Hannah Shotbolt- An English Rose

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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote:What's a "lawful" rebellion?
"Tsukku-san says that these 'Dutchlands - the Netherlands - were vassals of the Spanish king up to a few years ago. Is that true?"


"Therefore the Netherlands - your allies - are in a state of rebellion against their lawful king?"

"They're fighting against the Spaniard, yes. But -"

"Isn't that rebellion? Yes or no?"

"Yes, but there are mitigating circumstances. Serious miti-"

"There are no 'mitigating circumstances' when it comes to rebellion against a sovereign lord."

"Unless you win."

Toranaga looked intently at him. Then laughed uproariously...

"Yes, Mister Foreigner with the impossible name, yes. You named the one mitigating factor."
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by littleFred »

"Unless you win."
As King Charles I discovered.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by littleFred »

Hannah says last week she paid last year's council tax, and her court fine, by promissory notes. They haven't bounced back (yet) so this proves beyond doubt that PNs are legal tender etc etc.

But she's not going to pay this year's council tax, not even by PN, unless the council prove a load of junk to her.

I predict her next video will be a plea for help to defend her home from bailiffs.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Burnaby49 »

littleFred wrote:Hannah says last week she paid last year's council tax, and her court fine, by promissory notes. They haven't bounced back (yet) so this proves beyond doubt that PNs are legal tender etc etc.

But she's not going to pay this year's council tax, not even by PN, unless the council prove a load of junk to her.

I predict her next video will be a plea for help to defend her home from bailiffs.
I thought she lived with her parents so they paid council tax. I'm not familiar with the term council tax but I assume it is like our property tax, a levy by the municipality for services.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

Basically, it's to pay for the local services run by the council. Like rubbish collection etc. Each Council (County, Borough, Town, Parish etc) has a degree of autonomy about how it is run and such so that spending can be targeted towards local issues.

A common theme among non-payers is they don't want to pay because Council tax is used to fund wars that they don't agree with. Hannah has mentioned that she also thinks this in several of her videos. It's an argument that has been tried before http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/local/ ... -1-5889184 of course it didn't work then and I would suggest won't work for her.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I'm sure the attached would have come with the 2015 Council Tax demand if only Hannah had looked a little more closely. Strangely no mention of the percentage that goes to the local authorities contribution to illegal wars. Or of a promissory note as a payment option.

http://www.gloucester.gov.uk/resident/D ... 202015.pdf
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by littleFred »

I've never heard from Hannah that she lives with anyone. Her father did appear in a video, but I think he was just visiting. She's been to court for not paying council tax, so she is responsible for it, even if she does live with someone else.

Yes, UK council tax is similar to US and Canada property tax. It pays for local police, schools, roads and so on. Local councils get funding from council tax, plus approximately the same again from central government. Central government, not local government, funds defence. Withholding council tax "because it pays for war", as Hannah has tried to do, is pure ignorance.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by PeanutGallery »

I'm not so sure it's ignorance (although that does seem to be a commodity of which Hannah is in short supply) as just a way of saying "I don't want to pay tax" and trying to justify it by sounding socially responsible and making it noble when it really boils down to "I don't want to pay tax".

If Hannah was serious about protesting the "illegal" wars, why isn't she taking this protest to the Ministry of Defence, or Downing street, or the Houses of Parliament, or Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or Buckingham Palace, or anywhere that would seem to be a bit more responsible (and able to do something about) the war she is protesting.

However I think Hannah is just jumping on another bandwagon about not paying Taxes because she read about it on the internet. She's just a sheep following the Freeman herd.

Having said this I must question why, if Hannah is serious about:
  1. Not paying tax because of war
  2. Promissory notes made by Hannah to be as good as cash.
Why she sent a Promissory note, which she believes to be valid, to the council to pay for the tax that is funding the war that she doesn't want to pay the taxes towards. Either Hannah doesn't give a fig about the war and is willingly giving up her imaginary money or Hannah knows that the promissory note won't work and is therefore sticking to her guns by not paying the tax. That or of course we could apply Occam's razor to the situation which would seem to suggest that the actual answer is she's really really really dumb.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by notorial dissent »

I think the answer is quite simple, Hannah just doesn't wanna pay anything, taxes, rent, mortgage, food, etc, and if she can find a reason to justify it, so much the better. She is of the same ilk of a number of tax avoiders who don't want to pay their taxes, and will jump from one excuse to another to justify what they are doing. Doesn't work any better for them than this will for her.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Normal Wisdom »

It looks like Hannah wasn't quite telling the truth about her promissory note. She was already stretching a point by asserting that it had been accepted because they hadn't sent it back but I've just noticed that a couple of hours before the video posted above she had posted two letters from Phoenix Debt Collections Ltd.

The first letter dated 3rd March seeks payment of £632.32 owed to Gloucester City Council and requests payment by 12th March.

Hannah sent her promissory note on 7th March (although she said it was for £396.95)

The second letter from Phoenix is dated 13th March (the day after the expiry of the payment deadline in the first letter) confirms that liability orders were secured against Hannah on 31st July 2013 and 13th March 2015 for a total sum of £1,383.19. I cannot tell if the total outstanding relates to a single case or if is the combined sum from more than one case. The fact that two separate reference numbers are quoted makes the latter seem more likely. I suspect she knows very well what she owes and why but like so many FOTLers is being economical with the facts.

For some inexplicable reason, she then chose to post a video explaining how her promissory note had been accepted and offering a template and instructions on how to complete it (in blue ink of course) for others to copy.

Hannah had one final chance to settle the outstanding amount before Phoenix begin enforcement action. Since the timescale was given as "by return", I guess that window of opportunity has now passed and she can expect a visit from the bailiffs in the next couple of weeks or so.

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... nref=story
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by NYGman »

I am having trouble sending her a $1,000,000 promissory note on here Go Fund me site. I can't seem to find the option for attaching the note, do you think I should ask her for some help here? After all, if a promissory note is just like cash, the site should have this option.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Hyrion »

NYGman wrote:do you think I should ask her for some help here?
Yes, I do!

Even if the site is totally yester-decade and doesn't provide the option, she's with the times and believes promissory notes are absolutely as good as cash. As a result, she shouldn't have any problem at all of accepting the note.

On a less-facetious note: that might not be the best kind of joke you can make... someone might actually want to hold you to the terms of the note even if you were doing it in a pure sarcastic attempt in order to prove to her that she herself does not accept the value of a promissory note as she represents.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by littleFred »

The two letters contain two different Phoenix Reference Numbers. Perhaps they are two different accounts, implying that Hannah has three different liability orders for council tax.

She plays the dumb blonde very well. A common trick is to "Addressee Not Recognised -- Return To Sender", so the debtor then has no paperwork that explains debts, so she can pretend ignorance.

The truth is, she doesn't care. What's the worst they can do to her? Take her stuff and put her in prison. She doesn't have much stuff, and she's got the prison tee-shirt so I doubt that she's worried.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Tonight, out of boredom, I checked out Hannah's Facebook page; and among other things I found out:

1) She got married in 2014. I wonder what her husband's take is on this -- is he a koolaider as well? Is he a nebbish who is simply gratified to have a pretty blonde wife?

2) She is not a natural blonde -- either that, or she dyed her hair brown for a while.

3) She practices yoga.

4) She thinks that the Palestinians can do no wrong, and that the Israelis can do no right.

There's more; but I can only stomach so much.

35-40 years ago, my attention would have been quickly drawn to someone like her; but after reading the copious idiocy on her page, I have to say that no amount of "gorgeous" would make me want to hang around anyone like her. She's preferable to Oily Taitz; but that's an easy bar to surmount....
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by littleFred »

I had to look up "nebbish". Useful word. [A day is not wasted when a useful word is learned. -- Little Fred's Book of Aphorisms]

A husband!?! Perhaps he is a corporate slave who happily funds her jaunts and whims. Or perhaps they both suckle on the teat of the state.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

littleFred wrote:The two letters contain two different Phoenix Reference Numbers. Perhaps they are two different accounts, implying that Hannah has three different liability orders for council tax.
Has she lived in two addresses in the area and not paid CT (Council Tax) in either? Is there a separate account for the bailiff's fees? I would expect there to be.

As for hubby indulging her, he must be drinking the KoolAid otherwise he would have paid the council tax. Court orders against you really screw with your credit rating and bailiffs aren't social workers.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Normal Wisdom »

It's not a real marriage - it's a "Facebook marriage" to this character ....

https://www.facebook.com/CharlesAndrewS ... riends.all

Young people huh!

On the positive side, he appears to be a Spurs fan.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by notorial dissent »

Ye cats but the stupid is painfully thick on that facebook page.

People used to at least be a little careful about exposing their stupidity to strangers, now they put it on a web page for all to see and admire. Well, at least they won't have any problem with crimianl prsecution for fraud, her facebook page neatly outlines it all.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by Hercule Parrot »

notorial dissent wrote:Ye cats but the stupid is painfully thick on that facebook page
I just spent half an hour clicking around, following some links. She's in a web of utter batshit-crazy alternative reality. Facebook is the perfect vehicle for this nonsense, I think historians will one day regard it as the cause of our extinction.
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Re: Hannah Sotbolt- An English Rose

Post by notorial dissent »

Should certainly give them a good laugh if they can figure out what they are going on about, and I'm missing some of it and I live here.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.