Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by NYGman »

Semantics aside, I guess if you do pass on, technically you are not responsible for anything anymore, as you no longer exist.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by SoLongCeylon »

NYGman wrote:Semantics aside, I guess if you do pass on, technically you are not responsible for anything anymore, as you no longer exist.

Only your Name remains - ironic seeing as these freetards spend their time on this planet trying to loose their name.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by SteveUK »

Roger must be fuming that PoE had the balls and initiative to have a go at the old fraudulent bank scam.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by wanglepin »

NYGman wrote:Yet he can offer no proof that this has ever worked and that anyone has ever successfully sued for the return of the interest paid. NONE, ZERO, ZIP, NADA, ZILCH
Not yet, But I have copy their manifesto and game plan here that is to be revealed at
The Walmington-on-Sea, conference.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by YiamCross »

The Observer wrote:
YiamCross wrote:None of that will make it lawful to withold payments and there are still plenty of repercussions all round, especially point 3. Much easier to either make the payments or not take the loan in the first place.
I know of no law that says a dead person without assets is breaking the law for not submitting payments after their death. And if there is such a law, I would be interested in seeing how it is enforced against the dead person. And I think it is pretty much up to the dead person to determine whether they feel their decision to commit suicide to avoid paying their debts is a repercussion.
The estate of the deceased will be responsible for any debts and I'm going to guess there would be precious few to pay if the sadly departed had no assets against which to borrow.

Then again, the whole idea of running up debts and committing suicide to avoid paying them seems more than a little daft to begin with, even assuming there were some way to run up significant debts with no assets as security. I'm sure it would be just as easy to invent an equally ridiculous scenario where suicide has no repercussions but it would serve no useful purpose other than a childish attempt to justify a bemusingly vapid story which had no point in the first place.

Besides, repercussions are unintended consequences so whatever the self-terminating debtor intended it's unlikely that everything would pan out just the way they wanted since life just doesn't work like that.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by The Observer »

YiamCross wrote:The estate of the deceased will be responsible for any debts and I'm going to guess there would be precious few to pay if the sadly departed had no assets against which to borrow.
Yes, that is why I constructed the scenario as stated. It was to show that there was a way for a person to lawfully avoid paying their debts.
Then again, the whole idea of running up debts and committing suicide to avoid paying them seems more than a little daft to begin with, even assuming there were some way to run up significant debts with no assets as security.

Of course it was a daft scenario. I never said that it was something that would appeal to everyone. Furthermore, here in the US there are lenders who will advance unsecured credit in a number of situations. I am not sure how things fare on your side of the Atlantic.
I'm sure it would be just as easy to invent an equally ridiculous scenario where suicide has no repercussions but it would serve no useful purpose other than a childish attempt to justify a bemusingly vapid story which had no point in the first place.
Its the kind of thing that occurs when someone starts speaking in absolutes. I think the real point behind all of this is that sovruns and freemen come up with lots of daft scenarios and schemes with unintentional repercussions, yet seem to be oblivious to the fallout, let alone to understand that their plan cannot work as stated. I think it is safe to say that a sovrun cannot use their imagination and knowledge to come up with even a daft scenario that would theoretically could work.

Besides, I am not the first person to come up with such a "daft" scenario. As an example, Frederick Forsyth wrote a short story in his anthology "No Comebacks" based a similar premise.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by SoLongCeylon »

longdog wrote:
SoLongCeylon wrote:
longdog wrote:Four tickets gone only 471 left so buy soon to avoid disappointment :snicker:

Shall we have a sweepstake on how many are sold?

Our Roger used to draw a reasonable sized crowd ( of dumb people ) to his BCG meetings. Some of this support will have dwindled but I will estimate he will sell circa 120 tickets.

We should post a daily running total of sales.
Well in the last 24 hours they've sold a staggering total of one more ticket bringing it to 5 sold and 470 to go. This looks like it's going to go as well as the time he announced a target of £500,000 to be raised in 60 days to start the 'Lawful Bank' off and free us all from the chains of debt slavery.

10 sold since yesterday. They now have enough for a Court De Jure.

The place is likely to be full of middle aged men so to make the day worthwhile I might arrange for a local doctor to be present who can offer prostate examinations. It may save a life and may find 15 brains.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by wanglepin »

£20 & £30 on the door? Did he not see that on the day of Crawford's eviction there were 599 unemployed dossers with not much to do so turned up for a free day of entertainment and mayhem.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by SoLongCeylon »

2 more tickets sold today

458 remaining

new video
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by wanglepin »

SoLongCeylon wrote:new video
he's telling them lies again.
"there is a mass action against the banks here in liverpool"
What he means is a few idiots paying £30 to listen to a major idiot tell easily disproven lies. I love this clown. :haha:
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by longdog »

SoLongCeylon wrote:2 more tickets sold today

458 remaining

new video

454 still available.

Poor old Roger is getting his arse handed to him on the YouTube comments in spite of support from the usual brain-dead mob. :snicker:
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by hucknallred »

352 left, get in, sale closes at 10PM GMT.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by hucknallred »

Our Rog has a new scam lawful bank.

I found out via a Neil Warren (another bankrupt house lost failure) post. He posts gibberish on Facebook groups & The Lawful Bank echo chamber. This is not a busy forum & he has admin rights. He even calls new members to verify if they're taking the piss or not. A certain Fred Quimby joined :whistle: , not only did he try to call him, he also searched Linkedin & found an east european Fred & asked him if he was the same bloke.
I digress, he spotted that Rog had logged on for the first time in years
Neil Warren wrote:It's 14:00 on 06 October 2020. I'm seeing you, Roger Hayes, logged back in to be with us again, as I type, so I reiterate that you STILL score 11 out of 10 for having been just about the only normal Brit I found in 2013, with balls and backbone enough to be using your real name and face whilst trying to stop that scumbag bankster Hans Geberbauer and his TLT Solicitors LLP and Luton County Court and Bedfordshire Police and Andrew Selous MP with Shailesh Vara Justice Minister at the time, co-conspirators, to lie and steal my everything, namely 31 Chichester Close, Dunstable, LU5 4AG, reminder here:
From this I glean that he got Rog to help him try to save his house.
He then posts a transcript of a bizarre text exchange he had with him that hints that real money is needed for his new bank.
Roger Hayes > Neil Warren
Can you text me on 07REDACTED please. thanks
Like·Comment·August 8, 2020 1:01 am

Neil Warren: T'is done.
August 8, 2020·Edit·Like

PHN-TXT-RE-TYPING: Saturday 08 August 01:48am

Neil: Hi Roger. Neil txting as requested. Almost as surprising as Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition! Wink


I worked on until 04.00, so these 09.23 start "ping!" txts were fair enough for a "normal hours" working day, but actually acted like an alarm clock for me on the let-down sofa-bed in my wife's Money Wars Billet No 2.


Roger: Hi Neil - thank you. I lost my phone with your number on it. Please visit (note...NOT preceded by www.)


Forum panel note - ONE of THE items I re-reminded Roger about, back in 2014, was that self-sovereign lawfulbank-profiles of course keep our phone number and other contact details self-updated:

Telephone number: 07REDACTED


(PING!) Roger: This is our fully functioning monetary / banking system.

(PING!) Roger: Please sign up. It is a trial site - the proper address will be

(PING!) Roger: We have almost completed a mobile transfer payment which will allow fast payment using mobile phones. Of course payment will be from one TAMS account to another - there is no link with BofE banking system. Ignore the script on the site - this is just temporary.

(PING!) Roger: If you want to make a test payment via TAMS - you have to top up your cash account.

Neil: My land, home, livelihood was stolen, 14 Jan 2014.

Neil: I am homeless and penniless.

(PING!) Roger: Note - your account has 100 currency units in the New Liquidity Account (NLC) which are replenished monthly when spent. This is deemed to be a Universal Income (UI).

Neil: This phone costs £7 per month which is voice-txt only = no internet.

(PING!) Roger: Note also there is 250,000 cu's in your property and pension account - which activates when we hit a critical mass of users.

Neil: Read my replies please.

(PING!) Roger: Our intention is to go live with this site on the 11th September.

Neil: Read my replies please.

(PING!) Roger: Neil - what do you want me to do about your personal predicament precisely. I didn't take your home from you - and I am trying to put in place a system that will reverse your situation.

(PING!) Roger: This isn't about you - that said , as we build up our support base and attract donations we can make payments to you - if you want to help out.

(PING!) Roger: If you help out - we are looking at converting the Lawful Bank site to a TAMS site - we need a fresh approach.

(PING!) Roger: Probably call it TAMS blog.

Neil: It would be most helpful if you kept in the communication flows which are confirming how we are taking out all ltd liability banks and banking while getting 3,000,000 of your fellow Brits re-homed, including me and the wife.

Neil: Forums are for interaction.

Neil: Blogs tend to be favoured by Speakers' Corner bullhorn / soapbox types.

Neil: £100,000,000 for me sounds way too much as is.

Neil: You'll have to prove you do joined up reading and writing, to understand the iLien - Bitcoin - £s road, including my son on digiwallet, involved.

(PING!) Roger: Neil - you used to be a positive pro-active individual - that is what I am trying to tap into.

(PING!) Roger: The TAMS blog is designed as a home for those people who want to engage in conversations about TAMS

(PING!) Roger: And other things

Neil: I am still. Multiplied by 100. You should try to understand how patient I'm having to be with persons sending me ping-txts one after t'other and none of which I can community work with / build from.

(PING!) Roger: We are not trying to promote anything else. Not Bitcoin etc.

Neil: The lawfulbank forums are already what you're hoping the TAMSblog could be.

(PING!) Roger: Neil - I understand that you are not in a good place (understatement) but I cannot do anything about that other than by way of an alternative banking system i.e. TAMS. I made very significant progress in that we can now boast a working system with provision for peer to peer mobile payments as well as online banking technology - using QR codes etc.

Neil: So learn how to use your lawfulbank profile and show everyone, me included.

Neil: Lee Vaile is fintech with £5,000,000 new-bank potential. Add to friends. Start communicating on our records. Simples.

Neil: You're using up this battery so doing us both a favour by turning off to recharge. Your lawfulbank profile was still working a few hours ago though.

(PING!) Roger: Communicate about what exactly - the weather? That would have got us nowhere. By not getting bogged down in chat I have now got us to a position where we can stop talking about doing and actually show what we have done.

Neil: So show us. Using our shared lawfulbank platform.

Neil: And remember telling me to tell Ms Backholer's abuser, Paul Heeley, to stuff it up his arse and we'll see him in court? Search engine "lawfulbank Paul Heeley" and look for latest news.


Monday 10 August 2020 at 16:14

Neil: This is a key one we've been communicating about - which I'm looking at, live, on my proper big screen computer. Gary Meade is the link man.

Wednesday 12 August 2020 at 11.58

Roger: Neil - re your messages. I don't have a clue what you are talking about - 'Ms Backholer's abuser Paul Heeley,??? And something about Gary Meade - what has this hot to do with anything?

Roger: Did you register on the TAMS website?

at 14.56 that same day

Neil: If you phone me before 16.30 while also logged in to lawfulbank-you, I'll show and tell you, both.

at 16.16

Roger: Is it releven/important to anything I am doing?

Neil: Yes

Neil: And I'm going for a smoke now so give me until 16.30

at 16.51

Neil: Not releven then - assuming anyone knows what you're doing.

Thursday, 13 August 2020 at 14.45

Neil: Or I now have between 15.00 and 16.30 - with some great evolving examples.


Here endeth (or are semi-perma-paused) the self-learning lesson via practical working examples of how not to communicate fully enough with whomever about whatever, whenever we don't know what the other's needs, wants and desires are, this year at least - or do, but don't agree with them.
Answers on a postcard please.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by exiledscouser »

Roger appears to have ‘gone inside’ for a spell.

Apparently he was snatched from his home, hauled before a secret court and sent off to the slammer. This apparently all took place in the summer but the followers seem only now to have woken up to this.

His supporters have started a petition concerning this disturbing incarceration.

With 124 votes they are well on their way to the 10,000 target.

Why’s he there? We don’t find out. What’s he done? Nothing heard. The link takes you to the petition site which says this:
On 2nd July Roger Hayes, the Chair of the British Constitution Group was taken by police from his home to a sentencing hearing held in secret and was jailed the same day.
Maybe someone better informed can assist. It all sounds very sneaky and underhand.
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by exiledscouser »

Ooops. This particular outrage goes back to 2012 and for non-payment of CT.

It’s being promoted as though it’s just happened by certain Footles such as this one.

More fool me for not checking!
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Re: Roger Hayes The British Constitution Group

Post by hucknallred »

I think the recipient of the petition was a giveaway
recipient: UK Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice, Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke, Q.C., M.P.
He was last seen in November in fine form overseeing the election of the new speaker of the treasonous UK regime.
Now no doubt not too bothered about Rog as he sits feet up sipping a whisky & listening to a jazz LP.