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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

Jimbo has been pontificating on the subject of PoE's cheques. Despite others railing against the failure of the cheques to clear Our Jim remains an optimist.

Take for instance the following lifted from http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 2__TFeMH8s;
here are some tips and info i have learned that may be helpful.
I'm all ears
all the cheques are pre cleared so no need to pay the £10 per month to peter.
Always knew he wasn't paying anything once he'd 'scored' a chequebook.

Especially as he opines, earlier in the thread;
like i said if it (PoE's madcap scheme that is) does fail it will be because not enough support was given
Breathtaking hypocrisy really but we've come to expect nothing less.
i often send cheques from a false name to pay a debt off.... this seems to really mess with thier system
Or Fraud by false representation as its more commonly known. You can get five years for that shit.
once you send a cheque things go very quiet... so great to get breathing space. some time they will just ignore you for monthhs as they don't want to discuss it at the very least you can put the debt into a dispute status for months or maybe indefinatly. Obviously only pay debts and not goods or services
Unless you are scamming Norwood Interiors out of a kitchen eh Jim?
I've still got 22 cheques left from 30. as i ran out of debts to pay off. if anyone has a suitable debt they want to try then post it here and i will do it for you. all i need to do is send a cheque from one of my many names to your account and it will start to stall things
Ran out of debts Jim? What about the Council Tax from the last few years. And this years. And the next (or until your house gets sold out from underneath you). And the unpaid utilities and your speeding fines and Barclays Partner Finance.......
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

I predict an evening of Jimmy baiting, more entertaining then the football!

jimmy wrote:
cost me £30 for about £6000 wiped off. how is that a scam. you just didn't research it properly or your a shill....

SomAnglican wrote

You've been declared bankrupt for something, maybe council tax, maybe your new kitchen. Why didn't you use your were cheques for those debts? You're just a fantasist, Jimmy. So blinded by your anti-establismentarianism that you can see the wood from the trees anymore. For someone who wants this to be a 'truther' website you tell a lot of lies. How did it work out with SSE? Because you've got that video on YT chatting to the guy who won't accept your payment. Was it the kitchen too? Or was that DD clawback? Council tax seems to have you at risk of losing your house. So, what did you manage to pay with these? And do you have any kind of evidence of a company actually acceptinf the cheques? If not, then you're asking us to take the word of a proven liar at face value. No thank you. Peter is a conman , you know this as well as I do, you just don't want to admit it. The word 'shill' incoming in 3......2.......1.....
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

I am come to the conclusion that our Jimmy may not be quite as dumb(well relatively speaking) as he puts on. I think he knows quite well and demonstrably that the WeReNotAChecks are in deed and fact bogus and that he is just trying to see who else he can get into a deeper mess than they already are. I am come to the opinion that he is a LYING sadistic little prick. I also think he is in denial of the fact that he has pretty well flushed what is left of his sorry and pathetic life well and truly down the crapper. A LYING sadistic little prick.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Bones »

In his latest posts about WeRe Bank Jimmy, has shown that everything he has claimed about WeRe Bank is a lie.

By his own admission he only paid Peter one monthly fee. However, what he forgets is that each time a cheque was issued, the WeRe Member was supposed to notify Peter (in the early days) so that he could "clear" the cheque. However, after the first month with no more monthly payments from Jimmy, does he honestly think that Peter would clear any of his cheques.

Indeed, Jimmy is still unable to explain how and why if WeRe cheques work how come he is bankrupt. He claims he is not interested in material things, yet brought a new kitchen and a house..... I hope the new owners once he has lost his house, enjoy that new kitchen :snicker:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

notorial dissent wrote: he is just trying to see who else he can get into a deeper mess than they already are. I am come to the opinion that he is a LYING sadistic little prick.
That is exactly it. Our Jim knows he has messed up and he knows it is all his own fault. Rather than admit he has made a huge mistake he is trying to drag others down with him because it is lonely down there.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
notorial dissent wrote: he is just trying to see who else he can get into a deeper mess than they already are. I am come to the opinion that he is a LYING sadistic little prick.
That is exactly it. Our Jim knows he has messed up and he knows it is all his own fault. Rather than admit he has made a huge mistake he is trying to drag others down with him because it is lonely down there.
It's definitely not a case of do as I say not as I do, more do as I do and show the world you're as stupid as me !!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

AndyPandy wrote:
It's definitely not a case of do as I say not as I do, more do as I do and show the world you're as stupid as me !!
I can sympathise with Jimbo's position. When you are deeply in the shit it is a comfort if you know there are other people who are in exactly the same position as yourself. If Jimmy can convince some people to follow the same path it will make him feel better about himself. He won't be all on his own.......Bless him.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by NYGman »

At this point, Jimmy views any delay as a victory. I think he believes that people in his situation can get a reprieve from "constant harassment" of bill collectors, if they pay with a WeRe check. I don't believe he thinks they have any value, he just uses it as a prop. maybe a bit better than bouncing a real check, as in the US that can lead to penalties based on state law. However, as the check isn't a check, it can't bounce for Jimmy (It will bounce for the depositor, but Jimmy don't care about that fool) or anyone else he gives it too. I guess for anyone else in debt, with lots of bills who want to stick their head in the sand and ignore it as long as possible, WeRe checks could have limited value. Perhaps they need a break for a few days from being "in debt" although it is artificial, and will only result in more costs.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by exiledscouser »

Our Jim has set this particular thread off in a fantastic direction, it makes great reading.

Of course, Jimbo's cunning plan has the govt right where he always wanted it;
The Brighouse Bankrupt wrote;
yes the government has come after me hard but this has worked only to prove how corrupt they are which was my plan all along....
Yes, riiiiiight where he wants 'em. Oh yes. Move over Baldrick. He continues;
Penniless in Pellon wrote;
the reason people are not posting their successes is because the shills contact the companies to get the payment reversed.
Or possibly because they simply don't work as no-one gets paid.

Anyway no Jimbo post would be incomplete without a pop at 'shills' who include, it would seem, even those Pillars of the Establishment Salli Nay-Letterbox and even the old fraud Ceylon himself.
Destitute of Dewsbury wrote;
fuck you shills we know what you did to john to make him give up this site and instigate the shills as mods. your day will come you may be good at typing but when it comes to the martial arts you will be found wanting i'm sure.
oooh, time to run away! I do like the ironic Kung Fu reference as the only IP Man Jim'll be meeting is his Insolvency Practitioner.

Mrfibble in response to a piss-poor attempt from Deadbeat Dad to big Smithy up weighs in with a distinctly Qualoosian view of WeRe Bank;
deadbeatdad wrote:
PoE is doing (more or less) what the banks do - in that they both provide a service for people to exchange 'money' for credit
Mrfibble wrote;
It's less, a lot less. When somebody takes out a loan from a normal bank they can withdraw cash from a cash machine, transfer it to another account, buy something with a credit card, or pay somebody with a cheque. None of these facilities exist with WeRe Bank and, even more telling, not a single WeRe Bank customer would happily exchange something of value for a WeRe cheque.
After which Jim slides off to allow the grown-ups the usual descent into ad hominem mud slinging and defence of the indefensible. The rest of the thread is a great read but sadly Jim plays no more part and comment, if it were to be made, belongs in the PoE thread.

Buuut.......... I can't resist a few more from Deadbeatdad & Co. for twisted logic. Apologies Mods but I blame Jimbo. So on the one hand;
DBD wrote;
it's certainly true that there are those who have failed to recognise and/or accept such Bills of Exchange - perhaps those dishonouring these presentments should be held accountable

No doubt in the free and unbiased 'People's Common Law Court' and
DBD wrote;
If you're asking me why the Payee or Payee's bank are refusing them - then you'll need to ask them. I can't provide you with those reasons....

What I can say is that those cheques should be accepted because they are backed by personal guarantee of those who issued them

I suspect that WeRe Bank have failed to enforce its commercial paper as it should
My emphasis. But later he posts;
DBD Wrote;
I never accept cheques from anyone either - regardless of whatever bank it purports to be from; I have no way to verify the funds
Ho ho, nice one DBD. As fine an example of Footle doublethink* as you're likely to see.

Fibble responds
Mrfibble wrote;
I'm pointing out the double standard of WeRe Bank customers who won't accept worthless cheques themselves but throw a tantrum when others won't either. What isn't clear?
DBD hits straight back;
DBD wrote;
the truth is that it is the banks that need us - the entire system is reliant on two things; our signature and our ignorance
That. Oh and our cash.

Lastly, what's the difference between the England football team and a tea bag?

A tea bag stays in the cup a lot longer.


*the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by TheNewSaint »

Like I said about Rekha Patel, I think Jimmy is just a straight-up psychopath. Completely dishonest, no concept of empathy, no impulse control, and a total narcissist.

I've been wondering why people get sucked into the FMOTL stuff, and I think psychopathy (whatever the correct term) is a key element. Because anyone with the basic ability to consider the feelings of others can see why these schemes won't work. We understand why the people who build our kitchen need to be paid in actual money. People like Jimmy simply don't, so they don't see the illogic of these methods.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Jeffrey »

the shills contact the companies to get the payment reversed
There's no need to reverse "the payment" because no payment was ever made. WeRe bank has never made any payments to any payees on WeRe bank checks.
fuck you shills we know what you did to john to make him give up this site
How are the shills to blame for John quitting? This is a fresh rumor to me.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

The thing is that NO ONE contacted any of those businesses to get the checks reversed, it happened all by itself, automatically, when the WeReNotACheck was presented through the system, whatever your check clearing system is called, kicked/bounced the item back as unprocessable for bad/no sort code, which means it is not a bank within their collection system. It went back to the depositing bank to be reversed on their books and then back to the person or business that had deposited it as uncollected, and once there they either manually or automatically reversed it on their books as well.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Why would a business refuse to accept a payment on the basis that some people from the internet rang them up and said "Don't take those WeRe cheques."

It wouldn't be in the businesses best interests to do that. Businesses exist to make money, not refuse it.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by He Who Knows »

Spot on about psychopaths. The courts are full of them. Judges can sniff em out from 50 paces. Vexatious litigants in person like Rekha Patel and this fella are jamming up the legal system to the point of gridlock. It's known as "querulous paranoia" and it's bloody tedious. L-i-Ps should be screened for mental health before embarking on such attention-seeking quests for their "rights" all the way to Strasbourg.
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally (Niccolo Machiavelli)...and what the FMOTL never does (He Who Knows)
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rememberme »

TheNewSaint wrote:Like I said about Rekha Patel, I think Jimmy is just a straight-up psychopath. Completely dishonest, no concept of empathy, no impulse control, and a total narcissist.
I know him, and he really is all of those things, but above all he's just plain stupid. The worst kind of stupid, because he thinks he's really clever.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

rememberme wrote:
TheNewSaint wrote:Like I said about Rekha Patel, I think Jimmy is just a straight-up psychopath. Completely dishonest, no concept of empathy, no impulse control, and a total narcissist.
I know him, and he really is all of those things, but above all he's just plain stupid. The worst kind of stupid, because he thinks he's really clever.
That kind of stupid usually does.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by arayder »

He Who Knows wrote:Spot on about psychopaths. The courts are full of them. Judges can sniff em out from 50 paces. Vexatious litigants in person like Rekha Patel and this fella are jamming up the legal system to the point of gridlock. It's known as "querulous paranoia" and it's bloody tedious. L-i-Ps should be screened for mental health before embarking on such attention-seeking quests for their "rights" all the way to Strasbourg.
Many of us here have wondered what the heck is really wrong with freemen who act out in court.

I think you are on to something, He Who Knows. I did some google reading on querulous paranoia and the description of malady fits freeman litigants to a t.

Vexatious litigants who have progressed into querulous paranoia usually self-represent in court and often have fallen out with appointed counsel, who were unwilling to follow the litigant's courtroom strategy. They appear to be hyper-prepared, but in reality have a poor grasp of the law. They often become confused when underlying principles of law are explained to them. They are argumentative and often are found in contempt of court.

Often their original complaint stems from simple matters the rest of us routinely resolve. . .and get on with our lives.

I think freeman gurus, using the internet, have gained access to a pool of individuals suffering from querulous paranoia and hence through their advice are encouraging mental illness rather than fostering a movement.

Well done, he Who Knows!
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Hercule Parrot »

notorial dissent wrote:
rememberme wrote: I know him, and he really is all of those things, but above all he's just plain stupid. The worst kind of stupid, because he thinks he's really clever.
That kind of stupid usually does.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E ... ger_effect
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by He Who Knows »

Yes I've come across the Dunning-Kruger effect too which can even permeate as "high up" as public access barristers who act for the "Querulous Paranoics". Now that we have a named condition for this mentally unsound group, are there any psychologists, psychiatrists amongst us who can lobby their medical bodies/organisations to corral some kind of protection against this pool of time wasters? Granted, the lawyers can and do make money out of them, and members of Freetard bashing pages can have hours of fun taking the piss out of them, but some of us have to be the grown-ups here. They're a bloody nuisance to society and, from my observations, their numbers are growing not reducing.
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally (Niccolo Machiavelli)...and what the FMOTL never does (He Who Knows)
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Part of the problem with that would be that lay people would then be quick to make a diagnosis simply to absolve themselves of a person who might have good reason to be making their complaints. A balance needs to be struck between protecting the right of the stupid to be as stupid as they want and the right of the intelligent to ignore that stupidity.

Sadly finding this balance is difficult as the density of the stupid is an ever changing fact of life. For the most part I think it works well, you have to really go at it to become a vexatious litigant.
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