It's not just for taxes anymore...

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Re: It's not just for taxes anymore...

Post by Kestrel »

Cathulhu wrote:I think we've gone fractal...
I was in a nice Chinese restaurant one day, and there was a colorful fractal hanging on the wall right next to our table. The image resembled an overflowing cone-shaped ice cream cone tipped at a 45 degree angle. At the bottom of the frame was a small metal plaque with the title of the image:

Vitreous Flatus

The food was good anyway. I doubt the Chinese-speaking propetiers understood Latin.
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Re: It's not just for taxes anymore...

Post by tracer »

Way back last year, on page 2 of this thread:
LPC wrote:So he took a phrase from commercial law and a phrase from tax law, jammed them together, and wrote them on a divorce pleading, and the result is incoherent gibberish. It's like reading a recipe for lemon meringue pie and finding an instruction to "weld the I-beams together using spherical trigonometry." It's just nonsense.
Except that you actually can weld two I-beams together, and spherical trigonometry follows a set of definite well-defined rules.

It would be more like reading a recipe for a lemon meringue pie and finding an instruction to "subvert the dominant paradigm of postmodern deconstructionalism."