Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

bobhurt wrote:Okay, you deserve this example of the impact of corrupt government

As for whether Obama is an illegal alien, contact attorney Phil Berg and google around for an analysis of the fake birth certificate of which Obama publicly spoke so proudly after Donald Trump called him out.

Obama is not a natural born US citizen
Obama is not a US citizen at all.
Obama is an illegal alien.

Show your proof to the contrary, I'd love to see it.
John McCain wasn't born on American soil. So by your reasoning does that mean that neither major Presidential candidate in that election was qualified, and that it should have been between Biden and Palin instead? I have yet to hear any large group claiming either of them aren't American citizens.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by bobhurt »

You don't have the slightest idea of who Guy Fawkes was, do you?
In modern times he'd have been called a terrorist for what he tried to do.
Well, you were right. I went back and reviewed the film and the history of Fawkes after it joggled my memory.

The V character blew up the Palace on 5 November to commemorate the 5 Nov 1605 discovery of Fawkes guarding a cache of gunpowder in the Westminster Palace, and, I suppose, his death on 31 Dec 1605 that avoided his drawing and quartering.

I apologize for my error and any upset it might have caused. Will you ever forgive me? Can we ever be friends again?

Both stories abundantly illustrated the point I sought to make. Terrorists become heroes if they succeed in changing government, and terrorists if they don't, but as the Declaration of Independence and Florida Constitution of 1838 clearly demonstrate, tyranny justifies terrorism if necessary for the people to alter or change their form of government.

I didn't invent that fact. I merely report and summarize so you don't sweep it under the rug and use the term to assassinate the characters of every activist who tries to improve government by excising the crime and criminals from it.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by bobhurt »

McCain's circumstances differed dramatically from Obama's, and the laws at the time differed. Apples and Oranges. McCain didn't become President so his failed effort mooted the question. In Obama's case he never even managed to become a citizen, much less a natural-born citizen, of the US.

Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Nikki »

And bobhurt's brief moment of marginal lucidity crashes and burns.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

some guy wrote:McCain's circumstances differed dramatically from Obama's, and the laws at the time differed. Apples and Oranges. McCain didn't become President so his failed effort mooted the question. In Obama's case he never even managed to become a citizen, much less a natural-born citizen, of the US.
A while back, after the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate, I started a thread entitled "Will This Satisfy The Birfers?" My guess was that it wouldn't, because the birfers have such an intense emotional need to believe that Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen that they will grasp at any straws to buttress their fantasies, and find excuses to reject any evidence to the contrary. The quote above is a prime example of that.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Famspear »

bobhurt wrote:.....In Obama's case he never even managed to become a citizen, much less a natural-born citizen, of the US.
I don't have the evidence at my fingertips, but I've seen no hard proof to contradict the theory that Bob Hurt never even managed to become a citizen, much less a natural-born citizen. In fact, I've seen no definitive proof that Bob is not one of those shape-shifting lizard people.

Why hasn't Bob shown us a birth certificate? If he's really an American, why is this still an open question? (OK, OK, I only just now raised the question, but hey, it's been at least three seconds since I raised the issue, and Bob still hasn't produced a birth certificate.)

You know, the evil Freemason-Illuminati-IRS-Federal Reserve System-international bankster-"Florida judges who don't have valid oaths of office" just might have planted Bob on the internet as an agent provacateur to make the Patriot-Tax Denier-Birfer-Sovereign Citizen Movement look dumber than a box of rocks -- I mean, can we really rule out that possibility for sure? Is Bob's real purpose here to make the most ridiculous statements possible, so that other potential dingbats will turn away from The Movement?


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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

What always puzzles me about "birfers" and the like is what would happen if they were correct? They act like the world would re-wind a few years and they'd be able to start again and get their policies/candidates/laws set up as if it will be different this time. Also, the US will be paying compensation to Bin Laden's family and Al Qaeda amongst many others presumably?
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by notorial dissent »

Nikki wrote:And bobhurt's brief moment of marginal lucidity crashes and burns.
Oh, he had one, I hadn't noticed.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Kestrel »

There's a point that seems to be lost on the birthers, but I'll post it anyway for the more lucid folks.

[For the record: I am not a birther. And the remarks below apply equally to both liberals and conservatives.]

If you're someone who genuinely opposes a person or a position, the last thing you really want is to have the matter resolved by a technicality. It's true that a legitimate technicality could get a case thrown out of court (or in this case get a president thrown out of office), but that is a band-aid fix that doesn't address the root of the problem. A criminal that gets released to the streets will go right back to doing the same things as before. And the political movement that put a supposedly technically-disqualified president into office will remain solidly committed to their ideas. They will just shift their backing to another man who holds the same ideas.

Sean Hannity said it best. If you genuinely want to change the political mood of the nation, forget the technicalities and work instead to convince people of what's wrong with the plans and ideas behind that person or that position. You can agree or disagree with Hannity's politics, but you can't discount his point.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Burzmali »

Joey Smith wrote:BITCOIN looks like another version of E-Gold which generated a lot of discussion on Quatloos before it ended up causing its participants lots of losses and some of its promoters confessed to money laundering. See
I've kept an eye on Bitcoin for a while and it is far more likely to go out with a whimper instead of a bang. Tracking transactions in Bitcoin might be possible for physical goods, but new coins enter the system anonymously so for any transaction where you can't show that party A sent a humidor and party B received it, you're going a heck of a time proving when which Bitcoins belonged to who, at which point and for what were they exchanged, unless all but one party in the transactions cooperates with the police.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by bobhurt »

not going to dignify your BS
Who says it's BS and on what authority? You have seen the ridiculous fake Obama passed off as his BC, unless you've slept for 3 months. THAT PROVES he lied about his eligibility. And the law at the time of his Kenya birth evidenced by a Mombasa Coast Hospital BC, settled the fact that his mother could not confer natural born citizenship on him because of her duration of stay outside the US. Obama's birth father was British citizen of Kenya, and later, if you believe the records, Obama became a citizen of Indonesia. He never had US citizenship and still doesn't.

Harris County Texas has my BC. My parents were born in Texas and never left the USA, I was born in Houston at 4:02 AM or thereabout in Hermann Hospital on 29 May 1943. My BC doesn't matter though because I don't seek or hold the Presidency. The Constitution requires the President to have natural born citizen status. Obama doesn't have it. He experienced birth in Kenya to a Kenyan (British) father and US expatriate mother. She rushed to Hawaii shortly after his birth and registered his birth there, lying about his place of birth. He is not a US Citizen at all and never was. See This.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bobhurt wrote:
not going to dignify your BS
Who says it's BS and on what authority? You have seen the ridiculous fake Obama passed off as his BC, unless you've slept for 3 months. THAT PROVES he lied about his eligibility. And the law at the time of his Kenya birth evidenced by a Mombasa Coast Hospital BC, settled the fact that his mother could not confer natural born citizenship on him because of her duration of stay outside the US. Obama's birth father was British citizen of Kenya, and later, if you believe the records, Obama became a citizen of Indonesia. He never had US citizenship and still doesn't.

Harris County Texas has my BC. My parents were born in Texas and never left the USA, I was born in Houston at 4:02 AM or thereabout in Hermann Hospital on 29 May 1943. My BC doesn't matter though because I don't seek or hold the Presidency. The Constitution requires the President to have natural born citizen status. Obama doesn't have it. He experienced birth in Kenya to a Kenyan (British) father and US expatriate mother. She rushed to Hawaii shortly after his birth and registered his birth there, lying about his place of birth. He is not a US Citizen at all and never was. See This.
I say it's BS for the reasons in my earlier thread. You talk about Obama's Hawaii biorth certificate being a fake; well, here's a fake one I made myself. Look familiar?

http://kenyanbirthcertificategenerator. ... 02bf36.jpg

You have to be some kind of gullible to believe that a woman who gave birth in some remote Kenyan village would 1) register his birth in a city hundreds of miles away, 2) contact the newspapers in Hawaii, immediately, to put a birth notice in their pages (no easy feat in 1961), 3) rush halfway around the world to register a fake place of birth, and 4) take out Indonesian citizenship for a minor US citizen whose citizenship could not be revoked, except at his own direction and after he reached his majority; or 5) that the citizenship of Obama's father means diddly-squat to a baby born in the US, unless that father is a diplomat. The bottom line is that, for political reasons, you want very badly to believe that Obama is not a natural-born US citizen; and it just drives you CRAZY.

On second thought -- that's not a drive, it's a short putt.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Famspear »

bobhurt wrote:You have seen the ridiculous fake Obama passed off as his BC, unless you've slept for 3 months. THAT PROVES he lied about his eligibility.
Dang! How did Bob know???!!? The Freemason-Illuminati Evil IRS international Bankster Shape-Shifting Lizard People booted another one! That Bob Hurt is just too smart for us! Ohhhh.... how did we ever think we could keep The Truth from him????
And the law at the time of his Kenya birth evidenced by a Mombasa Coast Hospital BC, settled the fact that his mother could not confer natural born citizenship on him because of her duration of stay outside the US. Obama's birth father was British citizen of Kenya, and later, if you believe the records, Obama became a citizen of Indonesia. He never had US citizenship and still doesn't.
Oh, Bob, we bow down before Your Wisdom! Bakin', Bob! You're just bakin'!
Harris County Texas has my BC. My parents were born in Texas and never left the USA, I was born in Houston at 4:02 AM or thereabout in Hermann Hospital on 29 May 1943.
I've seen no proof of that.
My BC doesn't matter though because I don't seek or hold the Presidency.
Yeah, that's what you tell us now. HA! You can't fool us Bob.
......He is not a US Citizen at all and never was.....experienced birth in Kenya to a Kenyan (British) father and US expatriate mother. She rushed to Hawaii shortly after his birth and.......
Take your medicine, Bob.

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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by rogfulton »

How many posts has BH made since he left? It seems so 'magical'. This thread went from over six pages of posts to a little over three once I put him on ignore. My blood pressure went down too!

I have a cousin who was a birfer - cured him of it by giving him a copy of his Kenyan BC from that same site. He still thinks Obama paid off McCain to throw the election but won't say where he got that idea, and he's not what you would call able to come up with something like that (he does his own automotive repairs and the transmission fell off his van while he was driving to our grandfather's funeral, then a wheel fell off a few miles down the road after he repaired the van - true story, I swear!).

edited for spelling
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by bobhurt »

birfers have such an intense emotional need to believe that Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen that they will grasp at any straws to buttress their fantasies, and find excuses to reject any evidence to the contrary
Who needs an excuse to reject as authentic a bc from the WHITE HOUSE web site laden with evidence of alteration by a mildly capable photoshopper?

More to the point, why would any self-respecting Quatloosian, so eager to reject tax protester arguments and a plethora of patriot myths, so readily swallow hook, line, and sinker the obvious fraud that Obama has any kind of US citizenship.

You strain at gnats and swallows camels, the above quote standing as a perfect example of buttressing a fantasy. Again, upon what proof of citizenship do you rely for your opinion?

Americans have a number of legitimate protests against Obama's character. Lying about his citizenship and foisting off onto the public a phony photoshopped BC don't even top the heap of political justifications for tossing him, but it does top the justifications of legal/constitutional merit.

This would not have become an issue had his mother not consorted internationally with Muslims to the extent of providing him with an alien Muslim father on foreign soil outside the citizenship time limit. Had at least one of his parents had US citizenship and NOT remained too long outside the country at the time of his birth, no one would question his citizenship, but the fact that his father had citizenship of Kenya, a British protectorate at the time, and that Barack experienced birth in Kenya after the time limit had expired for his mother to return to the USA so as to confer any citizen status on him, all conspire to make him an illegal alien devoid of any US citizenship.

I cannot understand why any Quatloosian would tolerate such a fraud as President without at least asking him to leave the Presidency, as millions have.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Famspear »

bobhurt wrote:Who needs an excuse to reject as authentic a bc from the WHITE HOUSE web site laden with evidence of alteration by a mildly capable photoshopper?

More to the point, why would any self-respecting Quatloosian, so eager to reject tax protester arguments and a plethora of patriot myths, so readily swallow hook, line, and sinker the obvious fraud that Obama has any kind of US citizenship.

You strain at gnats and swallows camels, the above quote standing as a perfect example of buttressing a fantasy. Again, upon what proof of citizenship do you rely for your opinion?

Americans have a number of legitimate protests against Obama's character. Lying about his citizenship and foisting off onto the public a phony photoshopped BC don't even top the heap of political justifications for tossing him, but it does top the justifications of legal/constitutional merit.

This would not have become an issue had his mother not consorted internationally with Muslims to the extent of providing him with an alien Muslim father on foreign soil outside the citizenship time limit. Had at least one of his parents had US citizenship and NOT remained too long outside the country at the time of his birth, no one would question his citizenship, but the fact that his father had citizenship of Kenya, a British protectorate at the time, and that Barack experienced birth in Kenya after the time limit had expired for his mother to return to the USA so as to confer any citizen status on him, all conspire to make him an illegal alien devoid of any US citizenship.

I cannot understand why any Quatloosian would tolerate such a fraud as President without at least asking him to leave the Presidency, as millions have.
Take your medicine, Bob.
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by wserra »

bobhurt wrote:And I bid you all good night. I appreciated your insightful comments and incisive arguments on taxes, BITCOIN, and shady dealings. Thank you for the dialog.
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And then he sinks into the birf.

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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Kestrel »

bobhurt wrote:I cannot understand why any Quatloosian would tolerate such a fraud as President without at least asking him to leave the Presidency, as millions have.
For the sake of argument, let's imagine you're able to get President Obama thrown out of office because of this technicality.

What then? The next President of the United States will be....

President Joe Biden. Former 36-year Senator Joe Biden. Former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Joe Biden, blocking the Republican agenda at every turn. Former chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, standing up in opposition to Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Civil libertarian Joe Biden. Hardcore life-long liberal Democrat Joe Biden (and everything else that goes with that).

I can't possibly imagine why a birther would prefer Joe Biden as president.

If you hate Obama so much, why aren't you working to overturn the entire agenda instead of just excising one small part of it? Or are you really happy with the Democratic agenda and just want to get rid of one man?

Would you clue me in?
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Paul »

McCain's circumstances differed dramatically from Obama's, and the laws at the time differed.
The constitutional requirement that a person be a natural-born citizen of the US changed between McCain's birth and Obama's? I know McCain was old, but not THAT old!

While you're back and we're on the subject of the constitution, what part of the 16th Amendment have the IRS and the courts been misapplying?
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Re: Can BITCOINs Defeat IRS Tax Thieves?

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Kestrel wrote:I can't possibly imagine why a birther would prefer Joe Biden as president.
Cue Secret Kenyan Man on the album Liberal Shop of Horrors by the Capital Steps.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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