Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Does that mean I can collect on my birth bond now ?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

You can when that declaration is made by a British court. Downside is that they'll want proof you're biologically dead along with being legally dead. So, how dedicated to that free money are you?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Hercule Parrot »

I said in effect I could just walk on out of there, and nothing that they can do....
This is in fact correct. By a mishap of English constitutional law, if any prisoner is dissatisfied with the exact procedures and regulations of their detention, they can simply refuse to be jailed.

Peter Sutcliffe, aka the Yorkshire Ripper, did it in 1978 (tyre pressures had not been checked on the Prison Service van before leaving court, a possible contravention of the Road Traffic Act) and again in 1980 (Judge appeared shifty, and may have been an imposter). The Home Secretary was called to give a statement to Parliament and promised reform, but in 1986 Carlos The Jackal exploited the same loophole, citing his belief that Belmarsh Prison had been built on a forbidden Indian Burial Ground.

Charles Spencer unfortunately will not succeed, as there is evidence that he does go by that name and answer to it, revealed in his own facebook activity. He'll kick himself when he realises what he's done -

Last edited by Hercule Parrot on Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Chaos »

NYGman wrote:How about Lawful Angry Zany Youth For Unlimited Control Kabal England Review

Ok is that bit of a stretch
I see what you did there.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Burnaby49 wrote:You can when that declaration is made by a British court. Downside is that they'll want proof you're biologically dead along with being legally dead. So, how dedicated to that free money are you?
Not that much . I best sign upto Nesara instead .....
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

SteveUK wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:You can when that declaration is made by a British court. Downside is that they'll want proof you're biologically dead along with being legally dead. So, how dedicated to that free money are you?
Not that much . I best sign upto Nesara instead .....
... or buy some Iraqi dinars, Vietnamese dongs and Zimbabwe dollars.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Another ‘seize the premises ‘ doomed idea.
We need to storm the BBC building and put our own advert out there that would only need 50 people
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Gregg »

That one is a little too close to inciting a terrorist incident for me.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

Gregg wrote:That one is a little too close to inciting a terrorist incident for me.
Nah, they're all rebels of the Citizen Smith variety. (Link for younger or overseas readers who might be unfamiliar with the character "whose plans (for revolution) fail through his apathy, ineptitude and inexperience".

Remind you of anyone?

David Cooper, a nasty narrow-minded antisemite thinks the UK army and armed services generally are now under the thrall of the EU;
The EU is very much aware that we have no monarch. If we had he or she would be the head of our armed services and that has been stripped away unlawfully - the consequence is that our armed forces will be fully under the control and direction of the EU. David, the Queen remains head of state and of our armed forces. No Squaddie has yet to swear to loyally serve Michel Barnier and his crew. He continues;
The consequences for the British people are very very profound. We can not enter even peaceful protest - any and all marches will be seen as an act of rebellion and we can all face the gallows. All those who expect a peaceful rebellion are in fact deluding themselves. All those that want a peaceful rebellion are deluding themselves
One of the nicer aspects of living in the UK (and equally within the wider EU) is that we no longer put people to death after trial. It's fundamental to our shared common values - article 2 ECHR no less which protects the right of every person to their life. Not that the PLD lot would ever respect that with their blood-thirsty exhortations to hang their enemies for the slightest reason should they ever come to power.

No, David Cooper, not one country in the EU uses the gallows. David theme of talking pure shite continues as his next pearl of twisted logic demonstrates;
The EU has given itself the "right" to invade other States to impose it's will - that means an EU Military take over of the UK. We should all arm ourselves - am being very serious now. NATO will be just America. The EU will have a greater military strength than the US. But on the domestic front: we will have EU military EU police on our streets and that prospect does not bode very well.
Bollocks, just total bollocks. Some of the doe-eyes sycophants unquestioningly go along with this.

Anyway, enough of that doylum, Edward Stokoe has the answer;
If every body had some guts. All it would take. It is every person take all your cash out of the banks, as soon as it get deposited from your works, and pay your own standing orders. Then every one stop work, and only the emergency workers are excused to go to work. The imposters would soon get the message that we are in the right
As Kryten might say in Red Dwarf, "that's a great plan Sir except for two teensy problems. Firstly, you don't actually have any cash in your account, and secondly neither do you have a job not to go to on the big day".

Eliza recommends a switch in banking provider;
Another alternative is to switch to the co-op bank, which only invests in good projects, never in war.
Hmmm, let me remind myself, that's the bank that had an incompetent drug-snorting methodist minister with zero banking experience at the helm. Until 2013 to be fair, the year that the bank announced losses of a mere £600,000,000, we're talking Neelu lien values here.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote:Anyway, enough of that doylum, Edward Stokoe has the answer;
If every body had some guts. All it would take. It is every person take all your cash out of the banks, as soon as it get deposited from your works, and pay your own standing orders. Then every one stop work, and only the emergency workers are excused to go to work. The imposters would soon get the message that we are in the right
As Kryten might say in Red Dwarf, "that's a great plan Sir except for two teensy problems. Firstly, you don't actually have any cash in your account, and secondly neither do you have a job not to go to on the big day".
The greatest number of 'rebels' who have ever come together for 'direct action' is in the region of a dozen and now he's theorising about a general strike and a deliberate run on the banks which would cause massive and long lasting damage to the economy and most likely reduce the value of their withdrawn funds to zero... The word 'fantasy' isn't even close.

Clearly he hasn't even come close to thinking through the effects of a national general strike on a 21st century economy. So the fire service, ambulance and (presumably police) go to work... What about the doctors and other health workers, the man who empties their bins, the drivers who deliver the food to the stores and the staff at the stores that shelve and sell it. The man who keeps the water running and the gas, electricity and internet flowing. They'd last a few days of a general strike at best.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Seventh String »

exiledscouser wrote:
The EU is very much aware that we have no monarch. If we had he or she would be the head of our armed services and that has been stripped away unlawfully - the consequence is that our armed forces will be fully under the control and direction of the EU. David, the Queen remains head of state and of our armed forces.
Well you might think that, I might think that, Parliament and the forces might think that. But the Lawful Dissenters know better - they sacked the Queen for treason when Article 61 was activated.

So the PLDers themselves have laid the nation open to invasion by nefarious non-English speaking European tyrants at any moment with our armed forces unable to respond due to the current lack of a Lawful Monarch to mount his/her charger and lead, sabre in hand, from the front. Oops.

And lots of EU member states also happen to be members of Nato so have non-aggression and mutial defence treaties with the UK, but let’s not spoil the paranoia by introducing reason or facts into things.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

Why does it always boil down to the EU being some evil overlord in waiting with the PLD brigade?

It’s not like foreign troops haven’t been stationed in the British isles throughout history!

French, Dutch, Roman by my recollection!

So surely David would WANT the monarch to still be head of state if he wants the protection of her army from a foreign one?

I also don’t understand why they think it will just be signed over to the EU? Where are they linking the dots?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Gregg »

JimUk1 wrote:Why does it always boil down to the EU being some evil overlord in waiting with the PLD brigade?

It’s not like foreign troops haven’t been stationed in the British isles throughout history!

French, Dutch, Roman by my recollection!

So surely David would WANT the monarch to still be head of state if he wants the protection of her army from a foreign one?

I also don’t understand why they think it will just be signed over to the EU? Where are they linking the dots?

In what I have always seen as amusingly ironic, there have been a few Americans there since at least 1942. We've even parked the odd nuke there from time to time.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

Gregg wrote:
JimUk1 wrote:Why does it always boil down to the EU being some evil overlord in waiting with the PLD brigade?

It’s not like foreign troops haven’t been stationed in the British isles throughout history!

French, Dutch, Roman by my recollection!

So surely David would WANT the monarch to still be head of state if he wants the protection of her army from a foreign one?

I also don’t understand why they think it will just be signed over to the EU? Where are they linking the dots?

In what I have always seen as amusingly ironic, there have been a few Americans there since at least 1942. We've even parked the odd nuke there from time to time.
Indeed, but those guy stand under the American constitution I suppose so that’s so gravy!

I wonder what David’s view on British troops being permanantly stationed in Norway, Burma, Cyprus, Canada, Gibraltar and various other locations are?

Can’t those people stand under their own constitution without King George poking his face in?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Eliza recommends a switch in banking provider;
Another alternative is to switch to the co-op bank, which only invests in good projects, never in war.
Hmmm, let me remind myself, that's the bank that had an incompetent drug-snorting methodist minister with zero banking experience at the helm. Until 2013 to be fair, the year that the bank announced losses of a mere £600,000,000, we're talking Neelu lien values here.
This is not intended as a political point, but the Co-op bank donates to the Labour party - something which I suspect would horrify most of our 'freemen'. :lol:
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by HardyW »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote:
exiledscouser wrote: This is not intended as a political point, but the Co-op bank donates to the Labour party - something which I suspect would horrify most of our 'freemen'. :lol:
Not a very accurate statement, and anyway out of date. The Co-operative Party (which is effectively an adjunct to Labour) gets funds from "The Co-operative Group", mostly the food stores, but the Co-op Bank was hived off from the rest of the Co-op Group as part of the response to the bank scandal you mentioned.

The original point that "the Co-op Bank doesn't fund wars" has a grain of truth in that the bank has ethical policies dictating which type of businesses they invest in, so excluding arms companies, but exactly how a bank "funds wars" is debatable.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

HardyW wrote:...but exactly how a bank "funds wars" is debatable.
Usually under these circumstances the words 'bank' and 'Jew' are synonymous and as we all know all wars are the fault of all the Jews they must therefore be the fault of the banks... QED :sarcasmon:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

HardyW wrote:Not a very accurate statement, and anyway out of date.
Apologies are in order. I was aware that post scandal they voted to retain links but missed the severance of bank and group on 1st September 2017.

And to be fair, not all Co-op groups. For example, I don't think Portsea Co-op do.

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

If this doesn't summarise the 'rebels' I don't know what does...
Caroline Enilorac

I am having a discussion with an intellectual friend, who is trying to convince me commonlaw is made up of precedent, and I know that this is not so, but am trying to think about how best to point him in the right direction. He's very educated in law and history (ahem)
Coming up next... My friend who is a physicist says atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons but I know they're made of fairy dust and unicorn shit... Help me point him in the right direction.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

longdog wrote:If this doesn't summarise the 'rebels' I don't know what does...
Caroline Enilorac

I am having a discussion with an intellectual friend, who is trying to convince me commonlaw is made up of precedent, and I know that this is not so, but am trying to think about how best to point him in the right direction. He's very educated in law and history (ahem)
Coming up next... My friend who is a physicist says atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons but I know they're made of fairy dust and unicorn shit... Help me point him in the right direction.