The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Hyrion wrote:So if Craig is complaining because the warrant could be easily electronically produced and printed (and I assume by anyone) - it really leaves one wondering what form he believes an acceptable warrant would come in.
This takes me back to the illiteracy question. It's a document that you ought to read carefully and understand. No Crawford so far has shown any sign of being able to do this, so, in reaction they come out with comments like it's in legalese or try deflection techniques like anyone could print it off. Nothing has confirmed to me yet that any Crawford has actually understood fully anything of significance in this matter, from the day they signed the mortgage onwards.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by AndyPandy »

FatGambit wrote:One written in blood?
Unicorn blood ?? :beatinghorse:
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by AndyPandy »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Hyrion wrote: No Crawford so far has shown any sign of being able to do this, so, in reaction they come out with comments like it's in legalese or try deflection techniques like anyone could print it off. Nothing has confirmed to me yet that any Crawford has actually understood fully anything of significance in this matter, from the day they signed the mortgage onwards.
SPOT ON And there lies the crux of the matter, they cancelled the endowment policy without a clue as to it's significance in paying off the capital element of their mortgage !!
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bones »

Is this a specimen of the document in question ?


Last edited by Bones on Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by NG3 »

Bones wrote:Is this a specimen of the document in question ?

Interesting. It looks like a warrant you can print off
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by letissier14 »

Well that just proves beyond doubt that the Crawford warrant is a fake one, as their one doesn't have "specimen" written on it like it should do :haha: :haha:
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Jeffrey »

Have they seriously not posted the warrant yet?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by NG3 »

What I want to know is, if all these judges are in on it with the banks, bailiffs, journalists, the three helicopters, the hundreds of thousands of shills and agents, the thousands of police, scores of security, 3 missing hens, two calling birds, and a dead dog beneath the pear tree, then why did the court go to the trouble of faking a document when they could just abuse their powers and use the real thing?

& does this mean the printers are in on it?

& if all these people are in on it then how small is everyone's cut of the scam?

I mean is a £175,000 a year high court judge being corrupted with vast £2.40p bribes?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by letissier14 »

Jeffrey wrote:Have they seriously not posted the warrant yet?
No, nothing as yet!
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Normal Wisdom »

It must be fraudulent - it doesn't have a space for the judge's signature (in blue, wet ink).
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bones »

letissier14 wrote:Well that just proves beyond doubt that the Crawford warrant is a fake one, as their one doesn't have "specimen" written on it like it should do :haha: :haha:
lol, I bet theirs has a seal though :snicker:
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by JonnyL »

These idiots could examine a losing lottery ticket, pat each other on the back, go off and spend the winnings in the pub.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bones »

Normal Wisdom wrote:It must be fraudulent - it doesn't have a space for the judge's signature (in blue, wet ink).
I think they are going with the claim that it is a fraudulent document, as it has to be signed by a judge, wearing a pink tutu, using a purple crayon. It is void, if it was not signed during the witching hour after the ritual sacrifice of two chickens.

failing that they are going to go with the argument that it is a fraudulent document because the guy in the pub told them - quite literally, so it must be true
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bones »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Thanks to all for the comments about my video.
Norman where did you get the sound bites from ? It sounds like he is getting interviewed by his bald chubby significant other
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by NG3 »

If Tom Crawford actually walks into a court with the court document sent to him by the court and tries to tell the court that the court document sent to them by the court is fraudulent because their friend the vexatious litigant said so then I officially nominate the Crawford's as most stupid family ever and predict Crawford will very quickly be considered a vexatious litigant himself.

Their joking about this, right?
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by PeanutGallery »

It's a bit like their claim that anyone could knock up a warrant if they could just be printed. They seem to forget that the key difference is that a warrant printed by the courts, has all of the courts power and authority to back it up whereas a warrant printed by John of the family Freetard would lack that authority and power.

The courts use the same stationary because it's produced for them by central government, this way we can have some consistency so that a warrant from London looks and has the same information as one from Newcastle. It's just common sense and it saves the court both time and money.

If the warrant was 'wrong' what does Tom think is going to happen as a result? Does the Warrant being wrong change the issue that the capital remained outstanding at the end of the mortgage policy (due to the failure on the part of the Crawfrauds to keep up the endowment policy payments and only paying the interest part of the loan)? Does it change the many months of arrears that have since accrued during the time they tried to stay in Fearn Chase?

The answer is of course, no. So even if the court agreed and said, this warrant lacked all the features that your wibble says a warrant should have, the court would take the fairest route to a solution, it would bear in mind that the Crawfrauds don't have a right to Fearn Chase and wouldn't reinstate them, in fact it would be unfair on UKAR if they did that (because of an error by the court), the Crawfrauds wouldn't be able to prove any loss or damages as a result of the courts mistake (because they have only lost a property they weren't entitled to).

So this line of argument is entirely pointless. Even if you win, you won't change anything and the thing is, you're trying to say that a court cannot write a warrant for possession or that Judges, Barristers, Clerks, Parliamentary Counsel know less about the law than you do. They aren't ignorant, Tom you and your family are.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Jeffrey »

A Quatloos troll snuck onto the Bastion Radio Friday night show to discuss the TC case:
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by letissier14 »

They are happy that they have now got the warrant in eviction land and consider it another win in the battle to get the house back. As of yet The Crawfords have still yet to disclose the warrant to their faithful followers

Kay Williamson Omg big hugs can't wait to c ur family rip them to bits n get your property back big love xxx
3 hrs · Like · 7

Joy Mulholland Xxx
3 hrs · Like · 2

Amanda Pike Me to the low lifes! They are obscene they are so brazen!
3 hrs · Like · 5

Vikki Elliott-Smith I'm glad you have it finally, and I hope this is the start of change for you all xx
3 hrs · Like · 5

Charlie Holmes Xxx all the best huni thinking of you and your family -stay strong and sock it to em
3 hrs · Like · 1

Brett Castell Signed stamped and sealed warrant? Valid and in date?!
3 hrs · Like · 1

Jade Louise Snowdon oh i cannot wait for all of this to come to an end and see Mr&Mrs home with no metal fences, this opens up such a big hole in the dictatorship we live under.
3 hrs · Like · 5

Alexander Charles Thomson It was county court rather than High Court from beginning to end, then. County court staff in uniform attending the eviction, and as today's FoI disclosure reveals, planning between police and UKAR happened in MAY, and was held IN the court …
3 hrs · Edited · Like · 4

Lee Brookes
Lee Brookes's photo.
3 hrs · Like · 2

Lee Brookes Sorry
3 hrs · Like

Lee Brookes Can't wait for all the truth to finally come out and hopefully get the house back
3 hrs · Like · 1

Andrew Hinman oh dear they is fooked lol and better late than never!!
3 hrs · Like · 1

Wendy Hirst I and my friends are with you 100%. Shame we are 70 miles away but I'll be there whenever possible. Especially Nov 18.
2 hrs · Like · 3

Jade Louise Snowdon Im also looking forward to the media trying to report this after they've made such fuck ups
2 hrs · Like · 2

Wendy Hirst I am waiting for a massive party when Tom Sue and all injured parties get their compensation and damages.
2 hrs · Like · 8

Peter Turner-hicks ive got evrything crossed its good news
2 hrs · Like · 1

Patrick James Irwin For the first time in ages ...... My Heart is Happy for your news .
In the famous words of ??? The Only Way is Up smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon
2 hrs · Like · 2

Mark Atkinson Hope to god these get nailed
2 hrs · Like · 1

Tracey Toon-Pascoe So happy for your news. I hope and pray that the terrible injustice your family have had to go through is finally sorted for you all and the criminals that committed these crimes get the punishments they deserve. Xx
2 hrs · Like · 2

Amanda Pike cheers you lovely lot!! Alexander Charles Thomson in court? how do you know that honey? x
2 hrs · Like · 1

Lee Brookes Patrick that would be YAZZ & the plastic population
2 hrs · Like · 1

Dee James Erm.... Think they're all "BANGED TO RIGHTS!!!!!" xx
2 hrs · Like · 1

Patrick James Irwin Thanks Lee ..... Over 50s Brain Seizure . smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon
2 hrs · Like · 1

Sharon Sturgess However if the unicorn had its horn it wouldn't of charged as the territory wasn't viable.... Due to rules n regs
2 hrs · Like · 2

Michelle Hall Was Mooney
Michelle Hall Was Mooney's photo.
2 hrs · Like · 2

Wendy Hirst I'm get a solicitor visit tomorrow about my claim against council about my trip and broken arm. When my business is concluded I shall inform him of your Family and Mickey Summers and Mel Shaw. Not giving any secret information away obviously. I shall sound em out.
2 hrs · Like · 3

Tara Hollins So happy for you all x
2 hrs · Like · 1

Richard Burrows its a nice bit of light after such a dark tunnel, lets hope its bright light ahead from now on smile emoticon
2 hrs · Like · 7

Paul Noble Interesting piece of news. I hope this is something that will bring about a change of direction. I really do hope so. smile emoticon
2 hrs · Like · 3

Maggie Mcnaught Praying for truth and justice for you all x
2 hrs · Like · 2

Emma Whitley I hope this is a huge turning point for you all xx
2 hrs · Like · 1

Craig Crawford It's a warrant you can print off it's all bullshit. Haha
2 hrs · Like · 9

Sally Crocker Sarkozi Another step forward x
2 hrs · Like

Michelle Hall Was Mooney And they really think your going to say thank u for a sheet of loo roll
2 hrs · Like · 1

Kay Williamson Happy tears rolling down my face cuz now all those who don't believe will see n see you take backwhat they should never have stole x
1 hr · Like

Darryl Blower Following this is like another full time job but always there Amanda love to you and family x
1 hr · Like · 2

1 hr · Like

Amanda Pike thank all sooooo much x
1 hr · Like · 4

Dee James
1 hr · Like

Dee James
1 hr · Like

Peter Turner-hicks love you all brothers in arms
1 hr · Like

Stephany Jones The Unicorn (minus it's horn) has landed!! We are the Crawford's !! Love to you all heart emoticon xx Very interesting times ahead smile emoticon xx
1 hr · Like

Stephany Jones
1 hr · Like · 1

Peter Turner-hicks now take the horn and shove it right up their arses
1 hr · Like · 7

Wendy Hirst
1 hr · Like · 2

Sophie Telford Brilliant news
1 hr · Like

Emma Whitley I wonder how many of the weasels that are in here and seen this and thought oh shit!
1 hr · Edited · Like · 4

Gil Lamy Great go get them. And take no prisoners.
1 hr · Like · 2

Joe Dunn Did you serve Master McCleod's order on both the High Court as well as the County Court?
1 hr · Like · 1

Gemma Clement-Calliste God does not sleep. Not Judge is above him. Long hard fight but justice will prevai! Love to all.....
56 mins · Like

Jenna Lewis
53 mins · Like · 1

Amanda Pike We're not out to get anyone we just want justice and our home if only people would have listened its all so crazy!
46 mins · Like · 7

Sarah Hopewell
Sarah Hopewell's photo.
40 mins · Like

Mark Atkinson Aye Emma Whitley just thinking exact same thing lol
38 mins · Like · 2

Sharon Sturgess So a unicorn without a horn is nothing more than an old nag.....?
37 mins · Like · 2

Sarah Hopewell Tom Crawford owes us all a drink lol xx
33 mins · Like · 1

Peter Turner-hicks looks like only fit for the knacker yard
33 mins · Like

Amanda Pike I wouldn't even call it a nag.....more a piece of skin. No bones or meat to it at all!
30 mins · Like

Sharon Sturgess Sarah.... It'd ave been more financially viable to pay the 43k than to start buyin rounds for supporters as we all have his back.....!!!

I pick my words carefully as it'd be mortally incomprehensible tho....
30 mins · Like

Sarah Hopewell ask me 2mroo when im sober? lol grin emoticon xx
29 mins · Like · 1

Jon Dow So it should only be a matter of time before you get the house back and LOTS of comphensation. Jolly good wink emoticon xxx
28 mins · Like

Amanda Pike Who knows jon we're dealing with criminals arn't we unsure emoticon
26 mins · Like · 1

Vikki Elliott-Smith This is just one other little piece of the puzzle. Stay positive xx
25 mins · Like · 1

Sarah Hopewell Tom was never gonna pay back the 43k to corrupt pricks that he didnt owe to, excuse the french, but facts are facts
25 mins · Like · 1

Jenny Warwick So pleased for you all, can't wait to see what you have planned x
24 mins · Like

Jon Dow Well once it gets to the Supreme Court if it really needs to go that far, they couldn't possibly allow it to stand, surely? The circuit court wankers are the shifty fuckers and the topperty folks really do have to act properly because their actions set precedence.
23 mins · Like · 2

Sarah Hopewell I didnt make it to the first eviction, in july 2014, due to my daughter having an appointment,, but i was there in jan 2015, 2 days when we froze our arses off lol, and in may, their paperwork, as amanda says, isnt worth what is written on, and as one, i hope, we sort the justice that is deserved in this case smile emoticon
15 mins · Edited · Like

Linda Flanagan-parks GREAT NEWS!!!
BOOTS ON THE GROUND AND HEROS ON THE ROOF !!! YOU all made this happen !!!
Linda Flanagan-parks's photo.
21 mins · Like · 1

Amanda Pike Hey its no where near over yet gal lets not tempt fait smile emoticon we are dealing with alot of dodgy people here
18 mins · Like · 2

Monika Godes Yes, dodgy people who are trying to sale horse as a unicorn!
15 mins · Like · 2

Sarah Banks Absolutely amazing news Amanda ..... finally justice can be served. They always say Karma is a dish served cold ..... well they're going to get it!!! Love to your mum and dad xox
15 mins · Like

Adele Brophy Fantastic news for all the Crawford family. 1st victory in hopefully a long line of them. Let the road begin to your family getting back what is rightfully yours much love to you all. Xx
9 mins · Like
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by mufc1959 »

Assuming someone has no previous criminal convictions, this should end up with a conditional discharge or, at worst, a suspended sentence. For anyone in this situation who got into a fracas with a copper and who has no criminal record that's probably what'd happen.

But we all know that's never going to happen here. Crawford and his mob will test the patience of the Magistrates Court to its fullest extent, trying to raise all the arguments the County Court has already rejected as having no merit. There'll also be the farcical FOTL nonsense of not recognising the court, asking to see oaths, etc. I can see the Judge ordering Tom Crawford to undergo a mental health evaluation prior to sentencing.
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Re: The Second Battle of Crawford's Castle, a Nottingham Farce...

Post by Bungle »

letissier14 wrote:They are happy that they have now got the warrant in eviction land and consider it another win in the battle to get the house back. As of yet The Crawfords have still yet to disclose the warrant to their faithful followers

Alexander Charles Thomson It was county court rather than High Court from beginning to end, then. County court staff in uniform attending the eviction, and as today's FoI disclosure reveals, planning between police and UKAR happened in MAY, and was held IN the court …
3 hrs · Edited · Like · 4

Amanda Pike Alexander Charles Thomson in court? how do you know that honey? x
2 hrs · Like · 1
Cracks starting to appear.

This mob seem to have hit on the idea that only a High Court Enforcement Agent can enforce a warrant for eviction.

Last edited by Bungle on Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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