Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads down

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:Hendrickson Himself must also be Famspear and Jay and wserra and Demo and who knows who else!
Makes sense so far. But who was the poor sap spending time behind bars instead of you? And what is it like being married to Mrs. Hendrickson and Mrs. Famspear at the same time?
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:
Famspear wrote:Hendrickson Himself must also be Famspear and Jay and wserra and Demo and who knows who else!
Makes sense so far. But who was the poor sap spending time behind bars instead of you? And what is it like being married to Mrs. Hendrickson and Mrs. Famspear at the same time?
The whole concept would confuse the heck out of me but, hey, I'm a mere mortal.

Now, Harvey the Hamster would have no problem working it all out in his head.

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Gregg »

Famspear wrote:
The Observer wrote:
Famspear wrote:Hendrickson Himself must also be Famspear and Jay and wserra and Demo and who knows who else!
Makes sense so far. But who was the poor sap spending time behind bars instead of you? And what is it like being married to Mrs. Hendrickson and Mrs. Famspear at the same time?
The whole concept would confuse the heck out of me but, hey, I'm a mere mortal.

Now, Harvey the Hamster would have no problem working it all out in his head.

Well, with the voices in his head, he can form a committee to figure it out.

It's all beginning to sound like a John Lennon lyric to me though, goo goo ka choo...
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Oh, wait. After having been warned by His Haughty Highness the Hendrickson, Nationwide is -- for a moment -- contrite:
I'm sorry. Against better advice I have interacted with & engaged the parasites ... for several years. I'm afraid some of their abusiveness must have rubbed off on me and I brought it here unaware. There is no need for it and I apologize for it. I will make a renewed effort at civility. Thank you for your comments bringing this to my attention.
In other words, Harvester-Libre-Nationwide-johnthetaxist wants people to believe that his paranoia is not really paranoia -- it's that he's been hanging around the wrong crowd.

But the paranoia just won't go away, will it Harvey? He can't resist:
Truth always wins in the end - and when it does I think some will be surprised at the level of deception taking place on this forum.
Yeah, there's a huge level of deception on the losthorizons forum. But it's not from "evil government shills" disguised as followers of Blowhard Hendrickson. It's from Blowhard Hendrickson himself, from Harvester-Libre-Nationwide whatever, and from the rest of the Hendrickson's Heroes, the Cracking the Code "regulars".

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Things have continued to deteriorate. The lost horizons forum is populated by a few sad souls, plus "Homie", apparently the latest in a never-ending series of sockpuppets for "Kid Paranoia," otherwise known as Harvester-Libre-Nationwide-johnthetaxist-johnnycash-JohnTravisHarvester, etc., etc.

Pete Hendrickson seems to be unable or unwilling to police his forum, despite repeated pleadings by his followers to ban "Homie". The moderators seem to be nowhere to be found.

And a new thread has been created by "TruthBearer," entitled "The Takeover of This Forum". The first post by "TruthBearer":
It seems--sadly--that this forum has become effectively dominated by the same two or three persons who have opinions and comments on everything. In vain do we look for input of "Moderators" Submarine Veteran, databrain, sandiegoscott, who might re-direct the prevalent opinionated baloney into positive and helpful discussions. Where are those supposed moderators? What has happened to them? Their active intercession just might have the effect of encouraging the voices of the (probably) hundreds who routinely monitor the forum but who remain quietly sidelined, preferring not to be caught up in the "Mine-is-Bigger-than-Yours" childishness of those who have managed to register two or more identities and believe they know everything about everything. To them, I say, please go away! And since they're not likely to do that, I suggest a new posting rule: one entry per week! Preferably short. But, of course, we need active moderators to enforce that rule...or any rule.... ... a3a#p31980

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by JamesVincent »

Awwww.... poor babies. My heart bleeds purple for them.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

How can Petey be the Mighty Field Marshal of a Group of Patriotic Tax Truthers if, when he looks behind him, he sees only a motley platoon or two?
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Doreen Hendrickson is waiting for her sentencing. Pete and Doreen are trying to fight yet another battle with the Internal Revenue Service -- this time in U.S. Tax Court.

And over in this thread at Hendrickson's lost horizons web site...... ... 978#p31978

.....Homie-Libre-Nationwide-Patriot1-johnthetaxist-Noah-Harvester, etc., continues to refer to his fellow posters as "Famspear". At least one of his fellow Crackheads appears to be so tired of this and other paranoia from Homie that the fellow has stopped denying that he is Famspear, and is reduced to hurling an abbreviated vulgarity at Homie.

Homie is hopelessly delusional, hopelessly paranoid, and desperately feeling a "need" to have interaction with other humans. Many of the other Crack-a-Doosters at losthorizons are disillusioned, and confused, and grasping at straws.

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by JamesVincent »

Must suck when all your heroes turn out to be duds and your world crashes down on you, thanks to your own stupidity.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by grixit »

Watch out, Homie. The Million Famspear March is headed your way!
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I suspect that Harvey the Hamster has yet another alter ego.
Consider the following post he made on one of our old threads:

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons
Post by Harvester » Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:08 pm

Famspear wrote:
You refuse the accept that explaining what the status quo is -- which is what we do -- does not constitute supporting the status quo.
FAMMIE! You no longer support the status quo? I knew you'd see the light & come around eventually; welcome aboard.

Pottapauq & Brandy, I would respond to your comments with a question. Check out this graph of US price levels (inflation). Place an X at 1913 and then tell me which side of that X you'd prefer you and your progeny to live?

LPC, who owns the Federal Reserve banks?


On this thread, there is a poster named "Pottapauq". Note the spelling, and then compare it to the spelling on my Quatloos handle.

Gotcha, Harvey! I hope that you're having fun in Sock Puppet World, having Profound Arguments with yourself. They probably make you feel as if you are doing something of Great Significance. To the rest of us, though, they are a sign of intense desperation, and yet another reason why we don't miss you here.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

More frustration from Blowhard Hendrickson, in his new posting at his web site, as his followers seem to take little notice of his problems:
Sometimes I Feel Like I'm Living In A Surreal Comic Book...

Or maybe I'm actually writing in Greek, or my emails and posts are all getting "carnivored"?
Not getting the attention from your followers that you feel you deserve! Poor, poor Petey!
LAST WEEK I POSTED A PRESS RELEASE about the assault being made on my wife, Doreen. It proposes that the assault is a corrupt retaliation against me for Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America (CtC), due to it being responsible for an astonishing history of complete refunds of all federal income taxes-- Social security and Medicare included-- going on for eleven-years-and-counting, and comprising hundreds of thousands of instances and billions-with-a-"b" dollars.

And yet, not only have I gotten precious little reaction to the Constitutional violations being committed against Doreen, I have gotten nearly nothing in the way of reaction to these mind-boggling figures and this wildly unprecedented history from anyone in the media. Is it possible that stories like mine are actually routine, and I just haven't noticed them?
Is it possible that you are delusional?
Or do people just figure I must be making it all up? Does nobody actually go to the pages to which I direct them, to see the evidence?
Or, do people just figure you’re a blowhard, narcissistic, clueless ex-con?
Look at the following admissions* forced out of the feds in court in 2009. Start with this stipulation:
THE COURT: Certainly.

I’ll just remind the jurors of the instruction I’ve given you on stipulated facts being evidence.

MR. LANE: Thank you, Your Honor. It is stipulated between the parties that numerous individuals have filed returns similar to Mr. Hendrickson’s and have received refunds from the Internal Revenue Service.
Here is the sworn testimony of a Senior Technical Advisor in just one of the many offices of the IRS, telling us what the expression “numerous” really means:
Q Since 2005, how may have you seen?

A How many total returns?

Q Of similar to Mr. Hendrickson’s.

A I’m going to say conservatively, at least 10,000.
Now, CtC-educated filings have been being processed through at least eight different IRS offices all over the country since 2003. You can see the ID's of each by looking at the face of any given refund check or notice, which bears the office designation of "Andover", "Fresno", "Ogden", San Francisco", Philadelphia", and so on.

So, let's do the math:
Dang! I was hoping that there wouldn’t be any math!

Oh, wait, I’m a Certified Public Accountant, so I must like math....
....A senior staffer reports that her one office alone handled, conservatively, at least 10,000 educated returns between (what she elsewhere said was the end of) 2005 until October, 2009, when she made this testimony. That's "conservatively, at least 10,000" during a four year period (and a period beginning when CtC had only been in print for two years, and very few copies were out there).

Eight offices handling claims at that rate would mean, "conservatively, at least," 80,000 educated filings just during that four year period. There have been, at time of this writing in December of 2014, nearly three such four-year periods since CtC went into print.

Projecting even cautiously, this would suggest a minimum total of 200,000 (and probably many more than that).

And that's just the feds. CtC-educated claims are also processed through 34 different state tax agencies (and additional smaller tax units, as well).

NOW LOOK AT THE 1,000 OR SO EXAMPLES of these victories posted at This 1,000 adds up in amounts recovered or retained to $11,510,408.84-- an average per victory of approximately $11,500 (and every one issued only after rigorous vetting).

Again, let's do the math:
....200,000 refunds x $11,500= $2,300,000,000. That's $2.3 billion-with-a-"b".

Now is the significance of CtC’s revelations sinking in?
Not really. But, something is sinking. I believe it’s the chance that you’re going to be able to avoid washing a lot of dishes for a while.

By the way, how’s Doreen?

Oh, sorry, I interrupted. Go ahead.....
....That significance lies in the amount of wealth now staying in the hands of the people to whom it belongs, rather than being scammed out of their hands and into those of folks who will use it against its rightful owner's interests.

But that significance ALSO, and even more so, lies in the fact that despite an intense and sustained government effort to suppress the spread of CtC’s information, and to discourage its use, hundreds of thousands of folks HAVE found that information, and find it SO compelling in its accuracy and its importance as to act on it even in the face of that government disapprobation.
Pete, when you say “disapprobation,” are you referring to criminal prosecutions, convictions, frivolous return penalites, liens, and seizures of assets? You know, stuff like that?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.
I defy anyone to rationally and honestly argue that what CtC has revealed about the tax and what those revelations have accomplished is not a story as big and as important as Edward Snowden's exposure of the surveillance state.
I hereby rationally and honestly argue that very thing!


Nyaaaahhhh, Nyaaaahhhh,
But somehow, no one is noticing.

How surreal.
*These admissions were forced out during my kangaroo-show-trial for allegedly not believing what this very evidence shows the government itself has been admitting for more than a decade and on a huge number of occasions since I first revealed it to the world in 2003. Is this irony, or just hypocrisy? I'm at a loss to characterize it satisfactorily.

Yes, Pete. In fact your entire web site is surreal. Much of your life must be surreal, eh Pete?
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

Famspear, I think the word you and parsimonious prattlin' Pete are striving for is "sympathy", something of which he's never shown the least bit of to any of his followers as they go down for the count, "always their fault" I believe has been the standard line. So he should not be surprised that they have none to return, since near as I can tell, he denizens there all have problems of their own.

As a side, I'm just curious if while they were reciting those numbers about the CTC filings, if anyone bothered to ask or mention the fact that any refunds based on them would have been in error and fraudulent????? Would seem like a good place to reemphasize that.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Funkalicious »

CARNIVORE! That takes me back.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Red Cedar PM »

notorial dissent wrote:I think the word you and parsimonious prattlin' Pete are striving for is "sympathy",
Tell Pete if he wants to find sympathy to look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.