Peter of England: A REal guru.

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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

I've got as far as 1h 24m 23s, taking extensive notes. But Andromeda is on the telly so I'll watch the rest later. I'll comment on Peter's video when I've seen it all.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by vampireLOREN »

littleFred wrote:I've got as far as 1h 24m 23s, taking extensive notes. But Andromeda is on the telly so I'll watch the rest later. I'll comment on Peter's video when I've seen it all.
Fred, You are made of Good Sound Stuff!!! I gave up (for a bit....) at 38mins. :wink:
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

In a nutshell: he didn't address my concerns.

A GOODF thread has a video of Peter answering the questions on 11 April 2014.

Not the 1m 21s video, That's just a trailer. It's the video that is 2hr 34m 05s long. Eeeeek. Unusually for Ceylon, the sound quality is good.

After the first 20 minutes, I try to summarise all of Peter's points. My own infrequent commentary is in square [] brackets.

The first 20 minutes are a general background to life, banking and everything. (Pasta came from China. Life doesn't end when we die, and this is why the Queen breeds horses. TPTB are trying to make us selfish, but we shouldn't be. They have criminalised the act of living. We need the spiritual side. Lizards and chemtrails get a brief mention.)

20m. After being expelled from school, he took a gap year, then did a law degree at Liverpool University, but didn't want to be a lawyer so joined the army. Posted to Germany for 2 years. Then Dubai, financial services industry, advising ex-pats. 3 years for Zurich Insurance in Zurich and Dubai. Then set up 2 businesses in UK: first exercise physiology testing (company folded); then "Touchstone 2000" teaching people to trade derivatives on stock market. Highly successful. FSA investigated that firm, threatened him with criminal prosecution unless he stopped doing it.

In 2001 Peter had spiritual awakening. Lived on donated clothing, in caves and van.

26m 40s: We need to sort out sovereignty, free energy, and money. Some people are very wealthy. Rioting isn't the answer.

33m 0s: The WeRe Bank model is as a community bank. Common Law banking. Learned helplessness is bad.

39m 0s: Finality of settlement. Communal, people's bank. Inflation is created by banks. High frequency trading.

41m 50s: The unit of currency. In 2010 he worked with Global Settlement Foundation. Too electronic for Peter's taste. Needed way of earning equal units of currency any place in the world. Bank has infinite supply. Banks create money from thin air, and this is bad. Quantitative easing is bad, merely increasing stock prices. Printing more money creates inflation. The rich get richer.

54m 30s: Trying to make the WeRe Bank website more friendly. 50-70 emails per day; 5-10 people a day joining. Peter isn't in the business to make money. He is making money for everyone else. [If 200 people join, and stick with it, he has a monthly income of £2000. Not bad.]

58m 21s: What assets does the bank have? None. We use promissory notes. There is no such thing as money. The PNs are a commitment to the ReMovement, not the bank.

1hr 5m 0s: Peter met business people from Kuala Lumpa. They had 1934 Chicago Federal Reserve gold certificates. Two boxes, each worth $250 billion. Peter spent last year negotiating with Chinese to get these boxes redeemed. Peter's bank now has 5% of this, if they are ever redeemed. We can trade with this. In WWII, the Nazis and Japanese stripped wealth from the world. This stuff does exist.

1hr 11m 30s: Austerity measures and national debts are bad. Banking system need reform. Icelandic banks went bust.

1hr 15m 05: Close-up of WeRe Bank cheque. [The branch sort code (bank number) is 75-01-81. The account number is 88888888. The bank details are "WeRe Bank Universal Energy Transfer", with an address of 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ Clearing hotline 07983 094604". The account name is not pre-printed, but blank. There is a blank box for units (£, $ or whatever).] Cheque-books "due for delivery today". The printers said he could use any sort code provided it wasn't in use by a bank. So Peter chose this number, being the same as his "Common Law Court of Record". We are being deliberately provocative, pushing the envelope. White knights, white hats on one side. Fourth Reich, Zionists on the other side.

1hr 21m 30s: Stop fighting it; pay it. We all own the planet, collectively. Each book will contain 50 cheques and 50 "allonge" slips. "You are discharging with this either pre-paid treasury, global collateral account, or the assets that the bank has. We have to go down this path of proving that we have got something there, is so that we can't be accused of, or can't come across as an accusation of fraud if they say, well, you've got nothing in there anyway."

1h 24m 0s: If you are taken to court for not paying, you can prove you have paid it, because these slips will accompany the cheques.

1h 24m 23s: close-up of "allonge" slip, which quotes Lord Denning and cites Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and the UN convention on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 1988.

1h 25m 50s: "If they don't present it, they dishonour it." [Peter misunderstands "dishonour".] The BoE Act and UN convention are "two pieces of legislation that are very important." [Wrong. The convention is a desire of the UN. It isn't legislation at all. I doubt he has even read it.]

The back of the note says that if the payee dishonours the note by non-acceptance, the drawer is released from any obligation. [This is junk.]

[Peter doesn't say what would happen if the payee did present the cheque for payment at the WeRe Bank. He skims around this possibility. If the WeRe bank would actually honour the cheque and pay the money, I think he would say so.]

1h 30m 30s: Paying-in slips are really cheques. [Wrong.] Even if they deny their own legislation, they won't force the issue when enough people do this. [Oh, yes, they will.] Almost nobody fully understands the BoE Act.

1h 36m 30s: We may get overwhelmed, so delivery of chequebooks may be delayed.

1h 38m 0s: The GOODF questions. UK taxation is £640 billion pa. GDP is 3 trillion. If commercial transactions by LIFFE etc were taxed at 1%, this would be 3 times greater than current taxation, a better alternative.

Q: Can I use cheques to buy property, mobile home etc? A: Not recommended. They are for public-facing debts only.

We don't need to ask public liabilities if they will accept cheques. But we do need to ask public liabilities, like Wir in Switzerland. ["Wir" is German for "we". I thing Peter's mother's name is German, and he speaks the lingo. Some of his ideas seem to have some from Wir.]

Peter's van is in France, but he only drives it on normal plates. He doesn't drive in UK.

We are not subject to any statutory law, regulation, HMRC etc.

What is anyone refuses a cheque? See the allonge: protest their dishonour. [Junk.]

Any work you do will be credited in Re, not sterling.

What if I don't pay-down the £150,000 in ten years? You can lodge your normal job hours with WeRe.

Why is everyone's details open to everyone? Because we are trying to build a community. So we can match what people can do with what other people want.

4 retails outlets in France came on board.

New members no longer need to be introduced by existing members.

2h 03m 30s: Regional branches will be created.

Private trusts can open accounts.

Who is running the bank? Peter. There are no company founding documents other than overviews on the website.

Who owns the bank? No one. People will work for the bank and will be paid in Re units.

There is no accounting to authorities, so customers don't have to give their legal names.

It isn't a pyramid or ponzi scheme.

There will be badges, streetwear etc.

For now, we won't do commercial liens.

Q: Can I pay off my total mortgage with a cheque? A: Yes. The bank has £12-15 million in assets as promissory notes so we have the assets to cover this.

Q: Can we use cheques in supermarkets etc? Probably not. [Why not? Because this is face-to-face contact. WeRe would get bad publicity from supermarket tellers arguing about the cheques.]

2hr 16m 40s: questions from the floor. Peter will make a template protest for dishonour.

"The knights templar used to do this. They used to pledge all their wealth."

Q: I'm a pensioner and can't work. How can I pay down the note? A: Do any work at all. If your son does your gardening and you don't pay him, then you do now. Pay him in Re units.

The roofer. What about paying for the tiles? "Well, we have ways of getting around that."

Q: Council tax etc want paying in legal tender. Re units aren't legal tender. How do we get around that? A: Good question. Legal tender is only a tiny proportion of money in the world. There are many currencies. Etc etc. [Question not answered.]

General comments:

Peter clearly dislikes the current banking model. Fair enough. He wants people to be nice to each other instead of chasing money. That's great; I like hippies. If his scheme works towards this, fine. There are many legitimate ways of doing this. But Peter has created something he claims to be a bank that will pay people's debts. This is his unique selling point. If he didn't offer this, very few people would be interested. In fact, WeRe Bank won't pay anyone's debts. Peter knows this.

The WeRe Bank isn't authorised or regulated. (If it were, it would have a "real" sort code.)

It seems that all customers get the same account number. Put another way, when a customer hands out a cheque, this isn't the usual request for the bank to pay out of the customer's bank, but merely for the bank to pay.

Peter didn't say whether or how the WeRe bank would pay any cheques it eventually received through the clearing system. Suppliers who attempt to process WeRe cheques will find that they bounce somewhere. The customer will still owe the money.

My overall conclusion from this video: Peter really hates the banking system. He wants to crash the bus. He wants to do this by throwing people under the wheels of the bus. Those people will be willing volunteers who actually pay Peter for the privilege of being run over.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Jeffrey »

The bank has £12-15 million in assets as promissory notes
I got $5 billion in assets as promissory notes to myself. Someone alert Forbes so they can put me on the richest people list.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

Yeah, me too! In this video, Peter seemed certain the PNs have value. If he is right, then each sucker is on the hook for £150,000.

When he was talking about the foreign gentlemen with two boxes each worth £250 billion of which he now owns 5%, I kept thinking I should reply to the emails I keep getting about someone who has died in some far-off place who had stashed millions way somewhere and if I help keep it out of the hands of a tyranny I can keep 5%.

I feel I should apologise for the length of my summary. The video was mostly junk, but with some interesting personal claims at the 20 minute mark. If he really has a law degree then he has no excuse for misreading BoE 1882. If he has a degree of any sort then he has no excuse for thinking suppliers will be happy with WeRe cheques.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by vampireLOREN »

1hr 5m 0s: Peter met business people from Kuala Lumpa. They had 1934 Chicago Federal Reserve gold certificates. Two boxes, each worth $250 billion. Peter spent last year negotiating with Chinese to get these boxes redeemed. Peter's bank now has 5% of this, if they are ever redeemed. We can trade with this. In WWII, the Nazis and Japanese stripped wealth from the world. This stuff does exist.

Now this is the point when we enter the realm of fiction, "Business" people walking around with two boxes of Fed Res Gold certificates....Value $5 BILLION !!!...wandering happily down Threadneedle St London EC1. There is mention of a third box of similar value!, If these do exist ??? and by their age it is likely they were held by some Government and passed into the dark side many years ago. It is 70 years since the end of WW2 any Government anywhere...that held them ....even the USSR would have needed to use them in this time period! and what sort of private "owner" could just hold them ? . It is almost as if Peter is the mark of a scam beginning in Lagos, Imagine you have assets like that.....who better to help than a cave dwelling/camper living FOTL person. :sarcasmon:

My overall conclusion from this video: Peter really hates the banking system. He wants to crash the bus. He wants to do this by throwing people under the wheels of the bus. Those people will be willing volunteers who actually pay Peter for the privilege of being run over.[/quote]
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by vampireLOREN »

littleFred wrote:Yeah, me too! In this video, Peter seemed certain the PNs have value. If he is right, then each sucker is on the hook for £150,000.

When he was talking about the foreign gentlemen with two boxes each worth £250 billion of which he now owns 5%, I kept thinking I should reply to the emails I keep getting about someone who has died in some far-off place who had stashed millions way somewhere and if I help keep it out of the hands of a tyranny I can keep 5%.

I feel I should apologise for the length of my summary. The video was mostly junk, but with some interesting personal claims at the 20 minute mark. If he really has a law degree then he has no excuse for misreading BoE 1882. If he has a degree of any sort then he has no excuse for thinking suppliers will be happy with WeRe cheques.
Bravo LittleFred great job.....well done! Thank You.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

Flushed with success, Peter has just added yet another hook to his scheme: from July, members won't need motor insurance. Re-Insurance says the WeRe Bank is depositing £500,000, and quotes the Act:
Section 143 of this Act does not apply to a vehicle owned by a person who has deposited and keeps deposited with the Accountant General of the [F1Senior Courts] the sum of [F2£500,000], at a time when the vehicle is being driven under the owner’s control.
Again, Peter can't read legislation.
... a vehicle owned by a person who has deposited ...
So this would only apply to vehicles owned by WeRe Bank. Suckers will have to sign over their cars to WeRe bank.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

littleFred wrote:1hr 5m 0s: Peter met business people from Kuala Lumpa. They had 1934 Chicago Federal Reserve gold certificates. Two boxes, each worth $250 billion. Peter spent last year negotiating with Chinese to get these boxes redeemed. Peter's bank now has 5% of this, if they are ever redeemed. We can trade with this. In WWII, the Nazis and Japanese stripped wealth from the world. This stuff does exist.
This appears to be a well-worn bit of mythology. Counterfeited "Mother Boxes" of lost Federal Reserve bonds, which are "found" and sold to gullible fools in great quantity.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by littleFred »

Hercule Parrot wrote:This appears to be a well-worn bit of mythology. ...
Excellent, thanks.

This gift keeps on giving. I can't keep up.

Peter mentioned the idea of 1% transaction tax in his video. I had already seen it on his website. Now, it seems this tax has already started, on Easter Sunday, with the proceeds going to WeRe Bank. This isn't chump change: approx £356 billion per week. So why is he fiddling with £10/month/member? See War Chest.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by PeanutGallery »

Based on the names of companies given by Peter in the video, namely Touchstone 2000, I can confidently state that Peter's other company was Bio-Marking UK ltd. You can find out more by looking at Peter's director profile available here. However we can't glean much information from this page other than to know that Peter was born in 1957 and used to live at 6 Cornhill Close in Newcastle.

According to a company check website Touchstone 2000 folded with debts of around £30,000. This was back in 1996. Peter hasn't set up a company since then. Or at least he hasn't registered a company. I haven't been able to find much on Touchstone, but then again I don't expect to considering it was roughly 20 years ago and a lot of records from that period simply won't exist.

Bio-Marking ltd never seemed to file any accounts and the information on them is rather limited. This removes a degree of credibility from his claims to have worked with Aston Villa and Millwall, and that Manchester United were interested in their services. I would think if those clubs had shown an interest or formed a relationship the company would have filed accounts.

Peter also talks about the Global Settlement Foundation from having taken a brief look around this seems like another woo site. For example it has a page devoted to Sherlock Holmes and seems to be of the opinion that Arthur Conan Doyle's creation was a flesh and blood man. While the site claims to be registered in Switzerland, it's hosted in Panama. The company behind the site has a number of other Swiss registered domain names and a couple of Liechtenstein domains.

I'm only some way through the video, but it's sending me to sleep. Will update more when I wake.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by notorial dissent »

littleFred wrote:In a nutshell: he didn't address my concerns.
And not a surprise.

Nice to actually see some pre-history of our fine comedic fellow here.

The scary part is most of it makes sense with what we've seen so far. I would say his sojourn through at LU either speaks very poorly of their law school, or his educability and attention span, either or both, although current evidence would tend me towards the latter. I can believe he was trying he was trying to teach people derivatives, I don't believe the rest, and I can very well imagine he was threatened with prosecution unless the UK trading laws are less stringent than the ones I'm familiar with. No better than he appears to understand banking, I wouldn't let him anywhere near a trading connection. He started his con artistry early it would seem. I can't imagine what he could possibly have been doing at Global Settlement Foundation, janitor perhaps, but that requires ability, which I think he is sorely lacking.

Well, in context, he is making money for everyone, making it up out of pretend, and that is what it will be.

So we know that the sort code is truly fictitious, which means if the checks ever get in to the system, they will go to the clearing house and get bounced back to the presenting bank as bad, whatever the UK term for it is, fraud check.

Any time I see the statement "It isn't a pyramid or ponzi scheme." come up I know there is trouble ahead, legal trouble.

So he is also adding insurance fraud to the mix. Clever boy!!!

Peter is a for real certified frigging idiot, and really needs to go to jail, for a good long time.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

littleFred wrote:Flushed with success, Peter has just added yet another hook to his scheme: from July, members won't need motor insurance. Re-Insurance says the WeRe Bank is depositing £500,000, and quotes the Act:
Section 143 of this Act does not apply to a vehicle owned by a person who has deposited and keeps deposited with the Accountant General of the [F1Senior Courts] the sum of [F2£500,000], at a time when the vehicle is being driven under the owner’s control.
Again, Peter can't read legislation.
... a vehicle owned by a person who has deposited ...
So this would only apply to vehicles owned by WeRe Bank. Suckers will have to sign over their cars to WeRe bank.
at a time when the vehicle is being driven under the owner's control
Peter will be your chauffeur! Or maybe he will sit beside you and give you driving tips.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by wanglepin »

littleFred wrote:41m 50s: The unit of currency. In 2010 he worked with Global Settlement Foundation. Too electronic for Peter's taste. Needed way of earning equal units of currency any place in the world. Bank has infinite supply. Banks create money from thin air, and this is bad. Quantitative easing is bad, merely increasing stock prices. Printing more money creates inflation. The rich get richer.
58m 21s: What assets does the bank have? None. We use promissory notes. There is no such thing as money. The PNs are a commitment to the ReMovement, not the bank.
1hr 5m 0s: Peter met business people from Kuala Lumpa. They had 1934 Chicago Federal Reserve gold certificates. Two boxes, each worth $250 billion. Peter spent last year negotiating with Chinese to get these boxes redeemed. Peter's bank now has 5% of this, if they are ever redeemed. We can trade with this. In WWII, the Nazis and Japanese stripped wealth from the world. This stuff does exist.
1hr 21m 30s:We have to go down this path of proving that we have got something there, is so that we can't be accused of, or can't come across as an accusation of fraud if they say, well, you've got nothing in there anyway."

1h 24m 0s: If you are taken to court for not paying, you can prove you have paid it, because these slips will accompany the cheques.
Now compare this below to the above. I bet you can’t tell me who said this back in 2011? AND NO CHEATING!, I`ll know if you cheat.
25: 22 onwards
What were going to do is where going to set up escrow accounts for the Gas Companies, the Electric Companies, the Water Companies and the Council tax. Yes, so when you get your Council Tax bill or your electricity bill, water bill gas bill, you`ll be able to pay those through the Escrow account and settle that bill.
And when they say to you, ‘well you haven`t paid your bill’, you can say `well yes I have here`s my bank statement said so’. And they’re going to say `well hang on a minute, that money has just been created out of nothing’, and were` going to say to them `guess what, so is yours’.
Were also prepared to defend anyone in the courts , if the gas electric take you to court, we will have our own lawyers call them what you will, they key point is we will see them in the courts, but we will see them in our courts, common law courts.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by PeanutGallery »

notorial dissent wrote:
I can't imagine what he could possibly have been doing at Global Settlement Foundation, janitor perhaps, but that requires ability, which I think he is sorely lacking.
I'll presume you've not looked at the Global Settlement Foundation's website. It has a page dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. Which is a treasure trove of information that, as I mentioned earlier, confuses Sherlock Holmes with a real person and not a fictional consulting detective.

It also has a page dedicated to how you can set up your own common law court of record. Which reminds you to buy yourself a copy of Black's dictionary and recommends the second edition, because who needs the later more modern editions. Here's a quote on what the Global Settlement Foundation has to say about Common Law:
Global Settlement Foundation wrote:Common law underpins the Court of Record. There is material to read in great detail covered in the Finality of Settlement series from the Magna Carta to contemporary efforts by people in America.

The beauty of the common law process is that it is self correcting. We know that there are people in America working to correct the mistakes there. Here are some of the mistakes (1) Trying to maintain the 'credit' of the people and (2) Trying to 'restore' a dead legal fiction that was originally set up for trafficking in persons.

Common law is led by the requirement to find the truth appertaining to the crime and applicable to the situation. It is not the other way around as in legal law which has multifarious boxes into which every situation is forced to fit.

Common law used to be taught at Law school. There are many people who appear to be teaching common law. It can be seen that common law is not in active practice by the men and women on land. Clearly, if you do not pay with deliverable substance for service at the clerk of a court, you are not in a Court of Record.

Courts of Record should not be hasty to come to conclusions regarding the financial war that is going on.
On the web page Times we find a quotation that smacks of Peter's "Re" Movement:
Global Settlement Foundation wrote:A given unit of energy can be used to create wealth or wasted in creating a tally stick.

Ye capitalists, you have been a victim of your own greed, lust and death worship.
The GSF which pretends to be based in Liechtenstein or Switzerland gives a postal address of Joseph Ray Sundarsson Global Isles Court of Record, 115 George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1AB. From having a look on Google it appears to be a normal East London residential street and not the headquarters of an organisation employing between 51-200 people, nor does it seem to have any address in Panama. It would appear that the profile on LinkedIn is designed to give an appearance of a substantially larger company than the one that exists in reality. This is the website for the court of record, which is also worth viewing as it confirms that the GSF is a Sovrun/Fmotl operation.

Finally the web page, Notice, which is normally accessible off the Contact page, but a link is provided here for the interest of brevity, is an atypical Sovrun "Notice" sent out to heads of state which no doubt left them scratching their heads or filing it in the crazy bin.

In short I believe Peter was either involved in setting up the GSF as an early attempt to get in on the Sovrun Guru gravy train or that he learned the ropes of this con from his time with them. Certainly the information I've seen about the GSF doesn't give Peter any credibility from having been involved with them.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by Normal Wisdom »

PeanutGallery wrote: I'll presume you've not looked at the Global Settlement Foundation's website. It has a page dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. Which is a treasure trove of information that, as I mentioned earlier, confuses Sherlock Holmes with a real person and not a fictional consulting detective.
Great! So when the thing blows up in their faces we can all chorus "No shit, Sherlock!"
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

littleFred wrote:Flushed with success, Peter has just added yet another hook to his scheme: from July, members won't need motor insurance. Re-Insurance says the WeRe Bank is depositing £500,000, and quotes the Act:
Section 143 of this Act does not apply to a vehicle owned by a person who has deposited and keeps deposited with the Accountant General of the [F1Senior Courts] the sum of [F2£500,000], at a time when the vehicle is being driven under the owner’s control.
Again, Peter can't read legislation.
Having though about this a bit more it is making even less sense.
Peter writes:
Re-Insurance – Car & Motor vehicle Insurance is to be issued and made available to ALL Re-Members by July 2015.
Peter says he is providing motor insurance cover and to do this he is relying on a law that can only be applied when there is no insurance cover.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by notorial dissent »

Our boy genius seems to have missed the part about the money being on deposit with the court commissioner, and I'm betting the interpretation of the law is £500k PER vehicle per owner, and I'm also betting they don't take funny money, non-cashable checks, or IOU's. I'm also betting he's breaking other laws since he isn't a licensed insurer. Just gets better and better.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

notorial dissent wrote:and I'm also betting they don't take funny money, non-cashable checks, or IOU's.
No doubt Peter will be sending one of his promissory notes. Or maybe he will send a few of the promissory notes that his marks have sent him. When they get rejected he will claim that because payment has been refused the liability has been discharged.
It's quite frightening really. Back in the real world who would risk five hundred thousand pounds to provide cover for hundreds of freeple to travel in their automobiles who all claim "Statutes require consent" and cherry pick which statutes they consent to?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Peter of England: A REal guru.

Post by mufc1959 »

I've had a response from the FCA:
Thank you for contacting the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with your concerns about weRe Bank.

I have searched for the firm weRe Bank on our Financial Services Register, which is a public database of all the firms we authorise and regulate. No results have been returned based upon the information you have provided. This would indicate that this firm is not regulated by ourselves. You may wish to search for them yourself in the event you have more information to rely on, I have provided the link below to our register for you:

Your next steps

You may wish to report this to an organisation called Action Fraud. Action fraud provides a central point of contact for information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. You can contact them on 0300 123 2040 or visit

What i will do

We do take very seriously information provided by the public which help us in our regulatory investigations that we make. We gather such information to develop a picture of where firms may be failing to meet our standards. Therefore details of your case have been forwarded to the unauthorised business department within the FCA for their consideration and action as appropriate. Unfortunately we are unable to disclose to you if we are investigating your concerns or not. I appreciate this must be frustrating, but rest assured, the information you provide us will be reviewed carefully.

I would like to thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Report to Action Fraud has been made. Can I encourage others to follow suit? Despite the entertainment value WeRe Bank is providing, there's real potential for people to end up in serious financial difficulty because of it. Some of the Goofy (Peter of England, Spainiard, Ceylon, etc) deserve everything coming to them. But people who don't understand finance and are taken in by this need protecting from making some bad decisions as a result of being misled by charlatans.