Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by JamesVincent »

bobhurt wrote: Every so often someone gets so incensed with one or more lawyers, judges, bailiffs, or adversaries in court as to come to the court with with a pistol, or a bunch of weapons, and start shooting. I believe all of those so angered die in a hail of gunfire. I also believe at least 90% of them had a just, well-founded reason for their anger. A person has to get driven pretty far to become that desperate to express such anger in a courthouse.
I'm gonna stop you right there. If you knowingly break a law, or unknowingly, there are consequences. If you are so butthurt that you got caught growing pot that you feel it necessary to take a weapon and attempt to kill someone that accused and sentenced you by law then you deserve whatever happens. Law is not what you make of it, it is what it says, for the most part. I'll talk about the other part in a second. If you get pulled over for speeding and don't have a license then more then likely you're going to jail with no one to blame but yourself. If you get caught fibbing on your tax returns and get nailed for it, no one to blame but yourself for the fines, sanctions and possible time in the pokey that comes out of it. You get caught carrying a weapon that you don't legally own then it's your fault etc etc.

There is one area of law that is not defined and is largely up to a Master or Judge's whim and that is family law. Yet you aren't here complaining about someone losing their kids just because they're a male, which happens quite a bit. Or complaining about being locked up for not paying child support, even though you are (which has actually happened). Or talking about an ex that refuses visitation, even though it's court ordered, and nothing happening. These type of things regularly happen in family law cases to real people, yet that's not what you choose to pursue. You choose to pursue laws and situations where the person brought it all down on themselves. The vast majority of people that I see following morons like you are the ones with drug charges, unpaid tickets, resisting arrest charges, tax court issues, etc. All brought down on themselves.

I have seen very, very few followers of ideology like yours with actual, legitimate complaints, things that were truly beyond the scope of law. And the few I've seen revolved around family law. Even then the vast bulk of family law issues I've seen have been where someone rages against the ebil gub'mint taking their kids after being caught smoking dope with the kids, or non-payment of child support while they had a job, or neglect and abuse of the kids. I have been through the nightmare of family court, as have others on this board, and I know what it can do to a person and I can tell you right now I never had any thought of killing a judge over it. My ex-wife? Don't ask, I plead the 5th. I have seen people commit suicide over a divorce, have seen the price paid and damage inflicted by judges and masters over custody battles. It is the only area of law that has no real definitions or boundaries and quite often comes down to what the judge ate that morning or whether the missus gave him a little the night before.

All the things you rail about are established law, there really is no grey area except in your mind and what you make up. You wonder why everyone ignores you or makes fun of you? Because you are supposedly a grown man who has no idea of how the real world works. You flip flop on your own theories at the drop of a hat and, like most of the "gurus" out there, when someone following you does get arrested, you throw them under the bus. I have no respect for a person who will not stand up and admit they were wrong, no respect for someone who continually makes up things and absolutely no respect for anyone with no loyalty. Violence is never justified because you failed at court on a speeding ticket, I don't care if you went to jail or not. YOU put yourself there, no one else.
We NEVER learn the details of such incidents. Most folks probably believe the decedent just wen crazy for no reason and deserved the killing he got. Few ever think to turn their attention to the other actors in the court and try to discover what role they played in the drama leading to such violence.
Bullshit. Live feed at 6, video clips at 11. Every single flipping time.
We read of seemingly loony behavior like filing commercial liens against judges (are they nuts), joining and training in militias (in a country with the most powerful military in the world, who needs a milita?), forming common law courts (read up on Susan Mokdad and Emilio Ippolito), and now the increasingly popular common law grand jury efforts. Why do Quatloosians believe people try to do these things?
Because they, like you, are butthurt that the world does not revolve around them and their theories and, instead of using the legal means available, they decide they're gonna do something.
Mostly we know why. Most of the people suffer from lack of education. But ALL of them have suffered or observed some form of presumed abuse from judges, government lawyers, clerks of court, tax collectors, county commissioners, code enforcers, deputies, police, etc. The press generally ignores the underlying issues, and merely points out the craziness of the "movement" and its proponents.

Tax protestors and their many organized efforts fall into that class of people, and the news media has the same apparent opinion - they are ignorant and refuse to learn and use the proper path to resolving their problems or to accept their deserved fate.
By avoiding using the legal means available they pretty much prove they are whackjobs. And, quite frankly, I get tired of hearing people whine cuz' they got sand in their vagina. These people sit around and complain, piss and moan but what do they actually do? Nothing. Do they go out and work as activists to get the law changed in a legal manner? No. Do they get petitions started to try to force the change? No. They sit around the big table at Dennys and whine. Just like you.
Admittedly I don't read all the drivel and dreck Quatloosians write (and yes, famspear, most of it, at best, constitutes insincere and useless drivel and dreck), but I'd say what I have seen provides no benefit to anyone.
Then how do you know what you typed if you don't read dreck?
I propose that you answer the obvious question in this thread. What should people discuss who have tried every peaceable effort to achieve relief/remedy from wrongs they believe they have suffered, and met only with defeat? Does their defeat mean they were wrong? Or could it mean they lack the means and ability to use the available peaceable mechanisms for prevailing? Or does it mean a different stand of right and wrong applies to them?
Yes it does. There are many, many, many ways available to work for change or to appeal an issue. If you have exhausted every single and still lose... you're probably wrong. Here, try this out: "If you sort out every logical option, what ever is left, no matter how improbable, is the answer" If you feel that you are right but meet defeat at every turn by law, don't you think you oughta rethink your being right?

I'm not going to keep going since all you do is rehash the same trash that you have already put out there. You are not original in your ideas and you're not unique and everything you bring up has already been denounced and defeated every step of the way many, many times over. Whether here or in a courtroom there are no original thoughts you bring up that have passed the test of law.... or common sense for that matter.

And while you're at it stew on this. I have a cousin that is a Sheriff back in West Virginia. I have friends that are LEOs in multiple different states, whether State Troopers, County Police, Deputies, etc. If you or one of your followers were to kill one of them, "justly" as you describe it, I would be able to "justly" kill you, wouldn't I? If the answer is no, why not? You just murdered one of my family or friends over a ticket why can't I kill you? As a matter of fact, why couldn't I kill your whole family? Murder is a much greater charge then the driving without a license ticket you just murdered my family/ friend for. Why couldn't I sit on top of a building and shoot you as you stop at a red light? And then come to your house, knock on the door, and put every round from a shotgun into your family and walk away whistling having done my good deed for the day? I would be justified, wouldn't I? I promise I wouldn't hurt your pets though, that's just wrong.....
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by fortinbras »

Last year there was this, the Christian Patriots announced their fatwa on Obama: ... a_11262013
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by LPC »

bobhurt wrote:I have discussed this topic with my favorite Domestic Terrorism FBI Agent. I have made the point that when a lot of intelligent entrepreneurs (including attorneys) take issue with the courts and government attorneys and agents about their deprivation of rights, including abusive taxation, and no other relief or remedy or path to redress remains open, the FBI should naturally expect them to discuss assassination as an option. In fact, I have asked whether any government official, who blatantly denies rights or misapplies the law to the severe detriment of citizens, does not thereby beg for someone to remove him from his position of authority and power. I have asked whether one who acts unconstitutionally/illegally under color of law has not in effect become a self-appointed oligarch, no longer in that capacity a functionary of legitimate government. I got begrudging affirmations in response.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by The Observer »

Another sign that Bob Hurt is all hat and no cattle - he has become another one of our serial drive-by posters. He never shows up to respond to the challenges to his postings. He just waits for the dust to settle from his previous post, then shows up to rant and rave a few months later.

Bob, have you ever thought about actually engaging in dialgogue here? Or is just a matter of you not being able to endure the daylight of truth?
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Cathulhu »

The simple truth is that he is observably cowardly. And extremely whiny. I think James nailed it here:
And while you're at it stew on this. I have a cousin that is a Sheriff back in West Virginia. I have friends that are LEOs in multiple different states, whether State Troopers, County Police, Deputies, etc. If you or one of your followers were to kill one of them, "justly" as you describe it, I would be able to "justly" kill you, wouldn't I? If the answer is no, why not? You just murdered one of my family or friends over a ticket why can't I kill you? As a matter of fact, why couldn't I kill your whole family? Murder is a much greater charge then the driving without a license ticket you just murdered my family/ friend for. Why couldn't I sit on top of a building and shoot you as you stop at a red light? And then come to your house, knock on the door, and put every round from a shotgun into your family and walk away whistling having done my good deed for the day? I would be justified, wouldn't I? I promise I wouldn't hurt your pets though, that's just wrong.....

The problem with fancying yourself as a revolutionary is that it's a hell of a lot easier to whine, complain, and break things than roll up your sleeves and work for anything real. Anyone with three functional brain cells (sorry that doesn't include you, Bob) can see change is possible. When I was a child, black folks were very much second class citizens, which has changed enormously, and is still changing. Today the truly stupid Washington football team owners got a lesson on hate words. Life is all about getting smarter. Or it is to some of us.
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by Arthur Rubin »

(This is heading toward politics, and not just bob****'s posts. Watch it.)

Much as I hate to agree with bob****, the Declaration of Independence suggests that there is a "right" to revolt. This does not mean "killing government employees".
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Bob Hurt web site discusses killing government workers

Post by fortinbras »

Here's someone else trying to stimulate the trolling for an assassin: ... f-treason/