The Branches - Father And Son Infection

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The Observer
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The Branches - Father And Son Infection

Post by The Observer »

Go is reporting on the conviction of a father-and-son team for failing to file tax returns that netted them jail time and a restitution order of nearly $800,000. And why did they fail to file returns? Because they didn't know how? No. Because they couldn't obtain the forms? No. Here is why they failed to file returns:
The men, whom the government said operated a business in which they sold oil and natural gas through brokers, did not believe there was a written legal requirement that they pay taxes, according to information presented in U.S. District Court in Erie.
Yes, they became aware of certain theories that convinced them they did not need to report or pay taxes. And not only aware, but exposed to this deadly infection:
The lawyer for John Branch, Robert Bernhoft, of Texas, said John Branch had been “exposed to unique viewpoints about the jurisdiction of the federal government.”

“This disposed him to the proposition that perhaps there was no absolutely mandatory requirement to file and pay” his taxes, Bernhoft said.
Somewhat fortunately for John, he recovered from this deadly exposure:
John Branch apologized in court.

“Years ago I developed some unhealthy beliefs, and I’ve since found out that those are completely wrong,” he said.
But unfortunately not in time to avoid netting a year in prison and another year of supervised release. Apparently being involved for that last 20-some odd years is not negated by a simple apology in court. But it seemed to help since his father failed to express any remorse and got an additional year:
Randall Branch did not speak at his sentencing.

“This is deplorable,” Cercone said during Randall Branch’s sentencing. “(For) someone with the income of Mr. Branch to not pay a penny of income tax for all those years is shocking.”
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff