Ed :Brown speaks


Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Nikki »

From Ray via sooey
A letter from Ed Brown: The Life of An American Patriot in the American Prison System

Edward-Lewis: Brown
P.O.W. # 03923-049
Marion U.S.P.
PO Box 1000
Marion Illinois.


Hi Ray:

The US Attorney's office has finally put me back in Marion USP in the C.M.U.

I have been here for the last few weeks after being kept in solitary confinement for the past couple of months. I've sent constant letters to Elaine but I don't think she received any of them. God! I miss her so much.

Most of the food at Brooklyn Transfer was slimy and I couldn't eat most of it. I had stringy, mucous slime in it. 3 wks there.

Then I was sent to Oklahoma Transfer where the food was pretty good. But for the first ten days of the 29 days, I was held there, the cell was kept at 110 degrees almost constantly. I almost lost it in that confined heat. Even with my taking constant showers every hour or so and having to sleep on the floor where it was a little cool by the window, the anxiety was tremendous. My blood-pressure was going through the roof. When they finally shut it down on the eleventh day, it became cold. I did not complain about the cold after the extreme heat.

They leave me alone for a time then they come at me out of left field with something to abuse or punish me. I don't know why.

Th current abuse is that they have returned what property I have except they went through it all and removed every bit of pertinent legal documents, books,(law) files, dictionaries and most important of all my 8 GIG memory stick that Elaine and I have all our work on from both bogus trials. I have until April 8th to submit an affidavit regarding the appeal and the people have shut us all off.

I just saw another inmate receive over a dozen large boxes of his legal documents and files today. I had three and the B.O,P. stole one. They always say it was the last place, which of course you have no way to confirm or deny. There is only the illusion of remedy for anything. There is no remedy. There is no help within these walls only abuse, torture, isolation, boredom and instilled fear that is always orchestrated by B.O.P. (*Bureau of Prisons rk) management.
When you complain, the look of hate in their eyes is palpable. The warden gave me a dose of her condescending, oppressive (dance around the issue) abuse last Thursday.

I constantly remind these people that its easy to abuse something that can't fight back.

As you probably already know, the court did exactly the same thing to us that they did to us in the first trial. No witnesses-no evidence- and the judge removed me from court to silence me.

He also removed the jury so they would not hear the truth. We still have never had a trial. If we had a legitimate court we would not be in here. We would be home. I do not believe we have any lawful courts in America anymore.

All attorneys are Freemasons (see "Inn's of court" in Black's Law dictionary) as every government attorney is of the B.A.R. (British Accredited Regency) which is another Freemason group. The US Attorney ---Judge---Court appointed attorney are all Freemasons and stand against the accused. The accused stand no chance in a Federal or State Court any longer.

The US Attorneys office runs the Department of Justice---FBI---Bureau of Prisons---Courts. There is no separation of powers in the United State government any longer. Its all Executive Administration for the bankruptcy.

Ray! People do not know that the United States is in Washington D.C. and is nothing but a bankrupt piece of paper as a Corporation which went into bankruptcy on March 9, 1933, and on June 5, 1933 the Zionist-Freemason Franklin-Delano-Roosevelt created the "New Deal" declared all State Citizens alien enemies of the UNITED STATES CORP. by using the "Trading With the Enemies Act of 1817, and enslaved every American.

Even in court, on record, I brought this up to the court and the Judge (SINGAL) refused to accept it when I told him "I have here in this envelope the name/names of Organizations that are the largest terrorist organization in the world, in the history of mankind, and, I must submit it to the nearest available Judge."

The judge refused to accept the documents on the record. I told him that this organization was responsible for blowing up the World Trade Center, as well as blowing up the Oklahoma-Murrah Building. The judge refused to acknowledge. The court is in collusion with this terrorist organization by suppressing evidence.

The cover-up of all these national crisis by the Freemason court and Freemason US Attorneys offices and the Freemason Congress/Senate virtually wherever you have an attorney in government you have a Freemason--BAR Member.

The entire issue of America and the New World Order is based on Freemasonry. Why?

Khazarian,/Zionist/Communism/ are all controlled by Freemasons. The Key today of the Global Controlling Organizations is to see the Freemasonry is used to set up a political Theosophy that is entrenched and running the world by controlling the law (BAR), Economy, (IMF) which controls everything else. Freemasonry must become a household word, and people must look up the tie-in on thee Internet. It's there. Look up:
Zionists/ Freemasons -- Communism / Freemason
Vatican/Freemasonry -- Nazi / Freemasonry
Congress/Freemasonry -- IMF / Freemasonry
Presidents/Freemasonry --- etc, etc, etc. ad infinitum. Its over for them as more and more people are reminded who controls what.

This is why Elaine and I are kidnapped and in prison. As several management people said to me in here, when I asked why they keep torturing us, they said "Because you pissed off a lot of people Mr. Brown" and "You've got to get your mind right" as they storm away. Why would government people say that to me. "We want a lawful court and a fair trial." "SHOW US THE LAW."

This Communication Monitoring Unit is unlawful because it isolates the inmates so that they are not allowed to protect themselves from the C.E.G. (Criminal Element in Government).

We are put in these units because we use the Commercial remedy rather than the Judicial remedy. The Judicial remedy is slave law or non substantive law.

We stood to the mast. Elaine and I along with Reno Gonzales--Daniel Riley -- Jason Gerhard and others have stood before the mast and took our beating and still do. People need to know that what we did and continue to do was and is for them. We do what we do for the love of God and our fellow man and country.

We are the only injured people. We committed no crimes. We challenged the Criminal Element in Government and proved their existence. We face them every day in here. We will never submit to their ungodly, un American oppression.

We are all Prisoners of war. P.O.W. American POWs in a Freemason Prison. We challenged the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Still, give us a fair trial and see the Truth.

The United States government has murdered American citizens and destroyed American property. They are an out of control, insane group of men and women of self-serving narcissists.

We have lost all faith and confidence in them, ever since we watched the United States Administration surgically destroy the World Trade Center and murder three thousand people (Now the number has climbed to over six thousand) and oppress anyone that attempted to reveal the truth.

Most of the world just wants to be left alone, us included. But the Freemason power, beyond the United States government, is not amenable to any resistance to their plans for total domination. Please read the "Extreme Oath of the Jesuits" It tells all.

I would like to hear about more as to what is going on in the world. We are limited as to what news that we get here.

How are you Ray? Really? I pray that you have peace and I dwell on your great loss, Anita, from time to time. I see that you continue to try to alert the Americans of the danger that they are in. They seem to becoming more aware.

Elaine and I have thought about where we will retire to when we leave this bondage. It looks like we are going to head in your direction for several reasons.

We like the rain. We don't want to be too far from the ocean. We are tired of the cold/snow. We are going to build small upscale security castles. Our New Hampshire home was a prototype of various methods of construction.

Life is far to short. Just as you get it all figured out you're old and die. Elaine and I had just made it when we caught the United States Government stealing from us and because we were exposing them, they have destroyed our economy and freedom.

If you have an old road-map of the Northwest area, I'd like to have it, or even a topo map of the Northwest. The computer has some great maps on them.

$$ will not be an issue for us as we have already ordered our Federal Reserve account held in escrow (Not to be accessed by anyone but us) until we give further instructions.

The loss of our personal property of a lifetime can never be replaced. We will have to begin again......again. This will be the fourth time for me and third time for Elaine.

I don't know how long this horror will last for Elaine and me but I pray is is over soon.

All six of us are treated worse than the Nazis were after World War II. The Nazis murdered millions and with the exception of a few none of the rest were treated as abusive as we are gassing, isolation, freezing cells for months, 110 degree cells for ten days straight, put one white Christian man (me) with seven black Muslims for over a month and a half with no ventilation in cell and temperature a 100 -- 110 degrees. Diseased through T.B. tests, no telephone, no visits in B.O.P no attorneys, no counsel. Food that is mostly acidic and unhealthy (will help break down immune system). Illusion of any remedy for medical, complaints, legal, good food, etc, etc. Most of the inmates in the C.M.U. (Communication Monitoring Unit ) are in here for similar Trumped up Charges.

"There are no more Courts." These so-called courts are just Administrative racketeering and extortion to steal more $ from the people.

If you have any suggestions Ray, let me know.

Your Friend

Someone is a major optimist.

Either he thinks he's going to live long enough to survive his sentences or he still believes he'll overturn them.

Fortunately, his Federal Reserve account is safe -- all $0.00 of it.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by LPC »

He should be in a mental institution, not a prison.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Prof »

I'm not a Freemason or member of a Masonic Lodge. However, I was once a Rotarian. Is Rotary a substitute? Otherwise, I guess I'll have to give up my BAR card.

(I actually find this Ed Brown crap offensive; Mother, her father, and her brothers were all very involved in the Masons; Mother was in the Eastern Star. My great grandfather on Dad's side was a Baptist preacher and a Mason.)
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I've mentioned Charles R. Pierce's book "Idiot America" several times before; but Ed: Moron's latest rant reminds me of a section in the book where Pierce interviews some people at Dalhousie Lodge in Newton, MA (which happens to be the very lodge my father joined in 1960). As the various Freemason conspiracies are discussed, the Mason being interviewed says something like, "come watch us try to organize our next annual dinner, and then see whether or not you think that we are capable of organizing a conspiracy like the ones we're accused of organizing and running".

I never followed Dad into the Masons, even when I was sworn in as an attorney -- the closest I got was two years in De Molay, their youth affiliate. However, I can attest that, from what I have seen over the years, Masons are concerned mostly with things like public service and fellowship. The Shriners (of which Dad was also a devoted member) are known for their burn hospitals where no bills are ever presented to the patients; and when Dad died he asked that donations be sent to the fund which pays for transportation of the victims. If that's a "conspiracy", we need more of the same....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Nikki »

You really shouldn't be offended -- in specific. Ed family :Bigot is an equal-opportunity hater:

Jews, Catholics, Masons, ....

Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by bmielke »

I'm a Mason, although not in good standing, my father and Grandfather were too, and reading this crap makes me want to go back to the lodge.

Anyway, I know 100+ Masons and I never met a Masonic Attorney, the people I know and knew were very blue color.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Dezcad »

bmielke wrote:Anyway, I know 100+ Masons and I never met a Masonic Attorney, the people I know and knew were very blue color.
Maybe it was too much colloidal silver:

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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

put one white Christian man (me) with seven black Muslims for over a month and a half with no ventilation in cell and temperature a 100 -- 110 degrees.
Horse apples. Brown wouldn't last an hour and a half in that situation, let alone a month and a half. He's proven ad nauseum that he's not smart enough to know when to shut up.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Thule »

Ed of the clan:Moronn wrote: All six of us are treated worse than the Nazis were after World War II. [yadayada]
Weeeelllll, there was that pesky "Death by Hanging"-thingy going on after Nuremberg. But I agree, not having climate control and your own phone is waaaaay worse.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by bmielke »

Dezcad wrote:
bmielke wrote:Anyway, I know 100+ Masons and I never met a Masonic Attorney, the people I know and knew were very blue color.
Maybe it was too much colloidal silver:

I really need to learn to proof read before I post, I meant blue collar
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It just occurred to me that (surprise, surprise) Ed: Moron can't even keep his delusions straight. He mentions that "every government attorney is of the B.A.R. (British Accredited Regency)".

Heck, every sovrun lunatic worth his sovrun salt knows that it's the British Accredited Registry to which we pledged our eternal loyalty, with the blood oath ceremony at midnight in a secret courtroom just like the ones built in the basement of every courthouse in the country, wherein the Union Jack (gold-fringed, of course) occupies a place of honour (if I'm going to maintain this charade, I've got to use the British spelling) behind the judges' bench. And, if you have a gold Sovereign in your coin collection/investment portfolio, you should know that these coins are still being minted primarily so that newly-admitted attorneys can pay Tribute to Her Majesty in the form required by Her.

Honest.... :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Thule »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:It just occurred to me that (surprise, surprise) Ed: Moron can't even keep his delusions straight. He mentions that "every government attorney is of the B.A.R. (British Accredited Regency)".
Oh, give Edward-Lewis a break. When the everybody is out to get you, it's easy to get a bit confused on the details.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Thule wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:It just occurred to me that (surprise, surprise) Ed: Moron can't even keep his delusions straight. He mentions that "every government attorney is of the B.A.R. (British Accredited Regency)".
Oh, give Edward-Lewis a break. When the everybody is out to get you, it's easy to get a bit confused on the details.
Actually, I just realized that we're both wrong on what B.A.R. means. It's actually the British Association for Rugby, and attorneys are sworn in during a courtroom scrum....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Thule wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:It just occurred to me that (surprise, surprise) Ed: Moron can't even keep his delusions straight. He mentions that "every government attorney is of the B.A.R. (British Accredited Regency)".
Oh, give Edward-Lewis a break. When the everybody is out to get you, it's easy to get a bit confused on the details.
Actually, I just realized that we're both wrong on what B.A.R. means. It's actually the British Association for Rugby, and attorneys are sworn in during a courtroom scrum....
In my mind B.A.R. will always mean "Browning Automatic Rifle" maybe Ed:Family Moron is missing his guns?

Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Nikki »

What 'guns'? Are you, perchance, referring to his liberty tool?
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

bmielke wrote:I'm a Mason, although not in good standing, my father and Grandfather were too, and reading this crap makes me want to go back to the lodge.

Anyway, I know 100+ Masons and I never met a Masonic Attorney, the people I know and knew were very blue color.
I've been to a Mason shindig. How the hell are these people supposed to be controlling the world when all they do is sit around the lodge swapping ribald jokes and swilling booze?

Seriously...if telling dirty jokes and getting ripped on rotgut bourbon is a viable strategy for world domination then you may all now bow down to me, Your New Emperor. :wink:
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by notorial dissent »

I think I will have to agree with LPC here, I think Ed family:really stupid has finally completed the psychotic break he started back when he thought he was going to overthrow de ebil gov't, and was working on all the way through his trial. If the gibberish he is peddling this time is any indication, he has tripped off permanently to the land of the lost, and should be under close confinement where he can't hurt himself or anyone else. By all rights he should be in the geriatric senility ward where he can't do himself any harm.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by . »

Just more of the same old junk he's been spewing for years with a few new stories about mistreatment that only happened in his whacked-out imagination. He's been off in never-never-land for so long it seems doubtful that he'll ever figure out that he's going to die in prison, penniless.

The broken-record quality of his delusional rants is seriously diminishing his already limited amusement value. He needs some new material.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:By all rights he should be in the geriatric senility ward
Well, let's see - the only person who will talk to him is Ray Kazoo. That's a pretty good start.
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Re: Ed :Brown speaks

Post by grixit »

I almost feel sorry for him. He's obviously retreating deeper into that warm dark cave in his head, trying to hide from reality.
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