Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by afateworsethandeath »

So, still no answers to simple questions. His scam must surely be towards the end of its life span
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

Haven't you ever heard the phrase, "There's a sucker born every minute"? By coincidence, that's pretty much the total UK birth rate. But if one person in 100 is a sucker, the world-wide birth rate of suckers is about one every minute.

Calculations aside, I can't see the world running out of suckers.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by guilty »

I don't want people like you following me! Dedication to cause is something you have to learn via experience. If you cannot recognise a "good one" when it comes along then you'll sure as Hell live with the bad.If it was as easy as you imagine it would have been done by now. The insurance comes from and to "KLAN" - and in the UK there is non, [so it seems]. Ergo, no insurance product and no meetings! Go figure.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by PeanutGallery »

Berating those who are losing the faith is often used by cult leaders to promote a culture among their followers of not questioning or dissenting from the 'learned truth'. By singling this guy out, Peter knows he is losing him, but then he already has lost him, keeping him around would cause much more harm, as would simply not responding. But if he berates him and attacks him and tells him he's not the right sort of person for Peter then he will keep others who won't speak up for fear of losing access to a community and friends.

Peter having a go at a customer who wants to quit is one of the things keeping this scam running. It cows the sheep to silence and removes the dissenter who might have turned some sheep away.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

PeanutGallery wrote:Berating those who are losing the faith is often used by cult leaders to promote a culture among their followers of not questioning or dissenting from the 'learned truth'. By singling this guy out, Peter knows he is losing him, but then he already has lost him, keeping him around would cause much more harm, as would simply not responding. But if he berates him and attacks him and tells him he's not the right sort of person for Peter then he will keep others who won't speak up for fear of losing access to a community and friends.

Peter having a go at a customer who wants to quit is one of the things keeping this scam running. It cows the sheep to silence and removes the dissenter who might have turned some sheep away.
This x 1000.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by katiHWB »

He's deleted all the visitor posts on his Fb page now ... do ya think he's a bit pi$$ed off about something :snicker:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

PeanutGallery wrote:Peter having a go at a customer who wants to quit is one of the things keeping this scam running. It cows the sheep to silence and removes the dissenter who might have turned some sheep away.
But it's not just one dissenter. Peter is having a go at a lot of people. Some of whom weren't even doubting WeRe Bank, they just wanted a reasonable question answered. Eventually he's going to run out of sheep. Especially if a competing scam ever emerges.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by afateworsethandeath »

It's been a long time coming though. It still amazes me that some people haven't been able to see this scam for what it is from the outset. Blinded by greed and wanting something for nothing
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Gregg »

exiledscouser wrote:Glad to see that with all the uncertainty in the financial market; the fluctuations in the value of Sterling, the worries over the impact of Brexit, military coups in would-be European states it's good to know that the value of the Re has remained steadfast, resolute and rock steady throughout this crisis against all major currencies, laughing in the face of austerity.

1 RE =

although it has risen slightly against the Turkish Lira to 1 RE = 0.00000000 TRY.
AH, but how much is it against the Iraqi Dinar?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

Gregg wrote: AH, but how much is it against the Iraqi Dinar?
Same as it was in 2013. And 2014.

Here's a prediction worthy of the Big Short: the Re will be worth exactly the same amount of Iraqi Dinars in 2020 as it is now.

Hush! don't tell anyone. This is purely Insider Trading information, Quatloos style. Keep it to yourself but be sure to stock up on your Re. Or Dinar.

Or some of these which are causing a run on the Re:

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by mufc1959 »

In the email PoE sent my fake WeRe Bank profile a few weeks ago about the imminent launch of the cards, he included his get-out clause:
The terminals will be made available to any provider of “goods or services” who requires one. The cost will be £1.00 per day [0.5Re]. That is all.

Regions of sufficient saturation with the cards/terminals will be brought on-line throughout the latter part of Summer 2016.
A couple of things here - the major banks only charge £15-£20 a month for the use of their terminals. Granted, there are set-up charges, usually about £150-£200, but in return for that the retailer gets a terminal that actually works and can process - and, crucially, enable the retailer to receive - payment for goods and services.

I also think that PoE will use the excuse of there being "insufficient saturation" (did too many retailers Swallow instead of Spit?) to answer the complaints about why nobody can use their cards anywhere. In other words, it'll be the WeRe Bank members' fault for failing to demand retailers accept payment in Re, and thus they, not Peter, are the reason for the failure of the card.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

According to WeRe Bank site
WeRe Bank Claims;The UNIT of Currency is the Re. Re 12 is paid to ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME for 1 hour of work.
Two things strike me.

Firstly in the past 30 odd years I've worked on average 40 hours a week for an average 48 weeks a year.

So that's 40 hours x 48 weeks x 30 years x 12 Re = 691,200 Re.

Despite even ignoring holiday pay, woo-hoo! I'm rich, rich beyond the dreams of avarice! Send me a WeRe cheque!

Now, since in PoE's mind 1 Re = £0.50 (fifty pence) he should have no difficulty in sending me £345,600 in nice crisp tenners and the little box on the cheque allows you to select the currency of your choice if a cheque is preferred.

No wait, I've thought it through and I've burst my own bubble. I don't erm actually have a WeRe account. But clearly an alias of mufc1959 does! Happy days! We'll go halves as it was my idea.

But wait further; the Re ain't worth diddley squat. Zip. Zero. Nil. Nought. Nix. Cancel your Old Trafford executive box season ticket and I'll cancel my new Merc.

So secondly, newly restored to penury, do I now have a claim against PoE and WeRe Bank for paying well below the minimum wage. By well below, I mean nothing per hour or, as PoE would write it, ZILTCH, JACK, NADA. Best get on the blower to HMRC, see what they think.

Exploitation of the working man I call it but then, the whole WeRe exercise has been about the exploitation of the gullible and stupid since day one.

PoE blames his detractors, the shills, MI5, MFI, members of this site and, more recently and probably predictably, members of his own increasingly cultish movement for the utter failure of his creation to succeed. He's also obsessed with end-of-the-world predictions and imminent calamitous collapses of society etc etc etc.The truth is that WeRe Bank was never going to work, its just that idiocy has its own momentum once it gets started.

Take for instance the cargo cult or the predictions of Harold Camping which were widely believed and acted upon by followers. So despite PoE claiming that the end is in sight (for the rest of us) he will struggle along for the foreseeable future before he quits and starts again with another mad scheme.

Harold Campling by the way was a US christian evangelist who had his own radio show. When his prophecies of the end of the world failed to materialise firstly 21st May and later the 21st October 2011 he had this to say to those who had donated cash; "We’re not at the end. Why would we return it?". In the final analysis then, another true scammer.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by hucknallred »

exiledscouser wrote:
another true scammer.
Just over one year ago I joined this site requesting a Hitler reacts script for the TC eviction. You delivered on that superbly

Surely time for another with a full PoE theme...

Send me the script & I can publish if you like
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

More vile nonsense from PoE.
Wake up folks - the Munich shooter "wasn't" and neither was the Ansbach incident. An entire city brought to a halt and the Metro closed for a non-existent "lone gun-man!"
Other examples here - at 5 minutes 15" the "doctors speak" - these are not doctors, look at them. What a crowd....
Your worthless debit cards are overdue, Petey. Quit stalling for time and roll them out - I can't wait to see how you spin that crock of shit.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by SteveUK »

Alan Smith's latest sack of garbage from his Facebook page.
I have to admit, In struggling to understand what point he's trying to make. He sure knows how to sprinkle all the usual fotl magic words though.
And you couldn't make this up - unless of course you were.... "making it up!"


What is planned here people - just in case you have NOT caught on yet is an Apocalyptic End of Times "religious war" Armageddon heralding in the Anti-Christ and then the Saviour of the world who'd better get here on time....who so ever that will be!

The Gates are now open and the NWO/ET agenda is underway - this is NOT going to get better until it has gotten much worse.

Expect - more violence both real and imagined.
Expect borders to be closed - kettling of populations as well as increasing now WEEKLY erosion of your so called "civil rights" which w you never had anyway.

Terrorist actions will be the absolute norm and you will be pushed to a state of frenzy that you'll ask them to "do anything BUT PLEASE MAKE IT GO AWAY!"

And then the real terror will begin......BUT don not forget this is all being delivered to you via a NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE OR TV SCREEN... You never actually witness any of it first hand - look at hoe many people still believe 9/11 was done by guys with box cutters and a few flying lessons? 99.9[log 7] % of the planet never witnessed "nuffin" - but are all knowing of the tragedy, who did it and why!!

The ISIS distraction is just that - these atrocities are Hollywood productions with a few nutters thrown in for good measure.

The imposition of a NWO regime should be a godsend to those who preach for the status quo the meantime just ReMember - what freedoms you currently possess will seem like Heaven compared to what you won't have within the year.

My Comments: - Taken from Mehmet Ali Agca - "I was promised Paradise - Chiarelettre publisher - Milano 2013.

May 13th 2017 - is Mehmet Ali Agca prediction of what is to happen at the 100 year anniversary of the Fatima goes as follows, to quote him:

"I know what I am about to say may make you smile a lot.But it is the truth and many newspapers have given the news. In May 2011 , twenty employees of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have been arrested and charged with magic. in essence, the main collaborators of Ahmadinejad have been making for years Satanic practices." Agca continues....."The 13th May 2017 is a fruitful date to unleash hell, to give a definitive goodbye to the western world," as he mentions earlier in the dame chapter.., "Islamic fanatics are preparing for the final battle. The 13th May 2017 and is in fact the 100th year anniversary after the apparition of Fatima".

During his 1985 trial Agca made the statement that his assassination attempt was "" connected to the 3rd Secret of the Madonna of Fatima"". ... hurch.html
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by woodworker »

Well, that explains why none of his shit works - Armageddon is a coming around the mountain, it is coming. It will be driving six six six black devils when it comes, etc., etc., etc. Yee haw.

And that was before I knew the genesis of the song:

O, who will drive the chariot
When she comes?

O, who will drive the chariot
When she comes?

O, who will drive the chariot,

O, who will drive the chariot,

O, who will drive the chariot
When she comes?

King Jesus, he'll be driver when she comes,
When she comes . . . .

She'll be loaded with bright Angels
When she comes . . . .

She will neither rock nor totter,
When she comes . . . .

She will run so level and steady,
When she comes . . . .

She will take us to the portals,
When she comes . . . .

And the modern version

She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes,(when she comes).
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes,(when she comes).
She'll be coming 'round the mountain, she'll be coming 'round the mountain,
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes,("toot toot").

She'll be driving six white horses when she comes,(when she comes).
She'll be wearing red pajamas when she comes,,(when she comes).

Oh we'll all come out to meet her when she comes,(when she comes).

She'll be carrying three white puppies when she comes ,(when she comes).

We will kill the old red rooster when she comes,(when she comes).

We will all have chicken and dumplings when she comes,(when she comes).

We'll all be shouting' "Hallelujah" when she comes,(when she comes).

She'll be comin' down a road that's five miles long,(when she comes).

And we have been stuck on page 19 forever, so I hope this tips us to page 20. Yee haw.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by afateworsethandeath »

And that just confirms what I have been suspecting for some time. That POE has completely lost it. And people trust him with their finances!!??
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by NOACROSS »

exiledscouser wrote:According to WeRe Bank site
WeRe Bank Claims;The UNIT of Currency is the Re. Re 12 is paid to ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME

But wait further; the Re ain't worth diddley squat. Zip. Zero. Nil. Nought. Nix. Cancel your Old Trafford executive box season ticket and I'll cancel my new Merc.

Exploitation of the working man I call it but then, the whole WeRe exercise has been about the exploitation of the gullible and stupid since day one.

PoE blames his detractors, the shills, MI5, MFI, members of this site and, more recently and probably predictably, members of his own increasingly cultish movement for the utter failure of his creation to succeed. He's also obsessed with end-of-the-world predictions and imminent calamitous collapses of society etc etc etc.The truth is that WeRe Bank was never going to work, its just that idiocy has its own momentum once it gets started.
Ha - this reminded me of Itchy & Scratchy money. Has this been brought up before here?

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Fearnchase »

Well Peter is back on You and yours , 31 minutes in.... click on the Were bank button

You and Yours is a British Consumer affairs programme, Radio 4 are spot on here. An Element of Cult following lol
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Fearnchase wrote:Well Peter is back on You and yours , 31 minutes in.... click on the Were bank button

You and Yours is a British Consumer affairs programme, Radio 4 are spot on here. An Element of Cult following lol
That victim should not be allowed a chequebook of any sort, they obviously haven't the first clue about finance. I know, I'll send someone off the internet €75 and then I can write cheques for thousands with nothing backing them. How did that work out for you?
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