Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by He Who Knows »

Hercule Parrot wrote: Interesting that they are all jumping on the "Urgent Verification of Court Records Required By The Ministry Of Justice" bandwagon. MoJ has numerous examples, all recent and following the same template. Someone must be Patient Zero in this epidemic of folly, wonder who?
My money's on Mr Ebert being the ringleader and template writer. His FOI request went in on 24 Oct, Elizabeth Watson's on 1st November, followed on 4th November by the severely dyslexic Rekha Patel (who isn't up to writing a grammatically correct letter all by herself). :lol:
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by doublelong »

Or it could be weekend at Bernie’s freeman edition. His cases should have better outcomes financially for his victims if he keeps his mouth shut. :lol:
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by King Lud »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
King Lud wrote:That is very odd. I'm convinced I've read about his death somewhere on Quatloos (quoting one of the loony sites) but I have to admit I did a search and couldn't find it
I had a look for Ebert but could find no report of him passing away. Are we thinking of Patrick Cullinane?

No deffo wasn't Cullinane. I know I read it somewhere I just genuinely thought it was here. My Google Fu has failed as well. Damn you Ebert, you slippery bastard!
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by YiamCross »

Burnaby49 wrote:Nobody remembers them after they stop posting or acting out. ....... Who's given a thought to Tom in the past six months?
Er, me?
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fine, I'll amend that. Who, apart from those being sued by Tom, has paid the slightest attention to his current activities?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by Hercule Parrot »

And what have the Romans ever done for us...
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by SteveUK »

Apols for bumping the thread, but theres a potential breaking news (!!1!!). Tom has linked to a bunch of videos made by a bunch of nutters called the Humanitad Organisation. Theres a series on the legend that is Mr Ebert.

The videos are certainly new, but they use Ebert interview clips that may be new, or may be old. I cant tell.

I dont seem to be able to play them on the site itself, but they are small downloads.

The mystery as to the 'is he/isnt he' alive could well be solved, or maybe even deepen depending on the age of the interview clips.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Episode 1 of The Great Insolvency Scam (The Crown vs The People) is the first in a five part series by Sacha Stone investigating the abject fraud being perpetrated against people of the world by the 'parent corporation'. The 'parent corporation' describes the Crown or State fictions, which are carriers of a transnational globalist network utilising banks, judiciaries, police and Treasury departments in all nations as they harvest the lives and livelihoods of billions of unsuspecting souls all across the globe.
Well, that's going to be an unbiased 'investigation, to be sure!
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Having looked at all the videos, and a sampling of Mr. Ebert, it appears that the whole thing is a puff for the rather unpleasant Mr. Stone and his imaginary ITNJ court.

Still no idea if Mr. Ebert lives, still do not care; like a butterfly at a window, he has battered away at something he is quite incapable of understanding and like the butterfly he has collapsed exhausted and dying, never knowing why.
His legacy is his nonsense, and his warning to us all, 'Don't dooo it Myyy Way'
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by TheHallouminati »

Yup, it's Sacha Stone again and his Humanitad Foundation production. He gets everywhere. Very busy.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I left a couple of fairly caustic (but not abusive or vulgar) comments so not altogether surprisingly they have been deleted and comments are now disabled.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by aesmith »

We've not heard from or of Mr E for a while, and there was speculation that he is no longer with us. I note he's still on the list of Vexatious Litigants, if that's of any relevance. I note also that although he's been on there since 2000 he's a relative newcomer, compared to say Ida Matthews who's been on the list since 1950.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If Mr. E is indeed no longer with us, I wonder what his own personal version of Hell would look like. It would probably involve an eternal procession of being hauled into court, and having his magic writs and pronouncements ignored, day after day after day, until the end of time.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by TheRambler »

Well Neelu was still publishing his words of wisdom unintelligible ramblings on 25 Sep:
25 Sep 2019: From the Desk of Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis:

Prime Minister Mr Johnson, Attorney General Mr Cox, Opposition Leader Mr Corbyn, Other Party Leaders and All MPs,
Honourable MP Mr Iain Duncan Smith will please ensure the Crown has this email for the Lo5rd Bishops. They should have it before the Equity Lawyer can get a print filed on the Remedy Process File that the Director of Public Prosecutions holds for the Crown and Prime Minister

The Parliament Session Powers enable the Ultimate Sanction of a Parliament Session Refusal and Forced General Election with Mass Publicity for the Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof. It needs a Validity Proof Set and a Publicity Proof Set. The Validity Proof Set is everything the Corruption Remedy Process got since revival of the Equity Monarchy Trusts in October 2004. The Publicity Proof Set needs Live Cases that get Court Fraud Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof and Election Fraud Proof that All Voters can understand.

The General Election cannot qualify as Free and Fair until there are Mass Remedies for Corruption Victims. Election Fairness Claims give Liability Defendant Status to Party Leaders, State Authorities, the BBC and ITN. They can keep it or convert it to Remedy Defendant Status. In either event they will need Time Extensions for Defence Filing or Remedy Negotiations. They need a Status Agreement with the Citizen to get Remedy Defendant Status. The Election Fairness Claims will get Remedy Co-operation Proof for the Party Leaders and Media or Remedy Refusal Proof against them.

The Remedy Process used a Criminal Conspiracy Proof Set against Corruption Controllers for Judicial Office Unfitness Cases in Parliament. They created a Conflict Jurisdiction Disqualification and for Citizens against Law Court Judges and got Protection Fraud Proof against many MPs. The Parliament Prorogation Case got Conflict Qualification Fraud Proof for the Citizen, Crown and Parliament against the Supreme Court Judges. It is part of the Publicity Proof Set.

The Liberal Democrat Leader has filed a Claim QB 2019 03126 Service Acknowledgement and made a 14 Day Time Extension Request for Defence Filing. The Time Extension is granted. It is unlikely to be enough for a Full Defence or Remedy Negotiations. It is far too long a delay for some decisions. The Without Hearing Remedy Applications have failed to get Remedy Orders for the Citizen from the High Court Justices. The Defence + Claim Strike Out Proposals of Leeds Citizen Council might get a Strike Out Order + Civil Restraint Orders against the Citizen by the High Court Masters.

The Best Advice is that All Party Leaders do file Claim Acknowledgments, explain the delay and enter Case Management Negotiations with the Equity Lawyer and Citizens. Delay doing so will contaminate the Party Leaders with the Process Delay Frauds and Process Denial Frauds the High Court Masters and Judges are committing every day.

The Party Leaders can use the attached Remedy Application Draft Order dated 24th September 2019 for a Consent Order. The attached Disqualification Notice and Remedy Application Notice to the High Court Masters have been prepared for Citizen Mr Awodiya to file in the High Court.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Attachment 1

High Court of Justice Queen’s Bench Division Election Fairness Claim QB 2019 003126
Mr Franklin Awodiya Claimant
1st Defendant Prime Minister MP Mr Johnson
2nd Defendant Democratic Unionist Party Leader MP
3rd Defendant Opposition Leader MP Mr Corbyn
4th Defendant Scottish National Party Leader MP
5th Defendant Liberal Democrat Leader MP
7th Defendant Green Party Leader MP Ms Lucas
8th Defendant Brexit Party Leader Mr Nigel Farage
9th Defendant Attorney General MP Mr Cox
10th Defendant Secretary of State for Justice MP
11th Defendant Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
12th Defendant Leeds North East MP Mr Fabian Hamilton
13th Defendant Leeds City Council
14th Defendant Law Society
15th Defendant West Yorkshire Police
16th Defendant British Broadcasting Corporation
17th Defendant International Television News

Citizen Mr Franlin Awodiya Page 1 of 1
Conflict Disqualification Notice + Remedy Application Notices

From: Claimant Mr Awodiya To: High Court Senior Master Ms Fontaine + Case Master Mr Aiden

Conflict Disqualification Notice

The Citizen, Crown and Lord Bishops have Justice Responsibilities known as the Equity Monarchy Trusts. They have
Corruption Control Jurisdictions that govern Parliament Session Powers. The Ultimate Sanction is a Parliament Session
Refusal and Forced General Election with Mass Publicity for the Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof. It
needs a Validity Proof Set and a Publicity Proof Set of Live Cases that get Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud
Proof and Election Fraud Proof. The Equity Monarchy Trusts fell into disuse for 45 years when the Dictator Politicians
developed the European Constitution. It vested Dictator Powers in the State. They wanted Referenda Acceptance of the
Dictator Powers. They needed Election Frauds to get it. They used Extradition Frauds and Imprisonment Frauds against
Citizens to prevent exposure of the Election Frauds. The Extradition fraud proof was used for a Corruption Notice to the
Crown and Parliament. It revived use of the Equity Monarchy Trusts. It started a Corruption Remedy Process that has
got the Validity Proof Set for the Ultimate Sanction.
The Corruption Remedy Conditions in the 2015 Parliament Session Agreement required a Fraud Invalidity Precedent
[Sharland v Sharland], a Conflict Disqualification Precedent [Emerald Supplies v British Airways] and Automatic Issue
Rights for the Citizen in the High Court. Revocation of the Before Issue Approval Powers of High Court Masters
restored Automatic Issue Rights for the Citizen. High Court Masters ignored the Automatic Issue Rights, committed
Conflict Qualification Frauds, usurped Before Issue Approval Powers and committed Issue Denial Frauds and Claim
Strike Out Frauds. It was part of a Criminal Conspiracy Proof Set against Corruption Controllers that enabled Judicial
Office Unfitness Case Notices to MPs. They put the Unfitness Cases in Parliament. They create a Conflict Jurisdiction
Disqualification and Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit for the Citizen against Law Court Judges. They enable Protection
Fraud Investigations by the Crown, Lord Bishops and Honourable Members in Parliament that expose the Remedy
Denial Fraud Majority in Parliament. It has forced the Political Party Leaders to prepare for a General Election. The
Election Fairness Claims give Defendant Status to them. They have to decide whether to use it to commit Election
Frauds by filing Court Fraud Defences or to conduct Remedy Negotiations with the Citizen. So far the Election Fairness
Claims have got Election Fraud Proof for the Publicity Proof Set. The Parliament Prorogation Case got Conflict
Qualification Fraud Proof against the Supreme Court Judges. It is part of the Publicity Proof Set.

Remedy Application Notice

The QB 2019 003126 Remedy Applications to High Court Justices include Issue Refusal Restraint Orders and Claim
Strike Out Restraints for Citizen Claimants against High Court Masters.
All of it is Relevant Evidence for the Publicity Proof Set that validates the Ultimate Sanction.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by notorial dissent »

Where does this obsession with "Mass Remedies" come from? It doesn't seem to be something of UK law, and I can't say it really is of US law either.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by HardyW »

TheRambler wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:04 pm Well Neelu was still publishing his words of wisdom unintelligible ramblings on 25 Sep:
25 Sep 2019: From the Desk of Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis:
That is Ellis not Ebert.
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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by TheRambler »

HardyW wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:53 pm
TheRambler wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:04 pm Well Neelu was still publishing his words of wisdom unintelligible ramblings on 25 Sep:
25 Sep 2019: From the Desk of Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis:
That is Ellis not Ebert.
I do apologise, with the lack of information regarding Ellis’ health I mistakenly assumed it was him and not the worthy Ebert.

I am suitably chastened and promise to take more care next time so as to not cause Neelu any greater distress than she may have caused others. Enough latitude there I think.

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Re: Thumbs out for the UK's Mr Ebert

Post by longdog »

One legally bonkers E is much the same as another I find.

Has anybody ever seen them in the same room together?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?