Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

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Normal Wisdom
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Well, well, well. It appears that we've all been wrong about signatures and seals on warrants ...
On reflection I should have prefaced my previous post with the :sarcasmon: smiley.

It's perfectly possible that there was an issue about the eviction with which the police were not comfortable. However, I very much doubt that it was because the Writ of Possession was not "signed in wet ink" or did not carry an "embossed seal". I also doubt that the police are going to arrest all the bailiffs.

GOOFers are past masters at representing a small and usually temporary "win" as vindication of their whole argument. I have lost count of the number of times that a minor incident has been blown up into something that "changed the world" or proved "the tide is turning". I imagine that will be the case IF the video evidence promised in this case ever makes it onto YouTube.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by littleFred »

Oh dear, it seems the correct guess was:
littleFred wrote:3. Someone told the police that warrants need a wet signature, and the police stupidly believed this.
I'll bet there were some red faces at the police station.

In case it vanishes from GOODF, here is that post:
ramsden wrote:Just seen this on Eviction the fraud of the bank facebook page ... 6/?fref=nf

Amanda Pike

It is with great sadness I bring you some shocking news
The Portsmouth family who were indeed burgled received a phone call yesterday from a police officer.....He informed them that an officer further up the chain has put a stop to the arrest of the bailiffs involved. The phone call WAS recorded. The audio and video from the day are now going to be released together, so the world can see the police are assisting the county courts which as you know is a civil matter, not criminal....although the bailiffs were criminals the officer involved knew this and WE know this but the higher ranks within the police have still stopped it. shocking huh? This needs to go BIG....I don't know about you but its made me so so sad, yesterday I got a little faith back in the system, today I am left with less then I had before all this happened. We don't have a justice system at all do we? What in the world is happening??
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Normal Wisdom »

littleFred wrote:Oh dear, it seems the correct guess was:
littleFred wrote:3. Someone told the police that warrants need a wet signature, and the police stupidly believed this.
I'll bet there were some red faces at the police station.

In case it vanishes from GOODF, here is that post:
ramsden wrote:Just seen this on Eviction the fraud of the bank facebook page ... 6/?fref=nf

Amanda Pike

It is with great sadness I bring you some shocking news
The Portsmouth family who were indeed burgled received a phone call yesterday from a police officer.....He informed them that an officer further up the chain has put a stop to the arrest of the bailiffs involved. The phone call WAS recorded. The audio and video from the day are now going to be released together, so the world can see the police are assisting the county courts which as you know is a civil matter, not criminal....although the bailiffs were criminals the officer involved knew this and WE know this but the higher ranks within the police have still stopped it. shocking huh? This needs to go BIG....I don't know about you but its made me so so sad, yesterday I got a little faith back in the system, today I am left with less then I had before all this happened. We don't have a justice system at all do we? What in the world is happening??
While it's quite funny to think of their celebrations being cut short this, if accurate, simply encourages GOOFers to believe in the grand conspiracy.

It's a perfect example of my concern that the police and courts in the UK are broadly unprepared and uneducated about the "freeman" issues to the extent that instead of being able to "nip in the bud" the ridiculous notions they unwittingly encourage them. I wrote to my local MP (who also happens to be Solicitor General for England and Wales) about this but as expected got a largely complacent response.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by littleFred »

Agreed. While I suspect a foul-up at lower police ranks, a conspiracy theorist would see a correct procedure at the low-level being over-ridden by evil higher-ups.

There are plenty of videos of hecklers at bailiff actions, and have been for years. If the police aren't up to speed on what to expect and how to deal with it, they should be.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by PeanutGallery »

The police generally know very little about the law, especially civil law. This is because it isn't really their job. Certainly I've heard accounts of Police officers getting the law surrounding eviction wrong.

However I don't think we should necessarily simply chalk this up to being a mistake made by a junior police officer. It is possible that all the officer did was take a complaint and that this has been misunderstood by the GOOFs. Without more information however this is just speculation, either way a senior officer has corrected the mistake and is allowing police resources to be used to investigate actual crimes, as opposed to jumped up conspiracy theories.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by littleFred »

I smile at the thought of a sergeant phoning the "victims" and deflecting blame by saying, "I'm really sorry, but don't blame me, I wanted to arrest those bailiffs but my bosses told me not to."

Of course, the police can't be expected to know the law. But they should know that their duty (as I have pointed out on Tom's thread) is "to assist the [enforcement] officer or that person in the execution of a writ or warrant". Despite the SovCit's version of the law, this applies to civil as well as criminal cases. They can't go around arresting enforcement officers (if that is what really happened).
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by whitehat »

That's what I like about you guys, you put the work in to offer all the information, information sadly lacking from GOODF one could say information they choose to hide of ignore.

I was suckered in and to be fair I'm quite disappointed in myself. Challenging them as I often did resulted in me being labeled as a troll but it didn't put me of having my say.

The problem is they enter into agreements that they cannot fulfill/unwilling to fulfill or just don't understand what they are agreeing to then the call of fraud or corruption is banded about but they expect to keep the goods or services.

How can you keep a property that you haven't paid for it just simply doesn't add up.

Do the police need to know the law or is that the job of the CPR?

If it's OK with you guys I would like to stick around, I will always act openly and honestly and hopefully if you would like to understand how we on GOODF get suckered in maybe I could offer an insight.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by NYGman »

whitehat wrote:If it's OK with you guys I would like to stick around, I will always act openly and honestly and hopefully if you would like to understand how we on GOODF get suckered in maybe I could offer an insight.

Unlike those other places, You are welcome here. As to why people get suckered, tell someone that they can legally discharge a debt, and it will not cost them anything, is a huge draw. Imagine if we lived in a society where you can create wealth by creating a few promissory notes, you had no intention of satisfying. A World where you need only call up your bank and dispute a direct debit and get it all back, without providing a reason. How about a world where you do not need a drivers License or insurance or registration on your car, because who needs to deal with the government just to get around.

To the person with limited resources in a material world, the musings of some narcissists on what the true law is, becomes quite attractive. Especially when you are in debt, and the bills keep coming.

Glad you saw the light through the trees, and have not fallen for the schemes that GOODF discuss. But for the grace of god goes you.... Shame the real harm these folks are causing for some of the not so bright. People are loosing homes (Equity), credit, and potentially jobs by engaging in these disprove tactics. While the people at those sites are happy to chime in on what you should do in court, or with a demand, collection, etc. But they will not be around when you loose your house, or end up in Jail, in fact, they will usually blame you for that, because you didn't do exactly as told. Sites like GOODF are home to some very bad people, set on destrying as many lives as possible, after their own. It is sad.

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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Dr. Caligari »

whitehat wrote:If it's OK with you guys I would like to stick around, I will always act openly and honestly and hopefully if you would like to understand how we on GOODF get suckered in maybe I could offer an insight.
Welcome to Quatloos, whitehat. We're happy to have you here.

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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by whitehat »

Thank you for the warm welcome gentlemen.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by PeanutGallery »

whitehat wrote:Do the police need to know the law or is that the job of the CPR?
Welcome whitehat, firstly I assume you mean the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service and not the Civil Procedure Rules) I would say that the Police only need to know enough law to arrest you. Then it becomes the duty of the CPS to charge you. When an Officer encounters a situation where he is unsure of how to proceed, his best course of action is to contact a superior officer who can then give instructions or advice on how to proceed. If necessary this can extend to contacting courts to determine if Warrants were actually issued.

Certainly an Officer needs an understanding of the law, they are involved in it in a practical manner, but they don't need to have a great appreciation of it.

If you did mean the Civil Procedure Rules, this is just a very broad set of rules and regulations outlining how civil litigation is conducted. The Police have no need to know the CPR in any way shape or form, because "it's a civil matter".
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Hercule Parrot »

PeanutGallery wrote:When an Officer encounters a situation where he is unsure of how to proceed, his best course of action is to contact a superior officer who can then give instructions or advice on how to proceed.
But interestingly, at least to pedants like me, a superior officer cannot instruct a constable to use or not use his powers of arrest. The constable must only make an arrest when he himself believes it to be necessary, and if he forms that belief about a situation then he also cannot be ordered not to make an arrest. The distinction is rarely made in practice, but that's the underlying law.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by LurkerRob »

Bastion Radio - Friday Night Special 100415 - Guest Guy Taylor

On this show at 2 hrs 45 min Guy announces a "Common Law Action".

He wants all the usual suspects to join him at the "Trip to Jerusalem" (The oldest Inn in England,yes another one) in Nottingham on Friday the 1 st of May.

" They have served notice on all Government bodies and the local government that 'Article 61' will apply from the 1st of May".

"All public and crown buildings are open to offer" ??

My money is on Guy announcing he is the reincarnation of Robin Hood, and leading a charge on the castle(what remains of it).
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

LurkerRob wrote:Bastion Radio - Friday Night Special 100415 - Guest Guy Taylor

On this show at 2 hrs 45 min Guy announces a "Common Law Action".

He wants all t ... _tavern/he usual suspects to join him at the "Trip to Jerusalem" (The oldest Inn in England,yes another one) in Nottingham on Friday the 1 st of May.

" They have served notice on all Government bodies and the local government that 'Article 61' will apply from the 1st of May".

"All public and crown buildings are open to offer" ??

My money is on Guy announcing he is the reincarnation of Robin Hood, and leading a charge on the castle(what remains of it).
North America has two different precedents that Guy may be trying to follow. The first is the battle of Montgomery's Tavern (if you want the real history try ... ys_tavern/ ) The popular "folk history" is that William Lyon Mackenzie (ancestor of one of our greatest and weirdest PMs) got together with a bunch of like-minded radicals at a suburban bar, they all got drunk, and being drunk thought it made sense to march on Toronto city hall, before being scared off by the authorities' one cannon (kind of a foreshadowing of Rob Ford now that I write it down).

The other precedent might be the grand tradition of American loons of holding "court" in Denny's restaurants. I think that holding a fake court in an historic pub is much classier than doing it in a Denny's but I suppose that goes for most drunk and/or stupid things. (If you hang naked from a chandelier in Denny's you only get to tell the booking sergeant about it. If you do it in the Trip to Jerusalem you can dine out on that story for years!)
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by BBFlatt »

LurkerRob wrote:Bastion Radio - Friday Night Special 100415 - Guest Guy Taylor

He wants all the usual suspects to join him at the "Trip to Jerusalem" (The oldest Inn in England,yes another one) in Nottingham on Friday the 1 st of May.
This is clearly a trap, as can be seen by the Inn's webpage prominently displaying a photo of a Knight Templar, it is obviously an illuminati front. Like roaches in a roach motel, they may check in, but they won't check out.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Burnaby49 »

The other precedent might be the grand tradition of American loons of holding "court" in Denny's restaurants. I think that holding a fake court in an historic pub is much classier than doing it in a Denny's but I suppose that goes for most drunk and/or stupid things. (If you hang naked from a chandelier in Denny's you only get to tell the booking sergeant about it. If you do it in the Trip to Jerusalem you can dine out on that story for years!
I've quaffed a lot of beer at the Trip to Jerusalem (actually Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem) and it has a conspiracy attribute that puts it head and shoulders above the competition. Some of the drinking areas are caves! The pub is carved into the cliff below Nottingham Castle. The cliffs are made of fairly soft sandstone and there is a maze of man-built tunnels under the castle one of which connects the pub to the castle. One of the pub caves is claimed to have been used as the castle brewery. The caves have been dated from around the time of the construction of the castle in 1067 AD.

This picture shows how the pub is built right against the cliff with the castle looming above it;


And here are some pub cave pictures;



The pub building itself is only 16th or 17th century. I've been in pubs that claim to be older. The name, ‘Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem’ is not original. It is thought to have originally been called ‘The Lionheart’ then ‘The Pilgrim’.

This pub, a five minute walk from Ye Olde Trip, is actually a much older building (claimed original to 1240);


And even has some caves too;


I know, I know, long irrelevant digression. That's the risk you take when you mention old British pubs around me!
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by mufc1959 »

But ... but ... but ... doesn't Peter of England live in a cave? Maybe these caves are the secret vaults where the £356 billion per week will be stashed.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I haven't had time to go through it yet but Ceylon has published this wonderful summary of the madness featuring Leader of The Pack, Guy Taylor; the increasingly annoying Tom Crawford and a rare appearance of the legal brains behind the strategy, Mr Gedalajhu Ebert. ... freload=10

BTW - how many British Qualtloosians would understand if I say Mr Ebert reminds me of Mr Pastry?

One further thought. It's nice to see that Tom can afford a smart new hat now that he's not paying the bills.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
BTW - how many British Qualtloosians would understand if I say Mr Ebert reminds me of Mr Pastry?
I have to admit that I am old enough to remember Mr Pastry very well.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Guy Taylor - The Magna Carta Man of the UK

Post by mufc1959 »

Me too. I remember watching him on our old black & white TV when I was a kid, doing The Lancers.