Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

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Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Quixote »

In his latest rant on LostHorizons, Patrick Mooney tells the LostHeads:
Like god, you are a power unto yourself. I wish you all well as you grow in the exercise of your divine and magical powers.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Gregg »

I was gonna comment on that as soon as I stopped laughing...
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Famspear »

I like this one:
Government is formed by the consent of the governed. Consent is not a one-time thing a person does, nor is it a contract that remains in force for one's entire lifetime. It is renewed and renegotiated everyday of one's life.
In other words, he claims to believe that his duty to obey the laws of the land pretty much ends any day he decides not to "renew" that duty. He reserves the right to "renegotiate" his duty to follow the laws. "Consent" is something that he feels each individual has the right to unilaterally revoke.
My consent to be governed was withdrawn after I learned the truth of 9/11.
How con-veeeeeeeeee-nyent!

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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by The Observer »

What can you expect? After all, this is the man who heads the Institute of Unlearning. Once you throw knowledge out the door, all you have left to rely on is superstition.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Famspear »

The Moonster wrote:
As for me, I did file a 1040 EZ this year, happily rebutting an erroneous 1099. I now work on a cash only basis, working for myself. In my spare time, I am developing a new information spreading strategy that I will reveal in just a few more months.
(italics added).


To paraphrase Dana Carvey: My buttocks are tingling in ANTICIPATION of your impending ANNOUNCEMENT of your new information spreading strategy, Mooney! I bet you'll finally have those mean ol', bad ol' bad guys right where you want 'em!

At least this idiot isn't teaching our kids any more.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Famspear »

Mooney wrote:
For my part, after the two "alleged" judgments against me by the Tax Court, the Commonwealth of Virginia tried to enter the fray and get their share of the judgment. That was back in August of last year.

I replied with a letter to their Tax Department, briefly outlining the lawless behavior of the IRS, and telling Virginia in no uncertain terms that they were never going to get a dime out of me unless the can show evidence of the federally taxable activity of which it is alleged that I participated in.
Nyeeeeyahh-Nyeeeeyahh-Nyeeeeyahh- Nyeeeeyahh- Nyeeeeyahh-Nyeeeeyahh! Mooney showed 'em!
As with the IRS, Virginia responded with no response at all. It is definitively proven that this is the central issue regarding all tax questions...."non-response by a government agency when asked to confirm the allegations of taxable activity".

They have never established that Peter participated in a taxable activity, nor have they done the same for me. As such, any alleged judgments...which are now creeping towards the $100,000 dollar mark, have not been paid to any taxing agency...nor will they ever be paid.
Well, I guess you showed 'em, Mooney!

Yes, and Preposterous Prevaricating Prisoner Peter, the Haughty Hendrickson, the Fabulous Felon, is in a similar situation -- with all those "alleged" court judgments against him, the "alleged" federal tax convictions, and of course Pete's "alleged" incarceration in the "alleged" federal prison in Milan, Michigan.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:What can you expect? After all, this is the man who heads the Institute of Unlearning. Once you throw knowledge out the door, all you have left to rely on is superstition.
Ignorance actually, and his handmaiden stupidity, and Looney Mooney already has those in abundance.

Actually, I would have a hard time being convinced Mooney ever actually did live in the real world based on some of the gems that he has shared over the years, this is just further proof of it.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by . »

Our friend Mooney was one of the people CCed in at least one of the e-mails contained in the link Wes provided on the PH hearing thread.

Mooney, being a veritable font of original and off-the-wall "knowledge," would naturally be part of PH's inner circle to be solicited for his no-doubt sage advice on how to proceed in court, never mind that he has lost in court repeatedly. Sorta like PH.

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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by The Observer »

. wrote:Mooney, being a veritable font of original and off-the-wall "knowledge," would naturally be part of PH's inner circle to be solicited for his no-doubt sage advice on how to proceed in court, never mind that he has lost in court repeatedly. Sorta like PH.
Like I said, all they have to rely on at this point is superstition. So legal-sounding magic words are the rule of the day, gibberish instead of coherent arguments, and citations of mythical quotes that never occurred. All they need to do at this point is smear themselves with animal fat and colored clay from the banks of the nearest river, put on grass skirts, come up with some sort of tribal dance and hope they can invoke the spirits of tax defiance to appear in court to set them free.

Hey, it's likely to work as well as anything else they have tried in the past.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Famspear »

Here is the entire rant from Monday, May 14, 2012, by Patrick Michael Mooney, that is the subject of this thread:

Greetings to all Warriors who still remain loyal to Peter and his efforts,

Happy Monday! I still here a lot of talk on this forum about "filing strategies" in regards to dealing with the IRS.

It should be painfully clear at this point in time that we are no longer governed by any form of Representative "Republic"...let alone one that is governed by the Constitution of the USA.

If it is not clear to you, then please google "cognitive dissonance" and look deeply into the mirror of your soul. There you will see the definition in real form.

Peter properly and capably exposed this government as a corrupt band of criminals. And he and his family are paying a heavy price for that. We do his work a disservice by pretending to "play nice" with the IRS or any other Federal or State bureaucrat.

Government is formed by the consent of the governed. Consent is not a one-time thing a person does, nor is it a contract that remains in force for one's entire lifetime. It is renewed and renegotiated everyday of one's life.

My consent to be governed was withdrawn after I learned the truth of 9/11.

Like Peter, I made a good faith attempt to reconcile my differences in a civilized fashion, only to discover that the bureaucratic and judicial system no longer feels it has an obligation to enforce jurisdictions or provide evidence of its claims against sovereign citizens.

In other words, we are now ruled by bureaucratic fiat, which is only a disguise to hide the real rulers...those are the ones still making money hand over fist in this derelict economy.

These points should be obvious to you now. If not, once again, look up "cognitive dissonance".

This is true in most state governments, too, as they are complicit actors in this extortion tax scheme.

For my part, after the two "alleged" judgments against me by the Tax Court, the Commonwealth of Virginia tried to enter the fray and get their share of the judgment. That was back in August of last year.

I replied with a letter to their Tax Department, briefly outlining the lawless behavior of the IRS, and telling Virginia in no uncertain terms that they were never going to get a dime out of me unless the can show evidence of the federally taxable activity of which it is alleged that I participated in.

As with the IRS, Virginia responded with no response at all. It is definitively proven that this is the central issue regarding all tax questions...."non-response by a government agency when asked to confirm the allegations of taxable activity".

They have never established that Peter participated in a taxable activity, nor have they done the same for me. As such, any alleged judgments...which are now creeping towards the $100,000 dollar mark, have not been paid to any taxing agency...nor will they ever be paid.

Beyond working as a slave (employee), or exposing your property in a bank, the IRS has no means to collect on their allegations. If they wish to establish guilt on my part, they shall have to try the same tactic they tried with Peter....facing me in open court in front of a jury that will be well informed of its power to NULLIFY any law.

I am so sad that Peter is still in prison. His legal team's have sabotaged him from within (Mark Lane and his other appeal attorney...who was a complete jerk to Peter while forming his appeal), and for that I can make no account of.

But for the rest of you, the Warrior's way is simple enough:

Refuse to be taxed as a slave any longer....revoke your W-4 forms or W-9s

Work for cash or other non-reporting means of compensation.

Rebut any erroneous allegations of your participation in a taxable activity. (How you do it is not nearly as important as you simply doing it).

Refuse to submit to any attempts to steal your property or arrest your liberty.

Inform your neighbors as to what is going on, as well as to remind them of your legal right to nullify government actions as a jury member.

Face your own fears about what is happening in this country and resolve to do something about YOUR FUTURE. Just because people are not on this forum much anymore doesn't mean this country isn't waking up and this knowledge is not spreading. You just won't hear about it on the news or the internet, because most of these sources are controlled via one form or another.

As for me, I did file a 1040 EZ this year, happily rebutting an erroneous 1099. I now work on a cash only basis, working for myself. In my spare time, I am developing a new information spreading strategy that I will reveal in just a few more months.

I'm not saying any of this is easy...but it is all necessary for me to live happily with myself. I refuse to compromise my SOUL by playing slave in this game any longer.

If god values freedom the way we think god does, then all of my efforts (and yours) will be blessed by the demonstration of your COURAGE in the way you choose to act on the TRUTH.

For me, the USA is dead. There is no political entity that functions like the one we teach in our history books.

I am a human being, living on the earth. Yes, there are a lot of delusional, kind-hearted folks who think they belong to fictional entities called the USA or its member "states", but I tolerate them the way I tolerate delusional humans that worship the fictions called Jesus, Buddha, Yaweh, Krishna, Allah or the lesser counterparts of those fabrications.

As long as any of them don't interfere with my freedom, they get a pass to go on their merry way.

But I will contend, to my last breath, any character who claims to have authority over my life, my property, my actions or my beliefs.

This is the 21st century. If civilization cannot provide a peaceful world for us after so many thousands of years of laws and warfare, then it is now a proper time to be free of it all.

Like god, you are a power unto yourself. I wish you all well as you grow in the exercise of your divine and magical powers.

Peter, I continue to work on your behalf. It pains me that I have had to become less visible as I made the transition out of slave world and into the free one, but that invisibility will be over soon. I pray that your work and your life will reap some benefit by the cumulative efforts of all warriors engaged in such noble action.

Patrick Michael Mooney
The former state of Virginia

For those interested: I've a number of videos relating to the income tax that are posted on my you tube channel. Just look up my name.

Peace, Prosperity and Power to you all! ... 8472#28472

My impression from reading this is that the guy is despondent.

I notice that the posts by the remaining rubes at losthorizons are becoming less frequent. It's been about 5 days since the last post (the one above by Mooney).

These poor lost souls. It took them two months to find out that their guru, Hendrickson, had lost at the Court of Appeals. Now, I have to wonder how long it will take them to figure out that Hendrickson will be getting out of prison sooner than expected.

Hendrickson's wife and son, who used to post at the web site, are understandably too busy -- or too disinterested -- to keep Pete's doofus followers apprised of what's going on -- or if the family is posting, it's not happening in the forum area of the web site. (Pete's web site, like his mind, is not a model of logical organization. So, it's possible there's a mention of Pete's latest developments stashed away somewhere.)
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Joey Smith »

telling Virginia in no uncertain terms that they were never going to get a dime out of me
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Gregg »

And he'll get away with it,if only he's very careful.

Careful not to own any real estate or vehicles.
Careful not to have a job that doesn't pay cash, no questions asked.
Careful to never have a bank account.

In short, he's looking at a happy future as a migrant farm worker, flea market vendor, street beggar or male prostitute.

Good luck with that Patrick. I'm quite enjoying my slavery, thank you.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by JamesVincent »

Gregg wrote: In short, he's looking at a happy future as a migrant farm worker, flea market vendor, street beggar or male prostitute.

Good luck with that Patrick. I'm quite enjoying my slavery, thank you.
Actually the tax man has been hitting the flea markets in this area pretty hard. If you show up more then 3 times a year and you dont have a traders license theyll tag you and bag you. So cross that one off.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by LurkerRob »

Patrick is now a Multimedia Artist,White Wizard and Ambassador to The Sidhe?
The Decade of Love (2012-2022) is a musical, magical spell cast by modern-day White Wizard, Patrick Michael Mooney. It’s purpose is to transform Patrick into Arthur Danu, the once and soon-to-be future King of Camelot fame and legend. But instead of wielding Excalibur and ruling over lands and men, Arthur returns with the Holy Grail, a voice of mythic power, the blessings of all Faery Folk and a mission to make Kings and Queens of all humankind.
Being a Multimedia Artist seems to consist of singing dodgy covers in front of a green screen.

Beware the tab "About the author" -> "Warning" as he has got his kit off.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by The Observer »

Sigh, I was hoping that Mooney had dropped off the face of the earth. Instead it looks as though he just found new ways to be farther over the edge. Everything I saw on that site only indicated that his narcissism and hubris has gotten worse. The fact that he thinks going the Full Monty is a good move only proves that he has no self-awareness. And now he believes in fairies and that he can cast spells.

He brags about being a sound engineer, but it appears that he has never heard of Autotune; those music videos of his could sure use a couple of applications of that.

And in this video (which he dedicates to himself) apparently he has finally landed a wife, a Ukranian who probably has no idea what she has gotten herself into.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by grixit »

mail order?
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote:mail order?
Or mail fraud - she looks like she has a few years on him.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by JamesVincent »

What in the actual hell did I just look at?
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by AndyK »

JamesVincent wrote:What in the actual hell did I just look at?
Your eyes are quarantined.

Please have them report to Webhick for decontamination and scrubbing.
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Re: Mooney drops all pretense of living in the real world

Post by Burnaby49 »

AndyK wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:What in the actual hell did I just look at?
Your eyes are quarantined.

Please have them report to Webhick for decontamination and scrubbing.
Be sure she doesn't go for the extraction option.
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