Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by bobhurt »

And YES, I know. I am, by virtue of membership in this forum, a Quatloosian.

God forgive me.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Your rant about "victims, most of whom NEVER DID OWE ANY INCOME TAX", by itself, disqualifies your rant from serious consideration. You come off as a tax denier who is simply unwilling to admit that his fantasies about income taxation are wrong, and who suffers from the delusion that "secret cash awards" are behind the ongoing prosecution of True Believers like yourself.

As for your contention that "(t)housands or millions of thinking, educated, intellectually HONEST Americans have an opposing view" about the income tax -- well, just because they have an opposing view doesn't validate that view. As Charles Pierce points out in his book "Idiot America", idiots (such as the tax deniers) like to take davntage of the American preference for "fair play" and "hearing all sides of an issue" to contend that, if there is more than one side to an issue, then each is valid. You just can't get it through your head that this "opposing view" on income taxation is wholly unsupported by either fact or law, and it drives you absolutely crazy.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by jg »

bobhurt wrote:Do I have absolute proof of any such (up to $35,000 - 5 USC 4501, etc) bribes going from Government to public employee? No.
Come back and let us know if you ever do.

Until then, your rant is about the same as my complaining about the fairies in my garden that seem to make my plants wither.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by fortinbras »

This cash award system is the govt's way of providing incentive and award bonuses for outstanding civil servants. The provision for judges may be for some extra job undertaken by judges, such as participation in some fact-finding mission. I have NEVER heard of a judge getting such a bonus simply for his decision in a case.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Famspear »

bobhurt wrote:Do I have absolute proof of any such (up to $35,000 - 5 USC 4501, etc) bribes going from Government to public employee? No.
You, Bob are the "snide pedant" -- except that (as usual) you don't know what you're talking about.

A "pedant" may be defined as "a person who lays unnecessary stress on minor or trivial points of learning, displaying a scholarship lacking in judgment or sense of proportion." Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, p. 1047, World Publishing Company (2nd Coll. Ed. 1978).

In the past, you have have implied that some federal judges, somewhere, somehow, have received, or may have received, these supposed bribes for ruling a certain way in federal tax cases. But you never offer any evidence that I have ever seen.

Not only do you not have "absolute proof," you have no credible evidence.

In fact, not only do you have no credible evidence, you have no evidence at all, Bob. You're full of hot air. You're a pompous, know-nothing, blowhardy wind bag. And you lay unnecessary stress on minor or trivial points -- displaying a "scholarship" that certainly is lacking in judgment or sense of proportion.

You served your country in the Navy submarine service, and for that we thank you (again). You could serve your fellow citizens even more by changing, Bob.

Change yourself. Stop putting on airs -- stop pretending to have erudition and knowledge that you do not have. You're not a legal scholar, Bob.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by wserra »

bobhurt wrote:My making the point about secret cash awards shows
that I would also be more than willing to believe in many other things for which there is no evidence - the tooth fairy, Sasquatch, NESARA - if those things would further my tiresome whine about how the government oppresses me.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Thule »

bobhurt wrote:T
2. Secret cash awards reward judges, IRS agents, DOJ lawyers, and others for destroying the lives of their victims, most of whom NEVER DID OWE ANY INCOME TAX. Those awards therefore ought to be outlawed.

If you had bothered to read the replies to your last ramblings, you would have learned that it is no secret that employers like to reward good employees. I know that doesn't suit your personal beliefs, may I suggest the Bob Schultz Death Fast?

Or you could go ahead and prove that "most people" don't owe taxes. But the Schultz-thing will get you more attention, and more suckers to fleece.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

bobhurt wrote:To all of you snide quatloosian pedants:

I posted the information about secret cash awards to government employees for several reasons.
No, you posted drivel about your delusions.

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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Duke2Earl »

I worked for the IRS for 8 years. I received several awards for doing good work including the Chief Counsel's award. But all these consisted of was nice "suitable for framing" certificates with autographs of IRS officials. Never once was there any money attached.

All I can say is it's not too late... send me some money now.
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Re: Secret Cash Awards - Government Bribes

Post by Joey Smith »

bobhurt wrote:And YES, I know. I am, by virtue of membership in this forum, a Quatloosian.

God forgive me.
Dunno if God forgives the intentionally ignorant.
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