Your Bond is No Good

David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

fortinbras wrote:from his linked message:
David Merrill wrote:....could only charge me with Forgery because the POMC's look a lot like a typical banker's check for guess what? - Private credit FRNs legal tender. They never charged me with theft.
Really not necessary to charge him with theft if (1) the forgery charge covers the same ground and (2) he didn't get the money. By the way, DM's claim that he was charged with forgery ONLY because his POMC was in the general configuration of a bank check is bogus; POMCs have been held to be fraudulent and worthless no matter what their size or shape.
David Merrill wrote: By the by; the morning after I filed that Return of Bill of Indictment (finding of facts) on the prosecutor, he cleaned out his office. The newpaper wondered why he was leaving office early but he would make no comment.
That county prosecutor, it turned out, was promoted to State Attorney-General. How I wish that DM would "ruin" me the same way!
Nope. They were charging me with forgery and intended to prove to the jury that I was trying to pass off the POMC's as regular checks. You don't understand forgery very well. That is when you forge one instrument to function like another.

They released me when I would not admit that it could have passed muster with any knowledgeable cashier - no bank account # for instance. I did not claim to "ruin" him, the judge on the case probably told him he would face indictment if he continued running a vacant office. People who click the link can read what I mean there, in that complete context.
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Go back to sleep, David. You're still oh-for-everything; and we didn't miss your foolishmess while you were away.
I thinks you did miss me. I have been busy drafting remedy for good people but came and found you all still going on about me.

John William SUTHERS is still to this day running a vacant office. His bond is no good! He had to subscribe it within 30 days - not 90. Here is what the state Constitution has to say about that.
Section 10. Refusal to qualify - vacancy. If any person elected or appointed to any office shall refuse or neglect to qualify therein within the time prescribed by law [30 Days], such office shall be deemed vacant.
And it is out of form statutorily too! Note how SUTHERS swears but fails to state any punishing authority (my mother's grave/a stack of bibles). Swearing by nothing is nothing. Form of Oath. Form of Affirmation. John William SUTHERS is not the attorney general unless you accept that he is running his office de facto.

Within hours of publication of my lien against SUTHERS and SAMELSON (chief district judge) notice how SAMELSON changed to the same abherrant form:

SAMELSON's bond before.

SAMELSON's bond after.

To get it you have to look closely and see which oath was liened as bond. Too little too late though Kirk Stewart SAMELSON has since vacated his office and removed himself from IN GOD WE TRUST. How clever!


David Merrill.
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:
<Snip several paragraphs of meaningless gibberish>


David Merrill.
There. Fixed it for you.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:

Go back to sleep, David. You're still oh-for-everything; and we didn't miss your foolishmess while you were away.

David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:

I thinks you did miss me. I have been busy drafting remedy for good people but came and found you all still going on about me.

I missed you like I miss my gall bladder problems which wrecked last summer for me. I'm sure that you've "been busy drafting remedy for good people" -- which to the rest of us reads more like you've been busy leading people to the edge of a cliff and yelling "charge!", knowing that people won't find out about the consequences until they hit the bottom. In all your time on Quatloos, you've yet to say anything worthwhile.

Sad. Really sad.
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Thule »

David Merrill wrote:John William SUTHERS is still to this day running a vacant office. His bond is no good! He had to subscribe it within 30 days - not 90. Here is what the state Constitution has to say about that.
Funny how planet Earth refuses to play along, his office seems to be running along just fine. They're even hiring new people.

Your little fibs are losing their entertainment value.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »


I always thought that Judge Roy Bean might be a real judge in true life. But it looks as though he is against oaths of office. I want to be remembered for saying,
The essence of the political religion called Constitutional Republic is that the oath of office is a fungible fidelity bond.
To elucidate that means when any official is required to swear in to his new office, that his oath of office means that he is bound to his swearing and the penalty for misbehavior, like not upholding the bills of rights (federal and state) will have consequences - specifically that the people can sue the state against his bond. That is to say, more clearly that if he breaches his oath of office, and injures somebody doing so, that somebody has the right to monetary recourse. Here is the Security Agreement:


Now it would appear that Judge Roy Bean is for rogue judges who can rule arbitrarily and capriciously without any consequences? I am dissappointed that I have been putting stake in his posts for quite some time, presuming he put on the handle because he actually has real experience as a judge. At best it would appear that he may have been at a banker's bench for some time but never in any valid office I would consider "judge".

Like John William SUTHERS, he only holds sway with people who believe there is power in a vacant office.

Here is another example of what I am saying;
Thule wrote:
David Merrill wrote:John William SUTHERS is still to this day running a vacant office. His bond is no good! He had to subscribe it within 30 days - not 90. Here is what the state Constitution has to say about that.
Funny how planet Earth refuses to play along, his office seems to be running along just fine. They're even hiring new people.

Your little fibs are losing their entertainment value.
I have put it plain intentionally. John SUTHERS is running a vacant office by any reading of the law. His office is vacant - meaning, de facto. There are no courts of record in the Fourth Judicial District because the chief judge has switched out his valid Oath of Office for a bogus one, hours after my lien was published.

Your bond is No Good.

At least nobody can accuse me of being off topic!


David Merrill.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

fortinbras wrote:from his linked message:

That makes it clear the echo chamber is functional.

Thank you.
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Thule »

David Merrill wrote:I have put it plain intentionally. John SUTHERS is running a vacant office by tortured and forced reading of the law. His office is vacant - meaning, de facto. There are no courts of record in the Fourth Judicial District because the chief judge has switched out his valid Oath of Office for a bogus one, hours after my lien was published.
Fixed it for 'ya, 0-fer.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

David Merrill Van Pelt wrote:There are no courts of record in the Fourth Judicial District because the chief judge has switched out his valid Oath of Office for a bogus one, hours after my lien was published.

Equivalent: My cat yarffed up a hairball last Friday, therefore Miami lost to Chicago and until Chicago plays Oklahoma, there can be no NBA champion; Dallas and Miami are nothing more than poseurs. :roll:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Thule »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Equivalent: My cat yarffed up a hairball last Friday, therefore Miami lost to Chicago and until Chicago plays Oklahoma, there can be no NBA champion; Dallas and Miami are nothing more than poseurs. :roll:
It's true! The fact that Dallas and Miami plans to play the Championship as if everything is fine proves that you're right.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

John William SUTHER's bond is not good alright.

There is a very convincing story about his bogus oath. Take a careful look at the entire two paragraphs to follow along with this story. A suitor dropped in at the SoS to pick up his oath or a Certificate of Fact like with SUTHERS back in 1996 that I already showed you.

When the suitor requested a Certificate of Fact they told him outright, We don't give those anymore - we get in too much trouble.


When the suitor got halfway back from Denver he called me because the SoS had called him telling him that if he wanted to come back, they would stay open and give him John's oath of office but he had faxed it over - this was May 2nd. I advised against it and told him to call them and alert them he would be back on the 3rd for the Oath, properly subscribed and published or the Certificate of Fact otherwise. - And a copy of the Mission Statement in some form of the SoS to provide information like that CoF.

When he got back the next day to Denver, that Oath of Office is what they had on file. You can tell by looking at it that it was done hurriedly like John was in a panic and having a Planet Merrill flashback from 1996!


I am not going through the trouble of finding it right now but John apparently got concerned enough to as Mary J. MULLARKEY the chief justice of the state supreme court for an opinion about running his DA office technically vacant. That was in 2005 and she admits that his office was vacant alright.


David Merrill.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

Back on point though.

The fellow in the opening post is deluded thinking that there are funds in an account. Even if there were though, it is useless knowledge if there is no teller to hand them over. Like linked; if the authorities over the mythical accounts wont even admit to them existing, it is just useless garbage. So therefore it is much more appropriate to consider the payment made was to buy us out of the Great Depression.

The Public Office Money Certificate in this example functioned quite nicely.


That is because I was demanding setoff for only the amount the Public Office was charging. In other words the trustee did his job, when I would not step up as trustee - the David Merrill Van Pelt you all imagine me to be.

See the Signature?

David Merrill; sui juris (Great Seal) Van Pelt

Therefore there was Setoff. I was instructing the Trustee.

The fellow in the opinion attached would have liened the millions in change if he really had any notions, in good faith that the Treasury owed him any money. Things would have gone much differently for him if he had tried that.


David Merrill.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

Joey Smith wrote:That's right you made a draft for the review and approval of the Trustee. But I contend that the draft is not required as it "lets the cat out of the bag" in regard to the commercial nature of what is really happening. It is just book-keeping. But the Trustee must perform the work. I think it more prudent to develop an operations agreement with the trustee such that the tasty taco-bell burrito can be enjoyed absent notes and absent letting the clerk and the whole world know the trust process that you studied so hard to figure out. I believe the scripture does say "study to show THYSELF approved."

"Pending Official Determination" being the word grouping of interest. How can anyone say you did not try to "help"? how could anyone say you were in insurrection?

You prepared a box you put he trustee in the box and you operated the law properly. It's not your estate therefore it is not for you to determine.

You guys are GOOD!!

Good Quatlosers!


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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by fortinbras »

DVP is so convinced that his worthless funny money accomplishes something that he forgets that it landed him in the slammer.
David Merrill

Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by David Merrill »

Joey Smith wrote:Hey, I thought that David Merrill said that this would work??????????
Tit for tat Joey! Making you a tit.
fortinbras wrote:DVP is so convinced that his worthless funny money accomplishes something that he forgets that it landed him in the slammer.
Obviously I did not forget about the bogus forgery charge at all. In this particular example though, the instrument was worth a $138 setoff with the Teller County Court. Obviously I did not forget that John William SUTHERS ran a vacant office for eight years in 2003 when the suitor was challenging his new AG office seat's validity...

That is just too amusing to forget about! John calling Mary and they both trying to get his oath of office subscribed and published 60 days too late!! You can't make this stuff up! Then in 2005 Mary utters an opinion to support all those convictions from John's invalid office over eight years - hilarious.

I have a very good memory - huh, Joey?


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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Yeah, David, you do have a great memory.

It's defective as hell, and you remember every pice of legal idiocy that's ever come down the pike; but you do have a good memory -- I'll grant you that. You STILL refuse to provide any genuine evidence to back up ANY of your delusions, though, so perhaps your memory has a blank spot when it comes to answering challenges from people who are experts in the field of law.

You remind me of the kids I remember, growing up, who used to play Detective. They'd roam our neighborhood, magnifying glasses in hand, looking for "clues". They had no idea what "clue" was; but they knew that real detectives always discovered clues, so of course they had to do so as well. From time to time, they'd pick up some piece of useless junk, such as a fragment from a newspaper, and pronounce it to be a "clue".

My friends were, to real detective work, what you are to real legal scholarship.
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by notorial dissent »

Quite true, Merrill has a memory like a steel trap, that long ago rusted shut.

Actually Merrill continues to provide genuine and ongoing proof of his delusions every time he opens his mouth, and proves that he is delusional.

Merrill conveniently forgets, which he does often and with great regularity, that someone running a vacant office sent him to jail, and that same someone has been twice, I think it is at this point, elected to that same office, and continues to hold same. So quite contrary to Merrill’s deeply held delusions, Suter was and is the State AG of Colorado, and likely will be for some time to come, since while he may not be Merrill’s cup of whatever he has been drinking lately, the Colorado voters seem to be quite fond of him, and if Merrill isn’t careful he may get to find out just how much that so called vacant office can do about sending him to jail for filing some of his nonsense documents against the state and state officials.
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I wonder how long Merrill would last in jail. Somehow, I imagine him p*ssing off the wrong fellow inmates, and having to serve his sentence in either protective custody or the hospital. I also imagine him having a severe emotional crisis because the prison staff won't let him near a computer so that he can churn out more legal gibberish and proffer more of his "clues".
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I wonder how long Merrill would last in jail. Somehow, I imagine him p*ssing off the wrong fellow inmates, and having to serve his sentence in either protective custody or the hospital.
I don't think that scenario is likely to happen. Prisoners are often very open to hearing and acting on anything that would be an alternative way to fighting "the man." I recall hearing about a case where a notorious drug dealer ended up receiving a federal sentence for life without parole. This individual, once inside, decided to deal with his tax issues by immediately adopting some of the koolade floating around in prison, including becoming a sovrun and filing the typical gibberish with anyone and everyone. Since he had nothing to lose, he basically adopted a plan to harass the government for the rest of his life.

Addendum: I just noticed that Demo has posted two cases on criminals who have reverted to "sovrun" tactics in dealing with their "problems" with the government, officials, witnesses and victims.
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Re: Your Bond is No Good

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:I wonder how long Merrill would last in jail. Somehow, I imagine him p*ssing off the wrong fellow inmates, and having to serve his sentence in either protective custody or the hospital.
I don't think that scenario is likely to happen. Prisoners are often very open to hearing and acting on anything that would be an alternative way to fighting "the man." I recall hearing about a case where a notorious drug dealer ended up receiving a federal sentence for life without parole. This individual, once inside, decided to deal with his tax issues by immediately adopting some of the koolade floating around in prison, including becoming a sovrun and filing the typical gibberish with anyone and everyone. Since he had nothing to lose, he basically adopted a plan to harass the government for the rest of his life.

Addendum: I just noticed that Demo has posted two cases on criminals who have reverted to "sovrun" tactics in dealing with their "problems" with the government, officials, witnesses and victims.
I don't think that it's the "sovrun" angle that would give him a hard time, per se; I think that it's more that he would prove to be every bit annoying, in there, as he is on Quatloos.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools