Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads down

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Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads down

Post by Quixote »

Pete can't figure out why his followers won't post video confessions on his site. C'mon, all it cost Pete was two years in the poke.

What the H*LL is the problem, people?!

This post has been up FOR YEARS! In the time I've been back with you, I've made this request a part of pretty nearly every newsletter. And yet, with a sparse handful of shining exceptions, I have been answered with SILENCE.

Are you too scared to speak your truth? If you, of all people, are afraid to speak your truth, what hope does this country have?

Please watch the video at ... s-popular/.

This is an excellent presentation on the dynamics of fear and intimidation-- that is, on the ploy that appears to be stilling the tongues of most of you, to our great harm. Take it in, and take it to heart.

When you keep your testimony inside you, not only do you keep it from contributing to the awakening of others, you actually contribute to keeping others asleep or in hiding. You go from being part of the solution to being part of the problem.

Please give yourself a good shake, and get back in the game.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Mider »

I think he doesn't realize that video confessions are much better than possibly lying on a website statement for incrimation.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Intimidation. That's it -- intimidation. That's why I don't have hordes upon hordes of eternally loyal followers marching behind me to destroy the power of the ebil gummint by starving the financial monster which feeds it. My research has put the fear of God into them, and they are so desperate to stop me, because they know that they can never overcome me on the merits of the debate, that they will leave no weapon unused in the evil quest to keep the American people ignorant of My Revealed Truth about income taxation."

"After all, I couldn't possibly be wrong about this issue."
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Mider »

I had a professor in college who every day would walk into the classroom and throw an eraser at the board. It would always make a whomp sound that would wake up the class. One day, a student asked why he did that every day, wasn't me, I tried to keep a low profile in most classes. The professor said that one day that eraser might just pop right through the board and into another dimension based on proability. He always was a great teacher except for that little quirk.

Maybe Pete is trying the same thing, if you keep banging your head against the ebil governmental wall, your head might one day disappear into some place else, where you can click your red ruby slip-ons, and keep repeating "It's all a dream, It's all a dream, they aren't coming to get me and take me away."
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem being that I think Prattlin' Pete's head has already disappeared in to another warmer, darker place and he has just failed to notice it.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Quixote wrote:Pete can't figure out why his followers won't post video confessions on his site.
Either they can't get access while in Federal Prison or they can't afford internet access after the IRS garnishments?
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Blowhard Hendrickson wrote:What the H*LL is the problem, people?!

This post has been up FOR YEARS! In the time I've been back with you, I've made this request a part of pretty nearly every newsletter. And yet, with a sparse handful of shining exceptions, I have been answered with SILENCE.

Are you too scared to speak your truth? If you, of all people, are afraid to speak your truth, what hope does this country have?
Preposterous Pete, the Narcissistic Nitwit, is experiencing what psychologists call decompensation.

From the Wikipedia article on decompensation:
In psychology, the term refers to the inability to maintain defense mechanisms in response to stress, resulting in personality disturbance or psychological imbalance.
From Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers:
In psychiatry, failure of defense mechanisms resulting in progressive personality disintegration.

In the past, he has put on a show of being self-confident and assured. More recent posts (since his release from prison) show a change in his mental state. His mental defenses are slowly eroding, breaking down, from the stress of years of having fought the Internal Revenue Service without success, of going through that bankruptcy some years ago, of having spent time in federal prison back in the 1990s, of having returned home this year after a second federal prison term -- with financial responsibility for himself and his family and, I suspect, not much prospect of earning the kind of living he needs to earn.

Now he is in further anguish because the number of sheep (excuse me, "Warriors") following him has diminished, and he sees that those few dimwits who remain are markedly less responsive to his psychological "needs" than he would like them to be.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

I started noticing the change in Pete's mood back when he posted this comment on his web site. He wrote:
Since I've been out of prison I've been very dismayed at the moribund and dissolute feel in some quarters of the once-uniformly-vibrant CtC community. Periodically I am given some insight into why this is. One of my kids will stumble across a smear-site, or I'll get an email from someone expressing shock or a sense of having been betrayed because of what they imagine they've just learned about me or CtC.
--downloaded from lost horizons dot com, September 2012.

He's being reminded of his failures when his kids point out something they found on the internet about him, and when one of his sheep (oops, I mean "Warriors") sends him an email wailing and moaning about what happened as a result of having used his tax scam.

Life ain't easy for a narcissistic, prevaricating, perseverant ex-con.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Gregg »

I've wondered if Pete has any income at all now, and I suspect that for 2012 he really won't owe any income tax for once. Does he have a job or does he spend his days brooding about how stupid society is to have ignored his genius?
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Burnaby49 »

Gregg wrote:I've wondered if Pete has any income at all now, and I suspect that for 2012 he really won't owe any income tax for once. Does he have a job or does he spend his days brooding about how stupid society is to have ignored his genius?
Did he ever owe very much tax at any time? He ended up in jail as a tax evader but I never got a handle on the amount of tax he actually evaded. I can't think it would have been much since he seemed marginally employable even in his glory days.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, the fact that he has been to jail, has lost every legal maneuver he's tried, his followers have been having equal if not worse luck, and his retinue of flattering followers has to have dwindled to a bare handful, if that, by now, so he has good reason to be decompensating. In point of fact, he ought to be downright depressed at this point, that is, assuming he has good sense, which we well know he doesn't.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Lambkin »

I think Pete's disciples know something that he doesn't. The winning strategy doesn't involve painting a target on your ass. If you want to avoid taxation, the best way is to owe little, earn cash, don't file, don't say anything, and don't piss off your wife.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by fortinbras »

Pete's just gotten out of prison and he's urging his audience to go into one. Maybe he wants a group of congenial souls waiting for him next time he goes to the slammer (and there will be a next time).
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by webhick »

fortinbras wrote:Pete's just gotten out of prison and he's urging his audience to go into one. Maybe he wants a group of congenial souls waiting for him next time he goes to the slammer (and there will be a next time).
If that were the case, wouldn't he be mostly encouraging such behavior in his jurisdiction? Otherwise, they won't be close enough to do him much good.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

One way in which "CTC Worriers" have been keeping their heads down is to find other places -- such as codebusters dot org -- to commiserate without having to post directly under Pete's thumb at Pete's losthorizons dot com web site.

Lately, someone is upset because Hendrickson does not accept DMVP's "lawful money" foolishness. Harvester/johnthetaxist/Nationwide/Libre/etc. is posting as "johnny" over at codebusters dot org. Harvester quotes Hendrickson:
I RECENTLY BECAME AWARE OF A NEW DISTRACTING NOTION finding its way into the "tax honesty" community-- the idea that the use of Federal Reserve notes (FRNs) is itself a taxable activity.

This notion got aired in a number of posts on the national forum recently, which is how it came to my attention. (Unfortunately it had been aired there before and had escaped my attention then, making my discussion here a bit belated...)
Even Blowhard Hendrickson admits that DMVP's "lawful money" theory is nonsense.

Harvey then issues a response:
The reason I espouse it [DMVP's "lawful money" idiocy] is because it works......
No, Harvey. It does not work. It hasn't worked for DMVP. It hasn't worked for you. It hasn't worked for anyone. Harvey, you hop from one crackpot idea to another, and you espouse them all. Even some of your fellow wackadoosters see through your lies. They have pointed out to you that you are simply doing your best to keep yourself under the IRS radar.


Harvey continues:
....And then he [Hendrickson] quotes newcomer RANSOM. Does he realize how easy it is to impersonate someone on the internet? What if... just what if... RANSOM is actually Quatloser Jay ADKISSON who created a login to steer folks away from this FRNs are taxable notion? Jay is Pete's arch-enemy who has called him "prevaricating blowhard Peter Eric Hendrickson" along with alot of other ridicule. Jay is a master of deception. IME, you will not find a better liar.

Yes, Harvey knows how easy it is to impersonate someone on the internet. In the past few days, he has been using both his "Nationwide" moniker and his "Libre" moniker at losthorizons, possibly in an attempt to deceive a new poster there.

And now Harvey believes that Jay Adkisson is Pete Hendrickson's "arch-enemy"? What is this, Superman Comics? "Superman and Lex Luthor! Arch-enemies!"


Further, I (not Jay) am the one who refers to Hendrickson as a prevaricating blowhard. Harvey is still exhibiting his paranoia by indicating he still "believes" that Jay and I and various other people with whom he interacts are one and the same person.

And yes, Hendrickson is a ridiculous and pathetic figure -- the subject of ridicule from me and others.

A user called "Neo2" then writes:
I see Ransom is a new member there too. Man, a long time ago I looked at the Quatlooz forum a few time, and wow - there are a lot of angry, sarcastic, bitter folks there.....
A little projection on your part, there, Neo2. Maybe you would be less angry, sarcastic and bitter if you tried a little harder to understand yourself and your own motivation for getting involved in tax scams.

Neo2 continues:
......It doesn't make sense that private, non-govermentally [sic] affiliated people would go to all that time, trouble, and expense to poke fun at, ridicule, etc. the information Pete compiled unless somehow it was damaging to them or their 'external stakeholder' status...
How Freudian of you! No, it doesn't make sense to you, because you're delusional, Neo2. If you were psychologically normal, it would be easier for you to see how normal people (which includes lots of people like me who have never worked for the "evil government") enjoy spending spare time poking fun at, and throwing ridicule at, people like you. And I notice that you're using the IRS terminology often applied to people such as tax practitioners -- "external stakeholders". Gee, Neo2, I hope you're not an evil government plant!


Neo2 continues:
I'd think a normal person would just care less about it, not make it their life's passion to disparage and humiliate those of us who want to dig into the "common knowledge" to see if it is legit or fraud.
Disparging and humiliating you is not a "life's passion." And no, you do not want to "dig into common knowledge to see if it is legit or fraud." You want to look for information that you believe will reinforce your own pre-determined delusions. You're not searching for truth, Neo2. Yes, if I were you I would feel humiliated, too.

Now, a user called "itsmymoney" writes:
Now that you mention it, I believe PH [Peter Hendrickson] denounces and 'eliminates' everyone who is not in complete accordance and compliance with his mantra, if you will. I just realized when johnny [i.e., Nationwide/Libre/Harvester/johnthetaxist/etc/etc] mentioned his [Hendrickson's] newsletter that I have not been receiving one for the past say, 2 months. Then I realized that I had email correspondence with PH around 2 months ago regarding Claim For Refund filing, and pointed him to the Statute Staple author's webiste [sic]. Although he was curious, I'm sure that he 'came to his senses' and subsequently expunged me from his newsletter list for my 'betrayal' of him. I feel sorry for him and most of what he has researched I am grateful for, but he appears to be petty and petulant as well. I hope he does not file with Form 4852 again. They [federal government lawyers] will cite his own case against him, which is the ultimate and most ironic precedent. Or maybe he will just get hit with TC 240 [transaction code 240, nomenclature used for a particular entry in the IRS computerized bookkeeping system] user fees. Of course, the IMF [Individual Master File record in the IRS computer] is of no use to him because from what I understand he does not believe it is relevant.....
Careful there, fella! You're casting aspersions on Prevaricating Pete, the Fabulous Felon, the Nitwit Narcissist, the Bloviating Blowhard.

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Famspear wrote:Further, I (not Jay) am the one who refers to Hendrickson as a prevaricating blowhard. Harvey is still exhibiting his paranoia by indicating he still "believes" that Jay and I and various other people with whom he interacts are one and the same person.
That's because he can't believe there's more than one person who could possibly disagree with him, obviously.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

Famspear wrote:There is no joy in Mudville.

Nor much likelihood of any in foreseeable or probable future.

I'm impressed, "itsmymoney", seems to have something resembling a bit of a grasp on some fragment of reality, now if he would just get a good one and get away from Prevaricatin' Pete and his ilk.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by grixit »

I spend an average of 5 minutes a day on Quatloos. Sometimes i follow a link, sometimes i google for something. I enjoy some witty banter and i get some solid information that i can use to warn people who might be getting themselves into trouble. Ocassionally i write a filk. It's hardly a grueling chore.

On the other hand: chaining minor dictionary definitions together, hypnotizing yourself to not understand common usage of language, decontxting individual paragraphs from legal writings, riding herd on the desperate and deluded, thought policing forums? Now those are examples of self imposed futile labor!
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Number Six »

'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Mider »

I guess its because of people realizing their paychecks are smaller this year due to the payroll tax changes but there has been a flurry of activity over at the CTC site, lots of new names, but it seems that some of them are still on the fence and not cracked up like Humpty-Dumpty yet.