"Redeeming Lawful Money"

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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by AndyK »

Sorry. David Merrill is wrong in so many ways that it's impossible for one person to remember all of them.

Also, David Merrill is constantly morphing his method and statements in response to anyone who provides a factual challenge to him.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by wserra »

Something truly amusing is going on over at DMVP's board. I reproduce it here in some detail because David, of course, can delete and/or edit the stuff there as he sees fit (a pretty good reason in itself not to post there).

The short conversation starts here (at least it does now). Poster "ManOntheLand" ("MOTL") compliments David, and asks for more details on his nonsense:
MOTL wrote:David, it seems you posted somewhere in the forum ( I looked everywhere and could not find it again) an idea to file an application for an ex parte order as an "interested person" pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1782, attached to the notice and demand for lawful money (for situations where clerks are balking at a Miscellaneous Case filing.). I though it sounded great, and printed the file you attached, but I was unclear on what the requested order should be. Could you elaborate on that please?
David responds cordially enough:
DMVP wrote:Hi MOtL;

That works great to get the evidence repository but the Section is intended for parties of interest in an already going action. So the judge is pretty abrupt about dismissing the action. [Judge is a taxpayer - automatically recused anyway - so who cares?] Getting a miscellaneous case file works fairly consistently if one hires a professional process server to file the case. The problem seemed more when a layman non-attorney comes in with $46 cash trying to tell the clerk of court whatever...
MOTL says "Cool":
MOTL wrote:I will try it with the process server. Thanks David.
David then loses it. "Oh my God! A live poster on this board, capable of doing what I've been pushing and then returning to tell everyone it didn't do shit! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!":
DMVP wrote:his gratitude is blatantly disingenuous.

Going on intuition and experience it is plain that MOtL intends to fabricate a failure based on my "legal advice". I am putting a stop (exclusively) to his unfounded slurs and distortions around American remedy. Suitors have hundreds of true judgments published [Right. Cite one - WS] and are finding greatly improved freedom through the proper expression of identity in contract law. Record forming through the USDC is a precious resource for the new suitor and attacking it, even fictionally in chat rooms concerns me.

I feel that MOtL has exposed what he has intended to say, which is in accord with what he intended to say all along. He is permanently banished. I sincerely intend to continue entertaining similar critical thinking as MOtL has been expressing so please examine the "setup" he has designed in this one short post.
So poor ManOntheLand becomes ManOfftheLand for daring to do in public what Van Pelt has been advocating for the last couple of years.

Too funny.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by notorial dissent »

Too Merrill, you mean.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by Famspear »

DMVP sounds like Irwin Schiff, who has been quoted as saying, "If I told him to go rob a bank, would he do it? What is he, an idiot?", in reference to Steve Swan, who went to prison for using Schiff's tax scam.

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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by Famspear »

Ok, thank goodness that our IT department has just come up with a "patch" that can be inserted in each post at DMVP's web site where an acolyte threatens to actually use DMVP's methods:


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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

wserra wrote:....And, as the reader who has been following the lies and misrepresentations David has made in this thread alone might suspect, it's complete bullshit. David takes a screen shot of just the top page of the six-page criminal docket and posts that without the rest of the docket. Some clerk has erroneously marked the seven counts of the indictment "terminated". The entire docket (which, of course, David doesn't show anyone) clearly shows that, not only was the indictment not dismissed, but that there is a trial date for June 18, 2013 (entry #57). Moreover, as I write above, far from being successful, the "libel of review" was dismissed sua sponte.

It's truly beyond me how anyone with a few functioning brain cells believes anything this guy says.
What's the latest on the situation re: June 18th trial date?
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

DMVP wrote:his gratitude is blatantly disingenuous.

Going on intuition and experience it is plain that MOtL intends to fabricate a failure based on my "legal advice". I am putting a stop (exclusively) to his unfounded slurs and distortions around American remedy.
Coffee / monitor interface warning! The thought just crossed my mind that I should pop over to David Merrill Van Pelt's site and tell him all his posters intend to, or already have, fabricated a failure based on his legal advice.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by notorial dissent »

Merrill is a prime example of the "do as I say, not as I do, but don't blame me when it doesn't work because you didn't say the magic words right" school of gurury.

Nice to hear that the clerks are finally enforcing the no misc case files if there isn't a case rule, should really cut down on Merrill's revenue stream from the totally clueless and gullible.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It will be interesting to see what happens when David's acolytes realize that following his advice will 1) get them in trouble with the law and 2) get then banned from Planet Merrill. I'm guessing that David will either have to find new ways to attract new followers, or will have a nervous breakdown once he can no longer avoid the fact that he is nothing but a loser living in Mommy's basement, who has absolutely nothing to show for his life.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, I think that is MORE trouble with the law. I keep wondering what the poor suckers suitors reported on earlier are thinking right about now after all their sure fire libel of review cases crashed and burned in district court to a one.

That they have provided us with endless amounts of amusement is one thing, but as I recall some of them have not come out so well out of the experience.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by wserra »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:What's the latest on the situation re: June 18th trial date?
Glad you asked.

On March 13, 2013, Frink pleaded guilty to the top count (presenting false claims to the U.S.). In the plea agreement, he consented to just under $1M in restitution (good luck collecting that, guys) and to a base offense level of 20 under the Guidelines. Assuming he has criminal history category I (the agreement doesn't say), then the range is 33-41 months. If he gets acceptance of responsibility - an open question in the plea agreement) he could receive as little as 24-30 months. So Frink will spend at least a couple of years in the federal pen. But he will do so with the comfort of DMVP's assurance that his prosecution was "vacated".

Sentencing set for June 26, 2013.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by LightinDarkness »

wserra wrote:Something truly amusing is going on over at DMVP's board. I reproduce it here in some detail because David, of course, can delete and/or edit the stuff there as he sees fit (a pretty good reason in itself not to post there).
What makes the entire episode more amusing is the poster he banned has been registered on Planet Fruitcakes for almost 8 months and had almost 40 posts. Yet DMVP suspects hes been plotting all that time to falsely claim to trying a "suitor remedy" just so he can post on the site that it doesn't work. I haven't looked through the guys post history, but I'm not sure anyone would have enough patience to do that - and its not like anyone needs to proclaim fake failures when this thread is filled with them.

I mean just think about the level of paranoia DMVP has to have to essentially ban a pretty active member out of fear that he will report (another) failure. If we weren't at mental illness levels of paranoia yet with DMVP, I think we are getting close.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by grixit »

This is like a mystical ordeal. The Master speaks in phrases that seemingly make no sense and it's up to the disciples to discern the hidden message. One day a disciple announces that they have finally absorbed the message and are now ready to defeat the Great Ogre on the other side of The Bottomless Chasm. But after the disciple leaves, the Master tells the others that that one was not sincere and was secretly trying to discredit him. And then, the Master destroys the bridge so that even if that person were to defeat the Great Ogre, they wouldn't be able to come back across the Bottomless Chasm to tell everyone.

Now in a traditional story, it would turn out that this is the final lesson, that there comes a time when one should have total confidence in their abilities, even in the face of disparagement from authority, even one's own teacher.

But this is not a traditional story, and all that happens is that the disciple who left gets eaten by the Great Ogre. In time a new bridge will be built and someone else will declare themself ready and cross it.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by notorial dissent »

And thus the ogre has a never ending supply of free food.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by The Observer »

It is much simpler than that. David knows that his method will not work - and has admitted so when you hound him about it. If you review the earlier posts in this thread, David was asked about assisting one disciple of redemption who had the temerity to actually file suit in court based on David's teachings. I even asked if he was going to file an amicus brief as a way to get his finer points on redemption before the judge. David dodged these questions and just kept mumbling about proof that really wasn't proof. All in all, it points to the fact that David does not want "remedy" being ruled on in open court; he cannot afford to have his one theory shot down so quickly.

Why? Because his nebulous natterings allow him to bask in the glory of having neophytes ask him questions, recieve praise for his "knowledge" and take on the role of learned sage. In other words, David just wants his ego stroked and doesn't care one whit whether his followers actually get any benefit from "redemption".
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by notorial dissent »

As The Observer so rightly points out, the last thing Merrill needs or wants is one of his acolytes trying his nonsense in court, since whether he admits it or not, he knows it is a sure fire, epic fail, as his steady and consistent fail record of zip all for the last what, twenty years, has proven. Merrill so badly wants to be a guru, and the only thing standing in his way is him and his acolytes actually doing what he says.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by wserra »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The latest from Planet Merrill:
Other than David has un-banned MOTL, just more of the same crap.

One amusing thing:
DMVP wrote:now Wserra has exposed hundreds of suitors actually exist
Howzat again? "Hundreds"? I found eight - nine, if you include soon-to-be-federal-felon Frink. If David would supply the rest, I'd be glad to look into them. 'Course, David will supply them only when hell freezes over, just as he didn't supply the eight I found. If the rest exist in the first place, they all lost too.
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

wserra wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:The latest from Planet Merrill:
Other than David has un-banned MOTL, just more of the same crap.

One amusing thing:
DMVP wrote:now Wserra has exposed hundreds of suitors actually exist
Howzat again? "Hundreds"? I found eight - nine, if you include soon-to-be-federal-felon Frink. If David would supply the rest, I'd be glad to look into them. 'Course, David will supply them only when hell freezes over, just as he didn't supply the eight I found. If the rest exist in the first place, they all lost too.
Yeah, it's more of the same crap; but I mentioned this post because his old paranoia about "Quatludes" and "Quatlosers" seems to be re-emerging (maybe because David is terrified about someone actually using his fantasies in court, and this is his way of dealing with the threat?).
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: "Redeeming Lawful Money"

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

LightinDarkness wrote:... If we weren't at mental illness levels of paranoia yet with DMVP, I think we are getting close.
Not sure how long you've followed the Van Pelt saga, but he has been formally evaluated and he does have a mental illness.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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