A good insight into the minds of conspiracy theorists

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A good insight into the minds of conspiracy theorists

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I found this article today; and although I am posting it here, it could go into any of several other areas on Quatloos:

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: A good insight into the minds of conspiracy theorists

Post by davids »

I like it, especially the last point - that "everything is a conspiracy." A real troofer doesn't just believe one event was a conspiracy, but rather anything and everything that happens is not only a great opportunity to "research" but most likely, a government conspiracy that never happened, replete with fake actors and false media stories. But they never question some doofus asking random questions from the basement on youtube, no siree, he's just asking questions, after all!

The type that usually identify as "truthers" really have a hobby of spending lots of idle time on doing "surface research" on how any event that occurs is really a "conspiracy", or, their favored term, some kind of "false flag."

This type has a seeming inability to do any original research...if it can't be brought into them from their computer screen, they don't want to know about it. So that pretty much limits them to google and youtube as their sources. Yet, again, they call it research. That is how they get the ideas that major events really didn't happen - it would take far too much effort (not to mention loans from Mom and Dad) to get them to go out and actually talk with people and look into facts.

The truth is they're not that interested in truth. They're bored, they are interested in being right about something, and it is a hobby of theirs more than anything. Most of them are relatively uneducated so they don't see the illogical nature of their theories.
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Re: A good insight into the minds of conspiracy theorists

Post by . »

Or, more simply, the incompetent don't know that they're incompetent.
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Re: A good insight into the minds of conspiracy theorists

Post by operabuff »

The Dunning-Kruger effect in action.

http://www.spring.org.uk/2012/06/the-du ... petent.php