social Security, Medicare and various other meaningless "trust-fund" bookkeeping entries) the net national debt held by the public (all non-US government entities) is about 12.75 trillion.

That amount will be much easier for Van Pelt to retire. Surely, he can do it in a week or two.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Not to give him ideas... but someday I'm expecting to find a stamp on currency, over the words "Federal Reserve Note", something like:

Redeemed Awful Money per 12 USC 411
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by . »

Might work better than that flock of "redeeming lawful money" tax lawsuits he inspired that we saw, what was it, about a year ago?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by JamesVincent »

wserra wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Here's the latest gem from Planet Merrill:

Open Letter to the American Sheeple
Dontcha love how clueless morons like "Jaro" call everyone else "Sheeple" - and then post something that's mainly copypasta?
I have a friend from high school, with whom I talk to on Facebook, who went down the sov'run/ conspiracy rabbithole. Every post he posts on such authoritative subjects as 9/11, Obama's birth certificate, chemtrails, red flags (when we were talking about Sandy Hook a lot of the articles I linked came from his page) and, of course, the Bundy saga, starts out with something heady like " if you're still listening to the lame stream media then your sheeple" or something like that. Unlike most sov'runs we hear about he owns his own business, works hard, has a family that he takes care off, very talented musician, generally not the normal whacko. Overall a very nice and intelligent person. Yet anyone who does not agree with the conspiracies he believes in are sheeple. I never got how people who go down this hole can think that everyone who has an opinion can be sheeple, much less people, like me, who research a lot of things before they come to an opinion.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

JamesVincent wrote:
I have a friend from high school, with whom I talk to on Facebook, who went down the sov'run/ conspiracy rabbithole. Every post he posts on such authoritative subjects as 9/11, Obama's birth certificate, chemtrails, red flags (when we were talking about Sandy Hook a lot of the articles I linked came from his page) and, of course, the Bundy saga, starts out with something heady like " if you're still listening to the lame stream media then your sheeple" or something like that. Unlike most sov'runs we hear about he owns his own business, works hard, has a family that he takes care off, very talented musician, generally not the normal whacko. Overall a very nice and intelligent person. Yet anyone who does not agree with the conspiracies he believes in are sheeple. I never got how people who go down this hole can think that everyone who has an opinion can be sheeple, much less people, like me, who research a lot of things before they come to an opinion.
On Facebook, I once belonged to a group which was established around a common identification with a particular city but which quickly degenerated into extremist political rants which had nothing to do with the city. One of the ranters was a chemtrail nut who ignored all of the scientific evidence I showed him and responded with things like "ARE YOU TOO BLIND TO LOOK AT THE SKY AND SEE ALL OF THE CHEMTRAILS AND THE CHANGES?" His mind was made up; and the facts were only an annoyance to him.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:... His mind was made up; and the facts were only an annoyance to him.
I've seen people derail their career over silliness such as UFOs and ETs. I also rank chemtrails, "lawful money" etc., in that category. Someone who expresses a belief for such fantasies should not be depended upon to make rational decisions in a business setting.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by JamesVincent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:...One of the ranters was a chemtrail nut who ignored all of the scientific evidence I showed him and responded with things like "ARE YOU TOO BLIND TO LOOK AT THE SKY AND SEE ALL OF THE CHEMTRAILS AND THE CHANGES?" His mind was made up; and the facts were only an annoyance to him.
I pissed off my friend one day when he started ranting about how chemtrails, everywhere in the US, are government plots to kill all Americans. Went outside my house in KY, took a picture of the absolutely cloudless and vapor trail free sky, and posted it to his page with the caption, missed a spot.....

It is so rare to see a plane overhead, much less the hundreds of vapor clouds they claim are everywhere, out here that it would be impossible to gas us to death.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by Lambkin »

JamesVincent wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:...One of the ranters was a chemtrail nut who ignored all of the scientific evidence I showed him and responded with things like "ARE YOU TOO BLIND TO LOOK AT THE SKY AND SEE ALL OF THE CHEMTRAILS AND THE CHANGES?" His mind was made up; and the facts were only an annoyance to him.
I pissed off my friend one day when he started ranting about how chemtrails, everywhere in the US, are government plots to kill all Americans. Went outside my house in KY, took a picture of the absolutely cloudless and vapor trail free sky, and posted it to his page with the caption, missed a spot.....

It is so rare to see a plane overhead, much less the hundreds of vapor clouds they claim are everywhere, out here that it would be impossible to gas us to death.
Tell your friend that THEY made the chemtrails invisible, due to people getting so worked up about being gassed. Relax and breathe deep. Happy trails!
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by grixit »

I made a stamp to make it easier:

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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by grixit »

let's try that again:

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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by webhick »

grixit wins the internets.
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Re: A Recipe for Awful Money

Post by LPC »

JamesVincent wrote:It is so rare to see a plane overhead, much less the hundreds of vapor clouds they claim are everywhere, out here that it would be impossible to gas us to death.
The purpose of the chemtrails is not to "gas us to death." That's the purpose of the gas in the bubble wrap.

The purpose of the chemtrails is mind control.
Dan Evans
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